I just got a FREE shipment from Penzey's [View all]
At least I didn't order anything and there's no invoice... It's a whole box of Resist spice packets. Here's the note that came with it (I'm copying from my phone so any typos are mine):
Two Possible Futures Ahead!
One where those who believe in the promise of America give up. One where they don't. We chose your home for this box because your backyard is where America's fate is to be determined. Please find a place to pop this open and share with people in need of a tasty seasoning to brighten their day.
Sprinkle RESIST! heavily on hummus or chopped avocado and it will be spicy. Sprinkle it on a burger, or wings, or vegetables before roasting and its heat fades with cooking leaving just wonderful tastiness. Use RESIST everywhere by itself or alongside your favorite seasonings to add a new spark. RESIST! is good.
Sorry to add more to your plate, but you know this matters. Thanks for being our customer.
There's like 27 packets.
This never happened to me before in my 76 years. I'm kinda touched. Penzey's is the real deal.
P.S. if anyone wants some, send me an address by DM. I don't know many people and I live in an apartment..
I also feel a little obligated now to get out of my funk and DO SOMETHING. It's not like I'll be stupendously successful enough to keep the T voters from their FO phase, but maybe I can help stave off the worst, or counteract some of it. Or just help some people.
PPS Wauwatosa Village is the bomb on baked potatoes and chicken.