Democratic Underground

Archives: January 31, 2011

Dirty $$$ Koch Brothers

Fed Bashing... British Accent Style

FL Sheriff: Corrupt Alaska Mogul Sexually Battered Child, Lives On Boat

According to French Radio

Warning News Max to follow

FYI post for non-geeks like me “Stuxnet Autopsy Fascinates And Frightens”

FYI post for non-geeks like me “Stuxnet Autopsy Fascinates And Frightens”

I've been hearing alot of people around here say that there's no such thing as non-forcible rape

The John Birch Society Song

Callous Disregard, what he really said.

Callous Disregard, what he really said.

News International finds 'lost' emails that could provide evidence in phone-hacking case

June 15, 2009: Obama calls on Ahmadinejad to resign amid violent protests in Iran

Man arrested with explosives at US mosque

Inequality In America Is Worse Than In Egypt, Tunisia Or Yemen

Keith Ellison: US Must 'Get on the Right Side' of Middle East Democracy Wave

Here's Something We Should All Support: 'Calif Lawmaker Would Bar Firings For Medipot Use' - AP

CA man arrested for attempt to blow up Dearborn, MI mosque.

CA man arrested for attempt to blow up Dearborn, MI mosque.

Egyptian Protestors Rally to El Baradei

Should anti-choice/anti-gay democratic candidates for office recieve party funding?

The truth about Ronald Reagan...

Will Mubarak's regime be replaced by a democracy or by

An era of cheap food may be drawing to a close

U.S. role in Egypt crisis "shameful"-Chavez

The 3:00 am phone call.....from Egypt

remind your neighbors how THEY support the vets - esp Bachmann

A couple of late night Egypt updates: Reports from AJE about military movement

Egypt's military moves to take control of parts of Cairo

Mubarak has been (allegedly) stealing billions from Egypt for decades

Informative Interactive Time Line of Recent Regional Upheavals

Syberberg - Ein Film aus Deutschland

did admin lock down the DU3 test pages?

Propaganda Alert From The US Chamber of Outsourcing

Propaganda Alert From The US Chamber of Outsourcing

Food Staples Starting to Run Out in Egypt

History is being made in modern Arab history. Too bad that the United States is on the wrong side.

History is being made in modern Arab history. Too bad that the United States is on the wrong side.

US, Europe Wary of Egypt Protest Contagion - Analysts

Villanelle for our time

Should Joe the Plumber switch to carpentry and help Mubarak construct a new cabinet?

BBC Photos

60 Minutes Interview with Julian Assange tonight!

Some well known, some maybe not so well known, but important

Who remembers the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979?

Tunisia, Egypt, Gabon, Jordan.... which nation has the best chance?

Please review my latest editorial re: Bachmann's vet Plans

46% of GOP Primary Voters Who Favor Palin Might Back Third-Party Option If She Isn’t Nominated

Minneapolis Assange letter posted at Will be given to UK embassy

The Telegraph UK: "What Is Happening In Egypt Is Not Our Business"

Al Jazeera is running a program on the media

Response Delayed in Tucson Shooting - 1 Fire Company Private with Shareholders

Response Delayed in Tucson Shooting - 1 Fire Company Private with Shareholders

Mubarak gives army shoot-to-kill order

Zahi Hawass faxing a blog update to a colleague in Italy

Pawlenty in Iowa: Bachmann would be “a strong candidate.”

MA healthcare study: higher provider prices correlate w/ market leverage, not utilization or quality

'Mega protest' planned in Egypt

Regional divisions threaten to break Belgium apart

Veterans groups blast proposed tea party cuts

Solar-powered glass roads the way of the future? (W/video)

"historic" internet shutdown in Egypt vs permanent news blackout in the U.S.

Amazing picture from Egypt... protester kisses riot police officer

Julian Assange is gorgeous.

Egypt: Prelude to the present events (from 2010)

Egypt: Prelude to the present events (from 2010)

OK who will be Morning Joe Scum's ReTHUG spinner

Egypt Protesters Camp Out, Mubarak Turns to Army

China’s property bubble reaches explosive levels (Beijing property = US GDP)

25 arrested at California protest of conservative meeting

Mahmood Wagdy named new Egyptian Interior Minister

Pepe Escobar : Rage, rage against counter-revolution

Afghan bank’s losses could reach $900m

ElBaradei, Muslim Brotherhood Offer Political Path Out of Egyptian Confrontation

ElBaradei, Muslim Brotherhood Offer Political Path Out of Egyptian Confrontation

Bankers lay down the law at Davos

Bankers lay down the law at Davos

6 AJE reporters arrested in Tahrir Square...

6 AJE reporters arrested in Tahrir Square...

Lost Seal Pups Found 350 Miles From Home

F-35 joint strike fighter started with recipe for trouble

Robert Fisk: Egypt: Death Throes of a Dictatorship

A Principal Responds to Bloomberg Attack on Teacher Seniority

I just love when the American Press questions the ethics of non-American Press outlets...

Live news out of Egypt

Michele Bachmann Proposes ‘Don’t Add, Don’t Spell’

USAF Spice Cadets tossed out.

Policeman dies in Pakistan attack

Man on Dog!

Afghanistan: Funding both sides

Man arrested with explosives at Michigan mosque

The United States Air Force Needs A Dictionary

Busted: Fed(eral) scientists dispute Marine Corps booklet

State of Hawaii is paying the NFL $4million to keep Pro Bowl there

Dr. Zahi Hawass' blog: items damaged by museum intruders restorable; only giftshop was looted(!)

Bill O'Reilly's video response to people questioning his previous comments on tides.

Bill O'Reilly's video response to people questioning his previous comments on tides.

Startup America Partnership

Self-deleted by member

How long has David Frost had a show on Al Jazeera?

