BREAKING: More than 1,400 Black women have signed a petition [View all]
BREAKING: More than 1,400 Black women have signed a petition urging unity behind President Biden. Democrats are unifying to support the President. Nows the time to come together to defeat Donald Trump.
Do NOT mess with black women. They are in fact the Democratic base. Mess with Joe and Kamala and you will be losing a huge portion of our base.
Black women are a voting powerhouse
16 million Black women are eligible to vote, and 67% are registered.
Black women made up 17% of voters who cast ballots in the 2017 recent U.S. Senate special election in Alabama, but they account for less than 14% of the states population.
94% of Black women voters supported Hilary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election.
96% of Black women voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, providing the margin he needed to win two presidential terms.
90% of Black women voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020 securing the administrations win.
So, think about those 67% before you step over that black woman to insert a white man in first place.