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"Scoop" El pueblo mexicano: Héroes de la democracia *Por favor*

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 05:39 PM
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"Scoop" El pueblo mexicano: Héroes de la democracia *Por favor*
Edited on Wed Aug-23-06 06:15 PM by autorank

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Please get this out. People need to know the truth.

“¡No retrocedemos!”

El pueblo mexicano:
Héroes de la democracia

“La única esperanza de la Democracia, esa cosa frágil nunca concedida pero
siempre prometida, se ha esfumado con el fraude electoral... y con ella el hilo
del contrato social con que se hilvana nuestra sociedad.” Anaxarchos

Michael Collins
“Scoop” Independent Media
Washington, DC
Traducción al español de Annette M. Ramos.

El movimiento democrático del pueblo mexicano y su líder Andrés Manuel López Obrador son héroes modernos de la democracia y para todos los que exigen elecciones limpias. Evocan los actos heroicos de los ucranianos, con una diferencia importante. No hay “grandes poderes” apoyándolos. De hecho, el régimen estadounidense ha mostrado hostilidad hacia la victoria de Obrador y el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD). El conjunto de jefes de la Casa Blanca, cada vez menos populares y aislados, se ha esforzado en hacer todo lo posible por obstruir tal eventualidad en formas que a estas alturas son predeciblemente familiares. El pueblo mexicano está solo, en la calle, librando una lucha vigorosa por las personas de todo el mundo que creen en el derecho inherentemente inalienable y natural de los hombres y las mujeres de determinar su propio destino mediante las elecciones libres, justas y transparentes.

Los partidarios de la democracia en México están haciendo resistencia en la capital de la nación. Acaban de celebrar su tercera asamblea mayor con más de un millón de participantes. La prensa norteamericana intentó recientemente de difundir el tema de que los manifestantes se están fatigando, justo antes de la última movilización que convocó a un número de personas que suman a una cifra en exceso de siete dígitos. Las manifestaciones les dejan saber a los mexicanos y al resto del mundo que las elecciones fueron tan cuestionables que se exige una investigación mediante un repaso cabal de la evidencia más directa: las papeletas. La petición del PRD de que se realice un recuento “voto por voto, casilla por casilla” está completamente justificada.

Esta pequeña historia de estas elecciones ofrece un caudal de evidencia con la cual se vislumbra el fraude. El partido PAN (Partido Acción Nacional) de Vicente Fox empleó una serie de actividades cuestionables. $270 millones supuestamente fueron sustraídos de programas de educación para untar las manos de algunos en los estados norteños mexicanos a través de los gobernadores. Calderón derrotó a Obrador por márgenes de 50% en algunas secciones del norte y hubo acusaciones de fraude electoral a escala masiva.

Durante la campaña, el partido en el poder PAN desató ataques de anuncios de publicidad negativos en contra de Obrador, los cuales están claramente prohibidos por ley en las campañas mexicanas. Las autoridades electorales citaron al partido del presidente Fox como el culpable principal de estos, pero el daño ya se había efectuado y las mentiras difundidas.

El instituto “independiente” electoral puso su juego al descubierto al reportar que Calderón era el ganador probable, lo cual sólo les resultó en bochorno cuando los ciudadanos señalaron que había. 2.5 millones sin contar de votos aún sin contar. El instituto electoral sumó éstos y por una “coincidencia” notable, el margen de la victoria de Calderón siguió intacto.

El ">The Los Angeles Times reportó que Calderón obtuvo 20% de su margen de victoria en sólo uno de 300 Distritos electorales:

En el Distrito 13 de Guanajuato, uno de los 300 distritos electorales de México, Calderón acumuló un margen de votos de 44,000, el equivalente a casi un quinto de su ventaja a nivel nacional sobre López Obrador, el candidato del Partido de la Revolución Democrática, o PRD.

Narco News reportó que el software para la tabulación del voto para el instituto electoral “independiente” fue escrito en parte por el cuñado de Calderón, el ganador según el conteo hasta ahora. El cuñado de Calderón lo negó inicialmente pero admitió su participación cuando fue confrontado con evidencia en forma de contratos.

Hubo frecuentes reportajes de la apertura de los sellos de los paquetes electorales durante el día de las elecciones, con acusaciones casi exclusivamente dirigidas en contra de activistas de PAN.

Los simpatizantes de Obrador hallaron papeletas descartadas, sin reportarse y sin contarse, en vertederos y otros escondites.

