Nyan's Journal"Will they like me? No. Will they play by the rule? You'd better believe it"
Bernie's new ad
"Two Visions -Bernie Sanders"
Killer Mike: "This opportunity in history is not gonna come in another 20 years"
Killer Mike on Stephen Colbert
Seeing Bernie speak against the first war in Iraq in empty house of congress
made me feel so many things, and I wanted to share them with you.
(I'd be talking about the very first part of the video 00:00~01:44)
Most of the clips in the video I've already seen before, and his speech against the first Iraq War I was also aware of it.
But I didn't know that the official legislative schedule was finished at the time, and no one showed up for his speech.
So who was he speaking to? He was speaking to the American people. But he wasn't really heard by American people as well. Rather, he was heard 24 years later.
I would say that I'm much to the left of Bernie, and I enjoy hearing from people who are to the left of Bernie; among them are my spiritual- and intellectual heroes Chris Hedges and Cornel West, who I believe are the prophetic voice for America and the entire world.
Dr. West is critically supporting Bernie, which is fine by me.
Hedges is just critical of Bernie, and for me that's also fine, because I think Bernie has to face pressure in some areas especially when it comes to Israel-Palestine issue. I fully expect that there will come a moment where I find myself disagreeing with president Bernie on that issue, and when that moment comes, we will need people like Chris Hedges and they will have to be heard.
I don't support Bernie because I agree with him on everything. Nor do I think he's perfect, or a savior of any kind, and I'm not at all certain that he'll be able to bring all the structural changes he wishes to.
I support him because I know he'll do everything in his power to do what he said he will do to millions of his supporters whom he set himself up to be the only people he's beholden to.
I support him because I know he'll stick by his principles. He's proven that over and over throughout his career even when he lost. He so stubbornly stuck by his positions that it cost him elections several times. Eventually he came out ahead, but average career politicians would have compromised in order to win.
Because winning is important, and you can't do anything when you lose. Right?
Well, I say no to that. Winning and losing are a part of life, and it's what you do when you win and lose that determines who you are and what you are really about.
Surely, I think he can win this. There are good many indicators suggesting that.
But I don't want him to win this by giving up his principles (and most likely he won't do that).
And even if he doesn't win the presidency, this should and will go on. Because the political revolution will have to come and that is an arduous task not defined by presidential election cycles. And as he repeatedly states, it's not really about Bernie.
Bernie phenomenon is being created not only by Bernie, but also his constituencies responding to him and his message. Because I think this historic nationwide support and record-breaking donations all go back to Occupy Wall Street Movement, which demonstrated what people initially wished for when they voted for Obama.
And on the dark side, Trump, too, is reacting to the populace anger as much as he's generating it because it's largely a disaffected group of people coming from Tea Party movement that's supporting him (Trump has pretty much devoured support that would have gone to all the Tea Party-leaning candidates like Paul and Cruz). And while the Tea Party movement is ghastly and dangerous in so many ways, you can't ignore the fact that it, too, is a (misguided and ill-informed) reaction to corporate America and Wall Street having destroyed virtually all essential safety nets and societal institutions that keep people secure, solvent, and sane.
Some people say Clinton used to have principles, but that's not true.
It's not a principle if you wouldn't sacrifice anything for it.
When you repeatedly give up your position on issues that are supposedly important to you, like Clinton has many times -on bankruptcy bills, health care bills, death penalty, you name it-, then you're just in it to win against something, not for something. And at some point, you're just in it for yourself. Money, power, glory and influence may come with that, but that doesn't prove that you have made good decisions for the people you're supposed to serve.
I support the person who has stood up for what he believes in even when it wasn't popular, because that is the best kind of public servant we can hope for, and a model to follow for all decent human beings.
What really bothers me about the post-debate coverage
is that it's all about the war of words between Hillary and Trump, and Trump saying yet another stupid thing -the bathroom comment.
No. That's not what media should be talking about, and that's not what we should be talking about.
Post-debate coverage should be about policy differences between the candidates who were on the stage.
What are they even doing? Did Hillary have a debate with Trump? No. She debated Bernie and O'Malley.
Hillary's not running in general election. She's running in the democratic primary. And yet, the coverage is all about Hillary vs Trump war of words about ISIS and Islamophobia.
Real discussion should be about the GLARING differences between Bernie and Hillary on foreign policy, more specifically, the idea of regime change, which makes all the difference in the world (quite literally).
This type of discussion would be tolerable to me, although I don't agree with Hersh's assumptions about democratic nomination.
But, the corporate media? It's not that they are just dumb. They are actively trying to dumb all of us down.
Frankly, I'm not upset about what Trump says. I simply cannot get upset about all the stupid things he spews out of his disgusting mouth every 5 seconds on corporate media. How could I? It's almost physically impossible. I just really don't care. I'm not interested.
I'm interested in real discussion on policy ideas.
Again, media should be talking about the differences on policy ideas between leading democratic candidates, which are their ideas on regime change, and single-payer health care system, among others.
Bernie the monster scares the media
Democracy Now: Is DNC Afraid of Democracy?
"...It wasn't the DNC that shut down the debates. It was Ms. Schultz. There was no meeting. There was no notice. There are no minutes. All the other members of that committee never got to...at least two vice chairs have come forward and said that they have read about it after...[on the database contract] the contractor company...Schultz's nephew was a principal...all of the principals have worked...for different Clinton campaigns..."
Which republican candidates would you like to see disappear?
Now that Lindsey's gone
Personally, I'd like to see Santorum drop out already.
Fiorina I'd like her gone but she doesn't seem to be going away. Ted Cruz as well.
Bernie has big lead in NH, within 5% with Hillary in IW
NH Bernie 56% Hillary 42%
IW Bernie 45% Hillary 50%
CBS NEWS/YouGov Poll, MOE 8.6%
In case anybody missed this.
Killer Mike: "Stay confronting bullshit at every turn."
I'm beginning to realize how inspiring that phrase really was.
We have been confronting bullshit the whole time, ever since Bernie announced to run.
The debate this time around presented us with yet another load of bullshit for us to confront.
The days before the debate we saw a mountain of bullshit coming at us.
I'm pretty sure tomorrow we'll confront brand new bullshit uttered by somebody somewhere (possibly on MSM).
I'm also pretty sure that we'll keep encountering bullshit until the first primaries, and if he wins those, until the next ones.
It will go on and on and on and on.
And I think we have no other choice, but to "keep confronting bullshit at every turn."
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