calimary's JournalI knew "curfew" and "buying the farm" but that's about it.
The others were new to me.
Thanks for posting this!
Learn something new every day.
I copied this off to read at leisure. A keeper for sure!
Thank you so much for sharing this. SOOOOOOO relevant and helpful, especially at this time of year!
Yes. He's VERY wily and shrewd - in NEVER leaving any proverbial fingerprints anywhere.
But don't forget, that schmuck has been at it for years, wriggling his way off the hot seat, an expert in "plausible deniability" and never actually stating, flat out, what he wants.
He insinuates.
He suggests.
He gives subtle hints.
He weasel-words it.
He plants ideas without actually spelling them out.
He says JUST ENOUGH that YOU will fill in the blanks and get what he was pushing.
He really could hold how-to classes on this - how to get away with all kinds of shit while making sure nothing sticks to you, or directly traces back to you in whatever form will hold you legally accountable.
Welcome to DU, Mr. Steve!
Yep. And "liberal" is NOT a dirty word. It's certainly been shat upon, deliberately and repeatedly. But AS a liberal, for me it's very much alive, well, and proudly embraced.
Good try. Not that they'll heed any of this.
Sensationalism and stirring shit up means ratings. If they stoke the outrage (you could also use the word stroke instead of stoke in this context), they can get more eyeballs on their work, and lure more advertising dollars. Thats all they really care about.
Yep. Looks okay, but I'm comfy right HERE.
Ooooooooh, double diss! LOVE it!
Like this one A LOT too!
Like this A LOT!
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