Democratic Underground

Archives: December 5, 2003

fox news occupation critic

Michael Jackson rescues Bush over Iraq

Ecuador: The disappearance of sovereignty

"Manufacturing at Highest Level in Two Decades" - Not.

FIVE NYT letters today in reply to Krugman's editorial the other day

Lunch with Dean in Philadelphia

Petition to oppose FBI targeting of Antiwar Movement

BBV: you (BEV HARRIS) say (BEV HARRIS) you wonder what you can do? (BEV

Tweety shills for Rush.

Noam Chomsky: You Ask The Questions - interview

Big Piney (Wyoming) revokes gay dance ban

I'm having a financial plan done by Primerica.

America's war on nature (Robert F Kennedy Jr interview)

Gun Nuts Land TWO on "Most Annnoying Conservative List"

Individual or collective right thread

Shouldn't there be a Bob Dylan avatar image?

Why do the sig lines keep coming and going?

any mods around?

I think Moderator is too boring

Do You Guys Ever Wanna Switch Places With Us Regular DUers?

Gep just lost my respect...

November was a great month for Carol Moseley Braun

Dean picks up endorsement of former Sen Paul Simon (IL)

How is it we shut down an Iraqi News paper for showing what we show

Nothing like whipping up some Christams fear

Okay, is everyone done lecturing all of us for today?

HELP: Source for "Clark Would Cut Military Budget Up To 25%" Quote?

President Jimmy Carter - Sir David Frost at 8:00 PM Eastern

Dean is bringing out "the bat" to fight against the Club for Growth

My/Your Dean-activism for today

Cannibalism is not a crime in Germany

A fair fight- ballot access laws

Free Republic is artificial intelligences interacting with each other.

Move On says its tv ads making a difference in West Virginia

Tariz Ali vs. Christopher Hitchens on Democracy Now

So Hannity is now saying that we're in a "Jobful" Recovery"?

Dear Skinner, I want to have your baby

You can't mix steel and oranges...FL would be hurt.

[BBV] Help needed in Nevada!!!!

'The Reagans' is on Showtime right now 8 pm est

Rush and Neddle Abuse: The Hard, Sad Facts...

Warrants: Limbaugh Was 'Doctor Shopping'

The Donkey is Still Kicking

CBS Evening News did story on First Amendment Zones tonight

Sean Hannity just said he's someone from "the middle"

All I Know,...Is What I See,...

The Master Pubs have Bluffed the Sheep into a Suckeresque

Clark Calls Bush's Challenge to Enemy "Fatuous"

Medical question about poison ivy (oak ?)

BBV: you (BEV HARRIS) say (BEV HARRIS) you wonder what you can do? (BEV

Ohio Delays Statewide Electronic Voting

Lieberman Asks for Funds for Recount Votes

Is it possible for a Party to take on too many social issues?

Malloy interviewing the woman...

Facelift or botox

Watch out: TWO corrupt teachers unions coming your way!

Reading the Business section of the local paper:

A special message from Mike Malloy

Amazing! Nader (looks like he was) cloned from Abe Lincoln!

The 2000 election was a criminal fraud

HELP, I can't find the link to the white house page on WMD

Why some gun owners are unhappy with Bush (CS Monitor article)

C-Span 2 -Transforming the Military

Has anybody else heard the Saudi radio commercial?

Verification -- Did Clark really state Limbaugh was "full of sh*t"?

Bush the Environmentalist sign Bill to Eliminate Forest Fires

Woo hoo!!! We're going to the moon ... in a hydrogen powered car.

Witness that Bush was in Iraq.

When I watch Hannity & colmes I get nutz

Of sealed records and clowning clowns

Black Penn State students object to Web photos (college GOP)

Clark on the move!!

What does Reagan look like now?

What is an "ethics waiver"?

I had a chance to talk to a local TV journalist today

Links for 'Healthy Forests' counter arguments

The Republican Party in the former Soviet Georgia?

Do you have a problem with draft dodging?

How will you celebrate if Limbaugh is tried, convicted and jailed?

On the topic of fake turkeys

Whats with the attack ads on PETA

The Bat is Up!!! Help Defeat the Republican Ads!

Draft Board Member says Bush is "in deep trouble" with Iraq troop levels

Which of the last 9 presidents has done the most harm to the country?

miserable failure

Kucinich to walk the picket line with Border's strikers in Ann Arbor

Do You Think Madeleine Albright Might Endorse Dean?

FBI memo instructs police to suppress and intimidate peaceful protests

Hate Mail Sent to Black NFL Players Probed

What a shame: DNC wary of Gay Marriage Issue: A-men to Richardson

Do you think Dean can win Texas in the primaries?

When will Rush be charged or arrested?

Dean on PBS: BBV is a big concern!

Florida Dems to test Populex voting machines at convention.

Dean 30% NH lead despite Kerry, Edwards TV spending advantage

Which non-candidate would you have supported?

Jews against Dean? (email from my wife's friend)

Wesley Clark on Religion.

So apparently Bush isn't going to shoot for the Moon...

Report on the Franken/Kerry lunch thing in New York today

Ellen Mariani (RICO Suit against W*) on Malloy this hour (10 pm EST)

LaRouche on LaRouche: Someone asked about Lyndon LaRouche

Black woman who accused Bush of rape is DEAD--Shot in the head!

"Project Ratf*ck" - Must-Read Article on Redistricting by J. Toobin

The BushCo Conflict of Interest Encyclopedia: A Beginners Guide

Administration rethinks prosecution strategy for terrorism suspects

Lawyer Quits Terror Cases After Death Threats

Australia Joins US Missile Defence Plan/SMH--New World Media Watch

Clark Criticizes Bush's Enemy Challenge

Dems Say GOP Exploiting 9 - 11 Attacks

Kissinger role in Argentine "dirty war" revealed

Justice Dept. to look into Medicare bill bribery

Court Won't Seek Union, Dem Case Review

Israeli claims on Iraqi weapons false: report

Dean blasts Bush in Texas campaign stop

Plane down near Atlanta

Daschle Testifies at Rep. Janklow's Trial

White House Offers New Story About Pilot (v.3.0)

Patty Davis says her dad (Reagan) is rarely awake

ACLU: FBI instructs police to suppress peaceful protests

Cuba invites U.S. companies to explore for oil

Bush is gonna get the economy going but in a way we wont expect(onion)

Wow, at last an explaination of this phenomona

I may just have cereal for dinner tonight!

