Democratic Underground

Archives: August 27, 2010

So, Ken Mehlman says gays should support repubs. 'cuz

Brewer Asks Federal Appellate Court to lift injunction on 1070

Barbara Boxer "Money Bomb" fundraising e-mail....

If you are extremely misinformed, then are you extremely informed?

Oh my, there's some dissension brewing in the GOP (Palin/Brown)

Reclaim the dream: Busses have been organized!!! Many states!

On the road again---

From now on, we call the tea parties the Dick Army. As in

From now on, we call the tea parties the Dick Army. As in

Dean and Reid blamed for Cabbie being stabbed

Career advice from Summer's Eve (truly douchey tips for getting a raise)

letterman on obama vacation

I figure that even if someone burns a mosque down, it's not a anti-muslim hate crime

Lawyers for Waters want ethics to halt probe for evidence

New poll calls (MO) Senate race a “dead heat”

Foreign mother may be sent home while child treated for cancer

Posters from the past that Can Guide Us in the Future

Under the Thumb: One in 10 with a mortgage face foreclosure in U.S.

Is there any talk about what the Bernanke speech is about tomorrow, Friday?

Looks like the Packers may be hard to beat this year

Looks like the Packers may be hard to beat this year

“Me, I only have the Ferrari,” he said. “I am a poor man.”

Demonizing the 'others' for political gain - Dove World Outreach (Koran-burning church)

Demonizing the 'others' for political gain - Dove World Outreach (Koran-burning church)

Been reading Friedman's The World is Flat

Pro-Cordoba House Group Ties Harry Reid And Howard Dean To Muslim Cab Driver Stabbing

Pro-Cordoba House Group Ties Harry Reid And Howard Dean To Muslim Cab Driver Stabbing

Brown and Schwarzenegger don't have to defend Prop. 8 -- but they should

Japanese consumer prices fall for 17th consecutive month

Ten things I know about the mosque

Why do more people think Obama is a Muslim?

MLK-Glenn Beck Flow Chart...

One town's post-Katrina diaspora

Michele Bachmann's ad and Tarryl Clark's response

Mehlman isn't gay

Caption time!

Defense Dept. emerges as formidable opponent of wind projects (NYT)

Civil Rights Act

Just got done calling voters in a very conservative part of MO

The economy is teetering and central bank's usual tools aren't working

Building a Nation of Know-Nothings

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

This Saturday, August 28th, 10:30 AM: March With Jesse and the UAW in Detroit

N.Korea tells Carter wants to resume nuclear talks

Can I get some help unFreeping this Freep poll:

GOP plan to repeal health care reform would add $455bn to the deficit

AFL-CIO Union President slams Sarah Palin as a "crazy magnet" on her home turf!

AFL-CIO Union President slams Sarah Palin as a "crazy magnet" on her home turf!

George Pataki: 'Obamacare is One of the Reasons We Have This Deficit'

CEOs' Anti-Obama Slams: President Compared To Hitler, Mussolini & More

Do Republicans Want to Privatize Social Security?

Jon Stewart on the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally:

Jerry Springer, Sean Hannity argue on Fox News over health care

Jerry Springer, Sean Hannity argue on Fox News over health care

Kim Jong-il makes unexpected visit to China

I thought of a new game to play on conservatives

NV GOP Minority Leader Suggests Placing A 2% Tax On Food To Close His State’s Budget Deficit

the FURIES were Greek gods you did want want to release, because you had no control over them

LOL! Bristol Palin to compete on 'Dancing with the Stars'

Lord I should turn Rachel's show off

Missouri voters, remember this headline: "GOP Whip Quietly Tried to Aid Big Donor"

Dissension brewing in the dysfunctional GOP ranks (Palin/Brown)

Success for 'China's got talent' amputee pianist

Charlie Crist Secretly Went to See Obama This Past Friday (from the redstate news-but wtf?)

What's so hard about this?

McCollum refusing to back (FL GOP Gov. candidate) Scott, cites qualms

kick n/t

What are the worst arguments against the GZ mosque that you've heard?

Reich: Why Boehner’s Blaming Bureaucrats

8/28 - with Beck, Palin, and now Bachmann, it's not a "Beck-A-Palooza", it's ...

Guys, Help Me Slam Dunk This Article

BP Abandons Arctic Drilling Plan

So I'm a Looter...

What are the chances of the Second Coming coinciding with Beck's love-fest?

CIA making secret payments to members of Karzai administration

What will God say to Glenn tomorrow? I can't wait to find out.

Here's $100,000 tax-free.

Boehner Plan Raises All Sorts of Questions About GOP's Economic Arguments


US Q2 GDP Growth Downwardly Revised from +2.4% to +1.6%

Arianna Huffington bumps into Newt Gingrich on Amalfi Coast

Arianna Huffington bumps into Newt Gingrich on Amalfi Coast

Will the Television Media (News, Commentators, Talk Shows)

I think Glenn Beck is on Joe Madison's radio show right now....

One in 10 With a Mortgage Face Forclosure

'Savage Love' pulled in NW Arkansas after just one column

Eugene Robinson: "Beck's version of history is flat-out wrong"

King's Dream Endures-by: Eugene Robinson

Former FEMA head: Gov't didn't tell all on Katrina

Images provided by NOAA show images collected by the Little Hercules ROV - awesome pics

If SS is drastically changed, the social contract that has existed since

The Pornography of women as commodities (picture)

Blackwater 'Unauthorized' Training in Colombia

Scary things people believe....

Dupe Deleted

Take note of this when you hear the Morning Joe gloom and doom predictions...

2010 Political Ad Spending CRUSHING 2006 Levels

Brewer Hires PR team to fix AZ's image

Brewer Hires PR team to fix AZ's image

This should be fun...


Forbes: Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans

Boeing 787 delayed......again.

The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.

Alan Simpson should stop milking taxpayers for his big fat US Senate pension.

