Bluepinky's JournalI'm glad Mueller and his team are working hard behind the scene.
We need him to expose the corruption more than ever.
Putin is very happy with what he has unleashed in the USA.
Remember when Trump said he wanted term limits?
Haven't heard a peep out of him about it since the election. Of course, it's to his advantage not to have term limits. It forces Repubs to vote for his crappy agenda, because if they don't, they're out the next election.
Imagine if McConnell and Ryan would be forced out because their time was up. Of course some good Democrats would have to go as well. But a more independent Senate and House could only benefit the American people. Or maybe the opposite?
Stupid or nefarious?
Rachel asked if Trump et al are stupid or nefarious. She gave several instances of their erroneous statements, one of which was recently telling us an airline carrier was making its way to North Korea. She said she wishes there was a third option to explain all their mistakes, as having an administration that's either stupid or nefarious doesn't bode well for our country.
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