Anyone seen "The Last Samurai" yet?

Reminder: Daily Show replay now

VH1 has a special on AIDS right now

Zomby Woof

"Honey" not looking good

Hey All

why do men and women look for different things in relantionships

What Did Will Pitt & Co. Eat At Their LUNCH...TODAY?

I found this while trying to find a realy good lion pic!

My first thread

Would You Trade Places With Skinner, Elad & EarlG ?


I guess I'm the family spinster or something.

Who was the cutie just on Olbermann?

Bush really in Iraq thanksgiving the morning?

Has Anyone Ordered Prescriptions Online From Canada?


Al Sharpton guest hosting SNL this weekend.. Just saw the promo.


Crazy drive to ALTA but made it

Here we go: Post #900!

introducing....brent of son...

What are some of the best free blogging sites..

Why is the Statue of Liberty closed?

Give Dubya's Thanksgiving day rubber turkey its own unique name

Why is there such violence in the world?

Friendship of CS Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien: Alternative to fundamentlism?

Alright Ladies, Cut It Out!


I've had an I-mac for 9 months

With this post, I leave the 700 club!

I love Scarface, ask me anything

World running out of Neurons, Dumb and Dumber by the Nanosecond

Add To Bushes Hitlist (lol) gotta read this)

today's new Hannity advertisers 12/4

homework Q: how does this sound?

Help me get my truck up...

Bush jokes

Fish Stick

today's new Savage Weiner advertisers 12/4

I want a Debate lol...

I've got a Bush joke!!

Answer me this, before I die

SNOW is on it's way to St Louis!!!!!!!!!

A Redneck's Night Before Xmas

I Pay My Monthly Bills....

Have you ever fallen in love with someone who is gay?

PC/Internet Explorer question

THE BAT IS UP (about Dean)

ZombyPoll #72: How will you deal with DU withdrawals tomorrow?

Which West Wing star do you wish would run for office?

"Miserable Failure"

Name 3 Reasons Why Bush was put in office in 2000

I'm officially a member of the 700 Club

One of Laura Bush's favorite books is Harry Potter...

Wishing death upon political opponents is basically unspeakable.

To Rowdyboy! Get Zanfel.

Medical question about poison ivy (oak ?)

I need help from the techno-gods

I'd like to apologise to all the nice Clark supporters that I may have...

Ok, let's own up: Celebrity crushes


Malloy interview tonight (Thursday)

My sister is in critical condition after surgery

Check it Out

Facelift or botox

R.S.V.P. - Find out what it means to me..

I'll Bet Jimi Hendrix Rolled Over In His Grave....

I just got FIRED today-after only 10 WEEKS at the job

I am SO pissed off now! I had a bill sent to collections!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Techies! I seek you!

What are you going to do next November when they announce Chimp has lost?

John Nichols: Why Partisanship Over Progressivism?

UK Private Eye on Dubya's state visit

Bob Herbert: Returned to Life

NY Observer : Wesley Clark: Is He The Man to Beat Bush?

Bribery Over the Medicare Bill? (letter to Washington Post)

Right Wing Conservative Abandons * Co - Uses Treason Word

SF Chronicle: The Gonzalez Insurrection


"A little present for the unborn" (Auth cartoon)

Ex-Senator Will Soon Leave 9/11 Panel:NYTimes

Terror 101: Are the Saudis

Lopez - A Letter to Lawmakers (re:Arnold)

Looting the Future (Krugman)

Diebold: Charge Md. Out the "Ying Yang"

Global Eye -- Blood Kin

Politics of hatred nothing new : Andrew Greeley

The Wal-Mart You Don't Know

Bush Conservatism as seen by Benson at the Arizona Republic

Great LTTE in today's AZ Republic

A COLD DRAFT -- Ted Rall

Wicked men (Jody's latest)

Rep. Sherrod Brown: Wrong prescription on U.S. drug costs

Hey Californians

Wag the Turkey - Turkeygate

The Kerry Conundrum (Altercation)

Georgie Anne Geyer: War fallout reaching beyond Iraq'a borders

GOP tries to boost Dean by burying him

Fiddling while the dollar drops

Forget Apple, Disney, Inc. Wants Steve Jobs

13 years old!!

Kucinich calls for regulating MJ like alcohol

Is Hitchen's on the take?

Bush Backtracking on Cleaner Air

Stars and Stripes: Some troops not happy with historic visit

Republicans: The Dumbest Common Denominator

Doonesbury Unbelievable Today!!! Chimp shot down GOOD!

Why I Gave ----- George Soros

Alterman: The Kerry Conundrum

Wesley Clark - is he the man to beat bush?

Warren Ellis on art and the current political climate

Rush Limbaugh Search Warrant

JAN 2nd Free Speech Freeways: Bypassing the Mainstream Media

Attn: Central Wisconsin DUers

I need help from House Party leaders!

Bush To Take Dump on Stump - Cable News Has Live Coverage 24/7!

Frickin' LA Times !

GOP tries to boost Dean by burying him.

Did you see babes against bush on hannity

Why Bush Is Stopping at Home Depot

Woman arrested for driving while breastfeeding...

Anyone know any cool "Free" singles sites?

Honolulu Advertiser: Board seats still elude minority women

Snortland - Give ’cause it hurts

Phelps, Senator Square Off

Louisiana Parents Come To Aid Of Gay Family

Reproductive Rights ALERT

Religion, separation of Church and State... ready... set... go!

Can anyone recommend a socially responsible fund?

U.S. deficit seems to carry little weight with voters

Job growth on a hot streak (Canada)

Thriftville and Squanderville

The dollar crisis and potential nightmare scenario...

For Junker's Debunkers

Job growth on a hot streak (Canada)

EU Ignores Scientists, Calls For "Tighter Restrictions" On Cod Fishing

First December Tropical Storm Ever Recorded Heading For Jamaica

"It Was A Dead-Duck Agreement Long Ago" - Editorials On Kyoto

Study Warns Against Carbon Storage Through Extra Forest Planting

Bottom of the barrel - The world is running out of oil.