Anti-Immigration Militia Member Accused of Killing Man, 9-year-old Girl

War wounded: Father, son suffer brain injuries

Obama's SOTU was his first rhetorical step to seal his new reputation as an anti-government Democrat

Obama's SOTU was his first rhetorical step to seal his new reputation as an anti-government Democrat

Calif lawmaker would bar firings for medipot use

Democrats Force Votes With Eye on Campaigns

Doctoral student Emily Ekins conducts study to clarify Tea Party misconceptions

Oklahoma bill would mandate educators question evolution in classes

USAF Spice Cadets tossed out.

Chicago Sun-Times: Rahm Emanuel for mayor

Toon "Should've said that back in 1999"

Food staples starting to run out in Egypt

Jobs: What does it cost to add a worker? $57,967.88

A quick look at Mohamed El Baradei

[b]Rallying Against The Koch Agenda, Van Jones Warns of "Excessive

An OPEN LETTER to President Barack Obama

Inspired by North Africa and the Middle East, Guantánamo Prisoners Stage Non-Violent Protests

When Bush Caved to Egypt

The Tea Party Rejects Richard Lugar: Too “Liberal” For Their Tastes

Paul Krugman: A Cross of Rubber

Fake Obama in KFC China Commercial For Fish Sandwiches


My 30,000th post.

Mule Mobil

Boeing/Narus Helps Egyptian Dictatorship Fight Pro-Democracy Movement

If you were homeless and won a super bowl trip would you go?

If you were homeless and won a super bowl trip would you go?

Alaska's Don Young the last of a breed on Capitol Hill

Mark your calendars

Mubarak, Little Big Man

The "Last Suppers" Project

Great site: weather and current time in Cairo at a glance

There is nothing sadder than a website viewed by millions that has these links displayed prominently

If bullets fly tomorrow, Obama get's the blame.

Credit card rates at record highs near 15%

delete junk, thanks

Preserving a symbol of evil

Another "Whitewash" for Wall Street

If Mubarak has been a repressive dictator for about 30 years, why in the world would Egyptian

If Mubarak has been a repressive dictator for about 30 years, why in the world would Egyptian

In case anyone cares.. Palin uses Don't retreat Reload again in speech

If married, which describes the political pairing of your marriage?

Project: Crowdsourced Cookbook, Comfort Food Edition (good for snowbound, hungry people)

please review my next editorial..on the back of Bachmann's vet support - Blue/Brown Water vet care

Mounting evidence suggests that human brain development may be affected by phthalate exposure

Children and Deficits: Cause and Effect

"Breaking Wind" may become a crime in Malawi

Income Inequality In The U.S. Is Worse Than In Egypt

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism: Item #1 -- There's No Such Thing As A Free Market

When Political Money is Too Hard to Track, Follow the Lobbyists

Protests Persist as New Cabinet Is Seated

Billions to Egypt corporate socialism for Lockheed, Boeing, GE

Billions to Egypt corporate socialism for Lockheed, Boeing, GE

Barbara Starr just said on CNN U.S. troops are prepared to move into Egypt if needed.

Ok after 24 hours of flummoxed, Fox is finding it's

Strong Car, Chip Exports Cause Rise in South Korea Output

Strong Car, Chip Exports Cause Rise in South Korea Output

The Four Excellent Environmental Films That Got Oscar Nods

What Corruption and Force Have Wrought in Egypt - Chris Hedges

Ikhwanweb :: The Muslim Brotherhood Official English Website

Egyptian neighbors creating local militias

The Pseudo-State of the Pretend Union

Actors voice support for Screen Actor's Guild

Mega Protest' Planned in Egypt

Egyptian millionaires fleeing

Health Care Bill lies

Egypt: Breaking News Sources (Collection)

When do the first republican challengers to Obama announce their "exploratory committees?"

Derf's latest: New American Civil War?

Atlas Shrugged, eyed nearest exit

California wingnut arrested outside Michigan mosque w/ explosives: Just another "isolated incident"

It really saddens me to see Al Jazeera's reporting from Egypt

Great picture from Chicago

Watchdog Groups Appeal State Department’s Refusal to Disclose Communications with Oil Lobbyist

Leading Egyptian Feminist: "Women and Girls Are, Beside the Boys, Are in the Streets"

Inside the White House-Egypt experts meeting - Laura Rozen

Taking the filibuster to court

Interesting comments re: USA's response to Egypt --

Interesting comments re: USA's response to Egypt --

Fox News reveal their knowledge of the Middle East

Close Call for King Tut: The Break-In at Cairo's Prized Museum

Where's the Protest at Home?

A dangerous winter storm

The Rude Pundit - Regarding Egypt:The Devil You Know Is Still the Devil

The Rude Pundit - Regarding Egypt:The Devil You Know Is Still the Devil

'Anxious' Israel backs Egypt regime

Alleged Mosque Plotter Had Long History Of Crime, Mental Illness

A Chicken Chain’s Corporate Ethos Is Questioned by Gay Rights Advocates

Guantánamo Art

Did 60 MInutes edit Assange's interview in a deceptive way?

Huckabee becomes 2nd GOP hopeful to meet with Netanyahu

Numbers matter

How to Foil a Nationwide Internet Shutdown

New flavors of Rec.

I think there is ZERO chance of Egypt becoming a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy

Teach a man a fact and he’s smart for a day.

What happens when WE are the Illegal Immigrants?

Electronic Frontier Foundation Uncovers Sweeping FBI Abuses

Truck Show Fans Towed After Paying To Park

A winter weather warning.

A winter weather warning.

Murdoch Facing Crisis On Two Continents

Who the heck are these KOCH brothers

After Lobbying To Kill The Stimulus, Koch Meeting Attendees Guarded By Police Saved By Stimulus

Bush: Democracy Is On The March


Questions Raised About U.S. Firm's Role in Egypt Internet Crackdown

Torturers, Jailers, Spies Lead Egypt’s ‘New’ Government

Brent Crude Oil hits $100 per barrel (for first time since 2008).

