Mr.WeRP's JournalBased on the latest images from Jack Smith re the Documents case
Mar-a-Lardo looks like a shithole of a dump. Shit laying around everywhere, our national secrets treated like old college papers in falling over piles near toilets, beds and cases of cola. This fat fucker is a slob as much as anything and I am glad these just came out days before the debate.
Bidens got plenty of ammo going into Thursday night!
Dear Justice Merchan
Your Honor,
When sentencing Donald John Trump, please consider, not only that a jury of twelve of his peers found him guilty of all 34 counts of the felony of modifying business records, but also that it was to interfere in the 2016 election. This election was decided by fewer than 80 thousand voters in swing states and it is reasonable to conclude that a significant percentage of these voters may have been swayed had they known the truth of what Trump had actually done. Please also consider that Trump not only has no respect for the law, but seeks repeatedly to attack the law and those in the justice system who enforce and adjudicate it. While Trump is innocent until proven guilty in the other 60 or so charges he has been indicted with across state and federal cases, the known facts do not bode well for him in these cases. His only hope is to subvert the judicial system through delays and corrupt means. For the sake of our Democracy and all that is just and fair in this country, give Trump some real time in prison for his acts. You yourself have said money does not serve as a punishment. Community service or other light handed punishments will be similarly disrespected, and I believe you know this. The one thing this man fears is being put in a position where he has no say in the matter. That is why he continues to attack you, your family and other persons responsible for bringing justice in this matter as well as those who are attempting to hold him accountable in other matters. Please find a way to ensure he serves time before the election and keep him locked up during the appeal.
Mr. WeRP
The NY Appeals should wait to reject Trump's appeal
Of course we all expect Trump to appeal his conviction. And of course we expect it will be rejected. However, if it is rejected and then quickly again by the NY high court, Trump could go to federal courts. The state appeals courts should hold onto these appeals as long as possible before rejecting them to ensure Trump serves as much time as possible (he will get time) and prevent a corrupt SCOTUS from being able to overturn it.
Trump is still under the gag order. The doxxing of Jurors will put him in prison
The judge will have no choice but to put Trump in prison for endangering the lives if these American heroes.
Todd Blanche Appreciation Thread
Tooooooddddd, Tooddd, Todd,
Man, let me tell you, I was so worried the plan would get uncovered, but we totally got away with it! Can you believe it?!? Man, the chefs kiss is the fucking G.L.O.A.T.! Haa haaa haaaa Trump is now the GLOAT!!! Nice job agent, thanks for all you do.
The Deep State
P.S. this message will self destruct in
Michael Cohen Appreciation Thread
Hey Mike,
Just want to say fuck you, asshole, and I am glad you got your revenge. Listen, I appreciate your efforts in trying to turn a new leaf. Consider it turned. But what I really meant to say, was thanks for nailing Don Von Shitshispants.
Mr. WeRP
I've served on a couple of juries
One time, there was a DUI case I was a juror on. The prosecution completely failed to make their case. There was no evidence to support the charge and plenty of evidence to show the opposite: that the officer made multiple mistakes and had a bias against the defendant. The trial lasted 5 days. We went to deliberations. First thing we did was took a straw poll. 9 innocent, 2 unsure and 1 guilty. We listened to the minority and came up with a list of their questions and what evidence and testimony they wanted to review. So we began the review process. This went on for several hours. We broke for the evening. Returning the next day we took a second poll: 10 innocent, 2 guilty. Rinse and repeat. Then lunch. Back at it after lunch we worked until the end of the day again. Next morning back at it again. Now when we polled, we were left with 1 guilty
the same guy who was guilty from the start. This is where the frustrations began for an entire day we tried go get at what was needed to turn the last juror. Nothing seemed to work. Now, this was an older, less groomed and uneducated person. It was the summer and the AC wasnt great. Many jurors were starting to become visibly upset but we went through iterations of previous reviews anyway. Another day over. Next morning, again, this one juror didnt budge. We get to lunch and then upon returning, the guy suddenly changed his mind. Some of the jurors inquired what was the change of mind. He didnt really answer the question, but one juror said, It was the lunches and the stipend, wasnt it?! And the holdout didnt say a word but just smiled. The foreman wrote up the result and gave it to the bailiff.
Just wanted to share that experience while we wait. I dont expect anything like that from this jury given what Ive read about them.
Andrew Weissmann has a good point on jury request
Just now on MSNBC, he said to the effect: The defense said during closing that during the Trump Tower meeting, no discussion of catch and kill at the meeting. There were two Trump Tower meetings in Jan 2017. The one where Pecker was in attendance, on Jan 6, 2017, Trump thanked Pecker for killing the stories about McDougal and the doorman. Weissmann said the defense closing argument statement about catch and kill probably caused the jurys request. And it will backfire on the defense since Trump used the word kill, it makes the defense seem like they were using weasel words to fool the jury.
Jury sent a note; parties have entered the court room wants testimony from Pecker and Cohen:
According to the judge, the jury wants:
David Peckers testimony regarding a phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting.
Pecker's testimony about the decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of Karen McDougal's life rights.
Pecker's testimony regarding a Trump Tower meeting.
Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting.
Jury is being brought in
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