Everyone needs to get "shot".

GUNS IN THE NEWS--December 5, 2003

Aim or Spray?

Thank you from Jody and his family. Joyce and I before her illness

Guns, Bans, and other issues

Brady Group Pays $26K Fine

Did a bunch of posts in GD just disappear?

re:time change

Posts not kicking to the top

posts being inserted out of order in GD?

A thank you to the Admin

DU Meetup

Question on GD Profanity rule....

Question re: GD profanity rule

time change?

Why lock the Daily Democrat threads?

Judaic avitars???

Skinner: I propose a rule change for the Israel/Palestine Forum

Do you notice any bumps in traffic after Rush Limbaugh singles DU out?

Any reason this thread is allowed to remain?

i hate to ask this but why was this thread moved?

When is the next "Hate Mailbag" coming?

Elad, EarlG & Skinner

What's up with all the x's in boxes next to thread titles?

Woah! Where did those little X boxes next to the threads come from?


Oh YEEEHAWWW!!!!! Thank you!

No more "save as .mht" copies of threads now?

Elad, you ROCK!

I told you months ago that it was all about the water.

I told you months ago that it was all about the water.

Israel Approves Construction Of More Homes At Settlements

Israel's plans to increase population are threatened as thousands flee vio

Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories - Nov/Dec 2003

Optimistic Qureia heads to Cairo for truce talks

The Mistaken Arab Experience

The Lies of Geneva by Shlomo Avineri

Israel's Sharon Under Pressure at Home Amid U.S. Rift

"Intolerance Toward Islam" Under Scrutiny

Universities return to aptitude exams to keep Arabs out

Controversial fence proves its worth

Geneva Plan Has No 'Safety Net' for Israel, Military Expert Says

Israel lifts three West Bank roadblocks

Who caused Palestinian Diapora?: Israel needs to apologize, let them back

by lifting the steel tariff.....

Some inside baseball stuff from Moonie Times - take it for what it's worth

Dean, Clark catch Lieberman in Florida

Clark Says U.S. Allies Don't Trust Bush

Money raises Dean profile at gathering of Democrats

Dean Organizers Take Lesson From Labor

"They're not trying to stop me....

Job One For Kerry: Rebound In NH: Dean Far Ahead in Former Stronghold

Read for free

Clark says he would avoid pre-emptive strikes

Lifting of Steel tariffs is gonna really help the Democrats

Bruce Babbitt set to endorse Dean

Dean's 1,000th Neighborhood Meeting...

Cheney's grab-and-go rubs some the wrong way

Yahoo headline - Dean Grabs a Commanding Lead in N.H.

Zogby: Dean takes slight edge in South Carolina

DRAFT now inevitable, Rummy sends Honor Guard! No Army Divisions left!

Proud of the democratic candidates

Dean leads in SC and FL; Clark in second

Is there a veiled death threat against Dean in Sierra Times article?

Flood the Zone Friday is Back!!!!

Alexa dot Con -- another "respected" info source ignores Kucinich

How could this happen?

Reminder to register or change party affiliation in time for primaries

Hmmm...a fawning private press party for Kerry....

Other Democrats tap Dean backers

Yet another redistricting lawsuit...

New Ads Target Dean(Lieberman & anti gun "Americans for Progressive vals"

Kerry Supporters Might Want To Be Writing Slate's Mickey Kaus

WP 's Al Kamen "Dean's X-Files"- reversal on Indian gaming

Wes Clark's Statement on DC Voting RIghts and Home Rule

Eric Alterman on Kerry

So far, Dean's the darling of N.Y. Dems

Dean Edges Past Edwards for Slight Lead in SC

Kucinich Speaks Out on Steel Tarrifs a Dean primary and caucus sweep possible?

Who is Leonard Boswell?

Check your "political compass" against the candidates.....

Did somebody say sealed records?

Kucinich breaks Diebold's back - the Buzzflash/Bev Harris Interview

Good article for Koochies

Bush photo: are these kids props?

I told you months ago that it was all about the water.

Why isnt this self-examination happening in the US?

WP: Lieberman Takes Pitch to N.H. – strikes out

Run to Salon and read this story about Vets turning on Bush

Our Democrats- I like them all


Lieberman's Crusade: Not Bush! Jelly Dougnuts are EVIL!

Attention Clarkies -- The Clark Blog needs us to help build a FAQ section

Terror warning from 9/7/01 still posted in the Internet!!!

The Reagans - what was all the poo-ha about?

Imagine if we return to the moon, and video recorders planted on the

Does this sound like racism?

Club for Growth...RINO watch....wonder what they do to them?

Krauthammer calls Dean "delusional" for mentioning LIHOP theory on Rehm

Something to brighten your day

Drudge: New Eminem Song Wishes President Dead

Why are we censoring Eminem on this Board!

Rush, Hannity, O'reilley, Coulter, Horowitz, Savage, Medved,

Drudge: New Eminem Song Wishes President Dead

(Let's try this one more time) Eminem has a new song wishing Bush dead

Security clearance data sold to spammers?

Eminem about to get caught in right wing firestorm!

You'll love this: go to Google, type in "Miserable failure" and hit

CAFTA Could Cause 1000s of Farmers to Lose Jobs

Will Pitt's Truthout Program for Thursday - Talks about Dean and Gillepsie

O'Reilly's Proof of Nasty Agenda-Driven Hollywood Liberals

Dean campaign contributed $50,000 to Florida state party

It's Not Albright---it's Bruce Babbitt that's going to endorse Dean

How * dropping the Steel Tarrrifs Is Playing In Steel Country: Cleveland

Crunch-time for Al-Jazeera

Pittsburgh = "Knowledge City"

BBV: The Year Democracy Ended

"Bush on Crack"

Holiday Terror - Paula Zahn (CNN)

CSpan schedule for this morning - expect seniors to blast Newt

Lecher Newt Gingrich is on CSpan :barf:

The Steel Tarriffs.

I Just Saw "The Reagans" on Showtime: It Was Great!

Does The Democratic Party want to be known as the Anti-War Party?

Lawyers out there , Patriot Act questions

Dean sending "chief foreign policy adviser" to Israel to hold talks

Questions for Chrissy Gephardt?

