calimary's JournalIndeed. Keep leaning on the failure to answer.
And reminding about the question being avoided.
He doesn't want to be held in contempt? Too late for me!
I hold him in enough contempt for 100 people.
Actually, I take that back. Whats the population of the United States? 300-and-some million people? I hold him in that level of contempt.
Too damn bad, Meadows. Youre not in charge here.
And THIS, TOO, Dammit!!!!!!!!!!
It should be the FIRST question that theyre asked - anywhere, for any reason.
Are you vaccinated?
And if not, say goodbye to your freedoms. Your freedom-freedom does NOT ean youre free to spread a potentially lethal virus around.
I dont give a damn what your lame-ass excuse or Pox Noise-induced rationale is. Wear the damn mask, DAMMIT!
THIS, Dammit!!!
Indeed. It really is that simple.
By all means!
Yeah. No kidding.
Whenever I hear something about some scumbag representative and what she or he has done lately, Im always forced back to one question:
What does it say about the voters who somehow saw fit to VOTE for that schmuck in the first place???
Well, sometimes it's hard to keep fighting the good fight.
I can understand why some folks find it so damn discouraging. I can get there pretty easily myself. Its just utterly bewildering.
I just have no way to understand why some people just simply MUST cling to the idiocy. Even when the proof and the reality are practically slamming them in the face. They probably watch Pox Noise as a safe haven where their fucked-up world view gets powerful reinforcement.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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Member since: 2001
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