How we can all win and clean up the party at the same time [View all]
There is this really horrible scandal which is being hidden. i know that if its explained to them in a non-confrontational way, especially if they find out for themselves through research it is true, HRC supporters can be won over . I know because I myself used to be an HRC supporter.
Basically the core to understanding it is understanding this 199 4 whirrled trade organization trade deal and its ideology and effect on the world. And especially its effect on us.
One of the best places to get an overview of this older deal i a Canadian NGO Policy Alternatives. - (policyalternatives dot ca) A bunch of peoples work but especially the worK of Scott Sinclair is very readable.
If you search their site using the names of the past trade deals and perhaps the filetype:pdf operator you will find a bunch of very informative stuff - I bet we could convince almost all HRC people of this as its fact and it effects all of us a lot, and once the facts fall into place its obviously true.
Which is what makes it so sordid and so important to conclusively expose it. Then we will all be on the same side.
I am serious. if we can do this the problem will be much closer to being solved. In a way that does not tear the party apart. then the people who remain wedded to this scheme will stand out like sore thumbs.