The cure for America is a three letter word:

The cure for America is a three letter word:

This garbage was in our editorial pages today (Charles Krauthammer)

Investors Pull $7.1 Billion From Stock Funds Worldwide, Buy Emerging Bonds

Crazy Richard's Clearance Sale: ALL CHICAGO MUNICIPAL ASSETS MUST GO !!!!

Miller says he is concerned Murkowski will 'pull an Al Franken'

2fer Jerry SPRINGER smackdown of HANNITY - & e-mail to SCABBROW

Any DUers got a monthly jobs numbers I can copy & paste to refute dittos?

ProPublica: How Banks Faked Demand And Made The Financial Crisis Much Worse

Truth in advertising?

Afghanistan drills oil for first time in north

An E-Mail I Received Today - I'm still laughing...

"Tea Party" Is a Phrase That Means "Conservative Republican."

Conservative Groups Gearing Up To Spend $400 Million On Midterm Election

Cop beats 80 year old man and tries to cover his ass...the locals are pissed!

Facebook site to push back against Islamaphobia and burning of Quran

In Jacksonville, Palin's emotional, God-filled pimping of her Down syndrome miracle baby

Glenn Beck's 8/28 rally: An instant guide...

Providence Mayoral Candidate Gives Worst On-Camera Interview Ever

So here's how Faux news is going to overbloat this Beck/Palin scam this weekend

Five years later, Katrina legacy lingers

Ray McGovern: Obama Boxed In by Generals on Afghanistan

Was “Burn a Koran” pastor arrested for child pornography?

The Supreme Ruler of The Idiocracy Speaks (again, and again, and.....)

Middle School Segregates Class Elections by Race

Court Allows Police To Secretly Put GPS Trackers On Cars

When a thread gets locked, and you pm to ask exactly why

This is just wrong on all fronts.

The Right Goes All In...

1 Suicide Every 36 Hours

NYC cabbie-slash suspect is taken to psych ward

Here's what we really need to fear.

Stock Market. OK, who is jerking it around?

Hate Crime Victim Speaks Out About Surge Of Anti-Gay Incidents In Kentucky City

Sebelius Claims VA Attorney General Cuccinelli Sued The Wrong Person In Health Care Challenge

USA Today plans 'radical' makeover (Translation: More layoffs)

Brunch with Bernie

Palin Contract Released

The T-Party - Oh. Wait. It's not a majority?

Bad Economy: Who or What Is to Blame?

ACLU Calls On LA Officials to Abandon Plans to Use Military Heat Ray Device Against Jail Inmates

MSNBC: "No sustained response" to efforts by the government means "not a traditional recession"

Media Matters must-read on MLK vs. Glenn Beck

Levi Johnston, unless he can shut Palin up, should just shut himself up and go away now

I know what to do about Glen(buy over priced historic gold coins now)Becks attempt to hijack

U.S. military wants to exert influence over private cyber infrastructure (BusinessWeek)

Unmanned K-MAX helicopter could get Afghanistan role (BBC)

The next step beyond terrorist babies? Bad Fetuses from Tom the Dancing Bug


Heritage picks up Cheney's Cheney (David Addington)

Obama approval by religious affiliation (Gallup)

Bush BBQ at the center of German lawsuit

Fox sends out ambush squad to talk to NYC mosque investors -- but doesn't mention

Will we ever be rid of the Palin family?

Class struggle erupts in South Africa

Indiana court ruling halts caregiver choices based on race

A continuing myth that needs to be changed: "Wall Street was a casino for the rich."




God! I hate Ronald Reagan the racist


I had to post this email I got from Alan Grayson. He's so good with words!

GOP plans wave of White House probes

US agencies delayed action on tainted eggs for weeks

Happy Birthday 19th Amendment

Crazy Mayor Dick's Chicago Clearance Sale: ALL PUBLIC ASSETS MUST GO !!!!

What's The Word On Attendance Numbers For Beck's Rally ........

ny times: Struggling Cities Shut Firehouses in Budget Crisis

I wish I could go to the teabagger rally tomorrow in DC

Bernanke At Jackson Hole: Economic Outlook "Inherently Uncertain." USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

Inspirational Obama merchandise makes it all better.

A Populist Progressive Strategy


Sanjay Gupta Reports on How Poor Conditions & Short Supplies Doom Sick Children in Pakistan (Video)

Fastest Way to Become Wealthy

Definitive Expose: ProPublica's "Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis" LINK

Yes, it is the same Bret Schundler (NJ Gov fired him as Ed Commissioner)

Dubai World sale of crown jewels seen as last option

Dem campaign chief blasts 'conspiracy theories, rants' on the right

House Majority Leader John Boehner

Lonesome Roads Beck's march has an official name

CNN International: Live Tiger Cub Found in Check-in Luggage at Thai Airport

drivers 'saturated with rage' battle it out - video

Democrat woos tea partiers

Muslim 9/11 Debate Is off the Mark: The Real Problem Is Fundamentalism of Every Kind

Women's groups press Obama to fire Simpson

Obama administration sides with utilities in Supreme Court case about climate change

Feds arrest 370 immigrants in raids in 10 states

Sharron Angle supporters wish.....they could vote for someone other than Sharron Angle

Does this ad seem 'suggestive' to anyone else...

When I was in the USAF, they told us that every leader is as good as their followers

Daniel Pearl's Father Opposes Mosque

Brownie celebrates Katrina anniversary by pointing the finger instead of just shutting the fuck UP

What are the chances this guy listens to Rush Limbaugh?

ACLU: LA authorities plan to use heat-beam ray on inmates ("tantamount to torture")

NJ Gov Christie fired Ed Commissioner Bret Schundler this morning

Senior Democrats consider extending full array of Bush tax cuts through next year (WP)

What if Lloyd Doggett (D) Texas were the Speaker of the House instead of Nancy Pelosi

Jimmy Carter is coming back from NK with the US citizen

Nouriel Roubini: Double-Dip Odds Now Greater Than 40%, GDP To Be 'Pathetically Lousy' (VIDEO)

214 years ago today, the shortest war in recorded human history took place

FYI: Bret Schundler being fired means he can collect unemployment.