Green candidate to run in IL's 115th House District.

The whores are at it again--hiding joblessness

Drudge: New Eminem Song Wishes President Dead

anyone seen the National Review Dean cover? as per cspan

Return of the man who, Democrats say, put Bush in office

BBV - Avi Ruben on Democracy Now

Listen to Hitchens get creamed on Democracy Now by Tariq Ali

iron hammer is now iron justice?

One Possible Future--after the Election

Any of you guys think Republican officials have sociopathic traits?

College Republicans and the Klan

The "Plastic" Turkey

Watch Bill Moyers tonight - defense spending revisited - Kucinich

Rush "Doctor shopping" !

CSPAN Friday AM — Newt Gringrich

BBV: We DUers started the fire right after the Repubs robbed Georgia...

Congratulations Mr Limbaugh

Boiled Alive - US Allies share America's committment to human rights

Bechtel Fails Reconstruction of Iraq's Schools

Hey, I got a letter from Bush!

Roy Black's Tactic to Defend Rush Limbaugh

Wesley Clark: Is He The Man to Beat Bush? a great article

CSPAN 2 (et) has a panel of Journalists discussing the war on Iraq...and

Bush Baghdad Visit Question

Deliver Us from Evil :

LTTE in my newspaper: It's fair to question the patriotism of liberal

Study confirms BFEE/Selected's Problems

Anyone hear Sen. Lieberman say John McCain would be his Sec. Defense?

Illinois Lt. Gov endorses Dean; Jesse Jackson Jr endorsement coming Sunday

Repulicans want to put Ronald Reagan's face on the dime and remove FDR

Media using Cincy beating tape to titillate viewers...

After the US invaded Iraq and did not find WMD's should we have left?

Critique of bush's t-giving stunt. Very humorous.

This Rerun of Newt

The problem with the United Nations - Part 1

Clark wants to go to Iraq should he go and would the Defense department

ANALYSIS:Governor is keeping lawmakers guessing

Bruce Babbitt set to endorse Dean

I'm Curious, how are we going to go to the moon with no launch capability'

Quesiton about the Dru Sjodin case. The charged him with kidnapping?

How's about we pick on Bush for a change...

Deleted message

NC (& all) DUers: please discuss ultra-right "Christian" Rep. Walter Jones

Randi Rhodes targetted for attacks RE: Rush

Will Pitt's truthout program: talks about Dean and Gillepsie

Some Facts About Alzheimer's

Repugs are trying to take over International Studies Programs

Bush arrogance displayed in yardsigns: "SUPPORT BUSH...(and the troops)"

Spitzer Buzz

Thanksgiving "mission" (poll located at magazine website)

MSNBC: Kerry looks to rebound in New Hampshire

California to have legislature meet only once every 2 years to save money

Watch Bill Moyers tonight - defense spending revisited - Kucinich

Cut and Paste letter to support Ahnold

What if?

Any polls with Dean doing best in match up against Bush?

Dems Whitewashing Medicare Bribery Charge

Hillary on Sunday talk shows

(Dupe, sorry pls remove.)

Some troops not happy with "historic" visit

Super market sales slump

Teacher sues over limits on history curriculum

How Much Do You Rely on Official Polls?

Here's how to deal with us liberals on the History of Christianity

Heathens growing in number - joking, but there are now more agnostics

Did reporters see Bush on AF1 Thanksgiving

GOP tries to boost Dean by burying him

President Bush Bans Press Coverage Of Wesley Clark'sTestimony

Still no clear leader in SC

Can A Liberal Survive In North Carolina?

Rush Limbaugh - "Talent On Loan From OxyContin"

Someone ask this question to Clark

As a Clark "attacker" I must express my outrage at Lieberman

Ellen Mariani's RICO Act lawsuit against Bush et. al,

OUCH, OUCH ,OUCH,-Poll Dems 48%-Bush 42%

Mossad intelligence failures contributed to Iraq war fever....

Babes Against Bush

Some thoughts/questions on Rush Limbaugh

John Pilger to BBC, "Pot meet Kettle."

Job creation

I guess now if any Democratic AG or DA goes after any Republican

need a link on Bush's campaign outsourcing phone banks to India

Is Dean a threat to Clark in SC?

Return to Moon May Be on Agenda

Army has denied rape victim counseling, says mom

Is there a place in a Democratic Administration for Al Gore?

Dean slams tariff dropping

Lieberman at next debate: "Dean has been forming wild conspiracies"

Tweety last night....

Scott Ritter on WAMC right now!

Eminem played in bomb-shelter turned nightclub in Afghan.

Job Rates Lower Than Expected In November???

Please kiil this thread

The one big reason conservatives don't get it

THANK YOU!!! Whoever sponsored me. XOXO

1,000 pro American Iraqis march in Baghdad???

A Freeper just called Rush and said he gets his "conservative hit"

A Green game plan for Presidential race

Reagan to replace FDR on the dime?!?

C-SPAN-2 WATCH: Reporting War and International Politics-REALLY GOOD

my cats' politics

Susan Estrich eats humble pie. . .apologizes to Laurie David

Check out these Creation Science fair projects

Clark on C-SPAN Last Night - Didn't Anyone Watch?

FU Wallmart......

How many delegates are California, Texas, and Florida worth?

Is Clark a threat to Dean in New Hampshire?

Hate Mail!

How many people are waiting 'til the General Election to Contribute?

Since the economy is in an apparent upswing....

BBV-Need answer to tech question, please

To Heck with you!!!! Wallmart (better?)

Baker heads to Iraq

Clark, "put the pre-emptive strike doctrine through the shredder."

The cozy relationship between Bush and Home Depot

Replace FDR's portrait on the dime with Reagan? Revealing.

Hillary & Newt on Meet the Press

Can Dean win all the primaries on Feb 3rd?


Sleevegate – another Pulitzer contender from the Washington Post

So is the Carlyle Group now in charge of Iraqs' debt?

Another snip from my Blumenthal interview

If you're interested: Lieberman on Hannity radio today

Charles Krauthammer is SO busted for fabricating a quote!

Finneran: Massachusetts has three choices regarding marriage

More...Former President Reagan rarely awake - report

I love this anti-Bush/Baker rant on the Yahoo Board!

