calimary's JournalThat's certainly what he should do. But he's just gotta be fighting something
all the time.
Fighting, fighting, fighting. All the time hes gotta be fighting about something or other. Theres something psychologically VERY bent going on below the surface there.
Too bad donald didnt actually serve in the military on the front lines of a hot war. Maybe he would have gotten this constant fighting thing out of his system.
I'm still convinced that had a lot to do with why trump picked him as a running mate.
The guy is a total fawning suck-ass. But just visually, hes the whitest fucking white guy who has ever walked the earth.
Hey Rudy, bush/cheney was allowed to skate away free under the immunity
of 9/11, and they were fucking torturers and WAR CRIMINALS! Reagan was protected by EVERYBODY and he, too, skated away free after Iran/Contra. Maybe your sides years of unearned freebies just ran out, eh?
and.... NAILED it.
SHEEESH people are cruel.
Whenever I see some affront like this, what I'd like to ask the offender always is "WHO THE HELL BROUGHT YOU UP?"
Welcome to DU, subana!
Somebody at MSNBC had a spelling problem, too. They ran a graphic with the headline "State Dept. IG Breifing on Capitol Hill"... that detailed "...and 'urgent request' to brie committee staff about documents related to the State Department and Ukraine, multiple Congressional sources tell NBC News." "Breifing."
The headline on the next graphic spelled "Briefing" as it should properly be spelled.
I'd include a photo, but it involves too many technical complications for a Luddite like me.
Welcome to DU, dkhbrit!
Can't wait to see this unspool - and preferably unspool donald, too. He's WAAAAAAY overdue for comeuppance.
A very noble man.
Its been awhile since we had one of those leading our country. About three years or so.
I remember after Carter took office, officially bringing to an end the miserable Nixon era, and he stated I will never lie to you. Yep. An American President actually announced that. And meant it. And lived up to it.
People entrenched in what weve got now have no conception about this dynamic.
The transition from bush/cheney to the Obama presidency is not quite a parallel, even though The Obama administration was credible, legitimate, and respectable after the criminality of bush/cheney.
But THIS, now, is beyond even bush/cheney.
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