Fed will take action if economy falters, Bernanke says

Brilliant Greenwald post: Racial and ethnic exploitation of economic insecurity

Brilliant Greenwald post: Racial and ethnic exploitation of economic insecurity

Jon Stewart: "People don't want people who called the first black president a racist to praise MLK"

Ninth Circuit: Government can use GPS to track your moves

Woman buries brother, discovers dead son

Why buy a politician when you can just buy the seat?

Part Two: Schundler requested firing instead of resignation so he can collect unemployment

Elizabeth Warren video.....

I love Keith exposing apple to apple

Ed Schultz Sounding Weird

When John McCain Comes Riding on His Flying Unicorn to Save America

Don't forget to e-mail President Obama about Elizabeth Warren's appointment.

Probably closer to the truth than The Onion intended

Sign a Petition - Very Toxic Pellets Killing New Zealand's Animals and Birds

Not On The Test, Tom Chapin

Not On The Test, Tom Chapin

Know someone who loves Glenn Beck? I bet they don't know he's Mormon.

Michael Moore to join Springsteen, Gates, at Toronto Film Festival

"Ordain women," London bus ads will urge Pope

Georgia Death Row Inmate Troy Davis May be Innocent

Advance picture of Beck rally:

Fark photoshops a bust of Bush.

Fark photoshops a bust of Bush.

As seen on Olbermann, free clinic in NOLA needs donations

My they dropped their segregated elections in that MS school district

Head Wreck goes after The Nobel Prize and The Second Coming!!! . . . Please come CAPTION!!!!!!!

Understanding America's Class System, or 'Honk If You Love Caviar'

Want to be class president? Not if you're black, in one Miss. school

Demonizing the public sector harms the middle class

U.S. Warfare Boosted Q2 GDP Massively

US birth rate drops, recession cited as likely reason

glenn beck has his own secret service?

glenn beck has his own secret service?

Hey Ladies, Want a Raise? Wash Your Vagina -- Women's Day Magazine's Ad

Savage and Signorile talk Mehlman and the GOP's campaign of hate and homophobia

CIA making secret payments to members of Karzai administration

Three cheers for Jimmy Carter!

I had a realization about America being "center-right"...

A supremely classless jerk

Okay I still need happy news

Worker at taxpayer-funded agency in Virginia paid for 12 years without ever showing up

Listen to Hayden folks

Four of five fastest growing occupations pay less than median wage

Laura Bush regarding New Orleans: "I think after five years things are starting to look great"

Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

Bus on stilts to beat Beijing gridlock (very inventive)

Why did Aijalon Gomes go into North Korea last January?

Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans

Wouldn't it be easier to be a Republican? Just pull "Facts"

Beck Rallies In Washington Undercut Church-State Separation, Watchdog Group Charges

Aijalon Mahli Gomes and Jimmy Carter arrive in Boston - pics

Alan Simpson, Senator Guttermouth, Spews Again

The Blago holdout juror speaks

Crist says he 'misspoke' on healthcare, the health care bill was too big, too expensive

How do *we* fight Islamophobia?

Do you find the Summer's Eve "How to Ask for a Raise" advertisement offensive?

Do you find the Summer's Eve "How to Ask for a Raise" advertisement offensive?

Do you find the Summer's Eve "How to Ask for a Raise" advertisement offensive?

Do you find the Summer's Eve "How to Ask for a Raise" advertisement offensive?

Tea bagging nastiness - Miller compares Murkowski to a prostitute

We better prepqre for a loss in the Mid-term elections

Bikini-Clad Strippers Protest Church In Rural Ohio, church says "The Fox Hole has got to go"

Where Republicans get their ideas:

Palin blasts AFL-CIO Prez. Workers Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains, oh you betcha!

Tweety has a nightmare

I have a nightmare speech by Glen Beckkk

Levi Johnston retracts apology: 'I've never lied about anything'

In the chapel bells are ringing - Roger Ebert

I said it a few weeks ago, I'll say it again. We need a second stimulus.

Is MSNBC testing Cenk Uygur

Fidel Castro: bin Laden is a CIA agent

Postal Workers march to save six-day service

Good News. Economy less surprisingly bad than expected

Pakistan Slams U.S. For Drone Attacks

David Vitter's lawyers want media to refer to former aide / slasher Brent Furer as "alleged" slasher

Not my president

Have I missed the Friday Afternoon Art Challenge?

News Flash: Some Tea Party supporters are good people

Well Mr. President, was it worth it?

Filipino slave teachers’ recruiter sued for exploitation by AFT, SPLC

Glenn Beck meets with supporters in Washington - pics

What was your favorite memorabilia from the 2008 election? And do you still look at it everyday?

The problem of Muslim terrorism

50 Ways to Never Waste Food Again (Interesting)

The Collapse of the American Empire (can it happen in a generation?).

Armed Christian militia pulls support for 'Burn a Quran' event

I am visiting Dain Bramaged. He's letting me use his puter to say Hi.

White aggrievement is the subtext of Beck trumpet call

Stay classy Joe Miller! calls Murkowski a whore..

Presbyterian minister to be censured for gay weddings

President Bush once referred to the Constitution as just a damn piece of paper. Was he right?

Idea from the twitterverse: Bring a Vuvuzela to Glenn Beck Day tomorrow...

Shall I bring back my Glenn Beck costume for Halloween?

Be careful posting from these websites - DU suer Righthaven has a new media client

Freight rail companies -- big impediment to better passenger rail service?

Are Wikileaks Activists Finally Realizing Their Founder Is a Megalomaniac?

Cab Driver Slasher Michael Enright - "I'm a Patriot" - Told Police Repeatedly

US to fund installation of Israeli rocket defence system

Thankfully Danielle will pass east of Bermuda

Will Glenn Beck hurt himself with this rally?

Go Jimmy!

