Eliot Rosewater
Eliot Rosewater's JournalAs to tariffs or trade wars, etc.
Tariffs can work, if you prepare for them over a ten year or longer time period, building a strong sector of the targeted item here in the US so the costs have no affect on the American consumer.
Tariffs can ONLY work if you have thriving, competitive industry here making that thing you are putting a tax on.
What trump and team are doing can ONLY help the richest of the richest owners of the companies benefiting, their employees wont even benefit and ALL of the rest of us will be punished, greatly.
At no time are trade "wars" a good idea, however.
Anybody here have financial stats on NRA? How much do they have incoming from members?
How much from gun related manufacturers? And
how much do they annually spend on politicians?
Do the figures not match up?
We know they are getting money from Putin now or oligarchs, but maybe they have been for a while.
The chaos self inflicted by the chief traitor
is not new.
This has been SOP the entire time he has illegally occupied that office, and it has been the way he has run his entire life.
This most recent stupidity with trade will greatly harm 99% of us but he will profit, somehow.
Hacking our elections and stealing our election and illegally installing a traitor kinda sucks, dont it.
But hey, our alternative was a woman who owned a private server from which NOTHING bad happened. So I guess we DESERVE all of this because so many of us made such a big deal out of emails.
We could resolve all of this quickly if 60 million of us would stop supporting Putin over America.
Question submitted by Eliot Rosewater
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Member since: Sat Dec 3, 2016, 10:41 AMNumber of posts: 32,539