Guns... not the answer to EVERY problem

Elliot Abrams doesn't have time to advise Obama on Egypt

Unrest in North Africa and Middle East may spread to Syria

Will ANY Democratic Legislation pass Congress in the next two years?

Wall Street Titan Ken Langone, GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain At Koch Brothers Meeting

***Gibbs Press Conference now.

The U.S. of Shame -- What Is Your State Worst At? (The State of Washington -- YIKES!!)

Bill Richardson throws his support to El Baradei

Egypt update: This could be a turning point

Jobs are back! But the pay stinks

Suspect in Dearborn mosque plot had threatened Bush, records show

Gaza. .Heavy exchange of fire between Bedouin clans and riot police

Gaza. .Heavy exchange of fire between Bedouin clans and riot police

GOP intros bills to "Pay China First" before Soc. Sec. recipients

Despite China's Might, US Factories No. 1

Israel Shaken as Turbulence Rocks an Ally

Connecting the Dots: Food and Fossil Fuels

Egyptian airforce/army split?

Israel urges world to curb criticism of Egypt's Mubarak

Egyptian Army Says It Will Not Fire on Protesters

Confused about all the protests? Here is everything you need to know.

How many of you remember when...

We know about the seriousness of the situation in Egypt

This deployment is not about beefing up the U.S. forces in the MFO

The unknown helper in development: the case of Singapore

Court won’t hold ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ lawsuit

Joe Barton's response to SOTU (Per my paper)

Ahmed Suwei to go talk wih Mubarak, not confirmed yet, per al Jazeera

REUTERS: Israel shocked by Obama's "betrayal" of Mubarak petition: "Egyptian activists asking for your help"

Seeing red, PAC is down on Scott Brown Donor wants its green back

Rebooting the American Dream, by Hartmann Free to Read

Israel Allows 800 Egyptian Troops into the Sinai

Israel is concerned, the House of Saud is probably terrified

ok a strategic look at the world and the ME and what is going on here and now

Al -Jazeera: "It's the only channel that gives you the real news"

'China syndrome' means country faces dangerous property bubble

A wonderful illustration of the problem with corporate personhood:

Al-Jazeera journalists freed at behest of US State Dept

there are somewhere between 2-6 million people who consider themselves

Global unemployment has reached dangerous levels, ILO report shows

Eulogy on the Dog - from closing arguments in an 1870 civil suit about the death of a mans dog

"Walk like an Egyptian"

Egypt's new VP says Mubarak asked him to begin

Janet Reno-Era Policy Kept Loughner Off FBI List

Sorry Folks....This Egypt Crisis Comes at a BAD TIME for.....

Ronald Reagan at 100: The Darker Legacy

Low-wage jobs dominated hiring so far in job market recovery

Mubarak took power in 1981. Reagan, 1980. Thirty years. The tipping point for massive change.

Durbin, Grassley say GAO report highlights need for major reform of the H-1B visa program

Iran summons American woman to return for spying trial

Happy ending for dog rescued from ice floe

Americans don't believe in democracy anymore.

Flying the Confederate Flag is a declaration of war

John Boehner disses Obama's golf game on Fox News

Somali soldier 'accidentally' kills at least 17 civilians

Sarah Palin's crosshairs map: Right-wingers point to maps made by Democrats


Bill would impose fines on cyclists who talk on phone while biking

Link to petition by United Farm Workers-Texas students petitioning to reinstate holiday

Happy Days Are Here Again - as Long as You Ignore the Jobs Crisis

Farewell to Modernity in the New Age of Surveillance

Krugman on core inflation (flexible vs sticky prices)

Americans are spoiled- explains why so little political action

two days ago I said the military would be used

Egyptian "Regime Change"....this is the way it is SUPPOSED to happen in many

A question and observation about tax code, "Does" vs "Can" (semi-legal)

Did Egypt's Army just throw Mubarek under the bus?

If Affordable Care Act had a Public Option, the constitutional question would be irrelevant.

Republicans accused of ignoring economy

Republicans accused of ignoring economy

Tea party candidate: Tea Party 'Wouldn't Exist Today If Republicans Hadn't Failed Under

Egyptian govt TV changes course, now showing much more of protests - Al Jazeera

S.F. dispute over cell phone ends in slaying

Report warns of Iran nuke disaster

Report warns of Iran nuke disaster

Faux News Crawl - New concern Obama will be known as President who lost Egypt

Egypt's K Street Connections

The House GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape

What does President Obama, Bill Ayers and the Muslim brotherhood have in common???

"US Too Broke To Keep Searching For "Most Coveted Particle in Physics"

Please consider K&Ring this post:

Open Source Democracy: Send a Valentine for Net Neutrality!

Our Industrial Policy Needs to Do More than Arm Dictators

Medicare for ALL!

Underground world hints at China's coming crisis

Last DSL (Noor) in Egypt and cell phones going down

We Are Once Again Deluged by Ignorance and Insulted by the Least Able Among Us

"Obama is not the president I voted for"

The id based brilliance of Tracy Morgan

Can someone tell me if this news is correct: Mubarak has left and El Baradei is leading?

Vinson's math - part of the healthcare ruling today

When Public Employees Were Under Attack, Rev. King Stood With the Workers

Debts Should Be Honored, Except When the Money Is Owed to Working People - Dean Baker

A repeat performance... just because she's trying to weasel out of it... Bachmann's plan

For Egypt the question is not why now? The question is what took so long?

