General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSo, the new measure of PTSD and trauma in our children
isn't "Have you been through a school shooting?" but "How many school shootings have you been through?"
At what point do we as a nation become enraged? When do we act on that rage? When do we go to the polls with ONE goal in mind; to vote out the ones who perpetuate guns everywhere?

(36,594 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,798 posts)Less likely it will happen to them.
(36,594 posts)NRA owner might find out. They flat dont give a fuck that our children are dying. #1 cause of death. If youre still voting for these pricks, Im sorry but you co-sign that shit. Pro life my ass.
(9,233 posts)AndyS
(14,559 posts)All the polls say 80% want more gun regulation, not less.
When does that 80% go to the polls and give that power to someone who will protect us and our children?
Someone please tell me what more I can do to make that happen.
(63,798 posts)Pobeka
(4,999 posts)If they really understood congress, the whitehouse, the judicial branch; that 80%, plus the young ones worried about climate change would have been showing up in droves 10 years ago and voted the idiots out.
(60,823 posts)tribes of 1, mesmerized by our smartphones, or fake worlds we play in, or our party ( in one case, cult), or religion.
We've become disconnected, horrible things have become normalized...we are not in a good place as a species.
(63,798 posts)Makes Americans more easily manipulated and less likely to engage in politics.
(24,241 posts)He said he's exhausted having to think about school shootings, balloons from who knows where being shot down, worrying about whether it is worth it to go to college because nothing is guaranteed him if he goes and his planet is on fire. My kiddo is a senior in high school and days like today, he feels hopeless. He's not alone. It's not okay.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 14, 2023, 08:22 PM - Edit history (1)
at a Black church that provided the final impetus.
I can still remember it like it was only yesterday.
Bojayá: La guerra sin límites (Bojayá: War without limits)
(24,334 posts)Meowmee
(7,091 posts)Because there are too many gun crazy people and people vote for it never to happen.
(14,559 posts)Only 30% of Americans own a gun, only 3% own half the guns. Of those who own guns 70% favor more strict gun laws. It's not the people, it's the gun lobby's grip on a few legislators.
It hasn't always been this way. It doesn't have to be this way.
Get angry. Then get even. Stop being passive.
If it is that simple then why has this country always been this way. And it just keeps getting worse. And nothing changes. Those legislators are voted in time and time again by people If it were really a priority they wouldn't vote for them would they.
I knew that nothing would change after Sandy Hook and it hasnt.
(14,559 posts)because it is NOT a priority. It's an issue somewhere on that scale of 1 to 10. I find it endlessly ironic that violent crime is an campaign slogan but guns don't seem to be part of violent crime.
It should be a priority. That's why I do the things I can. I write posts here to keep gun violence visible. I call and write my congress critters. I march, I document the opposition, I donate because I want it to be a priority.
It is what I can do. It is all I can do. So I do it.
I ask you to join me and not sink into a pool of despair because that leads nowhere.
(7,091 posts)I dont see it changing which is a realistic view imo. If it were really a priority for enough people they would not vote for legislators who support this. They know what they are doing. This is allover the news non stop now whenever there is another mass shooting of this nature.
I am not in a position to do all of that but as usual I will vote against all of this. We are living under a tyranny of a minority which is why this country is such a mess. Its a crazy system.
That is the reason guns are not part of the campaign violence stuff because they really still want the easy access to guns for everyone.
What kind of system votes in the Brady bill but doesnt make it permanent and then it expires- a crazy one imo.
Anyway, good luck to you, hopefully something you do will help on some level and it will stick.
(34,189 posts)Another was at the Parkland shooting. Not quite in the same category was the one who was at the Boston Marathon bombing.
Every generation seems to have their trauma points. Mine were the JFK, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy shootings, all on top of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the certainty that a nuclear war was on the way.