Opinions: What is on Dean's hand in this picture?

Karl Rove speaks...

lieberman is on hannity

How Far Are They Willing To Go.....

Arnie Arnesen radio show Live on C-Span now

Deleted message

FIGHT TERRORISM : New Texas Specialty License Plate

Now we know why Bush wants to go to the moon

We Broke the Bat Nine Hours Ahead of our Midnight Deadline!

Curious about CNN's political director, Tom Hannon....

Dean and Clark poll best against Bush in FL, Dean leads primary

Dean has a Slight Lead in SC and FL

Stu Rothenburg reenforces Clarks general election advantage

If The Chimp Gets 4 More Years, Imagine What The World Will Think!!!

Sharpton Surging in SC!

NY Times and Boston Globe call on Dean to unseal gubernatorial documents

Has anyone read Howard Dean's book yet.

Fox News is on a Full Out Assault on the Democratic Party

Soldiers: New Swing Voters (Another reason they're scared of Clark)

Dean Attacks Bush for Unemployment Figures in the Economy

Joe Trippi on Dean Ads in SC, New Mexico, and Arizona

NPR -ATC reported on Dean's records not bush's or reagan's

Governor Granholm facing stiff opposition

What will become of the Mariani 9-11 Lawsuit?

Actual AP headline: "Bremer Predicts More Attacks in Iraq"

When * farts, the world smells it

When Genocide Creeps in on Little Cat Feet

A TIME magazine reporter was at my Dean meetup in Miami Wed.

Will the mainstream media ever report that Bush went AWOL for a year?

Dean and Crossover Vote In Your State

Bill Kristol predicts Dean will win nom; warns Repubs not to be cocky

Bush Admin Uses IRS Against Political Foes

Dean's On His Way to Winning the Southwest

Here's the OTHER Thksgvg Flight stories the WH floated

Congressman Mike Ferguson (R) goes pimpin'

For Deanies That Criticize Roaches Missing Votes (Yet Another Hypocrisy)

Inside Politics is in Florida

An observation about Dean.

I talk to a Reagan speechwriter about AIDS policy

Flood the Zone Friday...let's get Bush!

Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Joe Lieberman

Go to and type "miserable failure" look at 1st result

Where is the post on the 9-11 widow charging Bush violated RICO statutes??

Bush Admin Uses IRS Against Political Foes

How much did 9-11 & Bush's reaction to it have to do with your being here?

We must mobalize to keep FDR on the Dime!

Oxyrush claims Robin Hood was conservative

Got an email from AARP

Kerry and Bush* agree - James Baker is the right man for the US

Which country will Rush flee to avoid Prison?

"Karl Rove: The King of Dirt," A new article at

Bush's moon visit a good idea?

USA Today: Did GOP Leaders Offer $100,000 Bribe?

Are We Becoming Desenitized to * Scandals?

New Red State/Blue State Map

A very simple arguement for Clark for President (with Dean as VP)

Medicare .....Devil in the Details. A closer look.

What if Repukes were honest with Americans about their agenda ?

Anyone getting the Lieberman / McCain "Comparrison" Campaign Commercial?

Dean Reluctant To Support Brady Bill

If They Put ReagUn On The Dime, I Won't Spend Any Of Them!

they're calling the senate hacker a "brave whistleblower"

What about a Clark/(Elliott) Spitzer ticket?

Will there ever be a USS Bill Clinton?

What does "terrorism" mean and can a war on terrorism ever be won?

NEW POLL says Bush* only got a 3 point jump for Thansgiving STUNT

Which makes you madder, putting Reagan on a coin, or taking FDR off?

check this out on Rush

Police used pepper spray on a 10 month old and a 3 year old

I haven't forgotten. Questions they still need to answer. Anyone?

Rush compares himself to Dean. WHUUUUU????

how often to pres primary candidates who drop out endorse another one

Lou Dobbs on CNN now to to name companies moving jobs out to

This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Inside the Pentagon, Chuck Spinney, more...

Deleted message

MSNBC pundit: Becase Rush is rich, that makes him innocent

Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Howard Dean

The Dean Connection – NY Times Sunday magazine cover story (7 pages)

Krauthammer calls Dean "delusional" no profanity, no caps, no screaming

Matching funds questions for the experts.

Does Bush Know He's In A Bubble?

Bob Graham is the perfect running mate for Dean

Reservist or Career soldiers? What percentage fought and occupied Iraq?

Which candidate has the most charisma?

Diebold paper trail: Voting Machine? NO; ATM, checkout, credit cards? YES

Dean Was Frequently Absent As Governor While Campaigning For President

Why Rush is urging dittohead to go to DU, My speculation.

If Draft happens: Moms and Dads, would you protect your sons?

Come on. Bob Boudelang. This is you, right?

About Sharpton's SNL appearance. Important.

According to Ann Coulter

“How can we leave Iraq?”

GOP wont extend jobless benefits

Nice article on Clark and Dean

So what are you all reading? Recommendations?

Another indication that Kucinich is being held back by the media

Excellent News: Dean and Clark closing in on Bush in Florida

911 Victim Ellen Mariani Open Letter To The POTUS

Fri AM Rush attacking DU??? 20 million Vs 35 thousand?? WHY?

We invaded Iraq because of the lies Bush fed us that they had WMD's

DRAFT now inevitable. No Divisions left, Rummy sends Honor Guard over!

From the Deck of HawkerHurricane

Hot Anger v. Cold Anger. (or, Kerry v. Dean)

Don't like a discussion thread? ... Now you can hide it!

My son, at risk of going overseas ...

Freeper upset about Arnie cutting services for autistic children

Sorry to say it, but Canada isn't going to legalize gay marriage.

Dean's 9/11 bait may cause showdown next week!

What is "Economic Justice?"

BlackBoxVoting. org Praises Kucinich for breaking Diebold!

CBS evening news running feature on "free speech zones"

Maryland Prosecutor Is Found Slain in PA - Worked Drug Cases

Conservative group attacks Dean in TV ad

Another Okla company set to shut down, ship jobs overseas (Kwikset)

Israelis arrests alleged Canadian terrorist

15 People reported killed in Southern Russia

Queen Visits Soap Opera Set (The Chimp must have given her travel tips)

Allies at odds over how to fight Afghan drugs boom(US turning a blind eye)

Maine Guard used heavily in war effort

Nov. a mixed bag for retail sales

Pentagon: Soldier Dies From Non-Combat Related Injury.