White House prepares for life after Mubarak

Wikipedia contributions heavily skewed to one gender: 85% vs 15%

A Cross of Rubber -- Krugman

20 of the Most Loathsome People in America

Not beggars, but don't want to be thieves

Saudi Arabia: Netizens Support Egyptians in their Uprising

Suleiman to begin dialogue, per Al Jazeera

Protest’s Old Guard Falls In Behind Young (Around ElBaradei; Adopted "Hug A Soldier" Strategy)

Protest’s Old Guard Falls In Behind Young (Around ElBaradei; Adopted "Hug A Soldier" Strategy)

I just discovered a site I think a lot of you will appreciate

Provocative OpEd - A call to protest ignites call to arms (sorry if dupe)

Palin aide says Palin said "Don't Retreat, Reload" this weekend

The Little-Known Story of How a Financial Crash that Began on Wall Street is Setting the Middle East

House Dem: Liberal groups need to back off for party to win in 2012

“I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me,”

FEMA Issues Midwest Storm Warning

' PAY CHINA FIRST ' -- Republicans' Wild Plan To AVOID U.S. Debt Default

Saudi Arabia: Netizens Support Egyptians in their Uprising

Do Americans have THIS kind of courage?

In 1798 John Adams signed a bill mandating the purchase of health insurance.

Worker burnout warnings spread across World Economic Forum

Torturers, Jailers, Spies Lead Egypt’s ‘New’ Government * By Spencer Ackerman

You Must Watch the Empire Bowl

I Repeat: Cowboy Diplomacy Is Over

Ronald Reagan at 100: The Darker Legacy

***General Clark will appear on MSNBC today! Monday, 1/31/11 @ 6:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM CST

Judge who overturned Obama health law lets it stay in effect during appeal, which could take 2 years

Judge who overturned Obama health law lets it stay in effect during appeal, which could take 2 years

One-Track Minds On The Wrong Track

Fox and History Channel to merge---it'll be all Hitler, all the time!

Big Storm, Heavy Snow Expected in Midwest...

Rumsfeld to receive ‘Defender of the Constitution Award’ at CPAC

Response to Elliot Abrams’ “Bush was right” in WaPo

Response to Elliot Abrams’ “Bush was right” in WaPo

Israel urges world to curb criticism of Egypt's Mubarak - Haaretz/Israel

ARC tunnel's latest casualty Port Authority paid $95.5 million for lease days before Crispy Christie

President John Adams signed a bill for government healthcare w/mandatory tax

A few Tweets from Al Jazerra -

Found another product that is really sneakily smaller! Scott

US announces record deportations

So if forced health care purchasing is unconstitutional, what about Romneycare in Mass.?

On Al Jazeera, they talked wiht an actifist just now

Can Franco's stolen children recover their identity?

Palin: Media Boycott Will Keep Me From Being 'Blamed' For Egypt Uprising

Why is unemployment high?

NASA satellite - Major Winter Storm Takes Aim at Central U.S.

A few days ago maybe a week or two it was posted here the advertisers on the rush limbaugh show

Threat of snow in Kansas, grocery stores are packed.....what is the deal.....

One reason US students lag in math and science scores:

Two Tier Taxation ... Could it work ?

Two Tier Taxation ... Could it work ?

The Angel of Texas Rescues 'Unreachable' Dogs

femininity and masculinity

Huntsman stabs the President in the back, will Obama learn not to trust these fucks now?

Shopping list leads to arrest (be careful what you buy....)

Shopping list leads to arrest (be careful what you buy....)

EFF Uncovers Widespread FBI Intelligence Violations (FOIA Docs)

Does it embarrass anybody else when our dignitaries "Tweet" foreign policy?

We're trying to slow walk the revolution so we can steal it from them.

The Rebellion in Egypt

Oh crap. Here we go. Federal judge in Florida has struck down key parts of healthcare reform bill

The Thorny Path to a National Black Museum

Tomorrow starts a Palin free month..

Dozens of police break up brawl at NC church

Post here if a one foot snowfall is routine in your area:

“Immigration officer fired after putting wife on list of terrorists to stop her flying home” UK

Beck going down, viewer/listenership slipping dramatically:

Egypt "Time will tell" Thread #5 (1-31-11)

"the people and the army are one"

Glen Beck at his best on right now! Absolutely, unbelievable.

Glen Beck at his best on right now! Absolutely, unbelievable.

The army will not go against the people

Kansas state senator tells NOW lobbyist that birth control IS abortion

60 Minutes: Putting the BS in CBS

Fires are spreading

Fires are spreading

Psssssst - great news!!! Aristide is going home to Haiti!!

Sarah Palin: Media Boycott Will Keep Me From Being 'Blamed' For Egypt Uprising

Three-year-old suspended from Arlington preschool for too many potty accidents

There appears to be widespread support for the Egyptian protesters here at DU.

Microsoft warning over browser security flaw {**again**}

Link to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Comittee/Harry Reid; please contribute

George W. Bush:"I'm done with politics, GOP fundraising and appearing on TV"

So now the Super Bowl has to go political

So now the Super Bowl has to go political

The unemployment rate in Germany hit an 18-year low last fall amidst this worldwide recession

The Art of Demonization

Is housing hiding inflation in other sectors of the economy?

The Egyptian army just took sides!

Rush Limbaugh Boycott Gains Steam

Rush Limbaugh Boycott Gains Steam

Van Jones (Speaks For Us): "We will not live on a national plantation run by the Koch brothers"

Van Jones (Speaks For Us): "We will not live on a national plantation run by the Koch brothers"

Should Legal, Non-Citizen Immigrants Receive Food Stamps?

Afghanistan's Opium Wars: Amazing Photos From 'National Geographic'

MSNBC begins booking Comcast guests

Egypt not trending in China

Adults With College Degrees in the United States, by County (Incredible Interactive Map)

Producer Of 9/11 Conspiracy Film 'Loose Change' Accused In Heroin Sale

Egypt vigilantes protect children's cancer hospital from looters

Did/does anyone else pay "rent" for textbooks in public school?

