calimary's JournalI honestly don't know what to say.
The only word(s) I can come up with to describe how I feel about this would be ...
No. Aghast maybe.
This makes my heart sink.
This guy, for better but definitely for worse, seems to be sincere. This IS his reality. He damn near died for trump. So bereft about losing his boat that he considered going down with the ship. Or so he says, anyway.
I fear for our country that there is actually this level of reality-avoidance. That there actually are people who feel this way about the donald. And who would put themselves in literal physical danger to salute him.
Is that what you call a "cult following"? Yeah, I guess so.
Was there a weather report about risky boating weather there? If so, did he or any of these other nuts bother to consult one?
I fear for our country.
This is really distressing. I just hope to Dear Lord God that these folks stay in the minority.
Welcome to DU, ihas2stinkyfeet!
Seems to me the availability of healthcare to the public is the one key difference between America and just about every other more-evolved country than we 200+-year-old upstarts have.
Im actually sitting in our parked car laughing out loud at this!
The Manchurian Cantaloupe!
Our Zorro wins the whole week, if not the entire year!
Yeah. The joke's actually on all of them.
Dumbfuckistanis. Most of em wouldnt even be welcome in any of his hotels except though the back entrance where the help enters and exits. If even that.
Yep. HELL TO PAY on Election Day.
OMG wouldn't that be cool?
He was so robbed. Whenever I see anything NFL, whether its people, games, or props, my thought immediately goes to Make good for Colin!
He might be too old to play by now (although what I know about football could fit on the head of a pin) but theres always team management or some other position(s) of prominence, arent there? Theres gotta be vehicles available to him, for him to be able to use his gifts.
It would, sadly enough, be part of an extensive White House collection.
Maybe in storage. I think theres a warehouse where White House draperies and antiques and carpets are kept - and stuff they store from the Oval Office when the new president decides he wants the blue area rug and drapes instead of the yellow ones.
All that stuff is kept.
But I also wonder how many of those priceless historical treasures in the Executive Mansion might - um - walk out with the trumps when they finally have to leave. I bet they try to loot the place. Their attitude is - its THEIRS by some weird-ass divine right bullshit.
That's my Hollerin' Howard! (HEART!)
Ive loved him since I first heard/heard about him in 2004.
I remember that cool campaign button of his, Dean for America with the rainbow. I actually wore it around on my shoulder bag strap, and I ordinarily dont ever do that. But I was out in the open about him. A woman even came up to me asking about that campaign button and where she could get one. I kept it, and kept the matching bumper sticker in my cars back window even after John Kerry got the nomination. And I actively supported Kerry from then on, but my heart still belonged to Howard Dean.
STILL love my Howard. The doctor is STILL and very definitely IN!
Kicking this!
We have to help direct him on cleaning up the mess and getting FULL justice for the mess-makers.
I hope theres
on Election Day!!!
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