Democratic Underground

Archives: January 9, 2011

Ed Show on MSNBC now

Congresswoman Giffords and other victims were shot with 9MM Glock!

ABC News reporting shooter had met Giffords in 2007

I predict that somehow the teabaggers will be involved in getting him an attorney

I predict that somehow the teabaggers will be involved in getting him an attorney

The DC office buildings for the US House allow free access to all visitors

Keith's show tonight and special comment:urgency of all sides repudiating & apologizing

So I just went on the BBC site

So I just went on the BBC site

Congresswoman Giffords and DADT

Family Snapshot - Peter Gabriel

Family Snapshot - Peter Gabriel

Gabrielle Giffords’ Favorite Quote: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...

ABC Nat'L News: No mention of:

Gun toter at Obama rally tied to Arizona separatist groups

Gabe Zimmerman is one of Gabby Giffords staffers

Jared Loughner called for a return to the gold standard, a common demand of Tea Party activists

Every single day, Savage, Limbaugh, Beck et al

Teabagger financiers are pouring money into PR control

On Intrade, the odds that Palin will announce for the GOP nomination

Fed's Yellen defends QE2, says creating 3 million jobs

With all due respect to Morpheus...

Ralph Nader on the danger of extreme rhetoric from the right wing loons

Self-Delete All Better Now.

Headless Bodies of 15 Men Found Near Acapulco Mall, Mexican Police Report

Who were the other four victims?

Ed on MSNBC is trying to get his guests to admit she was targeted...

Jared Lee Loughner: Meet Rep. Giffords' Alleged Shooter

Yahoo Front Page: Giffords had been target of violent threats

Are the Republicans going to be complaining this accused terrorist was read his Miranda Rights?

ABC News did mention tea party

Dupe - please remove

Sane or insane the only reason a Democratic Congress person

Loughner too nuts for the Army?

FAUX News is busily distancing themselves and their audience from Gifford's shooter

Is Sharpton ill?

Kudos to MSNBC for going live on a Saturday and not showing crap

Person who knew Jared Lee Loughner calls him a "political radical:" - link...

Check out the Independent UK's take on the Giffords shooting.......

They don't care

They don't care

A reminder of another Arizona right wing nutjob terrorist enabler: Pastor Steven Anderson

A reminder of another Arizona right wing nutjob terrorist enabler: Pastor Steven Anderson

EW: "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on TLC is done.

DUers please post the MSNBC on line link

Pictures of Jared, the shooter, with long hair are years old

We don't yet know whether it was violence-tinged rhetoric that precipitated today's bloodbath...

Giffords Discussed Palin Rhetoric in March 2010

The Sheriff is nailing it as to the cause of the shooting

The Sheriff is nailing it as to the cause of the shooting

Go Sheriff! Call out the hate talkers

Sheriff Dupnik: Arizona has become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry

Second Amendment Solutions

We are not convinced that he acted alone - Sheriff at Presser

Arizona is the mecca for prejudice and bigotry...

Arizona is the mecca for prejudice and bigotry...

Where's the list of killings by rightwing nuts?

I was thinking about my representative today.

I was thinking about my representative today.

reporters at msnbc news conference ask dumb questions

Meet Sheriff Dupnik

This Arizona Sheriff on MSNBC now is clearly not a fan of teabaggers.

This Arizona Sheriff on MSNBC now is clearly not a fan of teabaggers.

Is there anyway to get updates of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's medical status?

Guns, Guns, Guns, The NFL, Sports and TV

Every one of the survivors now has a pre-existing condition

Suspect: 'You could call me a terrorist'

That sheriff is awesome. n/t

Meme of the Day 110109

FBI: we do not believe suspect acted alone..

All House Congressional business next week will be delayed because of the Arizona shooting.

AZ Sheriff: "AZ Mecca for prejudice and bigotry"-'Shooter in custody-seeking 2nd person of interest'

AZ Sheriff: "AZ Mecca for prejudice and bigotry"-'Shooter in custody-seeking 2nd person of interest'

Kudos to this Tuscon Sherriff. He is laying it out there and blaming the vitriol and hatred

Gabby Giffords: A Few Words - Alan Grayson

A semi-automatic pistol.

How -- if at all -- will this impact democratic politicians

From one of our FRiends: Gifford shooting is like a "timeout" in football...

Was that a gated community that the shooter lived in with his parents?

Palin: Obama 'Hell-Bent' on Weakening America

Was Jared Loughner targeting the President?

FOX News protecting its investment - cuts away from 'Giffords vigil' when Palin's name is mentioned

So where's the video of this? Surely someone had a phone camera.

(Rep. Raul) Grijalva: Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior

How does 'nut' erase 'rightwing'?

Anyone else notice all the pictures of Boehner with Giffords poppoing up?

'Aflockalypse' now? Theory's for the birds, scientists say

Reagan and Clinton

Don't forget Judge Roll and a child died. RIP

'That may be free speech, but it's not without consequences.'

Who just saw Keith O tying today's tragedy and terrorist attack

whoa Arizona Sheriff is very angry...

No matter the outcome, no matter the reason, this terrorist will be hailed as a hero by the Right

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords AZ office vandalized a few hours after health care vote last March - pics

IRS kamikaze, Giffords shooter, Tides Foundation shooter, Pittsburgh cops killer...

You can see the pain and sadness on Gene Robinson face

Shine a light on the cockroaches. Post any pictures you can find of the worst of the 2nd Amndmnt....

The assassin asked to speak to the congresswoman....

Didn't Gabrielle Gifford's opponent say other options would need to be explored if he lost?

Flashback: Giffords Warned Of 'Consequences' To Palin's Target Imagery (VIDEO)

I'm being suspicious and cynical but

Hey Facebook Show Us the the Shooter/Sarah Palin Page

Cheif Justice John Roberts statement about Federal Judge John Roll

Maddow Show: Public Workers New GOP Scapegoat

KRUGMAN: "it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers."

KO's special comment coming up next. n/t

Will Boehner cry about this shooting tomorrow when he grandstands for the media?

And who were the heroes that tackled the gunman?

'Repudiate Palin or you support cross haired targetting

Fox Noose. We Incite. You Pull the Trigger




We are fighting them over there so that...... Oh wait.... NT

Has Rush been heard from...

The Arizona Sheriff speaks out on the rhetoric in the media

The Arizona Sheriff speaks out on the rhetoric in the media

a lesson my father taught me over and over trying to teach me to be responsible for my actions:

I really hope the president's statements will be free of left/right extremist false equivalency

I haven't heard A WORD from Rand Paul, have any of you?

Apparently, freeper "peggybac" is in need of the jaws of life to pull her head out of her ass...

Palin's "Take Back the 20" facebook page is still up

Skunk under house becomes probable cause for armed police raid

Grijalva: Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior

Last March, Giffords told MSNBC that the street corner outside her Tucson office had become a Teabag

Some Freeper Reaction to the shootings

Eugene Robinson giving some very insightful comments on KO right now about

Had this been a school shooting, the kid who made the map would be in custody


Not to flog FOX but they're interviewing a young man who was there.

I'm thankful that a very wise, sane adult such as the Arizona sheriff is in charge of this

Grijalva: Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior

Do you agree? Olbermann just suggested that unless Billo repudiate his "Tiller the Killer"

I actually had an argument w/a right wing cafeteria christian

I actually had an argument w/a right wing cafeteria christian

Light a virtual candle

NYT: Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics

Blitzer just said shooter could be "radical right or radical left"

Has Palin made an official statement

those of us alive when JFK was shot

Vigils for Rep. Giffords outside her office, the Arizona Capitol, and University Medical Center-pics

Is a career as a grifter over?

NYT: 2nd Suspect Sought in Arizona Shooting

Jan Brewer and Rush Limbaugh are Responsible... why won't anyone say it?

What if he really was just a grammar nazi?

Candlelight vigil for victims of the shooting in AZ at the steps of Capitol Hill - pics

What's the key take-away issue from today's events?

Article says Federal Judge Roll may have been the actual target

Her name was Christina. She was 9, was on the student council and loved ballet

Her name was Christina. She was 9, was on the student council and loved ballet

NYT: A Turning Point in the Discourse, but in Which Direction?

NYT: A Turning Point in the Discourse, but in Which Direction?

Tucson Tea Party Leader: We Won't Change Our Rhetoric After Giffords Shooting

WPost: Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Tucson: Did it stem from state of political discourse?

Uncle says niece, 'typical' 9-year-old, among victims

Wolf, Gloria and Jessica on CNN are moronic. 'He may be right. or left'

Does imagery like this promote or incite violence?

the shooter asked for the congresswoman before he shot her

NICE MSNBC.....Now they go Back To Prison Shows...

Rush Limbaugh's "drift" on August 22, 2005: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (and a confession)

So under the hate crime law

So under the hate crime law

Tucson Tea Party Leader: We Won't Change Our Rhetoric After Giffords Shooting

Is your political career over when you put a map on the internet

Report: Giffords Staffer Gabe Zimmerman Among The Dead

Alan Grayson weighs in on the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords - a personal letter

"Person of Interest" is white, in his 50s

Where have we seen the RW use those crosshairs before?