Just tweeted by Anthony Weiner

200GB to 25GB: Canada gets first, bitter dose of metered Internet

I'm curious, has anyone on American TV mentioned Indonesia's revolution in 1998 yet?

Diane Sawyer is standing on a massive map of the ME and North Africa

What's the Real Reason Republicans Want to Do Away With Social Security?

A most powerful piece: "I hate your president.Why can't he support us?To America, we are monkeys..."

It has become clear to everyone online that Al Jazeera/ English

We're Better off Than Egypt - Right? Let's Take a Look.

New Egyptian trade union federation calls for General Strike tomorrow

The Earth Shifts (Kunstler)

If Eric Cantor actually attended this Koch Bros. circle jerk, he's guilty of sedition.

America is losing its international competitiveness, neglecting its poor

Rahm Emanuel's Nightmare - Health Care "Reform" Illegal

Mubarak and the Star of David

TFA got another 100 million from varied foundations last week. Their donor list is staggering.

ATF fears budget cuts would imperil gun-trafficking fight at Mexico border

***** LIVE BLOG ***** Al Jazeera English: Live Stream *****

Leaked document: EPA knowingly approved bee-killing pesticide

This should be an ALBATROSS for the GOP : GOP advocates a SELECTIVE DEFAULT on bonds held by SS...

This should be an ALBATROSS for the GOP : GOP advocates a SELECTIVE DEFAULT on bonds held by SS...

American Family Association Blog: It's Not Genocide If God Tells You To Do It

Remember Republicans Are People Too

Home Prices Are Dropping Again as the Markets Head Toward a Devastating "Double-Dip"

My first day back at work since the end of August...

If the neo-cons go down with Mubarak

The excitement on the Weather Channel over this 'gigantic' storm coming is breathless

GOP Wants to Pay China Before Social Security Recipients

Neocons meeting with Obama at the White House today over Egypt

The Failed Argument That Won't Die: Car Insurance vs. Mandated Private Health Insurance- A Repost

Jim Hightower: Obama's Lame Marketing Line: "Win the Future" --- Who's Buying That?

••• Healthcare law ruled unconstutional - a public OPTION would not have been •••

If forcing someone to purchas health insurance is unconstitutional, does the same apply...

For my dialup brothers and sisters

Generation 'Y' men losing traditional male skills of carpentry masonry and iron smithing

DU Get Well Wishes To Glenn Greenwald: He's In The Hospital With Dengue Fever(!)

Who Is Encouraging Mubarek To Hang On?........

"Redneck Day" at high school upsets parent

Computer experts: HELP!! Yesterday, my computer crashed.

New Details:Clarence Thomas Appears to Have 'Knowingly, Willfully' Violated Rule of Law for 20 Years

Health Care law and "severability" - can anyone tell me what the deal really is?

Judge rules health law unconstitutional...

The Fox News picture of Iraq labelled as Egypt is a fake

Peter Bergen Explains Why The Muslim Brotherhood Are Unlikely To Take Over Egypt

I need a really really big hug!

There Are A Number Of Misperceptions And Myths That Exist About Al Jazeera English In North America

Dear Israeli Government: KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Dear Israeli Government: KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Petition for Egypt. Urge @BarackObama Admin to drop insistence that Mubarak lead transition.

someone told me a rumor that Steve Martin (incensed by mummy decapitation) plans to invade the

someone told me a rumor that Schmedley Nerbin posts here under an alias

someone told me a rumor that nobody gets too much heaven no more

Meanwhile, amongst the Egyptian protests...

someone told me a rumor that the secret leaders of the Lounge are Bilderberger pilots

Totally just Pwned the Thin Mints

Haven't heard many artist do this song

did someone break du tonight

"Ave Maria" on a Theramin?

Have you experienced the musical genius of Wesley Willis?

Haven't heard many artist do this song

Have you experienced the loquacious genius of Willis Jackson?

Urban dictionary new definition: "Bachmann"

who unrecced this post?? why would anyone unrec this post!?? how do you spell "unrecced" anyway?!

My cat is dog meat.

And finally... WAZZZZUP!!!!

Customer service revenge in Belgium: leave shipping container at cellphone company

someone told me a rumor that 4chan infiltrated the Lounge


Even the most vicious junkyard dog looks adorable when it sleeps.

Your White Swan is beautiful...


FUCK no means no, too.

MiddleFingerMom had always KNOWN that a career in statistical analysis would finally pay off.

It is very hard to know where the line is

Passing Gas at the Urinal...

How many of you, when growing up (perhaps STILL) were exiled to the kitty table at family holidays?

Great window sticker I saw on the back of a pickup this weekend - re: firemen

Taterguy better cancel that trip to Malawi.

"It's not the 1st time I've been on fire. Probably won't be the last."

Bill Laswell / William S. Burroughs - Words Of Advice

How'd you like to have this dude as your high school principal?

I just tried perogies with hoisin sauce.

Have you experienced the warp coil genius of Wesley Crusher?

I am home and I would like to say

Cats... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... they don't fuck around.

Saw the musical "Fela" yesterday


"Homo sapiens have outgrown their use"

Henry Cavill, is the new Superman....


When You Drop Off at Cairo Illinois (Billy Murray)

If anyone needs more incentive to quit smoking...

Cats got earworm. In over 30 years I've never encountered this. Any advice is appreciated.

My Blackberry Is Not Working!

Fox News apparently went to court and won the ability to spread misinformation to the masses...

It's not like MiddleFingerMom isn't TRYING to get into a relationship.

My nose is broken

opposites who shares a birthday today

Where the hell is the snow?


