Democratic Underground

Archives: December 22, 2003

Judge "I saw police commit felonies"

Elliott Gotkine (BBC): Argentina's threadbare recovery

Cartoons, we needs cartoons!

Don't let them make homosexuality illegal!

Terror alert on your local TV news

Presidential Swagger

Astrologers: The Lemonade Factor, on Starlight News

Stores Cross Their Fingers for Profits

London Observer: Libya spies' secret deal to reveal terrorists

What if Saddam's Jury Resembled Bush's Coalition?

Just back from working the Gun Show.

Is N word allowed?

Reguarding The "N" Word

Can we do an official "DU event of 2003" poll?

More Israeli Elite refuse to serve in occupied territories.

Young & Rangel First Co-Chairs Of Clark's National Steering Committee

Clark Sends Fundraising Email to Supporters about DeLay

Warning: Republican lies and slander ahead....

Congresswoman Karen McCarthy (D-MO) will retire

Dollars drop becomes ominous

What was the PR "pay-off" for Chalabi having picture taken with Saddam?

WH admits terror alerts are politically motivated (May 2002)

Interesting article about Lieberman

Clark's remarks on Iraq called into question

Fruit on the vines? When was Saddam REALLY captured?

Was Dick Morris fired?

Mike Malloy petition update.

Did You Guys Catch This ??? --- 'A repressive embarrassment'

TV News shows

Two things the Medicare bill affects....cancer drugs and drugs from Canada

DU this Nader '04 Poll!

UGH!! Lieberman got the "Play of the week" on

The Democratic Party after 2004.

What was the biggest event on DU in 2003?

Happy holidays one and all....

Real WMD v. ‘Programs’ What’s Diff?

An explanation for Threat Level Orange

legal experts, is it illegal to use a photo from the white house website?

What happened to Buchanan and Press?

Nominate your DU'er of the year!

George W. Bush: The Definitive Biography

OK, Here's a pic of Muammar Qadhafi --would you trust this man???

9/11: Did Bush know?

Why Bin Laden won't be captured like Saddam

"If you do not turn on to politics, politics will turn on you."

Is Saddam being tortured?

Is orange alert because Saddam set terror acts to go if captured?

2d time around for Russert/ can he DO this and keep job?

How much class conciousness and classism is there in the USA today?

Who should be the DU Forum Person of the Year

If there's a Terror Attack this week after Bush Lied us into the Wrong War

BBV: Seattle DUer's Bev and Andy on TV

What will things be like if the dollar collapses?

What is this story all about? Israel planning to attack Iran?

What will be the political effect of the new Orange Alert?

Yes, Virginia, he KNEW....

Why I Don't Support Banning Headscarfs

All right Californians, Feinstein has got to be replaced

Illinois to Seek Exemption to Buy Drugs From Canada

For Immediate Release: Young And Rangel To Serve As First Two Co-Chairs Of

Two rockets strike Afghanistan's capital as delegates gather to debate con

about that Andy Young endorsement/non-endorsement...

Person of the Year: Paul Wolfowitz (Time)

Analysts say future budget outlook gloomy

Across US, jobless losing benefits

US Democrats accuse Bush of allowing terror threat

US Troops 'Tortured' Man with Rap Music/GulfNews--New WMW

GOP truly big spender, analysis claims

Guarded by God, U.S. colonel hunts Iraqi guerrillas

GOP Says Rudy to Run Against Hillary in 2006

Cheney faces prosecution: report

Hours of fun

Dancing Politicans

Catwoman and Ms Uly are talking girl talk in my dining room.

Grandpa, can I have your house?

College Football fans: Comments on Falcons coaching candidates...

My goodness, football season isn't over yet?

Light the Virtual Menorah with Joe Lieberman-Day 3

What's this, a contradictary preacher dude on cable right now?!

Design 'a saurus

The New Johnny Cash Collection;

False cursing

'Tis the season.. Fa-la-la-la-

Is this picture supposed to make me feel safer? farking kills me...

Got Rig Envy? Try Viagra - Dave Barry

Help! My mom is making me insane...

Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!

I'm sorry I DOS'd DU a minute ago.

Would the terror alert stop you from flying this week?

PMS question for women or doctors

more profound thoughts

Orange ALERT! These things KILL!!

Shock and awe!!!!

Finished my shopping, Fair Trade Style

The reason for the season is almost upon us

So I was out Christmas shopping today

chatter ! chatter ! chatter !!!!