Re: Giffords shooting....where's the amateur footage?

I haven't seen good evidence that Loughner was right wing

Sarah Palin's political career is over. Period. n/t

Conservatives4Palin fear for her safety, say the left set up the shooting

Man at Candlelight Vigil Cut-off by Commercial When He Mentioned Sarah Palin.

Man at Candlelight Vigil Cut-off by Commercial When He Mentioned Sarah Palin.

Chuck Todd is crawling into a hole right now

Freeper "castlegreyskull" knows who's responsible for today's events. His name starts with an "O."

AWOL soldier ordered to finish tour in Afghanistan

Thank You Keith

WILL Palin take the bait? WILL she snark about the lamestream media and the crosshairs map?

This is Loughner, the obsessed loner...

This is Loughner, the obsessed loner...

A sad coincidence; little girl who was murdered today was born on 9/11/01.

My local NBC affiliate just showed the Sheriff's "consequences" line, BUT ...

There are just two things I want right now...

The site scrubbers are very busy at Mooselini's Facebook page.

Jared Lee Loughner was merely the murder weapon. Sarah, Rush, Glenn, et al are the murderers.

The GOP wants Health Care Reform dead because it is an example

Our current "Have you no shame" moment has come at a great price.

Just a reminder (if you want to send it to some RWer)

All 637,000 @wikileaks followers are target of US govt subpoena against Twitter

Thank you D.U... This was the first and only place I thought to come today

Reason to believe the shooter did not act alone...

Is it time for a march on Washington to demand an end to the hatred and bigotry

San Franciscans understand what a "target list" is all about

San Franciscans understand what a "target list" is all about

Sheriff: Suspicious package at Giffords HQ

It is Time to Identify All the Hate Mongers of the Air Waves

What follows is SPECULATION... so please take it with the

This is the second act of violence against someone on Palin's list - remember Tom Perriello??

Columbine begat more school shootings

Dead: John Roll, Gabriel Zimmerman, Dorwin Stoddard, Christina Greene, Dorthy Murray, Phyllis Scheck

Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin et al,

So how long before Palin is seen as the victim?

Hmm, I wonder what the spin will be on Morning Joe with Chuck and Savannah?

do we know who the two brave people where who tackled the shooter today? n/t

The poor weather guy on KPHO local news in Phoenix, I don't think he's

Former Rep Harry Mitchell (D-AZ) quit doing Town Halls because of threats

Live from New York, It's

Palin Endorsed, Fully Automatic M16 Wielding AZ Candidate: “Get On Target For Victory In November.’’

I realize this may be blasphemy here, but I don't think we can blame the right-wing.

Link to Gabrielle Giffords talking about Sarah Palins Target List

Link to Gabrielle Giffords talking about Sarah Palins Target List

So have any right-wingers expressed ANY sympathy for the victims?

Any paparazzi pictures of Sarah Palin lately?

Freeper: Good thing that Loughner didn't do any "damage" by shooting teabaggers, Beck, or Palin

The Speaker will make a statement TOMORROW morning

GOP has radio talkshows...

Has Bristol Palin moved to AZ yet? Any word on the shooter's accomplice?

It wouldn't matter...

It wouldn't matter...

I missed it. Can you help me?


Almost as an aside, I think it is impossible to say that media did NOT have some effect on...

Almost as an aside, I think it is impossible to say that media did NOT have some effect on...


Gabrielle Giffords' father: 'The whole Tea Party were her enemies'

Ok just turned on FOX... Rivera is on


Holy CRAP! Talibunny's Facebook page comments are out-crazying FreepTown...How can that be POSSIBLE?

Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics

I believe in Free Speech and i also believe in a person's right to own a gun.

Least we forget: Cenk Uygar 2009 - Glenn Beck Clown Antics Turn Dangerous

I don't need unfettered access to my Member of Congress

Politicians, groups react to violent shooting - Long compilation from AZ & Nation

Politicians, groups react to violent shooting - Long compilation from AZ & Nation

Gary Hart: Words Have Consequences

Could these friends of Loughner's be lying about his liberalism?

What Is The Vegas Line.................

Loughner's supposed manifesto

Transcript from Keith's Special Comment

Transcript from Keith's Special Comment

FOX "News" cuts away from 'Giffords vigil' when Sarah Palin's name is mentioned

This is such a horrible tragedy, 6 people died for no reason and a

Can I get a little help, here?

Can I get a little help, here?

What did that SPLC representative on KO say about some right winger's notion of grammar control?

Judges get threats all the time. This is nothing new.

The hate rhetoric is put out there to incite those unbalanced enough to act.

Arizona essentially has no gun control laws. Add this to the hate talk, and this is no surprise

Crazy and Dangerous? I'll Show You Crazy and Dangerous.

Freeper schools Senator Lopez: Islamic terrorists, Mexicans, Union thugs are violent, not teabaggers

KO'S special comment hits it out of the ball park!

David Koch, Dick Armey. I wonder how they feel this day.

Drumming Against Hate at Giffords’s Office

The point of the matter IS...

Any news on the 50 year old coconspiritor?

Loughner was angered that "few people speak English"

Giffords read the text of the First Amendment Thursday as part of the Ceremonial Reading

CONFIRMED by officials: Rep. Giffords WAS the target in the crosshairs.

Wonder how long

Ok the tea parties have never advocated violence

The irony of it all...

Where did he get a semi-automatic 9-mm gun?

Dupnik: Gunman made previous 'threats of death' but not against Giffords

Lets not forget the shooter was mentally ill

Do Not Remain Silent

Anybody have confirmation of shooter's...

After Giffords Shooting, Rep. Grijalva Says Tea Party Made Us Cannon Fodder

FLASHBACK: Arkansas Democratic chairman killed in shooting

From what I heard, that Federal judge just happened to stop by at the event

I'm not even sure who is on them, but the Sunday Morning talk shows should be pretty interesting

A prayer or remembrance for those who were killed

WikiLeaks Subpoenas Spill Out Into Public Realm

Network news anchors are heading to Arizona

Screenshot of Palin's "RELOAD" tweet and Facebook "AIM"

RIP - Victims named

A song or two for tonight, add your own

Jared Lee Loughner had become increasingly erratic in recent months,

How many guns do you own? - Grover Norquist asked RNC candidates

Sunday Talk Shows

This kind of rhetoric was present in Dallas the day that JFK was assassinated.

SNL is blaming the city workers for the snow snafu.

Gabrielle Giffords' Palin Endorsed Opponent Appears To Be Scrubbing His Site

Gabrielle Giffords' Palin Endorsed Opponent Appears To Be Scrubbing His Site

...vigils held tonight for Gabby

Fuckwad of the minute's post on Craigslist Political forum.

Febrile politics of Giffords shooting (BBC)..gotta read the comments

Keith O. now playing Gifford's entire 5 minute interview with Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie

Westboro wastes of oxygen have issued a press release re: AZ murders

sorry, my mistake, GHW Bush

Self-deleted by member

I did not know Giffords, but after seeing her photos, I am amazed at the resemblance to Hillary C

U.S. District Judge John Roll faced death threats in 2009

Dangerous and vicious critters escape the Columbus zoo - be on alert, pic of beasts enclosed:

More infor mation on those who were killed.

Grandaughter Of Phillies' Dallas Green Among Those Killed In Arizona Shooting

28 bodies (15 beheaded) found in Acapulco

Breaking: Eric Cantor announces all Congressional business next week suspended

IMAGE(originally from SP's Facebk pg): Where would an armed schizo get the idea of SHOOTING Gabby Gi...

gifford shooter accomplice?

The College Board admits their Advance Placement exams suck.

Which of the following statements, in your opinion, appears to be more true than the others?

Pakistan will implode if the US does not leave Afghanistan


Police say the target of the attack was Congresswoman

Police say the target of the attack was Congresswoman

I have been reading comments

I have been reading comments

Far-right Tories (UK) battle for soul of Conservative Party

Crazy or not, the shooter was inspired to commit an act of political violence

When the Loughner parents speak out... we'll learn more.

When the Loughner parents speak out... we'll learn more.

The "elephant in the room", is....

Did Giffords Know of Her Shooter Days Before it Happened?

Personally I think Sarah should get the Code Pink treatment.

Our Inattention to the Power of Metaphors

Pingree, Collins issue statements on Arizona shooting spree

Caitie Parker: TeaBaggers/Wingnuts Primary Hope to Deflect from Loughner...

Boehner press conference coming up around 8.30am

HS friend of gunman: "He was very political... wanted to change the way government was run..." n/t

Has Sarah Palin made a public statement yet? n/t

This Freeper forged a Retweet from me on Twitter, and then blocked me.

Wikileaks is saying that Justice is asking for info on all the #wikileak followers



Why isn't the FBI infiltrating teabaggers to catch the violent ones like they do with Muslims?