Post a song that was socially acceptable in the 60s but that would now get you convicted

The most violent DU post ever

Victor Jara - Te Recuerdo Amanda

Does anyone know what happened to "Dr. G Medical Examiner"?

I went to see Les Ballets Trockadero De Monte Carlo this weekend...

Did you know that Salvador Dali was terrified of grasshoppers?

John Barry, who basically wrote the James Bond theme (though you can't say that), has died.

Ball - Twas an evil genius that developed this !!!!

Been thinking on the beer and travel money.

Cats got ringworm. In over 30 years I've never encountered this. Any advice is appreciated.

This website I found in a book I paid $15 made it worth every penny

Downton Abbey fans - oh, the humanity! How long do we have to wait for "Season 2"??

An EXTREMELY clear sign (unless you're in denial) that you're spending FAR too much time on DU:

The Hubble Telescope -- giving us REMARKABLE details of how the Universe works.

Unemployed Stuff To-Do List: Items 1-6 apply to *anyone*....

COMPLETELY mindless poll: The toilet paper roll placement conundrum .........

Mission Impossible - Squirrel Edition

"Manscaping" Yes or No?

Mubarak gives army shoot-to-kill order

Saw "True Grit" yesterday. In a word: wow

Microsoft shifts some work out of Egypt

Senior Khmer Rouge leaders to appear in Cambodian court

ULTIMATE MANCAVE...Batman's Batcave, Superman's Fortress of Solitude, Cheney's Undisclosed Location?

Israel urges world to curb criticism of Egypt's Mubarak

A fire is a cheerful thing

I'm going to a theme party. Need tunes with "Red" or some variation in them.

Protest’s Old Guard Falls In Behind Young (Around ElBaradei; Adopted "Hug A Soldier" Strategy)

Azerbaijani Opposition Seeks To Avert 'Egyptian Scenario'

Correctional officer in Washington prison is found dead

Have you ever rooted for an actor because of what he/she had to do his/her body to perfect the role?

Egypt not trending in China

'Mega protest' planned in Egypt (Calls For 'Million People Demonstration' on Tuesday)

Sudan police clash with protesters

US calls for release of Al-Jazeera reporters in Egypt

Protests Spring Up in Rural Yemen .

US panel’s report reflects partisan rift

EFF Uncovers Widespread FBI Intelligence Violations (FOIA Docs)

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn to sign civil unions bill today

Excessive force claim is denied by security firm Blackwater's president

Little Skittles was SO charming that waitstaffs would GIVE her gift cards for free meals...

BREAKING NEWS Six Al Jazeera Reporters Arrested in Egypt

-Egypt army: will not use violence against citizens

China's CCTV news report was 'Top Gun' scene

IBM to offer $1,000 Esops to India staff

Composer John Barry dies aged 77

Did Egypt's Army just throw Mubarek under the bus?

Fdereal Judge rules entire Health Care Reform law to be unconstitutional

Kohl Loans Warchest $1 Million

The House GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape

favorite people, things known as "Big" or "Little"

Trash firm fights immigrant death claim

Hoenlein: ElBaradei a ‘stooge’ for Iran

Sen. Gillibrand returns from visit with Giffords

44 GOP Senators Sponsor Health Care Repeal Bill

UK firm's partner 'wanted Peru to curb priests in mine conflict areas'

Corporate tax cuts may bring down (Canadian) government

Businesses in U.S. Expand at Faster Pace Than Estimated, ISM Index Shows

Illegal immigration enforcement program takes heavy toll on Hispanic populations

Democrat John Conyers to run for 25th term in Congress

Baseball Card oddities - anyone remember this classic "OOPS"

1 dead, 1 critical, 2 serious after PCSO helicopter crash

Riot Police Guard Against Anti-Billionaire Protesters in Rancho Mirage. (25 arrested)

Past life regression

Word from Redstone

Iran summons US hiker Sarah Shourd for spying trial

I have to go to Clarksville. What train should I take?

I have to go to Clarksville. What train should I take?

Rep. Capuano: Decision by summer on challenge to Scott Brown

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday, January 31, 2011

Clapton is...

AFL-CIO, Global Unions Applaud New Egyptian Labor Movement

George Osborne (UK chancellor of exchequer) warns unions over strike plans

Windy City falls under blizzard watch as winter storm revs up - One for the record books

My friend's 14 year old daughter was STUNNED that back in the days we only had one phone per family

Exxon profits soar 53%

Israel allows Egypt troops in Sinai for first time since 1979 peace treaty

Egypt Unrest Spurs Call for U.S. Oil-Production Boost

Proposed budget cuts for the California courts already causing a stir

Uncontacted Tribe, One Of The World's Last, Threatened By Illegal Logging In Brazil (PHOTOS)

Clinton Ambassador Meeting: Unprecedented Mass Meeting Of Top Envoys

Oil Trading Hits Record Levels

Castro says Obama has been underhanded in Egypt

Google Executive Missing in Wake of Egypt Protests

New York City Investigates Arizona Gun Show

Al Jazeera English (TV) Blacked Out Across Most Of U.S.

BREAKING: Florida judge strikes down parts of health care reform

Egyptian Army: 'We Will Not Use Force'

An era of cheap food may be drawing to a close

Duncan calls on black men to go into teaching

CDC: No link between deaths and Chinese drywall

Protest Song against SB6

10 O'Clock Live: Who Is Sarah Palin ?

The Global Awakening vs. The Internet Kill Switch - Sunday Update

Mubarak is a son of bytch, but he is our son of bytch

Funny history of USA

TYT: Hilarious 'Global Warming Hoax' Argument By Michele Bachmann

Bank Bailouts Explained

TYT: Bill O'Reilly Vs Megyn Kelly On Supposed Hatch Act Violation (Shirley Sherrod)

TYT: Mom Jailed For Putting Kids In Good School

CBS: 60 Minutes Assange Interview - Overage 'Rules for Publishers'

San Francisco shows up in solidarity with the Egyptian people

Young Turks: Prisoner Makes 10k A MONTH Selling Drugs In Jail

RESCUE~Salvamento incrível em FULL HD (Helicóptero Águia PM-SP Brasil)

Tyler's Warning to the Upper 1% of Americans...