Alan Simpson, Senator Guttermouth, Spews Again!" (William Greider)

Ground Zero Muslim center may get public financing

C-SPAN to Broadcast Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally

A story about the Civil Rights movement

US implores Americans not to visit NKorea (with funny message)

US implores Americans not to visit NKorea (with funny message)

Making A Case For Jimmy Carter

Glenn Beck Has a Long History of Racial Mockery on the Radio -- His Civil Rights Talk Is Pure Fraud

Oh...Iraq and Afghanistan are going well

I loves me some DU

Please give Bonnie a couple of R's to get the post some attention on the greatest list

Filling Up Prisons Without Fighting Crime: Mark Kleiman on America's Criminal Justice System

Why fail again?---From Pearl Harbor, an Answer to 'Hallowed Ground' Crowd

Haliburton to patent patents?

Getting rid of Simpson is possible but pointless

Tuesday when I was going to hand out info at the polls

Where will Glenn Beck rally money go?

Glenn Beck very angry about Glenn Beck's characterization of Glenn Beck's event

Sotomayor: WikiLeaks war logs posting 'will lead to free speech ruling'

Who do you think would have been a better President??

Why didn't I think of this before? I know what Beck is up to...

Prius Gets Sound To Protect Pedestrians

Reminder: Reclaim The Dream Rally, this is the important one!

Hey Tea Baggers:

Ninth Circuit Court: The Government Can Use GPS to Track Your Moves (without a Warrant)

I ditched my mega-bank today and joined the CU.

Newsweek: Estimates Say Fewer Jobs, Larger Deficits if Republicans Were in Charge

“We see Glenn Beck as a guy who is bringing revelations of understanding to the American people,”

John McEnroe opens mouth and inserts foot.

The Jon Stewart Clip That Will Make Glenn Beck Cry Real Tears (Again)

Fox News Posts Review Of Glenn Beck’s Rally Before It Happens

Fox News Posts Review Of Glenn Beck’s Rally Before It Happens

Pastors affirm Obama's Christianity, denounce 'misrepresentations'

Veterans’ group: CIA blocking lawsuit over experiments on troops

CBS Poll: 48% of REPUBLICANS (plurality) favor ending Bush taxcuts for +$250,000 crowd

Hey, Juan Williams? FUCK YOU and your Fox "News" Op-Ed. There IS NO "Katrina Silver Lining."

So I ran into some Beckanites at the gas station...

Grayson Petition: Stop the Cat Food Commission

There's no immediate SS crisis. But there IS a SS SCAM that has been going on since 1983,

Joe Conason: Our new welfare queens, the undeserving unemployed

Ah my, I have never heard in my lifetime a business man

"If you knew what a derivative was, you wouldn't be in the Republican Party"

"THE BECKONING" courtesy of new DUer...BZENGLER!

Monsanto in Gates' Clothing? The Emperor's New GMOs

Help GLENNBECKKK.COM go viral...


who here makes over 10k per month after taxes???


TYT Blog: The Greatest Irony of the "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy

Ken Mehlman is a rotten sack of shit.

4th Grader Suspended For Sniffing Hand Sanitizer

32.4 percent surge in imports last quarter choking economic growth - Bye, bye, jobs

32.4 percent surge in imports last quarter choking economic growth - Bye, bye, jobs

Ben Stein Tells Unemployed They're Lazy, Again

Mother Jones - The BP Cover-up

Mother Jones - The BP Cover-up

Anti-Muslim Agitators Are Today's Know Nothings

Five years on. People should never forget.

The best way to deal with Beck Tomorrow....

Why do the fonts get really big on DU sometimes?

So, remember that Right Wing Extreme armed group?

Jimmy Carter

Next time, to free American citizens from North Korea, they want a visit from Reagan's corpse.

My Father's Goose and Its Relationship to Political Discourse

Possibly one of the funniest Daily Show clips I've ever seen.

Colonel kicked out of war for hating PowerPoint

What happens when you put 10,000 teabaggers in a large open field?

Wash., D.C. has a nuke HAZMAT event - re: hospital

BWAH!! Bill O'Reilly once wrote about porn movies for local Boston paper. No, really.

Krugman: Invisible Cavalry To The Rescue!

Good questions re: Park51

Bwa-HAH the incomparable Gawker's graphic of MEHLMAN as a virgin. Really he sed he's a v. !1

BREAKING: Fire Destroys All 10,000 E-Vote Machines in Houston, Harris County, TX

Gold 2008! JP Morgan Fixes Prices and the Saudis Snag 180 Tons, Cheap

BUSTED! Fox News Posts Review Of Glenn Beck’s Rally Before It Happens

DU Rules were followed and Righthaven still sued DU

This Is the Hottest Year Ever, and the Climate Catastrophe Has Begun

Why Did Louisiana Not Get Race To The Top?

BREAKING: Critics Slam Plan to Build Mosque in Baghdad as Insensitive

Glenn Beck is not Martin Luther King Jr Website - mentioned Thom Hartmann

Are there still people here on DU who oppose the Islamic community center?

The Right Wingers sure HATE a lot of groups. Can you add anything to this list?

NY Times - Nobel Prize Winning Economist Paul Krugman - "Bush Tax Cuts: Now That’s Rich"

estimate number Glenn Beck rally?

Killing The Golden Goose

Ten Candidates File Suit as 'Massive Improprieties, Tampering' Seen in Shelby County, TN, Election

School board leader writes about questionable hiring practices in Hazleton, PA

The fierce urgency of defending Obama — against the left - Peter Daou

I get it now about Howard and the mosque.

Van Jones, Sherrod forced out. Alan Simpson...he gets to stay.

AARP: Send A Message Today to the White House in Support of Social Security

Did RATigan really just compare the '60s civil rights movement to

Question for teachers (any grade level):

Social Security - PAY IT BACK!

Should the United States seek to preserve its empire?

Our Guy!

"No Iraqi Left Me to Die on a Roof"


I met my first Glen Beck fan

      “When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show......

