calimary's JournalAnd he has PLENTY of time to try again.
Welcome to DU, zak247!
I hope it helps Biden, frankly.
I think if we're going to woo the other parts of the country than just the bright blue ones, we're gonna have to steer a little more to the middle than out farther left.
I lean farther left myself, but I'm also practical. And we have to be practical to win this. I can still remember McGovern, and all the young people with sky-high ideals and stars in their eyes who felt ignited by George McGovern. They fell in love. Hard. And he took them and all the rest of us Dems straight off a cliff. McGovern lost 49 states. FORTY-NINE! Didn't even carry his own state. It was Massachusetts plus the District of Columbia, and that was all. And no combination of those two got anywhere near 270 electoral votes.
I never fall in love with a politician. I don't think one is supposed to do that.
This is harsh reality, not romance.
And love fades.
He'll be back.
The best thing he has going for him, among MANY good things, is TIME. Hes still young. Hes got a long runway ahead of him.
Hes also got plenty of time to connect in a meaningful way with black voters. And by the time he considers another run, the other thing that may make some voters hesitate, the gay, will have faded even more than it already has, and even people who might be bothered by that will be even smaller than the level to which its already fallen.
Hes not over, by any stretch of the imagination. Well hear him again. And I look forward to that.
He ran a campaign as decent as he himself is. That was noticed and deeply appreciated. And hell be a party leader, and a future leader of/for ALL America. - a keeper.
Oh brother...
Me three!
And he did it with class.
Thank you, Tom Steyer!
You were ON IT for impeachment before anybody else was! First! Full on! Back when few were actively pushing it and advocating it. You stuck your neck out, and showed guts and leadership. And played a big part in laying the groundwork AND building a groundswell for impeaching trump.
That campaign alone leaves the world ever so slightly better than he found it.
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