calimary's JournalShit - call HIM the "Comeback Kid!"
Ive never seen a Lazarus effect like this (she said, having started watching politics sine the Student Coalition for Humphrey/Muskie)!
That's a totally fair statement.
One thing Ive heard pundits say about African/American voters: theyre practical. Thats how I try to be whenever I vote.
Head-over-heart. Seems to me thats the only voting strategy that makes sense. I dont fall in love with politicians. Thats not what theyre for.
It's awfully hard to let go of something like that.
We recently sold the old family home that I grew up in, and kept, for more than half a century.
I totally get how you feel. But the kids had grown up and moved out and the elders passed on and it was too much for us to deal with, in more ways than one.
Its just a house. Yeah, I hear that. And thats true in one respect. But it was also a HOME. With all that the word home means.
I so know how you feel, Coventina. I sympathize and empathize. Give it time and be gentle with yourself about it. And dont put a deadline on it, by which you presumably would expect yourself to have moved on. Go easy on yourself. Little by little, youll eventually prevail.
I can't help wondering how the guest seated closest to him
avoided the spittle shower that inevitably spewed out of his mouth while he yelled and bellowed and hyperventilated. And interrupted and talked over them. And fumfered his words.
SHEESH he blew so many pronunciations that my husband and I would start the what number of martinis did he have at lunch this time?
What? Did he just come back from a two-martini lunch?
Three, ya think?
Man, that must have been a FIVE-martini lunch. If he were stumbling over trash cans hed be in traction by now... Yeah. And he never did get the pronunciation right.
About time somebody did.
Donna Brazile is usually such a damn low-energy milquetoast, Im frankly surprised. Maybe she switched AWAY from decaf for a change.
First time Ive heard her actually raise her voice and get riled up!
Now that's class.
Gracious, kind, loving, and classy.
The kind of First Lady weve been needing!
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