BBC (Friday): UN debates Iraqi oil funds

Baghdad Bomb Kills U.S. Soldier, 3 Iraqis

miserable failure

36 Killed in Train Blast Near Chechnya

Skin lesions afflict troops in Iraq (They are being eaten alive)

White House dampens Moon, Mars talk

Guantánamo Chaplain and His Wife Speak Out

Clark Says He Has Plan for Iraq, but Will Not Offer Details

Pentagon: Soldier dies of wounds


Jackson pays visit, plans protest march

Rumsfeld Offers U.S. Support for Georgia

Why Some Gun Owners Are Unhappy With Bush

perle lobbied for boeing's tanker bid

Justice to Review Request for Medicare Vote Probe

Bribe on Medicare vote investigated ....

Holiday Sales Are Restrained So Far

American soldiers to get new body armour - at last

Officials Say Malarial Marines Didn't Take Medication Properly

Manufacturing Leap Is Good News for Jobs, but for Investors? (more spin?)

U.S. is pulling back on terrorism laws

GOP allegedly offered Medicare vote bribe

American soldier is killed by bomb (and two Iraqis)

Ellef in plea talks with feds: (CT Gov. Rowland corruption scandal)

NDP inching past conservatives, poll indicates (Cdn Globe & Mail Poll)

Job growth on a hot streak (Canada)

95.9% of Alliance voters agree to merger (Globe and Mail)

CNN: Bush Live 1:22 PM EST

Limbaugh accused of 'doctor shopping'


Koreans in Iraq live in daily fear

LAT: Donations Pick Up for State GOP (even from Ca. Dems)

Justice Dept asked to investigate Smith bribe (YES!!)

School Vouchers Overturned By Court

Bush Names Baker Envoy on Iraqi Debt

Payroll growth disappoints

U.S. Reps want Reagan on U.S. dime, FDR off!!

Peruvian president calls for equal opportunity for LatAm Indians

Kerry campaign aims to tap donors of some of his rivals

Awaiting surgery, (Paul) Simon endorses Dean

Complaint over cheeseburger nets woman 10-year jail sentence

Businesses Add 57,000 New Jobs in Nov.(Employment report no big deal!)

'Trampled' Wal-Mart Shopper Has History Of Injury Claims

Arroyo Lifts Ban on Death Penalty in Philippines

Bush team searches for a big idea...Wash Post

Pentagon and Bogus News: All Is Denied

Sanford (SC Gov) Wants To Let Public Colleges Privatize

Clark says he would avoud preemptive strikes

Mom Vainly Tries to See U.S. Iraq Soldier Daughter

Giant retailer (Walmart) under siege


US backs down over Nato force for Iraq

Poll: Optimism on Economy Boosts Bush (constant medias lies work)

U.S. military cracks down on money supply to Iraqi insurgents

Diabetes expert: Janklow had symptoms of low blood sugar before accident t

AP: Iraq to Create War Crimes Tribunal

Photos anger Penn State's Black Caucus

Failed Nevada gubernatorial candidate, Russo, seeks presidency

Vietnam vet takes aim at war (Purple Heart winning chopper pilot)

Clinton, Others Celebrate 10 Yr. Anniversary Landmark Brady Bill

Officials [Rep. Obey-D and others] Bristle at Bishop's Epistle

Clark: Bush bring em on remark "fatuous"

Researchers fake AIDS study data

Google thinks Bush is "miserable failure".

Bush Admin Uses IRS Against Political Foes

First prize: Free trip to Iraq

FOREX-Dollar at record low vs euro; U.S. jobs disappoint

Sympathy Forms: (Form Letters for the Fallen)

Ohio Anti-Gay-Marriage Bill Unlikely To Pass

Dean Organizers Take Lesson From Labor

Group Fighting Cal. Domestic Partner Law Fails To Submit Forms For March R

Scientists find a 425 million year old penis (I'm not kidding)

Bush Goes It Alone On Pollution

The Going Gets Tough for Schwarzenegger

Bill And Hillary Clinton Nominated For Grammy Awards

Tons of Depleted Uranium Polluting Iraq

US intelligence seeks glimpse into the world in 2020

Asian Anglicans break ties with Episcopal Church

The threatened forest people who are learning the language of survival

Limbaugh Attorney Blames Politics in Probe(He's a junkie because of Dems?)

Weary factory workers hear Bush tout jobs

Chinese military pressures Taiwan (war on the horizon?)

Wife of Alexandria Sheriff Found Dead (Washington Post: she was killed)

Iraq Erodes Bush Popularity in Florida

NBC affiliates may not show Sharpton on 'SNL'

"Bush takes kerry Counsel too far" (re: Baker- Clark release)

Lawmakers Try to Curb Pro-Cuba Lobbying

Congressman denies money was offered for Medicare vote

First-time candidate leads in Houston mayor's race

Bremer sees (future) upsurge in Iraq attacks

'Top Gun' Bush doll ready for Christmas

Bush Names (Bush family consiglierer) Baker Envoy on Iraqi Debt

Air Force One flew under false flight plan

NYT: Ex-Senator Will Soon Leave 9/11 Panel

WP: Return to Moon May Be on Agenda (Rove looking for ideas)

Dollar set to fall if Fed maintains status quo next week

Denial of Purple Heart medals raises questions about casualty count

Orchard's anti-merger lawsuit dismissed - Globe and Mail

Martinez to Leave Cabinet for Senate Run

Two Flu Shot Makers Run Out of Vaccine

Bush photo: are these kids props?

Woman gets 10 years in prison for...

New Dennis Kucinich site

Drunken Celebration! Term paper hell week is OVER! woohoo!

Ok I think Ive made my decision, I will be a lounge lizard and that only

I have a job interview tomorrow

Just say NO, George

Is there a 12 step program for

Any ideas of how to boost ones immune system?

When do you think the DOW will close > 10,000 ???

Stern abbot set to endorse Dean

Need info: How many state leg. seats do (D)'s and (R)'s hold nationwide?