Help! My mom was insane when she made me

Blatent pornography on a Clark website

Just saw The Last Samurai

Where are all the crummy Christmas movies?? and I don't mean Titanic..

Hey I got the college job again

Your nightmare double feature? Mine: Titanic and The English Patient

Vinyl LP bonanza. How to catelog? How to play?

Anybody Here Remember 'The Groove Tube' ???

I would ike to apologise for my actions...

How Do You Arrange Your Video Collection? ... Your CD Collection?

Horrified at the cost of food lately? Please tell me we're being gouged

Bible Trivia! Why did Cain kill Abel?

Did the "Orange Alert" affect your Christmas spirit ?????????????????

Which TV show had the funkiest theme song?

Marilyn Manson Photo Terrorizes Chimpanzee Population

Making plans for last-minute shopping?........ CAPTION

Very sad news for Packer fans...Irvin Favre, father of Brett, has died

Your Starship Captain just might be a redneck if...

Eagle fans - do you hear the ghosts?

Your guide to understanding the "alert system" colors. (Satire or Truth?)

"Return of the King" was AMAZING!!!!!! Just AMAZING.

Your least favorite smell?

Was Clark on MTP this morning?

How Could You Like Clark?

Dennis Kucinich on WorldLinkTV now

so I talked to my old employer yesterday...

Howard Dean Will Take Back America .... For Corporations

Blatent pornography on a Clark website

Drudge still has the "Fake Saddam Capture" Up/ Plus a Pro Clark article!

How many others may of been dangled the VP slot by Dean besides Clark?

Clark's remarks on Iraq called into question

Does Kerry favor a draft?

Clark wins Knox County, TN straw poll! (via

Greens: Don't do it Ralph!

The Money Game. Where Does Your Candidate Stand?

The Green/Progressives will Compromise on Dean..

Alright, Clark and Dean supporters, explain to me why I should support

Why Dean is Electable

Who is your SECOND choice for the Democratic Nomination

I asked an enlisted person who returned from Iraq in early December

If Kerry, Lieberman et al really want to beat Dean, then DROP OUT

New Hampshire Doctors Endorse Howard Dean For President

Young And Rangel to Co-Chair Of Clark's National Campaign Steering Comm.

Clark's "Win without Delay" Fundraiser!

Dean is slowly changing the Odds to his favor. His History/Foundation/

So I'm in the gun store the other day...

Interesting article about Lieberman


Twice Wrong:Two courts say Bush exceeded his powers Newsday


Saddam Gives Bush a Break

In New Iraq, Sunnis Fear a Grim Future

Libya's Weapons of Mass Destruction: Reinventing Gaddafi

Conservatives Target Working Man's Testicles...

As CT goes, so goes the nation?

My Holiday Card to DU...and America

Let Them Eat War

Requiem for an Anti-Bush Cartoonist Hero

If Libya can do it, why not Israel?

Electability and the Masculine Mystique

The Pundits Are Dusting Off The Gore Attacks for Dean

P.U. litzer Prize

Jonah Goldberg is Asking for the Most Underreported Stories

Peggy Noonan is Disgusting

bush's "uncanny" memory for "thousands" of "small details"

United party gains little, poll finds (Canada)

FR logic: All roads lead to Hillary in 2004!

A new year's wish...

A matter of time

CARTOONS! The "DIE LIBERALS!/Happy Holidays" Edition

Tarot: Shrub Will Lose; CHEENEE Depart Early (Health)

Luddite seeks Techie advice (esp. mac techie advice)

Is a dolphin a person?

Scots Cardinal Uses Christmas For Gay Attack

The poor can thank Bush for one thing this Christmas

Wall Street curls its lip at Costco's ungreedy CEO

Valdez Spill Worse than Thought; Effects Last Decades

Western Drought Grinds On - LA Times

Warblogging: The Case of Countries A and B (Libya/Iraq)

Murder or lawful protection? Georgia Beauty Queen Faces Murder Charge

Acquittal of Norway DVD Hacker Upheld

GUNS IN THE NEWS--December 22, 2003

The Corrupt Gun Industry In Action

Top police gun prone to accidental firing

My latest 'toy'

Question about locked thread

No GD Mods Around, Live One Here

Thank you mods!

"No Nickname Rule" More Overkill!

I missed the request section

On the request, I hope so

What makes a thread inflammatory?

Is this an appropriate use of the anonymous moderator function?

information about the Lounge

Why are Nader threads going in the Primary forum?