Carter wins release of American from North Korea By the CNN Wire Staff

" They created fake demand." --- Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis

Mayor Bloomberg talks mosque 'politics' on 'The Daily Show'

Mysterious empty yacht washes up on Florida beach

I encountered a Muslim woman in my local supermarket this morning.

Sequel to Groundhog Day: Bill Murray repeatedly lives one day of posting in DU's General Discussion

Indians express little sympathy for snagging U.S. IT jobs

Indians express little sympathy for snagging U.S. IT jobs

How To Protect Yourself As The U.S. Economy Collapses

How To Protect Yourself As The U.S. Economy Collapses

Only MASSIVE OUTRAGE can can stop the PERMANENT THEFT of SS funds...:

Who remembers the Jimmy Carter years??

I once saw a huge billboard for "Grandpa's Cheesebarn".

Post here if you actually think that every little breeze seems to whisper louise. n/t

Angry Birds Rule!

technical question

If you feel down, depressed, upset, or just off your wheaties

Could someone please identify the music accompanining this video?

Happy Puppy Story

So, two peanuts walk into a bar...

The legend of Baba - Cosmic head massage

What was for dinner tonight? I need ideas. I had seafood caserole with peas.

The problem is that our young people are spending too much time playing Pac Man

Cigarette making supplies

4 dudes sitting around watching the Miss Universe Pageant.

Just watched Batman vs Dracula...ask me something!

TAKE TWO! My photo album, with descriptions, my cruise trip to the Mexican Riveria

i finally figured out the ignore function and now i am the only one on DU

Canceling MySpace

i am so old i remember when if something was "tits" it meant it was cool

i am so old i remember when if something was "tits" it meant it was cool

No matter how he tried, he could not break free. And the worms ate into his brain...

What is that Pink Floyd song?

I remember a time when the phrase "tits up" meant something was broke or over with..

Francis Ford Coppola, Eli Wallach, and Jean-Luc Godard win Oscars (but not on TV)


What is this?

I got a new Least Favorite Commercial

How to guarantee getting a girlfriend

PSA: An amplifier's just wood and wire

FWIW There is now a Netflix App for your i-phone

hasn't the late-night/overnight crowd waned tremendously over the last year or two?

Cows: smart, beautiful, amazing...(a rare repost from me, after 7+ yrs on DU)

"There's something wrong down here. I'm getting out."

Everly Brothers - Love Is Strange

Crisis at out high school!

Today's apartment FAIL

Playboy Model confirms *** tape with Heidi Montag

The most poignant, heart breaking lyrics ever (do not open if you are sensitive)

Making phone calls via Google/Gmail. Have you done it?

You say you love CATS? You say you love HAIKU? Enjoy my latest epic, "Clean My Box, Dammit"

Norah Jones - Come Away With Me

Post here if you are drunk out of your fucking mind. n/t

A smoking vaccine?

Even more hummingbird photos - in motion


Tech help pulleeeeese!

I had some tiny tiny cows that were being trained to run a refridgerator compressor

Stories of big spiders? Share yours....

Stupid human tricks with a hay baler

This is our Rachel Maddow!!


Joker & Lex spoof Calvin & Hobbs

My drivers license picked a fine time to go walkies..

60's TV SHOW Poll...Who had it best?

Freddie King, "Have You Ever Loved A Woman," live in Sweden 1973

SRV - "I'm Leaving You (Commit A Crime)" live

Hey Nineteen

Ruth Copeland & Funkadelic - "Gimme Shelter"

Deacon Blues

Help name Prospect Park Zoo's baby baboons!


John Lee Hooker backed by the Stones & Clapton @ MSG: "Boogie Chillen"

Don't Do It

Anyone have any good jokes? There is the case of the flasher

can anyone tell me what this means on this job application? it's an administrative position

Sincerely: What am I missing (good) about Jimmy FALLON?!1


Project Runway is rocking this season.

When my refrigerator goes into defrost mode, it sounds like little cows are in it.

OK - Let's just say you live about 150K years from now...

Ever been mad that a movie was ruined so badly, it ended chances of similar movies being made?

Why do very wealthy people feel the need to remind others how rich they are?

Stephen Strasburg 'probably' needs Tommy John surgery, will miss 12 to 18 months

Favorite cartoon food?

No kitty thread? Here's one. Here's my lovable, violent, desructive baby.

Black Cow

Labrador and Dolphin playing together!

KISS should record a song called "Beck"

Steely Dan or Jamiroquai?

Does this ad seem 'suggestive' to anyone else...

My nephew brought his newborn home today.

Pablo Cruise question

Paris Hilton woken by knife-wielding prowler

Five Things To Do With Leftover Wine

Dynamite Magazine - anyone remember this?

Kid Charlemagne

Cat saves 97-year-old Woman's Life

I've reached 13.7% of my weight loss goal after 1 week

Lake Titicaca

I am visiting Dain Bramaged. He's letting me use his puter to say Hi.

The Feelies cover Bowie's Fame (Scene from Demme's Something Wild)

wow... 20 years since since Stevie left us..

Are there any other INTPs in here?

Those of you who are important to you is the game's soundtrack?

Some fun stuff via the Emails....

What should my poison be tonight?

I have determined that I am too stupid to post on DU.

Had a scare yesterday. I started feeling dizzy and having chest pains.

Went on the Flying Bobs ride at the fair yesterday with 5 year old nephew.

I am so glad people don't talk that ridiculous "hippie" slang talk as it was

I dreamed about Jon Stewart last night

Do you men carry a pocket snake?

Excellent new dream-pop group. School of Seven Bells.

Okay, how stupid am I?

Who is J. J. Furnas?

Are you taking any form of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, mood-altering drug?

I graduated today. I am officially a Physician Assistant.