Something to brighten your day

freeway porn

Zooby heefa rabnahoozie-- it's the overnight downtime gibberish thread

Gladys Kravitz set to endorse Dean

I just had to call 911....I'm shaking

Dean Photoshop contest on - goin' to hell...

Something is going to happen...I can feel it!

"Bush on Crack"

What are you eating/drinking right now as you post?


Anyone heard of the band "Molotov"?

Thanks GOPISEVIL for recognizing my 12/4 B-Day

How long before DU goes down?

this is a test

WOOOHOOO We're Back! Good (FRIDAY) Morning DU!

I feel so sick today, you know the drill ask me anything

Why is it I get up extra early every morning just so I can log onto DU

Man with over 400 arrests sent to prison (DUI's)


This will keep you busy for a while.


Woman Drives Over McManager - No Mayo On Cheesburger - 10 Years Prison

Awww, poor Rushie-poo is being "singled out"

Wow! Daily Democrat!!

It's Snowing On Long Island Already!

The Borg Who Stole Christmas

on a web game i play we got this thing(MOSTLY ABOUT BUSHES MESS UPS)

Anybody have experience dealing with online pharmacies?

Who ordered all this White Stuff - MAKE IT GO AWAY

fantasy rockstar endorsements

Since we're talking about Eminem here, what do you think of him?

Techies - Is there a simple way to use my tv as a computer monitor?


Sheriff Tried To Recruit Jurors From Walmart (apologizes)

So what are they going to find in Rush's medical records?

Caption the scary Blair-monster

DUERS! Does anyone know a simple image upload site?

Friday's boss from hell

San Dimas High School Football rules!

World's oldest penis is found

Flu shots??

Did Al Franken capture and enslave Will Pitt?

I just met someone who supports the Iraq invasion

Any music people here use Sonic Foundry/Acid Pro to record

Good morning DU! How would you like your eggs?

Why are things so weird looking (just look and you will get my point)

making music not war

RIP Zany Brainy (a rant)

Hapy birthday, Little Richard!

WWAAAHHHH!!! My beuatiful coworker again!!

An amusing holiday diversion...

This is officially the 186th post about Googling "Miserable Failure"

My first Christmas present this year. Truly UNIQUE.

Other people are funny, too

Anyone Else But Me Having Weird Problems Right Now?

Will there be holiday avatars available?? Sorry if this has been asked...

RIP, The Bottom Line

Have you put up your Christmas tree yet?

Provocative question about Repub disconnect re:Lawyers

There's a FULL DEFENSE MODE @ Walmart!

I'm going to the French Quarter. Want anything?


Any real estate DUers out there? I need help!

Oscar or Felix...

Do you think the phrase "One Yak Underage" should be added ?

Your Quirky Animal Stories...

What time do you think DU will go offline for maintenance tonight?

Sometimes, my girlfriend and I don't see things the same way

Funniest disruptor thread

Your favorite Little Feat song

The "I'm Sicker'n You" thread

Wet Diaper Conservatives

Bad Worker: Home sick again.

Lounge LBN-Santa declares war on Rudolph (from Yahoo news)

Traveling Wish List

B and E. Pop-ups, spyware, et al.

The Cheery Chicken of all CAPTIONS!

I Just Saw "The Reagans" on Showtime: It Was Great!

Survey says: Rap is evil, unless said rapper is Zionist

Holy Crow---loads O' Snow headed Boston-ways!!!

Women's Marathon Winner Turns Out To Be a Man

Does Kazaa get partitioned?

Does anyone remember this wierd 80's sci-fi flick?

It's Friday pm. Should I go shopping or pretend to work?

New Feature on My Site

There's nothing like a good Snow Day!

Crappy day, feelin' down. Cheer me up!

I think I've been here too long, Allen.

Hey Northern Virginia DU'ers

I Bought A New Guitar Last Night

Why doesn't my flash work?

I hate Freepers......

How do you pronounce Ouija

College Football weekend pics?

Any DU-ers in NYC tonight?

Mark Twain For President 2004 Campaign HQ

Great Leaping Lizzards - By Request

This is not a sex thread- what is wrong with toe sucking anyway?

Which of these two is more "Fair & Balanced"?

What Qualities Do You Value Most In A Fellow DUer?

Bush Dartboard for sale

ATT: Guitar playing DU'ers

Huge Rabbit set to endorse Dean

Anybody else playing hookie today?

Just wanted to say: everyone have a great holiday season!

Directions? Who needs them!


Son has a report to do on a historical figure...

THANK YOU!!! Whoever sponsored me. XOXO

Brazil bets on Linux cybercafes (Lefty SP mayor in action)

Christmas gifts from hell thread

How's this then - any New Yorkers up for Psychic TV tonight?

Who wants to be Kucinich's First Lady?

My shrink thinks she's found something

The Yak Before Christmas (Tequila Version)

Day 5 of the hanta-ebola-tuberculo-death virus, and all's well.

Dateless wonders of the world unite!

Woman trampled at Wal-Mart made several previous injury claims

my cats' politics

need advice..... neighborly advice.

Member of the Day......

Brit Scientists want to ban tobacco, create black market and more crime

"Hide This Thread".... Oh Sweet Jeebus... I LOVE IT!!!

AIM chat anyone?

My latest truck window sign.

Huh? Why did I suddenly acquire the ability to hide threads? ...D'oh!

What's your favorite Album...

Who's got a shovel???

The Yak Before Christmas

Geez, Rush really hates Donovan McNabb - at it again

oooo... New cool feature on DU!

seeing if i can create a du based aim chat room

Get read for something HUGE

Yahoo Chat anyone?

Kelly Clarkson Cannot Sing (YUK!!)

DO NOT BUY FROM BUY.COM - 877-780-2464

I just spent 5 hours in the campus library studying. Ask me anything.

The inevitable Ignore A Thread test thread

I have solved my Christmas shopping dilemma

Favorite Instant Messenger?

Drats Elad! Foiled again!

I just masticated. Ask me anything.

70th anniversary of repeal of the 18th Amendment.

I need to revamp my Winamp playlist. Any suggestions?

Would you rather see rush slam dunked or

Worst vanity tag ever

The boss just left... should I leave too?