Don't you love how they are showing his high school photo

Will the right now remove the words, job killing, from the recorded request for healthcare repeal?

Where are the parents of this assasin?

How Much More? - Coalition To Stop Gun Violence Insurrectionism Timeline: Violent Acts Since 2008

My congressman who just retired canceled his town halls last year because of death threats

6 years ago today

6 years ago today

Ms. Giffords' brother-in-law is living in the space station. Wonder if he will be coming home.

Her name was Christina. She was 9, was on the student council and loved ballet

Lack of Paid Sick Leave Is Family and Public Health Concern

Pima College statement on shooting suspect Jared Loughner

Pima County Republicans have Rep. Giffords on home page, w/ pixellated image

Arizona shooter may have been Army recruit

“18 Iconic Products That America Doesn’t Make Anymore”

Fox News: This guy was mentally unstable

Fox News: This guy was mentally unstable

Don't forget the letter bombs sent to Democrat Martin O'Malley

So Wheeper Boehner - do you still think that your birther

The time to shame them is now.

The time to shame them is now.

Lougner's Own Words Prove He Is No Democrat Or Liberal

On McVeigh, Ann Coulter said her only regret was that he didn't

Why did Dick ARMEY think he was asked to appear on t.v.?!

Why did Dick ARMEY think he was asked to appear on t.v.?!

"His favorite books were the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf"

6 people shot, including 2 officers (one officer died)

In honor of Congresswoman Giffords

If this happened at the Haymarket in 1886, Sarah Palin and

Local news lady when talking about the terrible tragedy...said John BONER!

Flashback to 1998: Democratic State Senator shot dead by Republican Challenger.

Flashback to 1998: Democratic State Senator shot dead by Republican Challenger.

Boehner says shooting of AZ congresswoman won't stop reps in Washington from their duties

A nine year old girl. Sarah, is this how you and the teaparty wanted it to start?

Loughner had made death threats before.

Tucson Tea Party Leader: We Won't Change Our Rhetoric After Giffords Shooting

Michael Moore's Tweets from yesterday:

Marianne Williamson's Plea To Sarah Palin: Words Have Power

My ghost writing for Sarah's tweet of the day

Wikileaks: Foreign Governments Warned Not to Retaliate Against Human Rights Activists

Actual quotes from a RWer on Facebook - with bonus DailyKos excuse!

Happy Yet?

anyone else reminded of Sirhan Sirhan?

I hate to say this but...if ever there was a reason for Boehner to cry

I hate to say this but...if ever there was a reason for Boehner to cry

bill oreilly to interview president obama on superbowl sunday

What Rude Pundit says...

It is what it is.

"Death Panels"

Police Release Photo of Person of Interest in Arizona Shooting Rampage---Ask For Help

Crosshairs Sarah Palin is an American Terrorist

Does anyone remember The Fisher King?

Teabagger on MTP: We have to be careful not to blame one side or the other

Rupert Murdoch needs to be sent back to Australia. I am so tired of him stirring up hatred in this

Morning Joe will twist this event so that you won't recognize it, and you will be convinced that a

Shooter went to my brother's HS. I think he graduated the same year as my brother

Shooter went to my brother's HS. I think he graduated the same year as my brother

The Republican Response Speaks Volumes

has the media asked sharon angle if she's pleased with the 2nd amendment solution?

has the media asked sharon angle if she's pleased with the 2nd amendment solution?

Another example of the right..Glenn Beck as a matter of fact,

Fox Newsbabe crocodile tears - Mother of dead 9 y/o girl interviewed

From a clinical perspective...

The Pentagon Economizes

Interesting article from the BBC. Notice the comments of Krugman.

I had a dream last night

AZ DUers, do you recognize this man?

Watching M$NBC and Catie Parker interview

Fox News rolls out the Big Guns...

Faux used correct adjective "DemocratIC" instead of noun "DemoCRAT" !1

Is the Constitutional right to peaceful assembly violated

Now,they want to talk everyone down...

even Emptyhead Elizabeth Hasselbeck warned this could happen!

even Emptyhead Elizabeth Hasselbeck warned this could happen!

Questions Fox may ask Palin on the next exclusive interview

Loughner to classmate describing her abortion, “terrorist for killing the baby.”

Did Jared try to join the military to get near Obama?

Bob Scheaffer, when you're done with the irrelevant John Kyl on your show . . . . .

Rep Grijalva: Palin & Her People "ContributingTo This Toxic Climate"

Rep Grijalva: Palin & Her People "ContributingTo This Toxic Climate"

I'd rather have the conservatives tell the truth than stop their violent rhetoric

I'd rather have the conservatives tell the truth than stop their violent rhetoric

Giffords Worried about Sarah Palin Putting Her in Crosshairs

It's time to treat the gun culture as an enemy of civilization

Is there any footage of the lines of people spewing hatred

What harm is there in a little florid rhetoric?

Post deleted..

I'm beginning to think freepers see "IRONY" as something you do to a wrinkled shirt.

This was a political shooting. A deranged person would have just shot anybody at random. He aimed

What brand of politics is secondary to who fomented violent rhetoric.

Talk of a Wikileaks class action law suit against DoJ is under way

Words have meaning and power

Is this Loughner at a Tea Party rally in Tucson?

theFrankFactor, I will answer your question. Who is more dangerous? (Editorial Board)

Don't let teabaggers and others say "both parties" are involved in this.

Which phrase best describes the events today?

Is the time right for Obama to push for gun control laws?

Congresswoman was ‘first target,’ says link

Does AZ have the death penalty and, if so, does this crime meet the legal criteria

Anyone have a link to the photo of the little girl who was killed?

Debra Saunders - a whore of a diffident color

Stupid wotch on CNN says mentioning Palin "cheapens the death of those people"

Since The "Liberal Media" WON'T Do It, Let's Start Building The Case Here

Sarah Palin should think about saving what money she

Sarah Palin should think about saving what money she

Next up, those weren't gunsights, they were the symbol on the pope's staff.

Right-wing hate media: the new violent video games?

Something else about "the hit list"...

"...or the right of the people peaceably to assembly..."

Do not remain silent

Erickson of CNN: "At what point do the people beat their state legislator to a bloody pulp?"

Wayne LaPierre"The guys with the guns make the rules"

Repugs Will Wonder How This Kind Of Thing Could Happen

DoJ Target: ALL individuals ever having accessed a tweet from any of Wikileaks related acct

Largest Mass Burial in U.S. Military History

It needs to be said. The Koch Brothers have blood on their hands.

Dear Howard Kurtz: Fuck You

Dear Howard Kurtz: Fuck You

Question -

"Whoa, this is just wrong"

Conservatives mocked DHS warning of 'antigovernment' violence-Gingrich wanted author fired

Freeper "factmart" says "mandatory Bible reading in grades 1 through 12" would stop shooters

How much is the reward for information on the "person of interest", from the assassination attempt?

It's not about 'demonizing a group based on the acts of a crazy person'

do we have a list of the rw hate talkers threatening democrats? i know there are duers that are so

When is a gunsight not a gunsight?

I got another Urban Dictionary definition published - this time for "teabagger"

Daniel Hernandez, intern, stays by Gabrielle Giffords' side (please read this)

Why is Luke Russert talking about a Remembrance for

Anyone have a picture of Gifford that can be used as an avatar?

Question For Ann Coulter.....Happy now?

Question For Ann Coulter.....Happy now?

Why did the shooter have a semiautomatic on him?

Dick Armey is just as responsible as Sarah Palin...FOLLOW THE MONEY....

Police: 4 Dead in Shooting Spree in Northern Italy

Right-wing Fatwas

I want to know what politics the shooter currently ascribed to

Sheriff Dupnik didn't name any specific political party, politician or news organization.

DHS: Loughner may have links to (White Nationalist) American Renaissance:

Town Hall Meetings/ accessibility to politicians over?

Juan Cole: White Terrorism

and here we go. the various mr smith&wesson and beretta will say it's not their fault

Remember Boehner's weasel worded response to the question about birthers

Thought and prayers to the family of Christina-Taylor Green

9-year-old shooting victim was the granddaughter of famed baseball pitcher and manager Dallas Green

Howie kurtz..

Well that settles it. I guess we'd better do whatever the right wants.

Feelings of admission

Presser update on CNN right now.

FoxNews: DHS Memo Suggests Shooter May Be Linked To Racist Organization

Jared Laughner was no True Scotsman

Witness: He was trying to reload - ready for war

Resolved: Sarah Palin should make a public bedside apology to Gabrielle Giffords

Report: DHS says shooting suspect 'possibly linked' to anti-Semitic group

FBI has associated Loughner with AMERICAN Rennaissance

Let's place the blame where it belongs. It's the media that has blood on their hands today.

"She was the only girl on her Canyon del Oro Little League team. She played second base."

Bristol has bought a home in AZ

The Idiot At Work Yesterday on Giffords Shooting

In honor of the fallen--PLEASE go donate blood to your local blood bank

How to incite violence and get away with it in three easy steps:

from the wtf file:Portuguese television journalist, was found castrated and bludgeoned to death in a

Damn It... I'm Cryin Again... Check Out HuffPo's Front Page...

