True Blue American
True Blue American's JournalQuestion submitted by True Blue American
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Thought Joe would explode but he respectfully listened and let others ask question.
John Kerry owned the interview.
I made a prediction that the hostages will soon be released. John answered Robinson about having a conversation with his Iranian counterpart the day before the agreement was reached.
This reminded me of the release of the hostages the minute Reagan was sworn in,then we had the Iran/ Contra mess.
I had the pleasure of listening and asking questions of one of the hostages at a Military Convention in Boston.
This situation is almost eerie thinking of that time. They will be released as a sign of good will.
One of the wives was on the CNN Brook Baldwin show. Brook tried everything she could to have the wife complain about the President and the deal the wife told her several times she was in constant contact with the State Department and they assured her they were doing everything they could to get her Husband released. Brook pushed harder about being disappointed. She then told Brook the president was right not connecting the two and her Husband wanted no part of getting concessions for his release. Brook really failed in getting her 15 second sound bite to run all day long. They prey on worried people like that.
I have my Love Obamacare and Thank FDR for SS a in my back window, nd have seen some shocked people. I smile at them when they ask me and answer," That is right!b End of any discussion.
I never knew President Clinton was on his Council until he said so so he has had three brilliant minds. His own,the two Clinton's. Now,we have Bernie, Elizabeth, Sherrod Brown, Al Frankenstein and many more on our side.
What about a Clinton/ Sanders team? We could get President Obama and Joe Biden to work behind the scenes.
What about that group? Joe is compassionate, Obama cool and collected. Think how they could change this Country!
Any suggestions here?
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