TYT: High School Segregates Students

Hard Truth #1: Freddie Mac

Spoof on US State Departments Position on Egypt

Koch 'secret' meeting protest in Rancho Mirage #1

Free Egypt Protest in Toronto (with Officer Bubbles)

Response to Obama Youtube Interview.(War on Drugs/Medical Marijuana)

protest video with beatles tune revolution

Al Jazeera English: Egypt's Security Vacuum

Rally against Koch Brothers in Rancho Mirage

Protest march in Sudan over unrest in Egypt

60 Minutes: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, Pt. 1

Rachel Maddow: GOP says 'jobs jobs jobs', but actually are still culture-warring

Nomi Prins explains Goldman Sachs shady Facebook deal

WikiLeaks_ Julian Assange_ Pt. 1 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Egypt protests organized by the US? RT

Bank Bail Out True Facts

Thom Hartmann: Republicans Diss Public Funding


The World Supports You Egypt!

TYT: Sex Week with Bristol Palin?!

TYT: Hottest Member Of Congress Is...

Israel express support for Egypt

Control Hot Money Says Economists

Palestinians fight for civil rights and reject old leadership

CNN's Reliable Sources: Al Jazeera English's Washington Bureau Chief Dispels The Myths About AJE

Egyptian Feminist, Nawal El Saadawi

PCCC Delivers Thank You Letters to Harry Reid RE: Social Security

Nancy Skinner on Freedom Watch 1-28-11 discussing military spending and Egypt

Silly Wikileaks Interview

911Truth Activist chains himself to the White House fence

Recent Presidents Who Increased the National Debt

Russia Today's Crosstalk show discusses Egypt and whether the US should get involved

The Big Picture: January 28, 2011

Weird Liberal Head Show #277: We Need a GLOBAL Revolution!

Rachel Maddow Destroys Republican Myth That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves (AKA

Egyptian Journalist Ms. Mona Eltahawy SCHOOLS CNN: Use “Revolt/Uprising” Instead Of “Chaos/Unrest”!

"Bravest girl in Egypt" translated into English

TDPS: Eric Cantor refuses to call birther claims illegitimate, chooses each word carefully

Mona Eltahawy: "This Not About Islamists. This Is Not About Al Qaeda. This Is About Egyptians!"

"I can't even get in the water any more because we get oil on us" -- It's just MUD says cleanup crew

Republicans Want Another Great Depression

Senator Vitter is as scary as they get.

Dylan Ratigan's panel laugh at Wikileaker Manning's unlawful detention (& probable torture)

Tea Party Recruitment Song (FUNNY!!)

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds with Ed Asner, Pt 2

MRN: Sh*t Done Hit The Fan In Egypt

How Reaganomics Destroyed The Middle Class...And Maybe America

TYT: Legal To Shoot Dogs And Cats In Utah?

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds with Ed Asner, Pt 1

I Protested The Koch Brothers

Tears: Seafood restaurant done after 19 years — NO fresh shrimp, oysters since oil disaster

Egypt: A Nation In Waiting - Special Al Jazeera Documentary Looking At Egypt Under Mubarak (45 Min)

"I know I would not be here, as president, without him."

"Jeff Zients Will Lead Reorganization of Federal Government"

Politico Launches "2012 - Live"

"White House quietly prepares for a post-Mubarak era in Egypt"

Wall Street Titan Ken Langone, GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain At Koch Brothers Meeting

Protesters Take On Conservative Retreat

Well, that's likely to leave a mark.

Obama administration allies itself with Egypt protestors

Kucinich: Ros-Lehtinen captured mood of Congress on Egypt

Labor uneasy as OSHA withdraws safety regulations

Democrats Force Votes With Eye on Campaigns

"Obama Presses for Change but Not a New Face at the Top"

"We are Marines, and we respect the rights of all who wear the uniform." (DADT)

Fox News' Chief Political Operative Reveals Pressure To Create Anti-Obama Panels

Nonstop idiocy about Obama and `American exceptionalism'

The Extreme Activism Of Judge Vinson -- Who gives a "shout out" to the tea party in ruling.

Dems adopting aggressive posture in fight over government spending

Egypt is an African country. So why are the networks using more commentators/experts of color

DCCC Targets 19 Republicans Over Spending Cuts, Ethics Issues

Filibuster Reform Dies a Quiet Death

'Now is not the time to raise taxes on the American people'

New Concern Fox News Will Be Remembered As The Network That Lost Egypt

Could GOP grab control of redistricting in Virginia?

White House Expects Huntsman to Resign, Explore 2012 Bid

What's a Monday morning without an IQ accident??? Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!!

Fox Geezer Syndrome

Breaking NYT: Flordia judge declares health care law unconstitutional

Chris Matthews to host Bill Clinton special: ‘President of the World’

Nate Silver - Poll: Egyptian Public’s Views Toward United States Are Much Improved

Idaho energy rebate could be victim of own success

Tea, Coffee, Wheat, Apples - For India, Time To Brace For Climate Impacts On Most Crops

Payouts from Wisconsin wind farms approach $3 million

Some Of LA Delegation Delighted With Browner Departure, Vitter In Particular

84 Days W/O Snow For Beijing - Longest Dry Stretch In 60 Years Of Records

Peak oil review - Jan 31

Drumbeat from the weekend and today...