So, when will Sarah Palin's wikipedia entry get updated

Dehumanizing opponents or those who disagree with you is, to me, a sure

"You wanna take a shot at it?"

Sen. Paul Offers Diagnosis for Accused Shooter/Shooting unrelated to AZ gun laws

Shooter's favorite book is Mein Kampf. Rep. Giffords is Jewish.

I Cannot Begin To Explain Or Describe The Gargantuan Sheep-Like Stupidity Of The Right..

Palin = Terrorist

Tucson shooter - "I define terrorist."

from Richard A. Viguerie,

MSNBC headline - Sheriff: Arizona had become Mecca for prejudice and bigotry

Any news on the suspected accomplice?

I'll accept the fact that the AZ shooter was mentally unstable...

Does anyone know how Gifford's Seat will be handled just in case she

seems appropriate

Sarah Palin = Eric Cartman in "The Passion of the Jew"

Could Socialism work in America?

Jesus H!!! MSNBC just now: "Giffords has not been conscious.."

Why are citizens asked to pretend the right wing

I want to see WHO in Congress has been threatened

Freeper Response to Congresswoman Attack

Hospital Press Conference on now

Anyone remember this?

The Right side has blood all over their hands and what do they do?

Last episode of 'Sarah Palin Grifts Alaska' tonight.

Whereever the promoters of violent speech go

To the conservative talking heads and their media fluffers

Giffords had history with Palin, Tea Party

From a dental/medical practitioner's point of view....

Sheriff Dupnik didn't name any specific political party, politician or news organization.

A Failed Mental Health System - that's what I think this really was

The rise of Marine Le Pen to lead Frances' National Front.

Update on Gifford's Condition


Don't You Just LOVE All The "Left" Wing Gun Defenders ???

If they really didn't intend for it to be a gunsight when it was originally posted

John Belushi has/had the response all ready to go:

Westboro Baptist will pickett AZ funerals. Will the Patriot Guard riders show up?

How about listing hate websites? I'll start.

Tune in tomorrow...

She Has A Name: Christina Taylor Greene, Born on 9/11/01

Imbecile Howard Kurtz has some Rethug on comparing Palins gun sights with Michelle Obama saying ...

Fox News abruptly cuts away from Tucson vigil after mourner mentions Sarah Palin

Gifford's YouTube page lists Loughner as one of her subscriptions....Wierd

The Lefts idea of a fight - argument and debate.

Bravo Boehner. You managed to remain calm during your statement.

How the Right's Rhetoric Affirmed the Impulses of Arizona's Mass Murderer

Sportsman's Warehouse - America's Premier Outfitter

Military Draft Notice

The media gets it wrong- again. American Renaissance does not appear to have an anti-semitic slant

You thought those were AR-15's at Obama's speech? They were SURVEYOR'S SIGHTS!!

Happy Yet?

The Sheriff is introducing Mueller from the FBI

Rep. Giffords was subscribed to her shooter's YouTube channel..

Dr.'s who are attending Congresswoman Giffords

Dr.'s who are attending Congresswoman Giffords

How do you think the Constitution's framers envisioned the First Amendment right to free speech?

"I am right, you are evil"

Liberal Hunting License .... picture

Gabrielle Giffords Is Gwyneth Paltrow's Cousin

Lighten up.

An apology in advance


Students arrested for FB attack invitations

Stenny Hoyer nailed on CBS, Face the Nation

Why are you stunned and why are your tears flowing you fucking hypocrite

Bloody Sarah

The Right and Left Are NOT The Same. (Pics)

heads up. Olberman on now - a special report.

Rep. King (R-Ia) passed over as subcommittee leader

F**k The Tea Party

F**k The Tea Party

They can't take back the hate or explain it away. The internet is their judge and jury

American Renaissance appears to be admirers of the “tea party” movement

FBI head robert mueller...'the target was the congresswoman'

The People's House, Not Target

Zuckerberg: 'Is Sarah Palin To Blame For AZ Shooting' Top Question On Facebook Today

This is what I expect to hear, or already am hearing from the right

Flashback: RNC candidates compare how many guns they own

If Loughner met Giffords there is any number of reasons he could have latched onto for wanting to

Keith Olbermann apologised

Teaparty leader on Geraldo blaming the left..

PERFECT video regarding this hateful discourse from these nut jobs

Wow...some in the MSM are using a "textbook" approach

Tea Party heroes included soldiers accused of murder and torture

If Palin really wants to do something positive, she should go on TV and say that she is very, very

I think faux news has some responsibility as well as one of their employees (palin) acting

As Keith pointed out last night

"Giffords Shooting is US Tragedy We Need to Urgently Address"

Sherriff Dupnik: AZ is the Tombstone of the Country regarding gun control

America 2011: Eliminationist rhetoric and political murder


She Never Knew The Freedoms and Peace We ALL Once Knew

Text of DHS Memo on Loughner

Text of DHS Memo on Loughner

I love Sheriff Dupnik n/t

Playbook #1 of Teabaggers: Attack and be Loud About It

Sheriff Dupnick - here it comes - the RW has a distraction for a bad guy

Dupnick - woman stopped him from reloading - two men subdued him

Dupnik: "Spring in the magazine failed"

A quote that stands the test of time

To what degree do you feel American Westerns

Remember "Nothing better than a dead liberal" ?

Remember "Nothing better than a dead liberal" ?

Debbie Wasserman just stated on MTP that the Teapartiers were saying at campaign

Prostitutes client took her to one of George W. Bush's State of the Union addresses

Dupnik: The ones spewing the hate 24/7 know exactly what they are doing

How jaded have we become when we hear that the FBI is involved

If "both sides" have to take down violent rhetoric where will we hear the sound of a pin dropping?

TPM: Don't Jump to Conclusions about Fox News DHS Report of Racism in AZ Shooting Spree!

Anyone curious about the parents?

The shooter fired 31 shots from an extended clip.

I don't think Loughner was planning on being alive and in custody today?

False equivalency - the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Chicago Sun-Times: We can’t say we weren’t warned about Arizona shooting tragedy

Chicago Sun-Times: We can’t say we weren’t warned about Arizona shooting tragedy

Sarah Palins mouth is a dog whistle for every wako

I know what Loughner's defense will be.

Will This Event Bring Back The Fairness Doctrine?

Gun control debate restarts following shooting

I thought that I would feel a little better today about yesterday's tragedy

Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen!

Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen!

Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen!

Sen Kyl Can't Handle Truth-Makes Sheriff Dupnik A Target-Says His "Remarks Inappropriate"

The mistake the assassin made....

Where the baggers are:

I have no idea what the outcome of this tragedy will be as

On this day of all days, I need your help finding something. It's important.

On this day of all days, I need your help finding something. It's important.

NPR Apologizes for Reporting that Rep. Giffords was Dead

Sarah Palins mouth is a dog whistle to every wacko

Palin Facebook note full of gun metaphors, including crosshairs.

8/09 Alternet: Limbaugh Mocking Death Threat Against Rep. Brad Miller as "All B.S."

I don't remember any democrats screaming "Kill Him" in 2008.


Please link to this thread..very important..fortells the future..

Statements I have heard on Yahoo message boards alone from the hate wing:

The shootings at Ft. Hood were called "terrorist shootings" but I have yet to see the word terrorist

Authorities: 2nd man cleared in Giffords shooting

Southern Poverty Law Center's info on "American Renaissance" the RW group FBI is linking to shooter

Obama Calls For Moment Of Silence

Giffords is Jewish. loughner had lots of bizzare "monetary control" rants.

Giffords is Jewish. loughner had lots of bizzare "monetary control" rants.

I assume Sheriff Dupnik made the comments he made BECAUSE THE SEARCH WARRANTS TURNED UP SOMETHING

The Tragedy in Tuscon is a turning pont/crossroads moment

Legendary Baseball Manager Dallas Green's granddaughter dies in Arizona shooting

Given the Giffords tragedy and comments by people who knew Jared Loughner,

Sherrif Dupnik Is My Hero - New Facebook Page

Lamar Alexander: Unlike Tea Partiers, Shooter Read Marx, Hitler, And Burned U.S. Flag

Palin's importance in the Gifford shooting isn't just in the "crosshairs" graphic.


You just have to say Thank God Joe Arpaio is not involved in the investigation at all

Last online posts by AZ shooter-he talks about the constitution, and says

Military style assault weapons can still be sold to loonies like Loughner.

Why the Right Wing Uses Gun Metaphors and Other Hate Speech…

Gabrielle Giffords Shooter's Gun Purchased Legally

Joint conference Wednesday to discuss security concerns

Why is it legal for a civilian to own a glock and the ammunition for it?

Why is it legal for a civilian to own a glock and the ammunition for it?

Will Rush Limbaugh & FOX News throw Caribou Barbie to the wolves?