Why is there something rather than nothing?

Palestine's neglected treasure trove

Dershowitz: Speak up about Israel's positive points, too

Shin Bet, MI at odds over Hamas terror strategy

2 IDF officers killed in Gaza Strip; soldier lightly hurt in Hebron

Shehadeh bomb victims sue Israeli government

Sharon’s Speech: Decoded Version

Egypt Foreign Minister Arrives in Israel

Israel planning Iran attack

UN satellites eye Israeli barrier

Egypt's FM attacked inside Al Aksa mosque

Senior Hamas fugitive caught in Nablus

Clinton's not very happy, and he's about to do something about it!

Why do people keep saying Dean is struggling in South Carolina

GOP again proves to be the party of "dumbing down" there was a poll

Cate Edwards - a great First Daughter

To those who slander others candidates

Halliburton correction -Jeb screws education - Fear of Bush

Debt Relief? For whom?

Full list of House retirements

Dean: "absurd insinuation" true--"not safer" true

The Green/Progressives will Compromise on Dean..

Terry McAuliffe mystery solved?

Sources: Done Deal Rudy to run against Hillary in '06

"coffee, Tea, or Handcuffs?"

Please read this: Mike's Message

Those supporting a soldier, please read Michael Moore post this board.

Greens: Don't do it Ralph!

Democrats forced to work on the margins

Hey DU, whatever your opinions about Nader, please take this quick survey

Long live Asscroft

Which one of these is your favorite.

WV Democrats worried about the Warners

"We just barged into some guy's house...

Faux propaganda... (they don't even try any more)

All Quiet on the Petroleum Front

New contest- Lets find a nickname for Jeb Bush.

Does 'orange alert' mean bad fruit in Florida?

Another reason to patronize Costco over Wall Mart:

Orange Alert: Do you feel safer?

Will a holiday terror attack help or hurt Bush*'s numbers?

A new year's wish...

We Are a Minority Party, an open letter to DU

Chalabi will be the new Saddam in a privatised Iraq

Heads up, TIME - Salon says it was "The Year of the Liar"

New RW Spin: The Clinton View of Iraq-al Qaeda Ties

DC Hearings on police response to demonstrations, streaming video

why does bush* lie about everything? Re: "We Got'im"..mental illness?

Bill Clinton Quotes

Threat Level Orange worked...

The threat is "perhaps greater now than at any point" since 9/11...

I need a link if true

Corporal Cueball sez "When they hit you, hit back harder."

Stephen Lewis, UN advisor on AIDS in Africa, "Canadian of the Year"

Have there ever been instances where domino theory has actually worked?

Clark's Response to Tom DeLay's attack ...

Excellent Anti-Bush post in Paper

Good news for your Christmas list!

"Excellence in Blathering" a Palm Beach look at Limbaugh.

Hightened alert, Kurds & Saddam, Bush lies...

The Silver Star vs Silver Spoon avatar with Clark and Bush

If lying to Congress is a crime, and the Bushists lied to Congress...

Ex-Navy Secreatary brings skepticism to 9/11 panel.

been away...Did the Kurds catch Saddam?

They are a criminal enterprise.

Why Libya & Not Iraq? Some Thoughts from Ctr. American Progress

What is the explanation? (Lybia)

Novak: Lugar likely to replace Powell if Shrub re-elected

Morton Kondracke is a jerk

Terror alerts used as cover for poor shopping season?

Clark is a no-talent phony

Counterbalance, Orange Alert to the Kurd-Saddam link and Slow Xmas sales

Americans react to "Terror Alert" (yawn)

If we must fight to the death....

is bush upset about never being chosen Time's "Person of the Year"?

Kurds role in Saddam capture diminishes Chimpy (HA!)

Zell Miller finally gets his own statue

Fantastic Take About the Acceptance of Lying

Anyone watching press breifing?

Read somewhere

Diane Sawyer interviews GI who found Saddam

One Difference between Liberals and Conservatives

Zell Miller: a tinfoil hat theory

The Bush Tax. Time for Dems to pick up the mantra.

Fmr Maine Gov. Angus King interview on NOW

Has, or will Tom Ridge appear on any other program aside from Rush?

Another Orange alert bonus for Bush...

School recruiters meet resistance (military)

Safer now that Saddam is caught why isn't terror alert level going down

Need evidence re: tax incentives for moving production overseas.

