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These people are representative of the majority of the Trump Cult Membership. There are a lot of them across the country. While watching this, I thought it illustrated why we need to stay united . It's not because I agree with every Democrat on every issue. Shit, I don't agree with myself sometimes. It's not because I want our party to be stagnant, for I want the revolutionary changes that Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated in the final year of his life.
It is because, while there are more of us than them -- as the presidential election showed -- it is because when we are divided, the silly people in the film can elect terrible human beings.
We are in a strange phase right now. Big win in the presidential contest. Not as good so far in the House and Senate. But we have two Senate races in January that are very important. So it's not the time to argue about what type of campaign we need. These are "Everbody Help" contests. It's a contest against people exactly like the fools in the film above.
Thank you for watching and reading this. Things will continue to get better.
H2O Man

(2,372 posts)I call them the STUPID people. The CRAZY people.
Make sure to keep your doors and windows securely locked, y'all. There are 73 million of these lunatics running around loose!
-- Ron
H2O Man
(76,146 posts)names for them that are not fit to share in mixed company.
An old friend -- going back to when we were three years old -- had one of them stop his vehicle and yell at my buddy (who was merely walking across his lawn) some anti-BLM etc nonsense yesterday. This morning, my friend's numerous lawn signs had been stolen. Someone has thrown nails in his driveway seven times since mid-October. My buddy, who is a former Marine, is angry.
(7,334 posts)that the guy with the megaphone and plastic shield is nutcase crazy...but he is also the reality we sane people have to deal with.
You can't reason with crazy. It is so sad that he is seen by tens of millions of people as 'normal'.
These were the class clowns, the unambitious kids in the back of the classroom in high school. The ones who stayed home in their one horse towns and didn't move on to other places like those who went away to attend college or joined the military. This second group perhaps learned that the world is a big complicated place - what is important and relevant in a small town is not the same as what we need to do together as a species to survive in this inhospitable uncaring Universe.
Thanks for posting.
H2O Man
(76,146 posts)My brother often assures me that we are a failed species that shall not walk the earth as long as our Neanderthal cousins did. I used to disagree with him. These days I am less sure.
(7,334 posts)I hope I am wrong.
I feel so bad for my grandkids generation - they are going to have an uphill battle just to survive.
BTW - Neanderthals didn't go extinct - they just merged with other groups to become US. I think we all have about 2.5% or so of Neanderthal genes in our makeup. The number could be wrong, my memory is not so good anymore - but that old theory that we wiped them out has been given the short shift by the new science of Genetics.
WE are all One.
(Except The Trump - he is defiantly a mutant.)
H2O Man
(76,146 posts)in my living room, next to the 40 artifacts a late friend found when working with Louis and Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge, I have a lone Neanderthal tool from a cave in France. One of my favorite areas of study since I was young, watching Dr. Leaky on National Geographic specials!
Europeans and thus Euro-Americans indeed have between 2 and 4% Neanderthal DNA, and Asians have a similar amount of Denisovan DNA. While the exact relationship between the Neanderthal and Denisovan is unknown at this point, there is reason to believe that some of the artifacts stolen from museums in China in the WW2 era will re-surface.
I suspect that DNA tests of Trump would indicate that, if he is related to any earthly beings, it would be that he is a distant relative of octopus. This is merely speculation on my part, of course, but I can think of no other explanation.
About the octopus...not the real science stuff.
I've lately devoured popular science books about human origins, and found the ones focusing on Genetics totally fascinating.
Reading about the Denisovans, Neanderthals and all the other population groups and migrations in our distant past is soooo much more fascinating then reading the child's version popularized in The Book of Genesis.
Sorry, my agnosticism is showing.
H2O Man
(76,146 posts)with Carl Sagan's 1977 "Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence"? Hardly "new" -- except possibly to people my age! -- but it makes an interesting case that I think holds up with the more recent information. I find his thoughts on the ancient esoteric writings in the bible are best understood as sometimes poetic stories from the human experience. Take the superstitions out, add scientific understandings, and they are beautiful stories.
Just the advances in my lifetime .....Crazy! I love it, and appreciate talking with others with similar interests. Our state archaeologist in my early childhood was certain human beings had only lived in North America for 5-6,000 years.(Sounds strangely bibical!)
I'm not far away from where Joseph Smith -- who had been convicted in several cases of theft -- got the inspration for his golden tablets. When the Iroquois met the Jesuits, they said that yes, Jesus had been among them in the time of the Ancient Ones, only they hadn't nailed him to a tree. He was the second Iroquois prophet, known as the Peace Maker. As the top aide to Onondaga Chief Paul Waterman for decades, I can say that the peace Maker lived sometime around 420 ad.
Though not the only one to misinterpret and/or monitize on this, Smith would soon flee our area and start his sect.My cousin and I are thinking of making a film of us searching the area where he lost those tablets. I'm sure that has happened to both of us -- "now where did I set the gold tablets that God gave me? And where are my keys?"
live love laugh
(14,883 posts)

H2O Man
(76,146 posts)Is Fox too "liberal" for them? Or is it simply becaused Trump was whimpering about some of their coverage?
live love laugh
(14,883 posts)Maybe Cult45 is being prepped to distrust Fox now so theyll embrace TrumpTV (or whatever the name will be) later. Hopefully much later.