calimary's JournalWelcome to DU, deerheadgal!
Wouldnt happen. Wed need a whole sled-dog team to pull Lindseys tongue out of trumps back end.
Just looks like another miserable pathetic incel to me.
Thats all you got, eh dude?
Yep. Id say thats about it.
The key to remember with these folks: NOBODY wants to admit they were wrong.
OR, worse, that they've been ROYALLY HAD. (At the end of a freakin' fork!)
NOBODY wants to admit that. And so many of these idiots have given any objective reasoning over to the mirror Pox Noise and OAN and Newsmax and hate radio help to hold up - to keep everybody believing the same bullshit. Because if they really BELIEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE it, many of 'em can be convinced or motivated to act on it. Which is what we all saw on January 6th.
Even Rudy G knew not to make that mistake.
He NEVER used the "election fraud" argument in court. Only out on the sidewalk where all the cameras and microphones were.
Uh-HUH!!! The only thing the regular people understand is "Pass. Or Fail."
It's either/or. NOTHING in between. And NOBODY does "fine points" or middle-ground or wiggle-room or "yes, but..." anymore.
As that old one-liner would say, in a case like this - "Is you IS? Or is you AIN'T?"
As the Ken Kesey crowd would have said - "are you ON the bus, or OFF the bus?"
Aw, thanks, abqtommy! I still have a lot of old "reporter's notebooks"
filled with my chicken-scratching. Learned to take notes fast-fast-fast! But then again, the challenge was trying to decipher my "lovely" (Er - uh - Ahem! Cough! Wheeze!) penmanship.
The Daily Dread - Tracking the spread, 1/31/21
All times Pacific, source: Johns Hopkins/NBC News
At 11am
Confirmed cases US - 26,188,762
Deaths US - 429,280
Vaccinations given in US - 4,531,214
Personal note - my phone's really temperamental right now, so I'm going from notes I scribbled as I saw the latest graphic on MSNBC. There was earlier data through the weekend but I can't track backwards right now. At least not til I can figure out how to bring my phone back from coma-status. Ordinarily I take a quick photo of the graphic and transcribe from the photo, but right now, it's all pen-'n'-paper.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 84,397