Security personnel not taking "Orange Alert" seriously

TBTM Radio #24: 'Trans-Pacific TBTM Christmas'

BBV: would someone please post links to Bev and Andy's major news?

What Saddam's son-in-law said to the UN long time ago.

Dean is on CSPAN2

Good thing Graham dropped out! He was

War is the Number one Issue this time..

L.A.'s KPCC 'Air Talk' whores for Wal-Mart!!!

The Conservative Machine at Work

Ashcroft approves Bushevik Texas Coup: info released Fri Night

Need help from Military Veterans

Puke party swarming with ex-Nazis

I just had a dream that the Bush family was staying at my home for holiday

My friend got a job as a systems engineer.

Nations Retailers Have Glum Weekend

Brits confirm Bush* in Iraq for Christmas: Santa Dumya's 2nd night raid?

Thoughts on Recent Libya Developments

Terror alert at high orange... why is America safer with Saddam gone?

Isn't this Scott McClellan the slimiest press secretary

Attacks could "rival or exceed" 9/11--why do we need to know that?

Did You Know is #1

this just in: BFEE caused Cambria earthquake...part of Saddam coverup

Patriot Act II PASSED Secretly?????

Condi: Not Keen to Go Under Oath in 9-11 Hearings

The thing that scares me about this terror alert...

The Low Road, by Marge Piercy

Life under a Bush-led Martial Law.

first, Judy Woodruff, then Bay Buchanan, call Dean/Clark LIars

How did the new Canadian PM get his post?

For the news media and worried family members... A MAP

The Best Political Moments of the Year?

25% of West Virginians had no health insurance ...

Wolfie poll today "Do you find the color terra alert system helpful y/n"

the real reason for Code Orange?

Merry Christmas from g.w.bush* (pic)

Oh good grief

Deleted message

On the social crisis in Oregon—and the political malaise in the US

CNN's Andrea Koppel - re Khadafi

Happy Holidays from g.w. bush* (NYC - pic)

What kind of dogs are the more famous neocons?

Is there any proof that Rush isn't still taking drugs?

Saddam Captured By Kurds Prior To Bush Propaganda Victory?

Were we conditioned beforehand for 9/11 & the Iraq war?

Which is most likely in 2004?

No mention of Saddam capture?

pre-prandial gag alert: OReilly on Conan

Do right-wingers actually believe their lies?

California - 6.5 earthquake - Cali DUers, check in!

Question: Re Limbaugh's Medical Records

WhiteHouse Dictated TV Lineup after Rumsfeld Interview

Did our soldiers stop dying in Iraq?

Will Marriage Fight Shake American Gays Out Of Complacency?

What's the difference? - G. W. Bush

W* Xmas card

Growing U.S. Debt Threatens Economy, Report Says (CBS)

Did you hear me on Washington Journal this AM?

Ann Coulter

Seattle Media Whore Slimes Jim McDermott and Howard Dean

Bush/Blair fallout (hope this isn't a dupe)

Human slave merchant -- what a horrible person!

Peta Members

BBV:Teresa LaPore-created butterfly ballot, defends defective touchscreen

Al-Qaeda looking for non-Arabs: is this the death knell to the call for...

And they wonder why we rage!

We have to destroy George Bush's public image in order to defeat him.

FREEDOM: new public service announcement w/ Janeane Garofalo

This can't be happening...Remember the FL Voter Purge?

Rush says he was blackmailed

Gallup Poll - Bush job approval at 63%

Health and the Class War in America

Action Kit: Send these 5 stories to your congressional Reps.

Who would you have chosen for Times Person of the Year?

Who the hell are these Liberal elites?


Breaking: nostamj releases *surprise* CARTOONS thread!

BBV: three major newspapers have endorsed a paper trail.

Prediction: War, Terrorist Act or Martial Law before the 2004 Election

Does anyone know WHY we are @ ORANGE alert??

Bush's economic approval rating goes up (????)

How to get Universal Health Care: Part 1

Report in: Did "Kurds Caught Saddam" Make Your Morning Paper?

Secretary of State Lugar?

Elite Israeli Troops Refuse to Serve in the Territories

98th ASG projects on hold while fates of bases in Europe decided

AP: U.S. Squabble Holding Up Iraq Aid

Young stands by Clark in S.C.

