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Did Island Tribes Use Ancient Lore to Evade Tsunami?

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Submariner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 12:18 PM
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Did Island Tribes Use Ancient Lore to Evade Tsunami?
Here is an interesting article about the indigenous tribes of the South Asia jungles. (MOD: This is a listserve article, no link).

National Geographic News

January 24, 2005
One of the regions hardest hit by the December 26 tsunami was an
extremely remote chain of more than 500 islands known collectively as
the Andamans and Nicobars.

Governed by India, the archipelago separates the Bay of Bengal from the
Andaman Sea. The islands are home to several hunter-gatherer tribes who
until fairly recently have had very little contact with the outside

Anthropologists initially feared the tribes could have been completely
wiped out. But Indian Air Force pilots flying sorties over the islands
days after the tsunami reported seeing men who fired arrows at their
helicopters. Since then there have been reports that the islanders used
their ancient knowledge of nature to escape the tsunami.

Bernice Notenboom, president of Moki Treks, a travel company
specializing in indigenous cultural tourism, is one of the few outsiders
to have visited the tribes. She tells National Geographic of her
impressions from her visit in April 2003.

How did the indigenous islanders fare in the tsunami? What have you been
able to tell so far?

Due to its remoteness, it took several days before reports came out
about the dead and missing in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The first reliable reports on the fate of the Andamanese tribes indicate
that most have survived.

Their awareness of the ocean, earth, and the movement of animals has
been accumulated over 60,000 years of inhabiting the islands. Oral
history teachings and their hunter-gatherer lifestyle might have
prepared them to move deeper into the forests after they felt the first
trembles of the earthquake.

In contrast, the Nicobarese were badly hit. The southernmost island was
only 260 miles (418 kilometers) from the epicenter and suffered a series
of aftershock earthquakes not one of them less than magnitude 6 moment-magnitude scale] in the days following the big shake. Tens of
thousand people are missing and feared dead.

Anthropologists were concerned that in addition to the human tragedy and
utter devastation, one of the casualties might be the extinction of some
of the very ancient indigenous cultures occupying the islands. What can
you tell us about these tribes? Where did they come from?

The tribes present something of an enigma to anthropologists. The four
Andaman tribes-the Great Andamanese, Onge, Jarawa, and Sentinelese-are
known as the Negrito tribes and are of African descent. DNA evidence suggests these people might be the ancestors of some of the
earliest humans to come out of Africa. Some scientists believe the
Negrito residence in the islands goes back more than 30,000 years,
possibly as far back as 60,000 years.] Those living on the Nicobar
Islands-the Shompen and Nicobarese-are of Asian descent.

The Andamanese are hunter-gatherers who until 50 years ago lived mostly
in isolation, with little interaction with the outside world. Now, with
recent encroachments and settlers penetrating their lands, they have
been forced to withdraw farther in the forests. Threatened by disease,
overpopulation, Western influence, and lack of resources, most tribes on
the islands are endangered and their numbers have dwindled to just a few

In contrast, the Nicobarese have become more assimilated and their
lifestyles are more similar to those of mainland India. The indigenous
Nicobarese have almost completely converted to Christianity. They became
horticulturists and herders of pigs.

Are the islands beginning to promote tourism or are visitors

The Andaman Islands have been restricted for non-Indians,
but in the last ten years, 38 of the islands have opened up for limited
tourism. Regulations under the Tribal Reserve Act, originally passed in
1956, allow only aboriginals to enter the tribal lands. No one can
exploit the resources, conduct trade and business, or settle on tribal

Once when strolling the streets of Car Nicobar, where billboards, time,
and fast food do not exist and the Internet is as foreign as snow, an
old Nicobarese man came up to me and said: "It is great to have you
here, but let's not make it a habit."

How did the influx of mainlanders affect the tribes?

Contact with the outside world has proved to be disastrous. An epidemic
of measles in 1999 wiped out 10 percent of the Jarawa population and
recently Hepatitis B has been contracted. Disease, corruption, and
violence have reduced the number of Jarawas to 250.

Arief Mustafa, my guide while I was there, told me, "Jarawa people have
no immune system. If you give them a cotton T-shirt to wear, they will
get Western diseases through the fibers of the T-shirt. It transmits
disease through the skin."

A 211-mile (340-kilometer) road was built from Port Blair, the capital
city of the Andamans, through the heart of Jarawa territory, paving the
way for mainlanders to settle on their land. Because the Jarawa are
hunter-gatherers, they require lots of land. The road and increased
population forced them deeper into the forest, where fewer resources are

A court ruling in 2002 was supposed to leave the Jarawa alone. The road
has been closed, settlers requested to leave, and logging banned. But
according to Mustafa, the damage is already done: "Jarawas now want our
tobacco, alcohol, and biscuits, and we want their ornaments," he told

On Little Andaman Island, the traditional home of the Onge tribe, the
first friendly contact with outsiders was made in 1885. Prior to that,
nobody ventured on their land because of fear of getting killed. Sadly,
today there are only 103 Onge left, down from 672 in 1901.

Do the islands still have a very primitive feel?

In Port Blair the air was scented with wild orchids, and the shoreline
is dotted with cute colored cottages surrounded by emerald waters.

Other areas are far more primitive. One of my most memorable experiences
was on Little Andaman Island. It is secluded and inaccessible, located
between the Duncan Passage and the Ten Degree Channel. As I stepped on
the island it gave me a sense of how Marco Polo must have felt when he
arrived here in the 13th century.

After climbing 216 sweaty steps in humid tropical air to the top of
Richardson's Lighthouse, I was rewarded with the most amazing views of
wild, desolate beaches, waves crashing on shore, seabirds diving for
fish, and thick mangrove forests protecting the inland.

I also took a canoe trip from Dugong Creek, the main settlement of the
Onge on Little Andaman, and floated through dense mangroves, and forests
of badam and gurjan trees. Because of the rich diversity of this region,
Nicobari pigeons, wild pigs, monitor lizards, tortoises, and crocodiles
thrive there.

Amid Savant, chief conservator of forests, was with me and told me that
the Onge had recently killed 13 crocodiles there, slitting the bellies
open to look inside the stomach for the remains of a little infant girl
who had been snatched away and eaten the day before. Savant told me
that, according to Onge belief, the little girl must be found and her
bones put to rest in a proper burial in the trees.

The Onge will kill as many crocodiles as it takes to find her, Savant
said. He was concerned about the possible environmental consequences.

In addition to roads, disease, and incursions by mainlanders, what are
some of the other threats to these tribes and their islands?

In Ramakrishapur village, we met three Onge men who had canoed to the
settlement to buy fishhooks and a knife for cutting branches in the
forests. They are small-4 feet (1.2 meters) tall-and muscular, with
intensely dark eyes and skin and brilliant white teeth illuminating
their faces. They told us about the deforestation of their land to make
way for coconut plantations.

One result has been the loss of a valuable indigenous plant, a cure for
high fever. The oldest man told me that now tribal members need to walk
a full day to buy Western medicine. Ironically, the Onge tribe has a
cure for the deadliest form of malaria, black-water malaria. Western
pharmaceutical companies can't wait to get access to this plant.

Are there myths or legends that have been passed down through the
generations that help the people explain this disaster?

The spirit god Pulga is said to live on North Andaman Island, at the
summit of Saddle Peak, at 2,418 feet (737 meters), the highest point of
the archipelago. The Andamanese tribes fear him, because he punishes
humans, causes storms, and "has a way with ancestors," according to
Mustafa. In Andaman mythology, Pulga caused the cataclysmic flood that
separated the Andamanese from their relatives on the mainland.


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