calimary's JournalThank you so much for this deeply moving post, musicblind.
Im one of many who was impressed with Mayor Pete. Once you started listening to him, what he said, how he said it, how much he knew and understood and had given thought to and aimed for, his personal life faded farther and farther into the background.
I liked his intellect and his way of assessing things. And I REALLY like his youth - he has a LOT of time to build for the future. He made a mighty impressive debut on the national stage, and he made a good impression on a lot of America. And he earned that. He has nowhere to go but up.
Welcome to DU, Paul-EM!
Yes. As they say in the eye drop commercials: get the red out!
A good reason, right there.
And dont forget the 20-second rule for washing hands.
One one-thousand. Two one-thousand. Three one-thousand....
Or one chimpanzee. Two chimpanzee. Three chimpanzee... (kids version).
Dear God!
Looks like someone coming unspooled.
I can see how this crazed and TOTALLY creepy demeanor might freak out a target or an opponent and intimidate that opponent into whatever Mr. Freakazoid threatens to do if he doesnt get his way.
Glad to have you step up!
Im beyond trying to count how much Ive learned and gained from the people here, by now..
Ive often thought of this place as a kind of online think tank. The expertise and analysis here, the thinking and musing and debating that goes on. Perspectives from EVERY walk of life, every age, race, profession, every part of the U.S. and across the globe.
Its gotten me through some personal rough spots, 9/11, bush/cheney, the Iraq War, and all the ups n downs peppering the way, plus offering an island of truth and sanity while were otherwise mired in trumpworld. And Ive met and made friends here. I dare say we all have.
And theres lots of empathy to be found. No one mourns alone here. And as our own Skittles puts it - somebodys always here.
Glad you are, too!
YES. What you said, she!
Yeah! He'll be able to add to his resume. And rather impressively, too, I'll bet.
I see a HUGE talent pool among the Democratic candidates we've had, all season. A Cabinet full of talent, if ya really wanna know.
And I couldn't be happier! He ran a VERY impressive first-timer campaign.
He acquitted himself with class, intelligence, and lots of thoughtful responses to the many questions that came his way.
He made a spectacular debut. I hope he'll be back. He'll be the leader, next time.
Welcome to DU, SiliconValley_Dem!
Thank you for that! I plan to kick in a little bit more, also.
Every little bit helps!
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