Mr.WeRP's JournalIf Trump wins, no one here at DU is safe
Trump has threatened his own supporters in campaign emails with punishment if they dont donate enough or fail to vote for him, saying these records are public. While your specific vote may not be, your campaign donations are and election turnout certainly is. Trump has already used the tax code to punish blue states using the cap on State and Local Tax deductions (SALT) since you can only declare up to 10k of these taxes on your federal return. And he has murdered at least one journalist.
If Trump wins, no doubt he will use the powers SCOTUS just gave him to punish those that do not approve of him. And he wont stop with people in the lime light. He will go all the way down to every individual that doesnt think he deserves to be king of america and find a way to punish and silence them.
We must act accordingly to this existential threat and our leaders better wake up to how real this threat is. It is very fucking real.
Jamāl Aḥmad Khāshqujī Is proof that Trump WILL USE the full extent of the immunity that SCOTUS gave him
If you remember, Khāshqujīs life was offered up to the Saudi Royals for Kushners $2 billion payout. Trump didnt like him because he worked for the Washington Post. And even if Trump had no opinion of him, he still offered this persons life up for money.
Do not think Trump wont use his immunity to kill his opponents. He will. It was part of his arguments to the court in this case.
Bidens response, that he doesnt intend to use this power, is not enough. Biden must take actionable steps to correct the court. He needs to use the powers that the court just gave him. Trusting this to the voters is not enough when the SCOTUS can make decisions favorably for Trump during this election. And I guarantee you that Trump has learned from his mistakes last time and that Thomas and Alito are probably back channeling what cases and how to bring them to the courts in order for SCOTUS to rule on them.
This is absolutely a war we cannot win if we do not arm ourselves with the same tools that the Trumpers are using.
Biden must act now, decisively and with force or all is lost.
Dear President Biden
It is time to use the powers the Supreme Court just gave you.
Replace your Attorney General with someone willing to detain Trump as a risk to national security. Just this weekend, he parked his jet next to a Russian state jet and the public took notice. He is working with Putin. You have an obligation to protect us from Putins plans involving Trump.
Do not attempt to dismiss this suggestion as authoritarian. Yes it is, but that is what the highest court in the land says is allowed. Our legal and justice system has just green lit this behavior, and like it or not, a President is going to abuse these powers for all that they can if you do not take action to stop Trump and undo what these justices have done.
It is this dire. It is as simple as you, who happen to now be immune, using this power to save us.
To those who insist on replacing Joe
You were probably responsible for ousting Al Franken too. WTF are you thinking?! Do not send this man into the history books as a one termer for absolute nonsense. Shame on Democrats who are calling for this. SHAME!
The only person who should be making this part of the political calculus is Joe himself. And as far as that goes, I trust Joe.
I originally supported Warren in the primaries. But after seeing what Joe has accomplished, I know he was the right person for the job.
Please stop the gnashing of teeth and fucking get busy working to elect Democrats. Do you really want Trumpers to control all three branches of our govt. Because that is what will be accomplished by saying Biden should end his campaign.
I cant fucking believe I have to say this.
Trump's use of the term "Black Jobs" is a code word
In most of the south, since the time of slavery until recent times, a term was used to denote the type of work that was performed by black slaves in America: n-word work. It is vile and unacceptable in our society. As someone who grew up in the south, the term is not strange to me. However, it is very rare to hear this term in the public as racism became unacceptable in America. Then along came Trump and terms like these started being heard again.
Trump used the term black jobs as a substitute and a signal to his southern supporters. He needs to be held accountable for saying it.
Debate Focus Group of Latinos Support...
Where was the media calling on Trump to end his campaign once convicted?
Or how about when Trump was found by a court to have committed rape?
Or when Trump refused to return classified documents and obstructed the FBI from obtaining them and then covering up the crime?
Or any of the times Trump made incoherent statements on the campaign trail?
But here they are calling for Joe to bow out when he has one bad night with a cold being flustered by endless lies.
American media is fucked.
Joe had our backs. We must now have his
If you havent seen this yet, you should.
I can think of one good reason to watch the debate
I want Trump to be ended tonight. A mortal wound to Trumps campaign delivered by one of the greatest Presidents in recent history. Joe is a fighter and he rattled Trump the last time. I want a killing blow that has Trump losing it so badly he goes off the rails. I want this and I think Joe knows his base wants this.
I am willing to sit through this just on the remote chance it happens.
Things I imagine Joe saying are:
Theres a good chance youll be in prison having to zoom into the RNC.
Did you check that with your parole officer?
Please, proceed, convicted felon
It must be tough being a convicted felon and court declared rapist.
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