Palin Spokeswoman: 'Nothing Irresponsible About Our Graphic'

Palin Spokeswoman: 'Nothing Irresponsible About Our Graphic'

So when does obsession with Rwing hate radio turn into a compulsion

So when does obsession with Rwing hate radio turn into a compulsion

The Conservative Constitution of the United States

If the Sara Palin violence discussion keeps the rich from getting

Olbermann, Josh Marshall model for an enabling media how to talk about RW violence responsibly.

The Comic Who Explores Comedy’s Darkest Side (Marc Maron in the NY Times)

Whether Laughner was influenced by Palin's shotgun metaphors or not...

Arizona Cartoonist Talks Giffords Shooting, ‘Rabid Right’

Arizona shooting suspect charged with attempted assassination

A different version of Palin's 'crosshairs' map

A different version of Palin's 'crosshairs' map

we have violent right wing political movement developing in this country

we have violent right wing political movement developing in this country

CHRISTINA-TAYLOR GREEN -- Born, died between 2 tragedies

The freepers have learned nothing, absolutely nothing, from yesterday's tragedy.

Obama told Latinos to 'Punish your enemies'...?

Photo of second person of interest released

‘I can't trust the current government’

Do NOT apologize Sheriff. It would be a sign a weakness and capitulation.

Gabrielle Giffords Re. Palin's Gunsight Crosshairs: "There’s Consequences To That Action" (03/25/10)

"conscience dreaming" : Shooter's Freudian slip whopper

Giffords Is Centrist Who Defies Political Labels

Update: NBC reports that man described earlier as a 'person of interest' has been identified

On September 11, 2001, foreign terrorist struck America and many lost their lives. In the midst of

Palin Aide: Crosshairs On Target List Not Actually Gun Sights

Did Boner shed a tear for Rep. Giffords?

No matter how the media tries to spin this, this is Terrorism

Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims

Sarah "Crosshairs" Palin ....

Ok I have turned back on to the ministry of truth

Let's have the mug shot

Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and their gun theme.

Her name is SARAH

FINALLY! Bipartisanship! I keep hearing that "both sides"

RSVP has been sent

sarah herself called them 'bullseyes'

Believing that Loughner is/was psychotic doesn't mean giving a pass to the

Palin spin BULLSHIT from her spokersperson: "We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights,"

Palin spin BULLSHIT from her spokersperson: "We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights,"

An open letter to my Republican friends.

Doesn't "Sarah Palin's Alaska" feature a lot of gun imagery? If so, how will tonight's episode be...

So are all the people who own guns rude and obnoxious?

More on surviving a shot to the head

2009 - CBS announcer: Any U.S. soldier would shoot Pelosi and strangle Reid

geraldo and teaparty leader debate who is at fault and its the left

geraldo and teaparty leader debate who is at fault and its the left

Person of interest not connected

Second Man Not Involved in Arizona Shootings - Unwitting Cab Driver

Is there any chance that todays events (Gifford) will bring about a return to civility?

an open letter to WFTL-850 FM radio host Joyce Kaufman, "If ballots don't work, bullets will"

Fox News abruptly cuts away from Tucson vigil after mourner mentions Sarah Palin

Hey all ...uhm didn't Charles Manson incite others to violence too?

Authorities: 2nd man cleared in Giffords shooting

Sarah Palin's Target List - When stupidity gets dangerous

A 9 year old girl is dead along with 5 other people.

CBS: Sarah Palin Criticized Over Gabrielle Giffords Presence on "Target List"

Palin staffer to hate radio jock: "We have nothing whatsoever to do with this..."

Spitting cobras

Mr. Loughner compared the young woman who had an abortion to a “terrorist for killing the baby.”

"I planned ahead," "My assassination" and the name "Giffords"

SCREEN SHOT: Yesterday's events find their way into Palin's Amazon book reviews


CNN; docs in his safe refer to assassinating Giffords..."I planned ahead"...

Fox Nation had to shut down comments on the shooting...

Fox Nation had to shut down comments on the shooting...

Would it be inappropriate to bring up the Palin's Alaska Separatist Ties?

A headline I hope to soon see in the wake of Palin's assassination attempt on Giffords:

BREAKING NEWS Court Papers Detail Evidence of Loughner Plan to Assassinate Giffords

False Equivalencies and Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, Leftie, Body Count

GOP senator (Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) urges media not to talk about Palin’s violent rhetoric

Comedian Frank Conniff tweets ...

Palinspeak And Violence (Andrew Sullivan)

Openly Gay Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. Credited With Saving Life Of Rep. Giffords

Calling EarlG

If Sarah Palin is Lady Macbeth, then Rush Limbaugh is Charlie Manson

The Tea Party doesn't promote violence? Suuuuure they don't

Here's How The Right Wingers Will Cover This UP!

Rough more on grifter on CNN now. Re crosshairs.

Rough more on grifter on CNN now. Re crosshairs.

Sarah Palin, March 28, 2010

Oh WAAAHHHHHHH, boo hoo.......they're being mean to us!!!

So the person of interest is no longer interesting?

I don't think there will be more civility in politics, in fact I think there will be more

Arizona Shooting Victim, 76, Protected Wife Amid Hail Of Bullets - LATimes

Daily News live poll: Blood on Palin's hands?

Sheriff Dupnik coming up live on Fucks news

Would like to see charges against Palin. But there are many civil suits in her future.

If shooter was as motivated by Beck, Palin, talk radio etc..etc..

Sheriff Dupnik vs Jon Justice

Too damn many guns and gun metaphors

Too damn many guns and gun metaphors

Too damn many guns and gun metaphors

Oh Sarah; come out, come out...wherever you are.

Palin Aide Rebecca Mansour: Our Crosshairs Map Had Nothing To Do With Violence Or Guns

How many progressive rallies have you been to that asked you to bring a gun

Why is nobody hounding that POS palin?

Palin telling voters to 'reload' and 'aim for' Democrats was perfectly fine,

GOP senator urges media not to talk about Palin’s violent rhetoric, Fox cuts feed when Palin named

Iceland summons U.S. ambassador over WikiLeaks

Iceland summons U.S. ambassador over WikiLeaks

Let's compare maps from the Left and Right. Which is more disturbing?

Cons4Palin Advocate Sarah Palin SHOOTING Romney

Cons4Palin Advocate Sarah Palin SHOOTING Romney

Dateline is running 1 hour special on Tucson shooting 7PM EST

Fox Nation Readers Like The Idea Of Assassinating Roseanne Barr

Maybe this is sufficiently close to enough homes to make it sink in.

Newt. I can't hear you

Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc - terrorist enablers

Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc - terrorist enablers

Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc - terrorist enablers

Obama orders new Afghan surge

"If ballots don’t work, bullets will"..Radio host in S. Florida. "Make them afraid...."

Could just ONE "journalist" interrupt just ONE of the Republican apologists now being

Is there a difference between a gun target and map symbols? And does it matter?

Palin's silence I hope will be remembered

With no mind of her own, Sarah Palin takes control of the minds of others.

Given the Tea Parties response to AZ shootings we all need to call on CNN to CANCEL its debate

DO NOT let the media or the Right Wing put any of this back on us or off of them

A preview of Sarah Palin's next Tea Party speech:

Hmmm, photo of possible second suspect in the AZ shootings

Time for the first tinfoil alert....

Time for the first tinfoil alert....

Sarah Palin photoshop request

Tea Party rallies - a cesspool of racism and anti-government vitriol - they warned us ahead of time

A friend pointed this out to me -- Giffords youtube page "subscribed" to Jared Loughner's

How come the media cannot get a name right these days?

mr fish - the teapartiers refuse to apologize

Has crybaby Boehner cried about the Arizona mass shooting?

A list of Arizona hate groups,for reference.

Yes mental illness is part of this

Please help me find a Youtube video re. right wing violence.

Please help me find a Youtube video re. right wing violence.

A big shoutout to DU today.

DO NOT BE SILENT (A Call For Protest)

Lawmakers set to propose legislation outlawing Palin's crosshairs + other

Daniel Hernandez Jr. on Fox right now.

Detroit auto show protestors picket against two-tiered wage system

It's not just Palin. These people all must be called out:

In the next week, should we organize an effort to send flowers?

What's next? "But he didn't have a scope on that gun!"

What would happen if a network of Muslim clerics was spreading hatred over the airwaves in the US?

My new facebook profile pic

Gabby Giffords Campaign Chairman for six terms

Deadly day in Paradise: Murders rock Acapulco

For all the people on DU who say "both sides are responsible," I have a great big "THANK you."

If a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web w/crosshairs...

Corporate propoganda pits Americans against each other

What's going to be interesting is when they take up the Healthcare debate again.

Dan Abrams FAUX apologist site spinning wildly

Dan Abrams FAUX apologist site spinning wildly

Matt Drudge should be held more accountable than most

Matt Drudge should be held more accountable than most

Jared Loughner's behavior recorded by college classmate in emails (feared he would go postal)

Jared Loughner's behavior recorded by college classmate in emails (feared he would go postal)

Why pretend that there is anything to discuss?

Why pretend that there is anything to discuss?