Colombian rebels lead tourists to release point

(Polish president) Kwasniewski visits peacekeepers in Iraq

Democrats Forced to Work on Margins

Nicknames for Democratic . . . . . opponents not permitted (Dec 20 2003)

Australia Issues Warning Amid Security Review

Iraqi Council members to meet Putin (furious with Washington)

Inquiry Suggests Pakistanis Sold Nuclear Secrets (NYT)

When Workers Die: U.S. Rarely Seeks Charges for Deaths in Workplace

Jefferson Guilty, Napoleon Not, Scalia Decides in a Mock Trial

Colombian Rebels Free British, Israeli Hostages

Proposal to name Missouri street after Ashcroft withdrawn

Anti-Kirchner crowd protests in Argentina

US Republicans signal readiness to resume Iraq weapons probe

Radical Iraqi Shiite cleric calls for Arab League role in Iraq

Jaordanian, French Lawyers Want to Visit Saddam in Captivity,

Mel Martinez lands at Akerman Senterfitt, considering Senate run

bush* Meets Iraq Administrator bremer

US forces arrest three Iraqi weapons scientists

DVD-Jon wins new legal victory

CIA disclose cooperation with UK and Libya; Libya cancels Arab Maghreb mee

Saving Lives, Losing Millions at Hospital (bush* healthcare disaster)

Graham Seems to be Angling for VP Post

We got him: Kurds say they caught Saddam (new story)

Russia Deploys New Missiles

The Blonde who snared Saddam

Illinois Unlikely to Get OK on Canada Drug Imports

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday December 22 (#1)

West Virginia's Democratic Congressional Delegation Endorses Dean

Nation's Retailers Have Glum Weekend

Nuclear teams could start Libya inspections (as early as) next week

In Iraq, Snags on Transfer of Power

Two U.S. soldiers killed in Baghdad

Kurds Demand Kirkuk

AP Poll: Bush Gets Good Marks for Economy

Gutierrez, Schakowsky, lend backing to Dean

Iraq Revives Russia Oil Hope, Gets Debt Cut Pledge

Libya bidding on 2010 World Cup

Polish President Makes Surprise Visit to Troops in Iraq

Judge Halts Forced Military Anthrax Shots

Fingers point to Pakistan for sharing nuke secrets (CSMonitor)

Clark, Dean camps spar over vice president talk

Egypt minister (Maher) beaten in Jerusalem

Dean insists U.S. still no safer

Howard Dean Now Clear Democratic Leader in National Poll

Wal-Mart says holiday sales at low end

Spokeswoman: Limbaugh lawyer discussing plea bargain (CNN)

Iraqi university students riot

US army conducts raids near Syrian border, kills Iraqi woman

Judge: I Saw Police Commit Felonies (Fla. protests)

Dean Denies Offering Clark VP Spot

Bush and Blair (Brtis confirm Bush* going to Iraq for Christmas)

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq-463 U.S. service members have died

Gaddafi: ""I will do whatever the Americans want...

Russia Deploys Strategic Nuclear Missiles

California earthquake

CIBC Settles Enron Fraud Charges - SEC

Wolfowitz expected to leave Administration sometime in 2004

Janklow files motion for acquittal

Outpouring of Support for Postal (Suffolk Co, NY Dem Leader)

Is there a Mod around? Please PM me - edit: can lock

Eek! I met Janeane Garofalo & David Cross!

Needin' some good a job interview this A.M.

Go on with your business--- Just be paranoid.

White Christmas?

The Howard Dean Quote of the Week

I'am a placebo fan , what' s wrong with me?

Vote for the DU Holidays Wishlist finalists here

I am the Cowboy god

What do you want to whisper in my ear?


I was cleaning out my computer and look what I found: An Old Rant!!

Okeydoke. It's dumbass joke time. Whip them suckers out.

HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!!what a day of football....

I'm listening to THE ESSENTIAL CYNDI LAUPER. Ask me anything!

The Dolphins are done

I'm not "feeling the orange"

DVD Recommendation: Strangers with Candy

Mommy ... I'm scared!

Which one of these is your favorite.

With the powers given to me by Jah ...

Carville Or Begala?

Must watch clip of 2pac spoof featuring Barney

Swimming to the Other Side

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me

John Edwards would zoom in the polls if he got rid of the lip mole

Did this ever happen to anybody else (Vonnegut)?

Tom Ridge's favorite knock-knock joke

What if Chimpy looked more like his mama...

Aww.... Hope Lange is dead

How do you keep the holiday spirit in the face of tragedy?

pResident Smirk Will Make Santa Fly A Day Late!!!