Cruise questions

I just got the new Kindle today

Rep. Rangel says Obama among 'best friends'; backs off previous criticism

Even Beck can't mar King's legacy -exercise in self -aggrandizement on Napoleoni scale (E. Robinson)

Saying the Iraq War is over is like saying Woodstock was a one-day folk rock concert

McCain still waiting on Hayworth call

On Camera: Mongiardo says Conway is ‘not the best’ but better than Paul

Beck Supporter are brainwash

Jon Stewart skewers "Beck-a-palooza" - "I have a scheme" (VIDEO)

The Wrath of Palin

Oh my God! Angle is evil

Dead wrestler's father blasts McMahon, WWE

"President Obama gets a gift from Yogi Berra" - update to earlier post on a great story/photo

Van Hollen to hit Republicans for "destructive" agenda

SC Mayors endorse Sheheen for governor

Hey! Is Joe the plumber a member of a union? Are plumbers in unions?

C-Span: DCCC Chair Chris Van Hollen LIVE at 10AM at the National Press Club

Dead wrestler's father blasts McMahon, WWE

*** POLL *** Whom would you rather see fired?

Ras Poll: Tight battle for Governor of WI

How can anyone here defend the existence of the Catfood Commission?

Ras poll gives President Obama a 57% approval rating in NM but Dem nom for Gov lagging

PPP FL Senate: 66% of Meek's voters would support Crist if he committed to siding with Dems

GOP senate candidate Buck sought earmarks for Weld County

Robert Reich: Two Stories of This Terrible Economy, Yet Obama, Dems Won't Tell Theirs

MSU Poll: Tight race for Senate in Missouri

Split in Haitian vote lifted Frederica Wilson to congressional win

Bloomberg to headline fundraiser for Reid

Two polls show mixed results in Missouri Senate race

WTF!! Big Ed keeps a rethug caller on for an half hour straight

Politico: Murkowski may seek Libertarian nod if she loses GOP nod to Milled

Mason Dixon Poll NV Senate: Reid: 45% Angle: 44%

Yeah! N.O. is rising. Charter schools and casinos blossoming everywhere.

"A Warning For Republicans, Tea Party In Nevada Poll" - Reid's strategy is working

IF Nevada elects Sharon Angle do they deserve a Boycott ?

AK-Sen: Miller compares Murkowski to prostitute

In Case You Didn't Hear Him the First Time, Ben Quayle Thinks Barack Obama is Worst President ever

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

Elaine Marshall, Senate Candidate in North Carolina, Calls for Alan Simpson’s Firing

The 2010 Election: Revenge of the Bigots

Bill McCollum refuses to endorse Rick Scott

Multiple members of NJ Governor Christies cabinet make more than $500,000

Many voters in La in the dark about Vitter's scandals

I told you so

Today I got what Salon Magazine calls a sketchy fundraising mail from Sharron Angle...

Where is the White House on the rethugs Investigations

Just because you are part of a persecuted group.. does not make you a tolerant person

What one thing should the Dems do when Congress returns in September?

"The Obama Haters Have It Wrong"

Murkowski: “Mr. Miller owes all Alaskans, women and my family an apology.”

OH SHIT!!! Glen Beck is on Joe Madison show NOW!!!!! in studio

Ah, shit -- "The Alvin Greene manifesto for a fairer America"

Health Insurers Are Backing Republicans With Campaign Donations By 8:1 Margin

Detroit Free Press Poll: Ugly numbers for Dems in Governors race

"I continue to be amazed by how...the press treats the GOP's descent into ignorant madness"

Is the MSM racist?

NJ Education Commissioner Asked To Be Fired So He Could Receive Unemployment Benefits

A reminder of why HCR was not a disaster

Krugman: This is Not a Recovery

Pakistani Taliban hint at attacks on aid workers

"GOP plans wave of White House probes"

Anti-abortion pastor's convictions overturned

"These People Could Be In Charge"

Feds seek to toss state's anti-warming lawsuit

Blackwater 'Unauthorized' Training in Colombia

Second molestation suit hits Santa Rosa Diocese

Facing prison for filming US police

FDA finds evidence of salmonella in chicken feed

Afghan president questions US timeline for leaving

Flight attendants union sues Delta ahead of expected vote

Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis

Pakistan floods prompt mass evacuations in south (100s of thousands ordered to evacuate their homes)

Feds examining allegations that NOPD officials gave 'shoot looters' order

Western journalist 'embeds' with Taliban army for first time

CIA joins probe of British spy slaying

USA Today shaking up staff in 'radical' overhaul

Carter wins release of American from North Korea

North Korea releases Boston man held since January (Jimmy Carter negotiated release)

North Korea releases Boston man held since January (Jimmy Carter negotiated release)

Sotomayor Predicts WikiLeaks Case in Supreme Court

UN anti-racism panel slams France for Roma crackdown

Nails Removed from 'tortured' Sri Lankan maid

StarKist: Phase 1 of cannery layoffs to start Sat.

Two polls show mixed results in Missouri Senate race

Democrat woos tea partiers

Monsanto in Gates' Clothing? The Emperor's New GMOs

Burmese junta leaders 'step down' from military posts

BREAKING: Fire Destroys All 10,000 E-Vote Machines in Houston, Harris County, TX

Sudan Leader Travels Despite Warrant

Scheme to 'pull electricity from the air' sparks debate

Cabbie-stabbing suspect transferred to Bellevue ward

Uneven Katrina recovery efforts often offered the most help to the most affluent

FAA hits American Airlines with biggest fine ever

N.J. Official Fired Over "Race to the Top" Snafu

Van Hollen: Dems will keep congressional majority

Grief counseling requests rise in wake of state worker suicides

Venezuela adds 6.37 tcf to proven natgas reserves

New video gives tour of trapped miners' refuge

Jimmy Carter and Former Prisoner Return to U.S. (Wins Christian Activist's Release from N. Korea)

All of Harris County's voting machines destroyed in 3-alarm north Houston fire

WBBM Web News Writers Vote For WGAE Representation(First Digital News Workers to Become WGAE Members

AIDS activists file complaint against Larry Flynt

Mike Brown, former head of FEMA, says Bush administration downplayed severity of Hurricane Katrina