In Memory of Christina-Taylor Green - David Wild/RollingStone/HuffPo

Stop obsessing over mental health

SARAH PALIN'S ALASKA has reportedly been dropped by TLC

Dylan Ratigan clip cited on my Facebook as promoting violence and dog whistling.

TLC Cancel Sarah Palin Show on the day

Neal Boortz equates the American Revolution with the Teaparty

Maybe palin will now limit her remarks only to her areas of expertise

Neighbors: Jared Loughner and family quiet, kept to themselves

Palin’s response to Arizona shooting makes no mention of condemnation

What exactly would it take for Billo and Beck to resign?

Facebook spokesperson seems giddy over the amount of traffic the shootings are generating on FB

Well, that was one of the most surreal moments of my life....

The very core of conservatism is based on HATE of Others

God was behind Big Bang, pope says

Rep Brady, D, PA to introduce legislation to make Palin type map images a crime

The right-wing echo chamber should not be held responsible

Maybe I'm an Old Fuddy Duddy, but I remember a time when interviewing parents....


About the "presumption of innocence" in public opinion.

Some Conflicting Thoughts about The Alleged Killer's Psychosis and its Implications

FYI - there are no "crosshairs" on USGS map legends

Sarah, Bloody Sarah.

Security for Meet and Greet Events

Sarah Palin's damage response team is busy running the metrics and polling on possible responses.

Sarah Palin's damage response team is busy running the metrics and polling on possible responses.

NY Times: Is Law School a Losing Game?

Death threats were used to stop the immigration bill - Bill Moyers Journal "Rage on the Radio"

I would like to start a petition for a class-action lawsuit against Palin and Co.

Did anyone have racist parents who insisted you agree with them?

Gag Alert: Neal Boortz coming up on CNN

Similar times call for similar actions

Similar times call for similar actions

"Will noone rid me of this meddlesome priest?"

PCSO: Wounded woman wrestled clip from shooting suspect

Dear Sarah: Pray for this ...

so someone on fb posted this to me - help me reply:

No Significant Relationship Between Violent Crime and Mental Illness

Outside the office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords - pics

The point is: This is what "Second Amendment Remedies" and "watering the Tree of Liberty" look like.

Ann Coulter on intimidating liberals by showing us we can be killed:

Lamar Alexander (R-TN): Media repeating Palin's violent words makes them just as responsible

Lamar Alexander (R-TN): Media repeating Palin's violent words makes them just as responsible

And then there was the rant last week by R. Lee Ermey (the Geico psychologist) who still works

Time to take a hard look at our world....and ourselves.....

Rand Paul on shooting: ‘Weapons don’t kill people’

It's starting. Nascent Nazism

CNN's Jesica Yellin; Teaparty not to blame, don't politicize this = the daily meme

Giffords' injury: "The bullet travelled the entire length of the brain on the left side..."

Sarah Palin is Lady MacBeth.

TLC reportedly pulls plug on 'Sarah Palin's Alaska'

If you can stomach it...Rand Paul on Fox now.

Jared Lee Loughner's statements tied to conspiracy theory

Jared Lee Loughner's statements tied to conspiracy theory

Alaska: Phil Munger warned us about Sarah Palin

On CNN, now, Rep. Robert Brady proposing restrictions on SYMBOLS & Speech

Sarah Palin was proud of her marksmanship skills on her "reality" show

Sorry, but it's true...

So was Loughner ex-military?

"Like" Sarah's Facebook page and post her own quote:

Could Palin be held liable in a civil lawsuit?

"Let's not generalize about large groups of people based on Jared Lee Loughner's actions, unless it

Shhhh! Howard Kurtz Doesn't Want Us Talking About Sarah Palin's Crosshairs Map!!

My MLK editorial will deal directly with universal health care

Jared Loughners possible mental illness.

POLL: the rhetoric from the right DEMANDED this from their listeners and supporters?

I was born in Arizona in 1945, and spent a lot of time there

Father of 9 year old victim - Shooting is price of freedom, no more restrictions on society


Wow.. MSNBC is pre-empting "Prison Rawhide Pajama Party"

God Is A Bullet

Sign petition against political hatespeech.

For all who think that the right will see this as a call to tone it down.........

DO NOT BE SILENT (A Call For Protest)

Does anyone have quotes from the NRA condemning the Arizona shooting?

Wait a minute! Isn't Arizona a big pro-gun state? Then, why weren't there

Baptist leader resigns over 'immoral behavior'

Gabby story: In 2007, My father first met Gabby face to face

I'm rather disappointed in Keith Olbermann today... I mean, compared to WHAT?

Abramoff pals asked to testify against DeLay (from Friday 1/7/11)

Jared Lee Loughner: erratic, disturbed and prone to rightwing rants

Petition: Indict Sarah Palin for incitement to violence

IMO – this is EXACTLY what they want.

My response to right wing co-worker re: Rep. Gifford's shooting

Right-Wingers Rush to Label Arizona Shooting Suspect a Liberal - FDL

If updated Palin's 'target map', how many of the 20 crosshairs would be red?

Guns, A Vengeful God, War, Industrial Graft, Pollution, Greed, Anger, Obstinance, Racism, Ignorance

Palin quick to remove posts on FB critical of her but one saying 9yr girl's death good stays.

shooter portrayed as "radical leftist" . . .

Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin's Facebook Page (She has been caught with her pants down)

in praise of University Medical Center in Tucson (and "government")

Teabaggers to Giffords: "One way or another, you're gone."

Teabaggers to Giffords: "One way or another, you're gone."


Dragging shit from Free Republic to here is pissing me off

Don't forget the murder of John P. Wheeler

The lil girl who was killed yesterday was also the granddaughter of former Phillies manager

Remember when Jessie Helms said that if Clinton ever visited North Carolina

tea party freaks are trying out all kinds of excuses to see what sticks. told me the kid was fired

Flashback: Republicans mocked DHS report warning of ‘antigovernment’ violence

The ladies from THE VIEW, including Elisabeth Hasselbeck, pre-emptively put Palin and others. . .

Palin BRAGS in post-election tweet: crosshairs/gun sights as "bullseyes" helped win election

Woman Says Keith Olbermann Good Assassination Target. Asks He Be Stopped

Flashback 2008: Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama

Just heard the wisest statement on C-Span by a caller - "Sara Palin: if you want her to go away

Rapture Ready members comment on Gifford assassination attempt:

Rachel Maddow's former co-host seemingly advocated assassination politics by his paramilitary squad.

What happens to her seat in congress? She will need a long recovery period

Leaderless Resistance

Mental Illness Failures helped in Giffords shooting

"CNN, I Don't Recall Any Democrats Calling For Second Amendment Remedies""

"CNN, I Don't Recall Any Democrats Calling For Second Amendment Remedies""

So: Had enough appeasement yet?

Tea Party Group Blames 'Leftist' for Giffords Shooting

Right wingers just aren't good at foreseeing things.

Jared Loughner committed a terrorist act

What do you think the sheriff was trying to tell us here?

Should Loughner be executed for his crime?

Ok, who and when was the last person who could be considered left wing killed people?

Report: Unprecedented Number Of Death Threats Against Obama -- And Secret Service Overwhelmed

The whole sick, sorry right wing is now exposed for who they really are.

Facebook page for Clarence Dupnik

For all those "helpful" people pointing out that Loughner has been linked to liberal sites (like DU)

Check out this Insurrection Timeline of political/gun related events

Must See: Robert F. Kennedy 'Mindless Menace of Violence' Speech

TIDES CEO told FOX that they would have blood on their hands if they didn't drop Beck

So in AZ a person with mental illness can own a firearm?

Gabriel Giffords & the Rightwing Hate Machine: On The Bogus Equivalency Between Right/Left Extremism

I read that she is still hanging on and I read that she has died

If I was the "person of interest", in the photo & was innocent I would have turned myself in by now

Know what I'd do if I wanted to commit a notorious crime and get off with an insanity defense?

Pic of Loughner's possible "associate"

The New Yorker: It Doesn't Matter Why He Did It

My question: is the MSN blocking news of a Tea Party link for the shooter?

Do computers operate in accordance with a policy of appeasement?

BOTH SIDES DO IT... really?

David Gregory - mindless RW talking points reader.

This former paranoid-schizophrenic denounces the blaming of schizophrenia.

"In a Free Society"..

Loughner is now in custody of FBI

For all the people who say "both sides are responsible," I have a great big "Fuck you."

I know it's been said before, but Fred Phelps and his ilk are the lowest of gutter slime.

What happened to us?

So why has Lady Blah Blah stopped screeching

Google "Sarah Palin targets Gabrielle Giffords." I may be wrong, but I think the more this is

A reminder of how we got to this point.

DO NOT BE SILENT (A Call for Protest)

Openly Gay Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. Credited With Saving Life Of Rep. Giffords

Okay now I am fucking pissed off!

Giffords has government sponsored health care.

Whilst some in the M$M play the "both sides do it" meme, name me the last "left-wing loony"...

