Smackdown2019's JournalTexas Dam Wall
Trump wants to build a levy on the border and trap the heavy rainfall that can return back to Texas, trapping the flood water onto the USA side. Mother nature is a witch and Trump is an idiot; who you do you believe will win? Mother nature or trump? Oh by the way, trump wants to use Harvey earmark funding for HIS wall......
Prison in Puerto Rico for Trump
New York prison would be too nice for the orange clown, Puerto Rico should have charges brought against him as well... what for, dont know..... but be poetic justice if he rots in Puerto Rico and they make him as a tourist trap for trumpers. Raking in millions of dollars and help rebuild the future 51 state.
If we Democrats approve money to the wall,
If we Democrats approve money to the wall, it should be $75,550,000. If you convert that into rubles, it be 5 billion rubles...... that be a sharp statement to trump!
Trumps future prison number
August 4, 1961. Obama's Birthday!
LOL. If trumpers have to write to their future felon, they have to look up Obama's Birthday..... now that is JUSTICE!
Federal Election Commission shutdown
Of the 300 employees, none are working to answer the calls or emails of potential election violations due to the shutdown. The committee are the only ones available, yet are powerless to enact without their support.
Rampant hacks could occur from foreign powers to again influence our democracy. Violations from candidates that do not play by the rules would be overlooked. We need our government back!
Job numbers
Are they false numbers derived from a furlough department?
We are going to a banana REPUBLIC each day with this MORON in the white house!
Angelina Jolie considering politics.
Angelina Jolie was asked and she responded it's not out the question..... She is an anti-trump celebrity!
Impeachment or Resignation?
Will Trump be impeached or will he resign?
Everyone knows that Trump days are marked, even his trumpers. The question that is on everyone's mind is, will he be impeached or resign before the final vote in the Senate is cast?
With the imbalance of Congress, I feel that Trump will push it all the way through the impeachment process; even if damming evidence is displayed. 2/3 of the Senate would be a hard goal to be made when we can not even break a stalemate to open the government today.
What are all of your thoughts?
Give Trump a wall! A square one!
Give the orange clown a nice square wall, 30 foot high by 8' x 5' 11". Have the walls have Spanish Words on it, making fun of his hair, with a ugly green background. I am sure he would love this wall!
What words in Spanish would you like to see trump to view all the time?
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Gender: MaleHometown: Piedmont, Missouri
Member since: Fri Dec 21, 2018, 09:35 AM
Number of posts: 1,231