Pakistan floods: Pakistani Taliban threats don't deter foreign aid workers

New York City cab driver makes public appearance (with Mayor Bloomberg) after stabbing (Graphic)

A Big Surprise: Troubled Assets Garner Rewards

Imports drag second-quarter growth lower

Federal contractor charged with leaking secrets

Man charged with post-Katrina hate crime

Al-Qaeda terror plot in Canada traced to Afghanistan, Pak, Iran

Latest growth data show recovery losing steam

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday August 27

UN: 1 million more displaced by Pakistan floods

Schwarzenegger to go on Asian trip, even without a state budget (California)

Tension over Obama policies within Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Class Officers Segregated By Race-Mississippi school divides posts into black, white seats

Union Leader Compares Palin to Joe McCarthy

CBO Warns Republicans That Repealing Health Law Would Increase Deficit By $455 Billion

Administration backs utilities in climate case

Cabbie-slash suspect taken to psych ward

Scarcity of jobs puts more at risk of foreclosure

BBC's Director General Mark Thompson takes aim at Murdoch empire in MacTaggart lecture

Voting machines destroyed in 3-alarm north Houston fire

Feds to remove temporary cap from Gulf well

McClatchy journalist Pentagon banned gets First Amendment Award

Judge questions Righthaven over R-J copyright suit costs

Paul Allen sues Apple, Google, much of tech industry

Rent-This-Missile Ad Agency Donates Two 'Missiles' To Protest Against Manhattan Mosque

Bill McCollum refuses to back Rick Scott, cites qualms

Australian school apologises for Hitler costume prize

Bernanke Signals Fed Is Ready to Prop Up Economy

Mehlman: 'I understand people are going to be angry'

LaRussa and Pujols attending Beck Rally?

Palin Blasts Labor Leader, Calls Conservatism a Better Fit for Union Workers

CIA making secret payments to members of Karzai administration

Mexican massacre investigator found dead

Karl Rove-linked group plans $10 million get-out-the-vote push

Palin's full speaking contract revealed

Women's groups press Obama to fire Simpson

Worker at taxpayer-funded agency in Virginia plays hooky for 12 years

Ground Zero Muslim center may get public financing

Miss. school reverses race-based rules for student elections

Former U.S. Open champ John McEnroe says women tennis players can't handle the same schedule as men

GOP plans wave of White House probes

Iran issues fatwa against pets

Court allows agents to secretly put GPS trackers on cars

DR Congo killings 'may be genocide' - UN draft report

Cuba embraces 2 surprising free-market reforms

Post some BEATLES Covers!

Collapse of ancient Ellesmere ice shelf stuns scientists

South Dakota house candidate's bad driving record (repub)

India-China ties hit by visa row (after Beijing refused visa to a top Indian general)

International Protests Begin Ahead of Sept. 11 Koran Burning Event in Florida

Lisa Margonelli: The political chemistry of oil

Hardball: Religious Hypocrite Assh*le Defends 'Burn A Qur'an Day

The Agenda Project: Hate Begets Hate

Hardball: Religious Hypocrite Assh*le Defends "Burn A Qur'an Day"

A Message For Glenn Beck

Christopher Young the Singing Candidate Proposes

Thom Hartmann - Dr. Christopher Ryan - Are humans naturally violent and monogamous?

Ken Mehlman and the Gay GOP

Israeli government deport 400 children


George W. Bush's Sassy Gay Friend

Fresh Pakistan Floods: Ofiicials Urge 500,000 New Evacuations

Cenk on The Ed Show: Alan Simpson Had A Farm of Republicans Who Milked The System

Dead Bird Island - Terrbonne Parish, Louisiana

Rachel Maddow: Life harder for New Orleans poor

The Voices Of East Harlem ~ Brothers And Sisters

Maddow: NOPD beatings almost covered up

Weird Liberal Head Show #144: Victory is Tomorrow, and I Have A Truce with a Conservative



Christopher Young the Singing Jesus Candidate

Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised

ABC News' Glenn Beck's Phony Rally

Frank Sinatra THE HOUSE I LIVE IN (1945)

Maddow: protecting New Orleans from privatizers

Mike Malloy - The Liberal Hatemonger Number One

Mike Malloy - Another Glenn Beck Listener Going Rogue

Midweek Politics: Why is right wing terror always an "isolated incident?"

What is Beck afraid of?

Franklin Graham in Jail??

Thom Hartmann - Is NBC TV's new Fall show Outsourced...funny or offensive?

Mike Malloy - Haters Of Everything

DNC Web Ad: GOP Tea Party: These People Could be in Charge

Ed Show: Cenk Doesn't Accept Ken Mehlman's Apology

Accepted Prejudice

Limbaugh: Teabaggers are unsophisticated politicians willing to endure the anal exam

Ex-CIA agent: 'Iraq war not over, 'Mission Accomplished' a lie'

Ken Mehlman's Stunning Admission: 'I'm a Black Muslim'

Robert Reich: The Anatomy of Intolerance

Brown and Schwarzenegger don't have to defend Prop. 8 -- but they should

Paul Krugman: This Is Not a Recovery

Rumor to Fact in Tales of Post-Katrina Violence

Independent UK: How much proof do the global warming deniers need?

Afghanistan is ‘carnival of corruption’

Hey, Glenn Beck, I was at the March on Washington

Islamic Center Also Challenges a Young Builder

Republican Faith-Based Politics: The Dumbing of America

Study: Bush tax cuts cost twice as much as Dem's healthcare...

Stewart RIPS Glenn Beck's Civil Rights Rally: 'I Have A Scheme' (VIDEO)

Build More Mosques-"The worst way to fight terrorism is by being terrified."

