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1,200 American kids killed by guns
1,200 stories about the lives they led, reported by teen journalists across the country
Fatal shootings of children have been on the rise, government data show. But as the deaths mount, the toll is bigger than what numbers can capture.
See their names.
What does that say about US?

(10,599 posts)This shooting will be forgotten within a week or two.
(14,559 posts)As I look around and see more states passing political carry laws (nothing Constitutional about concealed or open carry without oversight of any kind) and see judges using Bruen to obviate any gun law passed since 1789 I admit some discouragement.
On the other hand I see and feel a change in the populace of the country. There is a growing anger at the way lawmakers and judges are putting the interests of a very few above the good of the many. The anger will grow to rage and when it does the pendulum will swing and when it does there is no telling how far it will swing.
(10,599 posts)Neither do the families of victims who have spent their years trying to make a difference. But the reality is that this country isnt going to change.
(14,559 posts)You don't have to support the effort but please stop denegrating it.
(63,798 posts)We need people who can face harsh realties and see the truth of the matter,
whether we like it or not. And who can warn people. This takes courage.
Then we also need people who are optimistic, full of energy who can
formulate plans, and take action. This also takes courage.
Both points of view are the flip side of the same coin.
Fighting the good fight.
(14,559 posts)an insult to thr other.
(63,798 posts)Some of the posts speaking the truth take great courage to post.
(14,559 posts)All I see is cowardly submission. Do NOT compare yourself to those who face up to gun culture. It's easy to just say, "Oh well, I can't do anything so I'll just quietly watch as others do the work." At best consider yourself a collaborator and be honest about it..
(63,798 posts)Real leaders behind the scenes know the only way to win a war is to face harsh reality head on.
Zelensky, Churchill, FDR are good examples of this.
(14,559 posts)I remember well when Churchill said, "Face it, we're gonna lose."
(35,787 posts)Each firearm only has a small chance of being used in a homicide, but multiply that by 400 million or whatever, and you get weekly slaughters.
It's like we have Guns Fever, and our temperature just keeps going up. Who knows when the fever will break; it doesn't seem immanent.
The 2nd says what it says, and our courts and legislatures are interpreting it in the most Liberal manner possible. I'm shocked no Gunner group is challenging the National Firearms Act limits on Full-Automatic weapons that are nearly 90 years old.
(34,207 posts)...machine guns might be vulnerable.
One thing that may help keep the moratorium is that a lot of wealthy registered machine gun owners have a lot of money wrapped in their machine guns that would lose about 75% of their value instantly should new machine guns be available.