Mr.WeRP's JournalTrump is being brutally beat down by the Prosecution today
They are pulling excerpts from his books that disclose how tight he is with money. Even covered specifics in his books that directly relate to this case. Defense, appropriately, tried to blame ghostwriters, but prosecution was ready for that. They even used a quote from Trumps own mother to show that Trump really is what he says he is in the books.
And Stormy is testifying after this curb stomping
I suspect today is the day that Trump violates the gag order that gets him put in jail.
"Your continued willful violations of this court's lawful order constitute a direct attack on the rule of law,"
"Your continued willful violations of this court's lawful order constitute direct attack on the rule of law," - Judge Merchan to TSFs face this morning in court.
"The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do," Merchan says. "So as much as I don't want to impose a jail sanction...I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate."
Biden Did That...
Thanks Joe!
DEA Agrees To Reschedule Marijuana Under Federal Law In Historic Move Following Biden-Directed Health Agencys Recommendation
The decision comes more than 50 years after cannabis was first listed as a strictly prohibited drug, on par with heroin and defined as a substance with no known medical value and a significant abuse potential.
Moving marijuana to Schedule III, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also carries major implications for state-legal cannabis businesses. When its implemented, it will mean that marijuana firms can officially take federal tax deductions that theyve been barred from under an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code known as 280E.
Kavanaugh just said Nixon pardon was one of the best Presidential decisions in history
This was during SCOTUS arguments on immunity. Gorsuch was also arguing earlier that presidents can blanket pardon themselves when leaving office and isnt that the same thing as immunity, so why not? Biden needs to expand the court, ASAP.
NICE! Meidas Touch is playing all the times Trump referenced National Enquirer covers
During this mornings live coverage of the trial, Ben Meisalas is playing a collection of all the times Trump talked about the cover story of the National Enquirer during the 2016 election. This is evidence the DA can use to counter Trump wasnt involved in it.
Below is a link to the live stream:
Pecker has something so bad on Trump, it prevents Trump from attacking him
This one has been bugging me. Trump has attacked everyone involved in the hush money case except for Pecker. Whatever it is, Pecker must have some concrete evidence of something so extremely bad on Trump that Trump absolutely remains silent on him.
If I had to guess, it is the pee tapes, but it really could be any number of things. It could be something with Epstein as well
or maybe Baron isnt his kid.
I get the feeling Trump knows he's going to jail for contempt
The story broke yesterday that the SS is working with NY prisons to figure out the logistics. I dont think that is a coincidence with the contempt hearing. Here is what I (and Mrs. WeRP, a lawyer) believe may have happened.
So far, Judge Merchan seems like a pretty efficient and fair judge. He knows Trump has blatantly violated the orders and is in contempt. He also knows that monetary fine isnt a deterrent. We both expected Merchan to fine Trump with a strict warning that jail is next
but that hasnt happened.
Why? Because the SS is involved. Merchan is practical and knows the logistics need to be nailed down. As of now, no one has forced this to happen. But we believe the Judge did that yesterday. He may have ordered SS to work with NY State Prisons to find a solution and is waiting to issue his order pending that result.
This may be why Trump and his attorney were passing notes yesterday, why the SS story broke and why Merchan hasnt ruled yet. It also explains Trumps 2am post last night crying for Repub politicians to save him.
I can envision the following:
Judge to Trumps lawyer: inform your client hes going to jail once the logistics are figured out
Trumps lawyer passes note to trump: yourre fucked, prepare for Reikers
Trump: (shits his pants)
Well, its a fun fantasy at the least!
Pecker is the star witness, not Cohen
Cohens testimony will merely corroborate Peckers, not vice-versa. The prosecution has the goods, and short of a hung jury, which I believe is unlikely, Trump is going to be convicted. Pecker is spilling all the beans to show
1. This was a conspiracy to commit Election Fraud
2. It was effective
3. Trump was directly involved, making decisions and signing checks
I have no idea what Trump did to Pecker, but they are no longer friends (and havent been since 2017 according to Pecker).
On Edit: I am envisioning an RNC where Trump is giving a speech via Zoom from a prison cell!
Yes! Morning Joe just IGNORED Trump's pre-hearing bloviations
On Morning Joe, John Heilemann was discussing his new journalistic enterprise and in the corner picture they showed Trump walking into court. Trump approached the cameras and started his morning word vomiting. I expected the hosts to interrupt John to see what Trump was saying
they didnt! John finished and then they went to commercial.
Now THATs a gag order!
Reminder: NY State prosecutors make an avg of 1088 felony indictments/year on Falsifying Business Records
I see some here saying this is a novel prosecution to raise this normally misdemeanor charge to a felony and poo-pooing Braggs prosecution of Trump on this crime as felonies. It is not novel and that is a media narrative.
The state has plenty of practice and success with it, and no, it isnt novel.
Weisselberg, Trumps accountant, has already been convicted on this charge!
Since 2015, NY state has made 9800 felony charges. Source:
In 2016 alone state prosecutors secured 100s of convictions and plea deals using PL 175.10. Source:
And Wiki notes other notable convictions and pleas with the prosecution of this as a felony:
Do not buy the media narrative that this is novel. It is not. The media is vying for your attention with clickbait to secure ad money.
This felony prosecution is a tried and true method that the state has used to hold criminal enterprises accountable. And Bragg has the goods.
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