NYT: Pakistan Flood Sets Back Years of Gains on Infrastructure

7 States Where the Levels of Corruption and Ideological Madness Have Gotten Beyond Embarrassing

Baptists must face fear and prioritize risks

Forget MLK, Glenn Beck's Lincoln Memorial Rally Even Disgraces Forrest Gump

Christian Action Network Mounts Comeback with Islamophobic Agenda

Christian Right Responds to Beck Pushing Mormonism

Even Beck can't mar King's legacy. Eug Robinson

Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis

Legacy of Torture

Attack of the Flash cookie zombies

Asylum Denied:

Race to the bottom

ON THE ROAD IN PATAGONIA, Part 2 By Pepe Escobar

Rebranding Iraq: Playing with Numbers and Human Lives (Ramzy Baroud)

Civil rights' new 'owner': Glenn Beck

Wagner and the Fate of the Earth: A Contemporary Reading of The Ring

Is Glenn Beck Playing Race Card While Being Coy? (Seattle P-I)

‘Mashed Up: Music, Technology, and the Rise of Configurable Culture’

Glenn Beck's Attempt to Bastardize Dr. King's Dream

America’s Corruption Racket in Central Asia by Scott Horton

Leonard Pitts: This is who `we' really is, Glenn

Can Preschoolers Be Depressed?

Gone With the Wind Weekend Economists August 27-29, 2010

Islamophobia: the new antisemitism

Audubon Oil Spill Response Team Update: Oil is going but isn't gone

Mischievous monkeys injure dozens across Japan

Cambodia Reports Record Low Water Levels In Mekong, Tonle Sap Lake - Harvest, Fishing Threatened

Fairbanks, AK 2.5F Warmer, 11% Drier Than 100 Years Ago: Growing Season Was 85 Days, Now 123

Drumbeat: August 27, 2010

When streets tell the truth about people riding in cars (and on bikes)

Artificial flood boosts river red gums

Indian Monsoon

It's Official - Lake Superior Hits New Record High Water Temp - Lakewide Surface Average 68.3F.

After 2,000-Word Article Accusing Pachauri Of Profiting From Climate Post, Telegraph Apologizes

Record salmon returns for Fraser River run

This Just In - Atrazine Messes With Males'Junk, Rat Study Shows - Delayed Puberty, Inflammation- ENS

Brazil OKs 3rd-Largest Dam On Planet - "Death Warrant" For Xingu River, Tribes Say - BBC

NASA/NOAA - El Ninos Growing Stronger, Warmer - Moving Closer To Central Pacific Ocean

Wind Turbine Projects Run Into Resistance

Pond scum seen lucrative in Argentine biofuels push

Not over by a long-shot: BP warning clean-up crews that a 200-foot, 2-mile oil slick is about to hit

Nesting birds and sea turtles break records at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Venezuela adds 6.37 tcf to proven natgas reserves

A series on adaptation in honor of the fifth anniversary of Katrina

Ex-Im Bank Pushes Hard To Fund 8,760 Mw Of Coal Generation In India, S.A.; Each Plant = 8 US Plants

Fresno Bee - National Study Of Coal Ash Sites Finds Water Contamination Far Worse Than Thought

USGS - Glaciers Retreating In Asia - Online Volume Available

USA: Energy use is way down (5% yoy) - but wind surges

Interesting 1975 Prediction on Electrical Energy Production in the Year 2000.

Six Shetland Fishing Captains Admit Massive Illegal Landings - Now Facing Unlimited Fines - Guardian

OMG....... The Packers are gonna kick some are this year!!!

Stephen Strasburg has torn ligament; faces surgery

Nuggets Likely to Trade Anthony

Is OU the new BCS National Champion?

LaRussa and Pujols will Appear at BecKKK's Rally!!!!!!!!!!!

The Officials at the US Open are assholes...

The Baseball Season Officially Ends This Weekend...

Big Ten Divisions set.

Looks like the Packers may be hard to beat this year

Blackwater 'Unauthorized' Training in Colombia

Pond scum seen lucrative in Argentine biofuels push

Venezuela adds 6.37 tcf to proven natgas reserves

Cuba embraces 2 surprising free-market reforms

IL Gov. Pat Quinn reportedly spending half a million bucks - on THIS?

Oppose AB 962 (for Californians)

What a shocking email I got from the NRA......

Long Gun Registration – Last Chance to Kill a Bad Bill Before its the Law (California)

CBS Poll: 75% Support Gays In Military

Maggie Gallagher On Ken Mehlman - We respect his personal life, but...

Refuting Same-Sex Marriage Myths eBook available.

The Blue Power Ranger (David Yost) Reveals All

Brown and Schwarzenegger don't have to defend Prop. 8 -- but they should

Lawyers brainstorm solutions to gay couples’ financial obstacles - Fascinating article

BRITAIN: Anti-Gay Tory MP Crispin Blunt Leaves His Wife And Comes Out

Peter, Paul & Mary To NOM: Stop Playing Our Song At Your Hate Rallies (See the cease & desist!)

Today in Labor History Aug 27, 14,000 Chicago teachers who have gone without pay for several months

Palin and labor

Today in Labor History Aug 26 Murdered by coal company guards, temp halt on mortgage foreclosures

Today in Labor History Aug 24 UFW begins lettuce strike, Solidarity trade union movement Poland

I have a question from long, long ago...

Bonnie Ladin, National Labor College professor and union organizer, dies at 59

Wasting away again in Amanitaville

I found a great photo lab!

When the Rain Comes

Taking flight - soon - and the reports will end

So, today was a green heron day

Anatomy of Israeli apartheid, part 2

Israeli Education Ministry Approves New 'whites-only' Settlement School


High-res camera snaps water ice on Mars

Nasty Mosque opposition, I've lived through this before

Some Biblical Questions for Dr. Laura

For the Week of August 26, 2010 and merc retro

Ever had a cranial-sacral therapy?

What would YOU like to see the main topic of the next newsletter be about?

Let's give ONEGRASSROOT one Helluva Birthday Party

What is the best therapy for releasing toxic emotions, to

"How being a dick probably saved my life," by PZ Myers

Steep Drop Seen in Circumcisions in U.S.