calimary's JournalMusings like this one exacerbate my wondering whether trump is actually the Antichrist.
Yeah, that sounds a little far out. But less so as the days go by. We're told the Antichrist has a compelling personality and charisma, and an ardent following, after all...
This is almost blindingly horrible.
As is our so-called "leadership*".
How low a level of Hell do you suppose it'll be - in which he'll eventually be found?
For him to attack her via his shitty little "I'm a four-year-old and I can use Twitter and you can't!" tweets the following morning!!!!! Fuck him. He is one hideous excuse for a human being.
And Hillary was calling for the USS Comfort to be dispatched to Puerto Rico about a week or so ago...
In spaces, hearts, diamonds, and clubs!
I do! He was the poster child for GOOD federal government response to a crisis.
He's the guy who showed how to do it right. Under President Bill Clinton. Raised FEMA to a new level of respect and appreciation for a job well done. And then came dubya's appointee, "Brownie," who showed us all how NOT to do it right.
Welcome to DU, one of_theabove!
I'm stunned anew every day. To borrow from Joe Biden, NEVER have I seen malarkey like this.
That's my Congressman! Sigh...
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