'Twas the Internet Night Before Christmas

LOTR "Return of the king" sucked! I want my money back.. j/k

Good *sniff* Monday *cough* Morning DU!

How sick is this?

The wisdom of bug eyed earl

Well, I Finally Saw My Photo From XNASA

Stacy or Stacy's mom?

Local news and politics forums.

Brett Favre's father died last night

Any suggestions for a long distance service (cheap, easy)?

More fun from the Brazilian Coulter-wannabe ("Xian martyrdom" in the USA)

Just for a change of pace,,...... CAPTION.....der obergropenfurer

I did all my Christmas shopping online!

To hell what you think, I want FRUIT CAKE

Time Magazine's Person of the Year

most F***ed up sealab episode ever

PC be damned! Merry Christmas to all!

Happy Festivus Eve!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew Dice Clay on CNN - Video ... Pissed off

Actually Dean asked me to be Vice President

Favorite "Peanuts" character

Anyone thinking about a Holiday gift for DU fund drive?

"Elf" was amazingly AWESOME!

Man Chops Off Own Testicle In Dispute With Wife

Christmas Brought To Iraq By Force

12-22-03 Joke Thread !

'Barbie Lobster' spared from steam pot

Michelle Shocked fundraiser for Kucinich in Cleveland Sun Dec 28th

Finished shopping for the holidays yet?

Bush in 30.... ROTFLMAO!

Saints Fans - Wait till Next Year!

Wil Wheaton links to DU!!!

125-year-old fruitcake is 'family heirloom'

I'm addicted to spider solitaire

Favorite Christmas Special

The Ultimate Fruitcake Recipe

Return of The King was AWESOME!

Great Old Ones Are Coming to Town

Pinball Wizards check in

What Christmas cost in 1953

Favorite non-PC, non-Mac computer? (mostly for old farts)

Op Ed: I Have A Dream To Eat A Kentucky Derby Winning Horse

Favorite Elvis Film

To hell with what you think, I HATE egg nog....

Any environmental engineers present?

White Stripes singer charged with assault

Why do I keep going to GD: 2004 Primary?

Are all football fans as funny as are Bear's Fans?

Received a $50 gift certificate good at the mall - how should I spend it?

Yawn. Broncos demolish yet another highly-touted team, the Colts

12 Days of Christmas COSTs up 7.4% ($13K Traditional-$20K Internet)

Kerry used to be really good, but kind of sucks now

Kucinich is a little too foreign-sounding for me.

Report: Farve to play one day after death of father

Who's your favorite current WWE babyface wrestler?

Dean mostly appeals to crowds of rowdy "head bangers"

My new webpage, now active

Kerry's a dog!

Dean's an ol' drunk!

Braun's marriage should be an issue!

I considered Braun

Lieberman is the Gangsta Rabbi

Ooooh ooooh CAPTION

Which Would You Prefer to Watch on TV: Art or Junk?

Don't count Edwards out!

Switched jokes are really lame

Dennis is only good at getting his @$$ kicked...

Full Metal Jacket Soundboards 1 + 2 (mon morn fun!)

Usama Captured!

Dean would use State to beat down the little guy.

Earthquake in Monterey, CA

Damn, that was a stong earthquake

Official earthquake damage to your office thread.

Some jokes are really lamé

Will Nader's team do it next year?

why has the Lounge turned into GD Primary II

Clark is a no-talent phony

When will Clark tell the TRUTH to the world?

Graham is always available to help

Best house smell?

Okay computer geniuses

Happy Birthday, Lady Bird - 91 today!

Favorite republican pop Christmas songs

I really dislike that Dean

"Freedom Tower"-am I the only one who thinks it looks like a Mormon Temple

At least GWB will have a home


Question for all you LOTR lovers out there.

How will BushCo co-opt today's earthquake?

It's no use. Dean is DEAD.

The Saints (the band not the football team)...

The widdy widdy woo of all captions

Operation Desert Santa

It's General Trivia Time!!!!!!!!!!!

What the ornaments symbolize.. Got any others??

Speaking of holiday songs being stuck in your head...

Mona Lisa Smile - Dead Poets' Society Sans D@*ks

Poor Paso Robles.. That was a beautiful little place

Just In! nostamj releases CARTOONS!

I just felt an Earthquake!!!

My only problem with Clark

I love howard Dean as much as the next guy...

For the football fans who appreciate religious humor...


Maybe I should go mad right the hell now.