Daily Demo-yak: A positive discussion about ZombyWoof

I just HID every single thread on DU! Ask Me Anything

Jessica Alba makes me think bad thoughts.......

A little Vino would be keeno.....

Oh joy! Oh Rapture! I just paid off my Sears Bill

So, you think YOU'RE desperate?

This turkey is just a decoration

How the Molotov cocktail got it's name

What Type Of Threads Are You Most Likely To Hide?

Jacko at Amazon

Seattle folks! The Funk Brothers are TONIGHT!

Which DUer would you like to get a life-saving glucose shot with?

Does KG have draft when he's drafting?????

Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs

One beer? Screw that! Which DUer would you like to split a case with?

Who SNORES Louder?

Which DUer would you go Rock Climbing with?

I need a Simpsons transcript or something

BOSTON...... Watch out! The Bronx is done with this storm


Go ahead and click the x.------------> I dare you.

Lessons my kids learned from W

I gotta get out of here. Please hold your interesting posts

This Eagles fan says "LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW"

Which DUers would you like to share a public restroom stall with?

Ah, my NYC peeps, I need your help

AIM chat anyone? just IM me at mgsfan101

Does anyone like Memphis soul music?

We finally have our new computer so I can get back on line at home.

First Hendrix, now War

Trans Siberian Orchestra Concert Review (Last Night's Show) WOW!

The Eagle has Flown, Baby!!

Finish The Sentence: Whatever Happened To....?

Who are we at war with?

1 of Life's Great Questions

ok my Bush art, please look at it!

Which DUers would you like to shoot LSD into your eyeballs with?

I'm Resigning Today! Tell me anything!

Check out these Creation Science fair projects

Home Depot is in orgasm now.

I agree with the Repubs about abstinence!

Gadzooks. This is the weather forecast for the weekend in Boston.

How much do I love Invader Zim?

Are There Any States That DON'T Have DUers In Them?

Any fans of The Samples here?

Bad Santa

When you got the glow, you fear no one....

Hendrix is one bad individual

If you're a progressive thinker - I'll share anything with you....

Silly question time. What urban legend have you repeated as fact?

Best answerphone message?

Dec. 7, 1941

please delete

I hate my mother - she got me hooked on Extreme Makeovers

For Soleft for her Birthday.... SNOW


Which DUer would you like to chase around a tornado with???

If you were to do an ad for DU in any medium, what would it be like?

going clubbing tonight, ask me anything

Opinions: What is on Dean's hand in this picture?

South Dakota DUers, check in here!

I can't hide the threads fast enough in GD!

More poetry for you poetry lovers out there....

oh god this post ignore is wonderful

I just bought this calendar, ask me anything

Since my transcript post sank like a rock. .a hillariousimpsons Fox debate

I posted something about this already, but I'm at a loss for "inspiration"

Let's toast the Admin and Moderators!

Which DUer would you like to chase around???

I've never had a beer with anyone!

My Goodness, It Is Snowing REALLY Hard!


I stayed up on my rollers for 45 seconds....Ask me something!

The Perfect Storm is here, what's really on matcom's mind?

Which DUer would you must like to have a beer with? (The Poll)

Another sign of the apocalypse has come!!!!

DUers are good cooks

Which cast member of "Perfect Strangers" do you want to share hemlock

The badgers are back!

Why I'm not on the "beer" list


Meet the Copyright Nazi in all its glory (SCO)

Here's my nomination for the Bush 2004 campaign photo

GUYS!!! Are you drunk enough?

Shameless plea for good vibes!

Would you want to have a beer with me?

Brainy math types sought here

My boss and I were invited to a spring dinner with *, what should I do?

You would most like to have a juice (HA) with...

Christmas Tree Made Of Beer Cans Removed

Attention all associates......CAPTION needed in lumber

Local MA Weatherman: It Is Possible - THIS COULD BE THE "PERFECT STORM"

View of Harlem out Rabrrrrrr's window - SNOW! (approx. 250Kb)

CAPTION the thought bubbles!

Hark! His hulking package swings! Glory to America's King!

Earliest Musical Memory.

Ever DU search your screenname in messages...

Ok DU Im posting from my IPAQ ask me anything

Jesus H.F. Christ do I need a CAPTION

What should the title of the next popularity contest be?

With which DUer would you like to have ANOTHER beer?

up date on cocaine neighbors

YAY! We have snow in NYC!!

What's The Age Difference Between You And Yours?

How do YOU use the new Hide thread feature??

Which Is The Worst-Run Sports Franchise?

Captain Beefheart: Genius or Utter Crapola

If you've ever wonder what a shitty grin looks like, wonder no more!

Do Your Parents Approve Of The Person You're Dating/Married To?

Check in college/university students, instructors, staff...

I'm trying out a new sig pic. Is this too subtle?

Oh, Great! My wife is stranded at LaGuardia...

Don't click on this if you are easily offended.

Red Sox - Rangers Trade A-Rod for Manny I don't get it

When You Get Poor Service In A Restaurant...

Worst album/CD you ever bought because 1 song was great?

Widdle Wabbits (A Story To Warm Your Heart)

Help me plan my San Diego itinerary

Any DUers live near Richmond/Hopewell Virginia

Has anyone posted this?

Help for snorers

Do You Speak With An Accent, And If So, How Strong Is It?

Nor'Easter Check-in...

Discovery Times is a good channel..

new Oxyrush advertiser Van Chevrolet-Cadillac

This Left feels Right

My Holiday gift to DU

Are you seeing someone??? (In regards to all the lonely dating theads)

Last Night's Survivor

Come on CAPTION along with me

Girl seeks advice about a guy

I just bought $114 worth of wrapping paper and candy!

Alone in Iraq... finally

What day of the week were you born on?

Nippon tales

Westworld, Roman World, or Medieval World

Which conservative would you like to have a beer with?

I've got tickets to see Taboo tonight

What would it take for you to vote for a Republican?

Holiday shopping tips... from the other side of the counter

Who would you like to have a beer with? (nominations)

Administration's Most Wanted!!! (FUNNY DAMMIT!)

Don't like a discussion thread? ... Now you can hide it!

Worst Band Ever -

I figured out how to post pictures! (finally!) New DUer Picture Thread?

Forget the Booze, Which DUer Would You Most Like To Roll A Fatty With?