90-percent's JournalKeith Olbermann's 4/28/2023 podcast
I've been a Keith fan since his first MSNBC show in the early 2000's. His insight into modern mass media is profound. Keith is a NATIONAL TREASURE. Plus, he guested a lot of comedians. Anybody that mentions the old Bob & Ray radio show, which my parents used to listen to, not to mention second gen Chris Elliot, is still at it with adult swim fifteen minute vignettes Enjoy! -90% Jimmy
PS, I know he is considered by some to be "difficult to work with". I don't care. Hes one of the most credible journo's we currently have.
Something we should add to our local tv weather reports
We should also report on the latest mass murders in your area. Forecast for mass murders is higher than normal in your area. ² Please arm yourselves with AK-47's to take out anybad guys with guns you may encounter
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Name: JimGender: Male
Current location: Barkhamsted, CT
Member since: Sat Jul 3, 2004, 08:36 AM
Number of posts: 6,868