Who would you vote for: Caesar or Cicero?

Wow - a Birthday Primary for me

I love howard Dean as much as the next guy...

What is "tough"?

Lonely at sea??--Fishermen Dress Lobster As Barbie

For those ladies that helped me last week (Update)

A thought for the day, by Albert Einstein

Season's Greetings - cartoon

Endless Christmas Carols Irk Czech Clerks

Local Classical Music Station FM (Xmas Music)

Mexican food tonight (recipes, anyone?)

Damn, Damn, Damn, and Shit. Bad news for Suffolk NY Dems...

What's your favorite smell?

Blue Monday, how I hate blue Monday.

Does the type of music one listens to make a difference?

That new Justin Timberlake McDonalds jingle

Bush Demands Higher Approval Ratings

If I were to only submit one entry to the DU Graphics Competition, which

Have you taken the Bushisms Quiz?

How do I make my house burp?

"Robb the Vote" update

Does everybody like my sig line?

Favourite Cary Grant Body Part

Well isn't this something...

"Lord of the Right Wing"....

There has to have been at least one smart Bush.

My DU sweatshirt arrived today! Merry Christmas to me!!

Old wrinkled underpants in action.

Yet another Hans Zimmer triumph: score to 'The Last Samurai'

Which Neil Gaiman should I read next?

Any one else feeling a sense of foreboding?


anyone see Rick MErcer's Christmas in Kabul last night?

Favorite commercial of all time?

Just got my MP Holy Grail Collectors Edition

Happy Festivus

Anyone here never get a speeding ticket?

It's official: Abbie is the new 11lb addition to my household

Once Pristine Litterbox Viciously Vandalized

Heads up: My favorite West Wing

What does your car say about you?

When can you burn a bridge???

IMPORTANT Update for GFX Competition

Hello, my name is Trumad and I am a reformed DU'er...

Clark is a little too nutty for me

The Reverend Horton Heat- Feeling Cold? This CD'll Warm You Up!

What is your favourite movie musical?

Commercials that make you want to kill your TV...

Where the HE double hockey sticks

Shameless Pet Boasting...

Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad (Holiday Edition) December 22, 2003

I have to extract 4 impacted molars this morning - wish me (&the pt) luck

Favorite Cary Grant film

What DVD Feature Do You Like Best?

Favorite 70s/80s FUNK TUNE

What holiday song is stuck in your head?

Declawing cats - yes or no?

Colored Christmas Lights: Tacky?

Any chance Howard Dean will buy Rush off

What Was The First Airline You Flew On? How Old Were You?

I'm thinking of putting together a DU guide to the Canadian Election

Are DVDs really worth it?

Please help! Need book recommendations...

The Republicans are telling us who we want and need.

Okay here i go again....Dean supporters i need your help!

did Dean say anything about the new orange alert?

Puerto Rican Leaders Endorse Dean for President

The Howard Dean Quote of the Week

Young And Rangel To Serve

An inquiring Deanie mind wants to know: What makes Clark better than Dean

Denver Post Column casts Dems in LOTR

I think that Bill Clinton is trying to tell voters something!

Presidential race rekindles Democratic infighting

Great fact sheet about Dean and what he's done for women and social rights

John Durkin, ex-US Senator from NH, endorses Dean

Why not Edwards?

Latest Orange Alert Justifies Dean Comment On Saddam's Capture

New Dean Endorsements: Gutierrez and Schakowsky

Clark: W afraid of Osama

My take on latest Newsweek Poll: Dean leads still, Clark in firm second

Dean is toast.

An Open Letter to Dean Supporters

DUers, stop being afraid!!!!!!

Why did Dean leave medicine?

Should we propose a Christmas truce to bashing other candidates?

Dean / Clark / VP humor

Kerry to Campaign Around the Clock in Iowa, December 22-23

Dream Team -- If only the candidates would set their egos aside

WANTED: "Democratic Candidates For Dummies" Book

African Americans for Kerry!

How does the DLC view the Democratic Base?

I Won't Be Able To Vote Until "Super-Tuesday" Mar. 7th...

Al Sharpton - King Maker

Tom Harkin to endorse Dean????

Clark TechCorps- Political Action through Open Source Technology

A question about Clark and the software industry

Do you trust and respect the media agenda in this primary season?

Clark on Electronic Voting Machines.

Both Sharpton websites down

An inquiring Deanie mind wants to know: What makes Kerry better than Dean?

