calimary's JournalStatistics du jour - how fast the numbers are rising:
As of 10:04am pacific:
2,291 total fatalities.
131,536 confirmed cases.
by 10:08 (graphic in the little lower-right corner)
131,574 confirmed cases
Scratch that - 10:18am
131,636 confirmed cases.
on edit - 12:19pm pacific time - got the total fatalities - 2296.
Welcome to DU, Rollin.
Well, for some of us (definitely speaking for myself here), it's a matter of still nursing wounds from what happened in 2016. Those wounds remain pretty deep. ESPECIALLY when we think what could have been - watching history being made, being led by the first woman president - WHO GOT THE MOST VOTES!!!!!!
It's a difficult one to get over. And I fully admit that getting over it, in my case, is on me. It's my job, and my responsibility. I realize that. And I STILL have a hard time with how much Hillary had to deal with, through which Bernie was, in my view, mostly unhelpful, dragging out the inevitable WAY after its legitimate sell-by date, leading his poor hapless fans to hope in vain that somewhere, somehow, sometime that summer, there'd magically be loads of additional votes that would put him at or near the top by convention time. Anybody who was willing to look at the facts saw that there was no reason to hold out. He came around after the convention ended, and DID go out and campaign, but way too late in the game. And look what we wound up with! And she had to deal with Agent Orange, on top of all THAT.
And four years later, as we fight through another Presidential election year, that bitter taste comes back. It's awfully hard not stumbling into thinking what might have been.
I think I'll probably have to keep working on that one for the rest of my life. It REALLY hurt. It STILL hurts.
I can't/shouldn't/won't speak for anyone else here. Just myself - guilty as charged. And I HAVE to get over it at some point. I've often posted about making head-over-heart decisions, which is kind of a thing with me. Nursing all this particular stuff is my heart. And at the same time, my head is in there, yelling at me to stop being a schmuck and get over it.
And I'm trying to. I'm working on it.
Just saw on Joy Reid's afternoon rerun:
Some miserable milestones:
At 5:57pm, there are now more than two-thousand deaths. 2003, to be exact. Yep, we jumped that hurdle.
And another one:
The confirmed cases number is up above 120-thousand. 120,124, to be exact.
Stunning to watch, earlier today, there'd be another increase popping up literally in minutes.
I'm using this one in our next Call to Action email.
We're putting it together today (Saturday). "Meeting" together via phone.
Thanks for finding this one, TheBlackAdder. It quite literally "brings it home."
Just updated again. In the LAST 45 MINUTES:
At 11:29AM - deaths went up from 1876 to 1908.
Confirmed cases went up from 112,470 to 114,769.
On edit - at 12:12pm:
Deaths up to 1911
Confirmed cases up to 114,828.
Another edit - at 12:16pm WHOA... number jumps again !?!
Deaths up to 1930.
Confirmed cases 115,968.
At 3:51pm, another increase -
Deaths up to 1979.
Confirmed cases: 119,404
And then, another edit - at 4:34pm, we're up YET AGAIN.
Deaths up to 1992.
Confirmed cases, 119,978.
And if you're a science denier and you think this is all some hoax or really not that bad,
then - sorry. Too bad for you.
As your "dear leader" would say: "we'll see what happens."
OY!!! My apologies - I don't have a link for this. I was looking at my (cell phone) camera.
NO! You don't stink at google! I wasn't using google anyway!
I started taking a photo of the statistics graphics, as I watched the coverage in real time. I'm fascinated by that - just weird that way.
And I realized that every time you take a photo, there's a time stamp on that photo denoting when you took it, so that would be an interesting, if totally amateur, way to track the speed and scope of the outbreak.
So that's all this is.
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