highplainsdem's JournalKnew this was coming: Tucker suggests giving weapons to Ukraine will prolong Ukrainians' suffering
https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1503887347347120130Tucker is complaining tonight that the freedumb truckers aren't getting coverage because of Ukraine
https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1503888373194264578A Ukrainian child has become a refugee almost every single second since the start of the war
https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1503875619448184838Editing to add the UN tweet linking to the UNICEF press release:
Biden to announce $1B in Ukraine military aid: report
Source: The Hill
President Biden is expected to announce more than $1 billion in Ukraine military aid from the $13.6 billion in aid that was passed by Congress, U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal.
The U.S. will be providing antiarmor and antiair systems to Ukraine with the $1.01 billion taken from the more than $13 billion package.
The systems will include air defenses such as Javelins and Stingers that the U.S. says Ukraine needs, according to the Journal.
Biden could reportedly announce the aid as soon as Wednesday, as fighting intensifies between Russia and Ukraine.
Read more: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/598369-biden-to-unveil-1b-in-ukraine-military-aid-report
I'm using The Hill's story because of the WSJ's paywall.
But this is the link to the WSJ article:
John Mellencamp - Lonely Ol' Night
Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway
Ukraine training video showing how to use different countries' grenade launchers
Another sign that Putin attacked people much smarter than he is.
Ukraine's Twitter account responds to Putin's claim no Russian conscripts are in Ukraine
https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1503855619324928004But we can't take it back till after the 2020 election. Yglesias is talking about investigations
launched by this corrupt admin before the election.
Great CNN opinion piece: What kind of capitalist is Romney?
http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/13/opinion/lind-romney-bain/index.htmlThe choice is between "stakeholder capitalism" and "shareholder capitalism." According to the theory of stakeholder capitalism, corporations are and should be quasi-public entities with responsibilities to the nation-state and to the communities in which they are embedded. The corporation should make a profit and provide a fair return to investors. At the same time, workers who contribute their labor to the company have a legitimate interest in it as well as investors who provide capital. Managers serve the company and the country, not merely the investors.
In the theory of "shareholder capitalism," the corporation exists solely for the purpose of the investors, whom the managers serve as agents. In shareholder capitalism, short-term profits are the only goal, and if that means laying off workers instead of retraining them or reassigning them, breaking up the company and selling the assets to enrich private equity partners and shareholders, so be it.
The stakeholder conception of the firm is still the norm in Europe and East Asia, as it was in mid-20th century America. But beginning in the 1970s, the shareholder conception of capitalism prevailed in the United States.
As a practitioner of the shareholder capitalism of the last generation, Mitt Romney as president would probably support policies that assume that the short-term interests of investors like Bain are identical to the long-term interests of the economy. By the same token, he would probably resist policies that increased the influence of managers, workers and local communities over companies at the expense of shareholders and financiers.
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