Dean Criticizes Privatizing Services, but His History Is Mixed

Illinois Progressive leaders lining up behind Dean...

Have you changed candidates?

Wesley Clark coming up on Talk of The Nation- Link

Carville praises Kerry on Meet The Press 12/21/03

Michael Moore's message to democratic candidates

Dean's Controversial Quotes

Tom Harkin to endorse Dean?

Dean is on CSPAN2

"Giving to Dean is better than receiving from the GOP." Tally Democrat.

why ask democrats if they can't pick a winner?

Anybody have Recent Fundraising Numbers for Clark?

Kerry and Clark manage only single digits in national poll

Critics Take Issue With Dean Complaints/Flyer flap part 2

Dean plans to fortify foreign policy with VP pick

Dean wants running mate who knows foreign policy

I am switching from Kucinich to Clark

West Virginia's Democratic U.S. House delegation endorses Dean

Clark's Response to Tom DeLay's attack ...

The Honorable, Accomplished Wesley Clark

Tom Harkin to endorse Dean?

Republican strategery for Bush in 2004

I'll unscrupulously slam your candidate until he gets the nomination...

Straight up: If you're the 'Anti-Dean' candidate you might get my vote...

The Iraq War Profiteers?

The accusation of being an "Anti-Dean" Democrat is offensive. . .

Any Senatorial endorsements?

CWA Local 1400 Endorses Howard Dean for President

Dean Condemns Bush Stance on Jobless

24 Reasons John Kerry is Better for America than GWB

Dean Leads in Harris poll

We Are Alive And Well!

Nader wants your opinion on if he should run.

to PA DUers...the failure of the preoperty tax relief and passage of

Dean on CNN: I'd seriously consider to have Clark as VP:

Deleted message

Clark: W afraid of Osama

Do we have an exact date of when the nominee will be announced? n/t

If there were a Dean vs. Bush Presidential debate tonight

Critics Take Issue With Dean Complaints

If Dean wins IA/NH, what scenario leads to the nom for someone else?

Rahall and Mollohan (WVa) endorse Dean.

Dean leading in SC!

Worried that the Democrats will behave like lemmings

"Dr. Dean Needs to Become Dr. Clean"

Lemmings, Cargo cultists, and Angry Dems for Dean/Clark

Revitalized Clark Campaign Advancing - Dems' Best "Anti-Dean" Alternative

General Clark's Latino Outreach Plans for New Year

Google search 'unelectable' - then press "I'm feeling lucky"

CWA Local 1400 Endorses Howard Dean for President

Why can't other candidates beat Dean...

What I think we all should do regarding Greens/Progressives

Why Kucinich over Edwards?

For the Edwards supporters-

Your favorite moment of this primary season thus far?

Who's Running The Cleanest Campaign?

Who's Running The Most Negative Campaign?

Gephardt 'Enron' Attack Misses the Mark

Clark on CNN: Dean offered VP slot as much as it could be offered.

Kerry takes it to Bush

I will vote for General Clark

Who will be Dean's VP?

Can I get some links describing Dean's economic record in Vermont?

Clark.....Gaining Momentum

Would Rangel be a good VP pick?

Have all the candidates attacked each other in this campaign?

Who was the last VP pick that really mattered?

When Dean goes negative vs. when his opponents go negative

Isn't Bob Kerrey's image, like, way beyond repairing

Has Dean attacked his opponents in this campaign?

Clark/ Dean "scandal"

Dean Says He Did Not Offer VP Slot to Clark

Is the Dean campaign led by a member of AIPAC?

Can I get some links describing Kerry's economic record in Massachusetts?

Clark supporter confronted by Bush supporter

Al Sharpton is tied for Second in SC, he's even beating Edwards!

Does Clark's poverty -- Dean's Park Ave background influence your vote?

For the non-ABB crowd, who will you vote for?

Who would Frank Zappa be supporting for the Democratic candidate?

From the Kerry Campaign Regarding the Osama Ad

Deleted message

"To bash Dean or not"

Predictions: If We Do Nominate A Centrist And\Or Military Person...

Straight up: Will you vote for Dean if he's nominated?

Best Possible Running Mates

Has Any Dem candidate won both NH and Iowa and not won the nomination?

DUers stop being afraid excessive punctuation free version

Is there a CONSPIRACY to Destroy Democratic Chances?

Clark supporters....I found the Clark/Kucinich comparison!

The Dean Deception (part 2)