to get that people can't live on wages set back in the 1980s (Fed. min. wage). The COVID 19 epidemic was a means to perhaps send a strong message to these republican idiots who all they have on their minds, is businesses, not people. Billionaires, not us. It has swung far too far to the right in the constant whining of republicans vs. what a lot of reasonable businesses have said, raise our taxes (when Warren Buffet said that he's paying more %-wise than his secretary).
Maybe some businesses will automate, but it will cost an arm and a leg to do so, or raise wages.
I did mention in another post of the future impacts of COVID 19 in rural / red areas, in SW Missouri, there were over 2000 new cases of COVID 19...this still despite all of the pleas to get vaccinated, the death toll, etc. I guess the republicans are living up to their motto on their health plan, if you get sick, die.
I certainly hope that employees (former and existing) can out wait impatient can see republican governors cutting the COVID supplemental unemployment income paid out in order to try and entice these people into the work place but I don't think they'll going to be successful. Something has changed, I don't know exactly what it is, but somehow, I think the breaking point has been reached by employees (former and existing). They are standing up for themselves.