Very Good Advice From The Guardian: Gabrielle Giffords BS Alert

Lest we forget.. Ted Nugent

Lest we forget.. Ted Nugent

The Right-wing pundits are trying to distance themselves from their trigger-happy rhetoric.

The Right-wing pundits are trying to distance themselves from their trigger-happy rhetoric.

What if the teaparty was black..

The American Dream

WikiLeaks: All Our 637,000 Twitter Followers Are Subject Of The Subpoena

Alan Grayson comments on the shooting of his former colleague

I hope the next time someone goes off on a rant about the Blue Dogs

Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs' Ad Dominates Gabrielle Giffords Debate

"Hey, Sarah Palin, hows that hatey, killy, reloady, crosshairsy thing working out for ya?"

Crazy & hate filled posts on Stormfront about AZ shootings.

The time is NOW: No Fairness Doctrine= more Right Wing violence

Dupnik was over-the-top.

George Carlin On War, Violence, And Men...

George Carlin On War, Violence, And Men...

6 killed in a shooting gets our attention

Photos of the 6 people killed yesterday in Arizona

Busted: Tea Party emails members urging them to describe shooter as "liberal lunatic"

Busted: Tea Party emails members urging them to describe shooter as "liberal lunatic"

Loughner's parents described as loners father argumentative with neighbors

Loughner's parents described as loners father argumentative with neighbors

Toon on Palin and the Massacre (warning, graphic)

What is Being Obfuscated

Does everyone realize the magnitude of what happened today?? Sarah Palin put a hit out on someone...

Love this Michael Moore tweet:

PSA: It's "Conscious" Dreaming, not "Conscience" Dreaming

PSA: It's "Conscious" Dreaming, not "Conscience" Dreaming

No gun registration laws in Arizona?! Guess I shouldn't be sruprised. n/t

Does the left ever engage in violence or hateful rhetoric that could cause it?

Candy Crowley: Sheriff Dupnik wasn't in his right mind

well this should be massively unpopular: No, I don't believe Palin should be indicted on this matter

What rhetoric or violence from the Left needs to be "toned down"?

Despicable "Got Ammo" Still For Sale On Cafe Press

Despicable "Got Ammo" Still For Sale On Cafe Press

If the result of this is that Giffords' seat goes R

Question about the insanity defense

FOUND IT: "To those calling for a civil war, this Marine wants you to stop, and think..."

We do not need increased gun control...

Sureal... The view March 25th 2010 "The Sara Palin Cross Hairs Map Discussion"

Loughner railed against government but it turns out it was a government job that supported him

PALIN 3/28/10: "Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win"

KGUN ABC 9 Arizona affiliate reports: Shooter on his facebook page admired Sarah Palin and tea party


Make a list, 1960s on; Dead progressives versus dead repugs

Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck & Michele Bachmann Should Be Arrested, Charged And Imprisoned Under Title 18

NYDailyNews! } Giffords' blood is on Sarah Palin's hands ...

Were The Words Of This Sheriff 'Inappropriate'?


My predictions for Limbaugh's show tomorrow

No more excuses for domestic terrorism

Beware. Authoritarians will use this to "sweep up" items on their agenda.


Confirmed: The shooter went to my brother's HS. My brother knew him

Just how stupid are you cons?

They sure work hard don't they Barney

Facing Scrutiny, Banks Slow Pace of Foreclosures

Judge killed presided over controversial immigration case

All House Congressional business next week will be delayed because of the Arizona shooting.

Police about to "render safe" a suspicious device

Police block off Gifford's office

All 637,000 @wikileaks followers are target of US govt subpoena against Twitter

Physics is not always cold and boring.

This should be outlawed as "cruel and unusual punishment".

If you see this pinata hanging outside the "birthday party" at which you're dropping off your child.

Officials ID slain Giffords staffer

Health Care Repeal Vote Postponed After Arizona Shooting

Olbermann Special Comment 1/8/2010

There May Be a Second Person Involved

"No vote on Health Care Repeal Bill this week" says Eric Cantor

You think the rollercoasters that YOU'VE been on have been scary?

Like YOU'VE never had, even momentarily... fleetingly... this fantasy about your child/children:

Kiddles.. OR.. Take it from MFM - NEVER tell Skittles you'd like to keep her barefoot & pregnant.

Evolution of the Batmobile

Far Away Eyes

Colossus vs. WOPR


Icelandic MP fights US demand for her Twitter account details

The Who does The Beach Boys

Tax Cuts From ’70s Confront Brown Again in California

Acapulco sets grisly record as body count soars

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: "Not convinced" gunman acted alone

Police: 2 dead, 4 wounded in shooting near Baltimore nightclub; officer among the dead

I'm kinda torn right now.

Congresswoman Battles for Life After Shooting

Forget Smoked Salmon Vodka... introducing: Toasted Goldfish Vodka

Sometimes your reputation can come back to bite you in your ass... your big, fat wrinkled ass.

Arizona Shooting Claims Life Of 9-Year-Old Born On 9/11

Pump station leak shuts down Alaska pipeline

Label your axes, dammit!

NPR: Rep. Giffords Responsive to Simple Commands

Architecture Drool:

Lighten up.

Suspect faces federal charges in Arizona attack

Obama orders new Afghan surge

Kate Middleton fetes last birthday as a commoner

Arizona Suspected Gunman Passed FBI Background Check

Arizona Suspect’s Online Trail Offers Hints of Alienation

McCain: Shooting a 'terrible, terrible' tragedy

TV shows with bad guys-as-protagonists: problematic?

Bob Dylan - Only a Pawn in their Game

Ecuador Congress makes organ donations automatic

Winter songs - I think half the country gets snow today or tomorrow

I miss everybody here.

Obama calls for moment of silence on Monday

Obama calls for moment of silence on Monday

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

What is the greatest gladiator scene of all time?

OT (from todays madness)--Recently unearthed John Lennon/VanHalen collaboration.

Pssst... the DU Netflix group is up and running!

Cutest puppeh video...EVEH!!

McConnell Assumes Kennedy's Old Suite At Capitol

AP Source: Gun in Tucson shooting legal

I need a lounge break.

Official Packers-Eagles thread!

Names of shooting victims released

Clinton slams Israeli demolition of historic hotel (Arab neighborhood)

Just how much DO you love me?

Tucson Tea Party Leader: We Won't Change Our Rhetoric After Giffords Shooting

update on oreo the wonder shih-tsu

Rep. Bob Filner (D) blames right-wing media for Giffords shooting

Shooting prompts legislation to protect lawmakers, officials

Alleged Arizona Shooter May Have Ties To Hate Group

It's 1970. You've timed your drugs JUST right. The acid is kicking in... and OMG...

Outcast housecat.

Cat won't leave me alone

MiddleFingerMom's self-portrait in oil.

Ham, dam, thank you Ma'am.

Iran passenger plane crash 'kills 72'

Anybody seen the movie "Moon"?

Does Red Box still do the free movie rentals one day a week?

Now that it's '11, shouldn't there be a Spinal Tap reunion?

Consumer Product Safety Commission to launch public database of complaints

Help identifying a Japanese carving?

Is Colleen Thomas crazy or just fucking crazy?

Arizona massacre suspect: 'I planned ahead'

Arizona shooting suspect charged with attempted assassination

U.S. Cites Evidence of Assassination Plot

Jared Loughner unable to enlist in Army because of drug use

Southern Sudan holds separation vote after thousands make long journey to freedom

Jared Loughner's college instructor: I was worried he might have a gun in class

BlackBerry Maker Given Two Weeks to Halt Porn Access in Indonesia (or Risk Being Shut Down)

Arizona Suspected Gunman Passed FBI Background Check (Faux)

Jared Loughner's behavior recorded by college classmate in e-mails

Exclusive: Jared Loughner Radically Changed Before Alleged Shooting, Friend Says

'Sensational' new claims over Nazi Eichmann

DHS Memo Suggests Shooter May Be Linked To Racist Organization

Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims

In tough fiscal bind, Illinois prepares steep tax increases

What are you reading tonight DU? Me, Bill Bryson's "At Home". fascinating! n/t

Do your cats dream?

Sarah Palin Criticized Over Gabrielle Giffords Presence on "Target List"

Openly Gay Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. Credited With Saving Life Of Rep. Giffords

Police Looking For Second Person Of Interest In Arizona Shootings

Protesters killed in Tunisia riots

What are some unconventional ways to describe pregnancy?

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Tiny French Horn Edition.

Just how much do YOU love me?

Cenk on MSNBC: Proof That America is Liberal

Bob Marley - Small Axe

Electric Car Breaks Speed Records

TWU ‘Newsreel’ Warns Viewers on Republican Goals

David Chaytor gets 18 months for expenses fraud

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik news conference part 1 - Tucson shootings Gabrielle Giffords, John Roll,

Gabrielle Giffords Shot in head in Safeway Surveillance Video?

