Countries that Dump their "Unwanted Children" on the US Border [View all]
From the Child labor in the Sweat-shops of New York in the early 1800s to the Border Children of 2014 - My how we've changed - NOT !!!
From Flyers being handed out in the streets, to dis-information being taught in their schools. South of the border countries are attempting to forsake their moral responsibilities to care for and educated their children - in the name of "Profit"
These same countries are increasingly exporting goods to Western Countries and around the world. Because of Government corruption and the "Stranglehold" placed on it by the Wealthy Ruling Elite, and Multi-National Corporations in those countries, rather then educate and care for those children funded through taxation, they choose to forsake their responsibility altogether. Through a campaign of propaganda designed to make the parents believe the child's only chance in life is to cross the border illegally into the United States.
Where obviously for a lack of proper English speaking skills and a proper education the child will only grow up disadvantaged and doomed to a life of minimal paying jobs at best.
That's not treating the problem - that's exploiting those children twice
The Parent in the Room needs to take action
Goods from these countries needs to be abandoned on the docks not allowed to be processed into this country. The only way to grab the attention of the Corrupt Government, the Wealthy Elite, and Multi-National Corporations causing this crises is to speak to them in a language they can understand. And by effecting their profits - only then do these children have a chance.
If anyone here thinks that this is anything less then an organized effort to Dump these children on the US - then you really need to get in touch with reality.