Crimea Vote Doesn't Offer 'No' Option For Joining Russia [View all]
Reuters | by Richard Balmforth
Posted: 03/12/2014 12:44 pm EDT
* Ballot paper offers no choice for staying with status quo
* Both options lead to Crimea passing under Russian control
KIEV, March 11 (Reuters) - Sunday's vote in Ukraine's Crimea is being officially billed as a chance for the peninsula's peoples to decide fairly and freely their future - but in fact there is no room on the ballot paper for voting "Nyet" to control by Russia.
The Crimean voter will have the right to choose only one of two options in the March 16 referendum which the region's pro-Russian leadership, protected by Russian forces, announced earlier this month.
According to a format of the ballot paper, published on the parliament's website, the first question will ask: "Are you in favour of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?"