New Onshore Wind Installations Decline 14% in Europe as Offshore Surges

Videos--The link between oil, the US Military, and your tax dollars

Cyclone Yasi Heading For Queensland Coast - Winds Currently Up To 160 Mph - ABC Net

Chinese increase oil search in US

FAO - Global Fish Consumption At All-Time High; No Improvement In Global Fish Stocks

9-16 January 2011 - N. American Surface Temperature Anomalies - EO/NASA

LePage's Environment Nominee One Of Only 6 To Get LCG 0, But It's OK Since He Grew Up On A Farm

New Study Also Links Late Ordovician Dieoff To Rapid Climate Change - 75% Of Sea Life Died

Congressional committee: diesel use in hydraulic fracturing may violate Clean Water Act

Fastest-Growing Form Of Intercity Travel In The US In 2010 - Buses

TVA fires Watts Bar project manager

Stuxnet Virus Attack: Russia Warns of ‘Iranian Chernobyl'

Gosh, It's Just Too Damned Hard - 12-Year Attempt To Persuade Shoppers To Reuse Bottles Flops In UK

China Initiates Thorium MSR Project

Investors abandoning new nuclear power plants

More on food and energy

Wind energy ban is jobs killer

Independent UK: The hypocrisy of America’s moral outrage

Michele Bachmann to Deliver Tea Party Address to Egyptian Protestors

A proud moment in Egypt's history

Duped Indian students ignored red flags

If Mubarak had not ruled Egypt as a dictator, the World Trade Center would still be standing

Protesters Take On Conservative Retreat

Ethos: New Documentary Calls for Consumers to Reclaim Power

I wonder if this guy has a I-hate-that-bitch-Jane-Fonda patch on his Vietnam veteran jacket?

Women on the front lines in Egypt

The New Arab Revolts - An Interview with Vijay Prashad

Internet Kill Switch? We don't need no stinkin' Internet Kill Switch.

The Torture Career of Egypt's New Vice President

An update as regards: Morocco

On 'Political Dialogue' And 'Principles' (Jim Miles)

'America Plops and Fizzes' An interview with poet, Andrew Rihn (Mickey Z.)

The Guiding Principle (David Glenn Cox)

UK firm's partner 'wanted Peru to curb priests in mine conflict areas'

Unrest in Egypt unsettles world markets ( e.g. oil )

The Tax That Turned Ronald Reagan Right

In Vallejo, A Municipal Bankruptcy Means Big Sacrifices For Ordinary Workers

Land grabs have dominated Colombia's history

Healthcare Hypocrites

Is U.S. on the side of Mideast democracy? (Khaled Elgindy)

Krugman on Income Inequality

200GB to 25GB: Canada gets first, bitter dose of metered Internet

Farmer by Farmer, an Organic Transition

The Earth Shifts (James Howard Kunstler)

Bill Keller vs Wikileaks: Goodnight, Julian Assange, And Bad Luck

Chris Hedges: What Corruption and Force Have Wrought in Egypt

We're Better off Than Egypt -- Right? Let's Take a Look.

Egyptians prove gungeon is wrong

Getcher Special Edition Blackwater Shotguns!

New Arizona legislation aims to loosen gun laws-inclduding seizing govt property

How easy is it to buy a gun in AZ? (undercover video)

So, why *shouldn't* we go out of state and buy guns illegally?

Opinion: Here's an Easy Way to Improve Gun Safety ...

Arizona: Pistol Packer's Paradise?

Fisherman's Wharf Shop Owner shoots Competitor's Employees over Counterfeit Purses

Gun safety hearings rejected by chairman of House Judiciary Committee

2000 rubes @ $100 a plate savor Grifterella's call to "Beware of what's coming" RE: 2nd Amendment

Doctor's office not the place for anti-gun politics (Ethical boundary privacy violation)

I can't believe there are so many experienced gun enthusiasts on DU (myself included)...

A reasonable requirement is to require ID verifying a gun purchaser is 18 years or older

New York City Investigates Arizona Gun Show-Bloomberg to show videos

Hillary Clinton: Haiti aid will not be suspended

Mexico's left wins western state in setback for PRI

Colombia: Murders of Teachers Continue into 2011

UK firm's partner 'wanted Peru to curb priests in mine conflict areas'

Land grabs have dominated Colombia's history

Uruguayan Court Retakes HR Violations Cases

wikileaks cables Zelaya ALBA

Uncontacted Tribe, One Of The World's Last, Threatened By Illegal Logging In Brazil (PHOTOS)

Sundance Premiere Highlights Guatemala Human Rights Work

US embassy confirms receiving threats (Spanish)

wikileaks cable Chavez asks Zelaya to publicly declare FARC not a terrorist organization

U.S. role in Egypt crisis "shameful" - Chavez

Someone should tell the AFC that the Pro-Bowl has started

Eagles kicker Akers had more on his mind than football in playoffs

Jackie Robinson's birthday today

Video from the NHL All Star Game intro and player introductions.

The one single play that most represents the "I don't give a fuck" attitude of the Pro-Bowl

IT'S TIME: what is your Super Bowl pick?

on a Lighter note.. cafepress has some really cool GLBT Valentine's T's

BRITAIN: Gay & Straight Couples Launch Challenge To Marriage Laws

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn to sign civil unions bill today

Three Men Charged for Distributing “Death to Gays” Leaflets

Wyoming House committee strikes down civil union bill

Thousands Sign Letter to Gates Over Recoupment

Israel worries privately as Egypt descends into chaos

Israel Allows 800 Egyptian Troops into the Sinai

Religious reality

Biblical quotes from Revalations

Caltech's Frances Arnold wins Draper Prize for biofuels-related research

Interesting little video...What Would Neptune Look Like if it Orbited Earth?

Challenger astronauts memorialized on the Moon

Bill O'Reilly explains his tides comments

Frogs re-evolved lost lower teeth