The “truck out” called by Wanda Piety and Forrest (frosty) Wooldridge is based from their (brand new) web site .
They have toned down their original call for trucks to surround the capital and all state capitals to a “slow rolling blockade at all capitals and all over the country..LOL
For all the bombastic rhetoric, very little will happen. Truckers who were around for the 73 shut down led by a Magazine publisher of “overdrive” magazine, remember all to well how the publisher became famous and the truck owners were left holding thousands of dollars in tow and legal fees…
Drivers who are slow learners ( like myself) again participated in a “slow roll” of 55 MPH and were arrested where ever they made that foolish mistake for “impeding the flow of traffic”.
That time the magazine didn’t even report the story and AMERICA never knew it happened if they were not caught in traffic.
This time around truck owners and drivers have an organization founded by many of those truck owners who were involved in the early 70s.. The name of that organization is “The Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association” You can check them out at http"// .
OOIDA has not joined in this "truck out" but in the members only forums there has been much discussions about it. The association Board of Directors had their usual annual meeting this week and afterward did not call for the members to join in this activity but instead called for all Americans who are against letting the Mexican Trucks come across the border until Mexico actually does meet the standards set for them in 2002 ( they have not), to contact their Senators and congressmen to insure that the measure tacked into the Iraq funding bill that cuts of funding for the pilot program to allow Mexican trucks in is on the reconciled bill that will be sent to the President.
If that bill is vetoed due to other concerns ( time line for with drawl) then all bets are off.
If you have concerns you can read without being a member the names of the conferees.. in a special report from OOIDA at .
You do not need to be a member to join in the call for action there, and if you do not know how to contact your Senators and congressmen you can always go to and by entering your ZIP code you can type in a quick email and have it sent to both of your Senators and your congressman.
For those wanting to know more about the “truck out” and this truck owners opinions, you can visit my blog The FAIRUS anti immigration rally that this “truck out” attempts to piggy back on has many fine points that I support, and a few that I cannot.. The “hold their feet to the fire” rally information can be found at .
It is time to decide what you believe and make all effort to make sure the Government does what you think it should do.. Methods to accomplish that and even what a person thinks should be done will vary from person to person.. The GREAT thing about America is we all have a right to our beliefs and actions to support them.. Stay safe.. Rusty Wade