OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalWhat about that "States Right" guy, AG Jeff Beauregard Sessions?
He sure has no problem mandating unpopular sweeping federal intervention on the State's ability to regulate marijuana. How much $ has Jeff gotten on tobacco and alcohol?
Prediction: Romney is the Saviour of the RNC Brand.
Trump Out...Fuck him....Mitt 2020!
Watch Mitch's trajectory compared to Trump's. The con continues!
Donald Trump is setting us up for Mid-Long Term Failure.
Killing the Lynchpin of World checks , US is giving Putin control of the world as a dictator. Trump will be second in command of the US Market. Share 50/50 with Putin. More money to buy people. Not a shot was fired.
Seems like treason to me and the entire federal/corporate level needs to be removed for treason. Selliing the USA short, when you stand to make $ is a crime, right? Who owns the Republican Party? It will be obvious as to what the stakes are going forward. You support a shithole?.... you are a shithole....and I will oppose your Utopian Shithole that you want to send US to..
So, about "Accidental Nuclear Missle Alerts".
New normal or should people be prosecuted for a crime against society? Not sure how a warning of nuclear attack that is a total fuck-up doesn't get the Full Monty''''an entire fucking state of the USA thought they would die "and the problem is a button got accidentally pushed? How stupid are we to accept that BS explanation? I want total information on this "accident". If we don't demand answers, we will get the explanation we deserve.
Could this be considered Classical?
The songs is ~90 years old (Thanks Woody!). An orchestra of controlled chaos with classical roots :
Bonus! Pigpen~ Dead Era......just great
"Congress barrels toward another shutdown crisis" Wrong Fucking Title.
It is only Republicans that want a shutdown.
Cool, let's encourage more of this! Vichy Republicanism! Cuz, where else do they get the money
to fund their national campaigns? Her's a simple question.
Where does the RNC get their donations from? Where do Democrats get their donations from? So what are the small donor's in the RNC contributing? How much of their $ is from Big Money RW activists? I am a recurring member on Act Blue and give another donation a few times a month. Averages about $50/month ($600/yr). If 10MM Democrats do this, that's $6BB/year! How about analyzing political contributions by average $ per donor?
If Republicans think holding their office as hostage (because they are not doing their jobs), then do it. Proof that, not only can you not legislate for the bottom 95%, but you are OK with allowing Russia to backdoor their way into our Government.
These fucking Republicans are the equivalent on the 1940's Vichy government in France. Enough of those suckers sold out that Nazi Germany could invade/"win" their territorial claim on France with almost no cost....why???? Because there was so much money to be made "shorting" France with the politicians in power.
Think about this.
When the RNC is pre-qualifying a person to run as a Republican in State/National government....what is the most important personal characteristic they are looking for?
Because they are an organized crime party as defined under the RICO statues------->
{b}*Blackmail-able" {/b}- There's something they know, but keep it quiet....get rich, as long as you vote the Party line.
Problem is, this is systematic corruption with lots of email evidence. Guess who has the emails? If they hacked the Democrats, why not the Republicans? Cuz you can blackmail this party in totality. Just like they own Trump.
Putin, for sure has them....and, hopefully, Mueller.
Why do people say "born and bred in XXXXX" ?
Wouldn't it be more correct to say, from a linear existential perspective, - "bred and born in XXXXX"?
But of course neither phrase is provably correct....who knows where the bredding took place (the bornning place being pretty well documented).
Mods: Please delete if this topic has been bred to death.
Are we smoking more or less dope, than we were, say, 20/30/40 years ago?
Smoked a trope of dope in the 70's.....less in the 80's (but that kinda tracked with the Grateful Dead -
the greatest R/R band of all time). Less in the oughts, life changes. Now: Holy Fuck , this Small Fingered Idiot is our President? What does Trump owe to the Russian Oligarchs? To the nearest 500BB dollars? How much of Trump does Putin own? Why don't we know this? Putin is in the White House? A totally corrupted pResident? Stay fucking tuned.
My point being....medical marijuana....
So how many of the bots ID as fake were Russian? (Net Neutrality)
Seems like something a totalitarian dictatorship could get behind. And a "dealmaker" like Trump who could deliver our capacity to have free and open speech kneecapped. When does it get to be treason?
We desperately need The Wall.
Reposting from GD as it dropped like a dying polar bear......as it addresses both topics equally, I thought this would be a better place to get visibility and comment. Added a little further detail, too.
But not the environmental / economic / social disaster that Trump and the complicit Republican Party are selling.
A wall system must be planned and built around both coasts to address the coming sea level changes caused by massive climate change and melting ice caps. This directly affects major population areas and regions that will be severely disrupteed or destroyed if we continue the do-nothing vision of the GOP. This truely is our #1 national security issue.
Our climate will be our children's children living nightmare and a sure end of the grand experiment known as the USA.
When will Congress unite and address the #1 existential threat to this country? Constructing the wall will have lots of positive impacts on our economy with immediate boost to meaningful jobs that will define our vision for protecting this country's future.
Solar panels and wind generation could also be incorporated into the wall systems, further reducing our dependency on foreign oil and the costs paid by taxpayers (see USN/DOD) to get and secure Big Oil's product to market. Why aren't we billing Big Oil for services rendered?
This is The Wall vision/message that I wish Democrats - in a unified clear voice - would work on and communicate to the American people now, in advance of the 2018 elections.
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Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
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Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 11:28 PM
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