TYT: Cenk calls out Republican Reps. who skipped swearing-in for fundraisers

Right-Wing Killers Must Be Stopped -- Imprison the TEA Party for Treason

TYT: Scalia - The Ultimate Activist Judge

Elvis Presley If I Can Dream Black Leather Performance

TYT: Religious Test For US Army?

Giffords talks about crosshairs consequences (Full interview)

The Amazing Atheist: Palin Responsible for Arizona Shooting?

TDPS: David Pakman Turns Psycho Right-Wing on Healthcare, for a few minutes

Interpreting US Constitution a Battle of Interests

AZ Sheriff Points At "People Who Make A living At Inflaming The American Public!"

Delegation to Trader Joe's re: 2 Buck Chuck & Heat death of Maria

Linda Carter "Wonder Woman" Says 'Right Wing' is 'Spreading Hate'

DANGER: Not For Occupation - Farm Worker Housing

TYT Interviews: Inside Job - ReThink Review & Discussion

Meet Daniel Hernandez...Giffords' Intern Who May Have Helped Save Life

Outside Giffords' office, 8/21/09: I'm going to do my part to see that she loses her position

Exile Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Tea Baggers- End the Far-Right Violence

Bill Moyer: Right Wing Hate Radio Incites Terrorism 1

CNN Follows Sheriff's Lead Straight To Sarah Palin

Weiner: GOP violated the Constitution on its first day in control of the House

Darrel Issa - The Carjacker of the House

Keith Olbermann Special Comment On Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

Gabrielle Giffords warns Sarah Palin there will be consequences

In Battle Over Health Law, Math Cuts Both Ways

Memory Hole: 'If Ballots Don't Work, Bullets Will'

Whoopi Goldberg: Whatever comes down from the crosshairs map is ON YOUR HANDS.

A lot of conservatives believe what they have been told

Officials: Suspect Claims he acted alone

AZ Sheriff....Looking for 50 year old male who came to town hall with shooter...

HCR repeal vote has been delayed due to Tuscon Tragedy

Debate over violent political rhetoric

Fox News Cuts To Commercial When Sarah Palin's Name Is Mentioned

Grijalva: "Horrific" Attack Means We Must Take Threats Seriously (updated)

Giffords warned heated rhetoric could have 'consequences'

Mark Potok on Loughner from Countdown Interview...

Boehner in CYA mode, postpones votes, schedules "media address" for Sunday morning.

Tucson rampage casts light on toxic political tone

TPM: Giffords is awake responding to doctors and spoke to husband...

The Intern Who May Have Saved Giffords' Life

New Phil Ochs documentary

"You should all be shot" --an Obama poll watcher was told as I was working in Reno back in 2008

Police Looking For Second Person Of Interest In Arizona Shootings

Tucson Tea Party Leader: We Won't Change Our Rhetoric After Giffords Shooting

In case you forgot just how ugly it got in 2008, here is a reminder.

Republicans have spent so much time obsessing over terrorists

GOP obstructionism relies on deranged Obama vilification.

Giffords' Enemies?! "Entire Tea party"

The New York Times owes Kos Diarist BoyBlue an apology

Countdown: KO's guest Mark Potok with Southern Poverty Law Center

Obama Calls For Moment Of Silence Monday Morning

How often does an apolitical person's comment include a reference to a political district?

MSNBC: Doctor Press Conference

Christina Green (9 yr old victim) became interested in politics because of Pres. Obama on the 9-year old killed

Lamar Alexander: Unfair to mention Palin's crosshairs map

Uh Oh!!! Who is watching MSNBC? Sherrif Clarence Dupnik (my hero!)

The most important thing that can come out of this incident is ORGANIZING to stop the TeaBaggers.

If there is a Second suspect as the sheriff stated. The RW is going to be in huge Political trouble

Fact: If Jared Jared Loughner Was Muslim, Black or Mexican, The Media Would Call Him a Terrorist.

Let's overlook the political implications of the Arizona incident and all the others

The Repubs defense. DLC used similar map/bullseyes/verbs.

The GOP is in full spin mode and we are being responsible.

I don't start many posts but just want to say how Palin disgusts me

Vigil for Gabrielle Giffords at University of Arizona Medical Center (Photos)

Anybody want to speculate on the shooters odd "logic" style of argumentation?

Sheriff says gunman acted alone in AZ shooting

Bomber = "Terrorist;" Gunman = "Shooter"

The Youngest Victim (updated)

Attorney general promises all necessary resources in investigating 'senseless act'

Right-wing death threats rise: Republicans should condemn Rush Limbaugh

Just imagine the ramifications this is going to have in the future

Even if Loughner has Palin's hit list tattooed on his scrotum,

Is this a case for old sparky

Question: Who was the last DC pol who was a victim of an assassination attempt?

"It's surveyor's symbols"

As a cartographer, I've put many X's and other marks on maps

cnn-Candy Crowley: There is absolutely no percentage in any

Obama Flip Flops and Reconsiders Mexican Trucking Pilot Program

Iceland summons US envoy over WikiLeaks subpoena

Iceland blasts US demand for lawmaker's details in WikiLeaks probe

Workaholism in America: A European's Perspective

"Arizona has become the Mecca of hate and vitriol" says Pima Cty Sheriff

Bitter politics of Arizona loom over shooting

Wall Street Sponsorship for the 112th Congress by Scott Horton

What the Colombia trade pact would do to working families

Why Don't We Pay People NOT to Vote?

Olbermann Special Comment 1/8/2010

White Terrorism - Informed Comment

'Change we can believe in'? Not for the Middle East

Consequences of the Politics of Hate

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. Speak Peace In A World of Conflict

Over 51+ million Americans Living in Poverty

Iceland blasts US demand for lawmaker's details in WikiLeaks probe

NY Times: A Turning Point in the Discourse, but in Which Direction?

The End of Palin's "Don't Retreat, Reload" (CBS)

A rank injustice

Right-Wing Reacts to Giffords Shooting: 'Guns Don’t Kill, People With Middle Names Do'

No Ordinary Cross Hairs

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords partially responsible for her own shooting

Democrats Must Stop Watching the Clown Show and Sober the Fu*k Up!

"Loughner echoes concerns of Tea Party movement"

The "Lock and Load" Rhetoric of American Politics Isn't Just a Metaphor

"In the US, where hate rules at the ballot box, this tragedy has been coming for a long time"

Who's More Violent in American Politics, the Left or the Right?

The targeting of Gabrielle Giffords

Paul Krugman:Peacockery

Nicole Coulter, "" - "Salt On a Wound"

NYT Editorial ... Bloodshed and Invective in Arizona

Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Murderers.

Drill Close to Reaching 14-Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake

Gabby Giffords: A Few Words

DO NOT BE SILENT (A Call for Protest)

Sheriff Dupnik talks about the political vitriol & hate radio that preceded the Giffords shooting

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords: Solar A to Z; An avid recycler, she borrowed her wedding gown

GOP Kills the House Climate Change Committee

How It Works: Wind won't blow all the time, even in Maine winter (wind-electric heating systems)

Iran has produced 40 kg of 20% enriched uranium

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords partially responsible for her own shooting

Flashback: RNC candidates compare how many guns they own

Police say 6 shot near Baltimore nightclub

and here we go. the various mr smith&wesson and beretta will say it's not their fault

"I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people's lawful right to bear arms.

It's time to treat the gun culture as an enemy of civilization

Is the time right for Obama to push for gun control laws?

Question, opinions on CC at the AZ event

Military style assault weapons can still be sold to loonies like Loughner.

Did the Arizona shooter break any laws before he drew his weapon and fired?

Why is it legal for a civilian to own a glock and the ammunition for it?

The shooter fired 31 shots from an extended clip.

Huff'n'Puff writers get out their gore-shoes, jitterbug in the puddles...

Why did the shooter have a semiautomatic on him?

How does one even carry a rifle or a pistol without brandishing ?

Colombia extradites 'Amphetamine Queen' to US

Ecuador Congress makes organ donations automatic

Insulza: Venezuelan Enabling law is contrary to the Democratic Charter

Does anyone have a link to the online Posada trial today?

Cash-strapped Cuba says trade surplus doubled

Brutal drug lord dies in clashes in Colombia

What the Colombia trade pact would do to working families

NCAA: Texas Tech broke major recruiting rules in football, softball, and golf

Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Saturday, January 8)

Dallas Green (former Phillies manager)

Asomugha's Raiders deal voided because of missed incentives.

BREAKING: New Orleans Saints Lose First Round Bye


Game postponed after tragedy

Aaron Rodgers is the best QB is the NFC

Nothing about the Dolts' gag job?!

Les Miles to Michigan? Just a matter of time.

The Lynch run was about as good as any run I've ever seen in the playoffs

Oakland couple: Friends share secret, build a life

Comedy to benefit Tuscon Arts Brigade, Monday night in SF, via Ray Ferrer

Knesset speaker to oppose bill giving communities right to reject whom they please

Israel’s cold-blooded killing of Palestinians continues unabated

How much will a Paul Haggis book hurt Scientology?

God was behind Big Bang, pope says

IEC fusion thrusters for satellite maneuvering - actual experiments