Los resultados preliminares del recuento de 9% ordenado por el tribunal electoral validaron las sospechas ventiladas y los cargos entablados por la prensa mexicana, Narco News y Obrador. El 14 de agosto, Narco News reportó:

• En 3,074 casillas (29 por ciento de las que recontaron), se hallaron 45,890 votos ilegales, en exceso del número de votantes que votaron en cada casilla, dentro de los paquetes electorales (un promedio de 15 por cada una de estas casillas, primordialmente en zonas en que predomina el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) del presidente Vicente Fox y su candidato, Felipe Calderón).
• En 4,368 casillas (41 por ciento de las que recontaron), se hallaron 80,392 votos de ciudadanos que sí votaron pero que no aparecen (un promedio de 18 votos en cada una de estas casillas).
Juntas, estas 7,442 casillas contienen como 70 por ciento de los votos recontados. La cantidad total de votos ya sea robados o falsificados suman a los 126,282 votos alterados. The Narco News Bulletin - Al Giordano 08/14/2006

Los ciudadanos mexicanos que abogan por las elecciones limpias se armaron con cámaras de vídeo y otros aparatos de grabación. Hasta el momento no hemos podido ver esta evidencia. ¿Por qué? Por que los medios corporativos tanto al norte como al sur de la frontera son cómplices intencionales o reflexivos, al tomar parte en una "> flagrante connivencia que ocurre en estas victorias tan estrechas que los derechistas logran cada vez con más regularidad, eficiencia y éxito.

Obrador está convencido de que ganó las elecciones, al igual que muchos otros. Es una historia similar a la campaña presidencial de 1988 cuando los observadores estaban convencidos de que había ganado la izquierda. Obrador y sus secuaces no van a rendirse y conformarse nuevamente con un desenlace dudoso sin luchar. No solamente se han celebrado tres asambleas mayores de más de un millón cada una en el Distrito Federal de México, sino que Obrador ha pedido y ha recibido apoyo para realizar actos de desobediencia civil en aeropuertos y otras áreas claves de la capital. Este espíritu coincide con la resistencia a la tiranía en los estados mexicanos. En Oaxaca, un grupo de mujeres recientemente se apoderaró de un puesto de poder mediante protestando los atropellos de la gobernación corrupta.

Los millones de activistas mexicanos, los líderes y la campaña de Obrador están todos involucrados en una empresa de muy alto riesgo. El gobierno de Fox desbandó una vigilia pacífica por parte de maestros en Oaxaca hace apenas unos meses antes de las elecciones. Como parte de su protesta, los maestros durmieron en la plaza de la ciudad. Una mañana al amanecer, el desvergonzado gobierno de Fox despachó helicópteros para rociar gases lacrimógenos sobre los manifestantes pacíficos mientras yacían desprevenidos, indefensos e inocentemente dormidos.

Dada la respuesta de las elites a las protestas en las provincias, ¿qué medios más nefastos de represión se han de esperar en la ciudad capital cuando la desobediencia civil se lleva a cabo para asegurar una justa oportunidad de ganar la presidencia?

Presencia de la policía mexicana durante las movilizaciones del PRD.
Photo Credit:

El fantasma de la matanza de Tlatelolco de 1968 antes de las Olimpiadas de verano de ese año acecha a los manifestantes de hoy. En un acto de terror calculado, el ejército mexicano rodeó la Plaza Tlatelolco en el D.F. donde se encontraban 5,000 activistas reunidos de forma pacífica. Las tropas abrieron fuego con eficacia mortal matando a trescientos manifestantes inocentes que pensaban que México era un país democrático. La premeditación con la intención de hacer daño fue reconocida mucho más tarde por el hombre a cargo, el entonces Secretario de Gobernación (y más tarde presidente) Luis Echeverría. Además, hay evidencia directa de que EE.UU. tenía un gran interés en las manifestaciones y el movimiento estudiantil. El representante del Gobierno de EE.UU. en el D.F. recaudó inteligencia acerca de los estudiantes y sus planes, compartiéndola con el gobierno mexicano.

Esto le resultará familiar a los muchos estadounidenses que han perdido datos personales o que siguieron de cerca las elecciones en el 2000. Después del 11 de septiembre del 2001, una lista de los nombres de los 65 millones votantes mexicanos fue comprada por Choicepoint, una compañía de minería de datos estadounidense. ¿Fue esta información detallada provista al gobierno de Fox y su partido para identificar votantes específicos a quien conceder “beneficios” especiales en esas áreas con gobernadores pudientes?

Lo más inquietante es que México no ha cambiado sus leyes desde 1968 cuando se Echeverría ordenó la masacre en Tlatelolco. Fue acusado pero nunca encausado del todo por su papel en ordenar la masacre. ¿Adoptará el gobierno de Fox el mismo acercamiento de shock and awe en contra de los protestantes de Obrador y ejecutará otra masacre de Tlatelolco?

Los millones amasándose en las plazas públicas que apoyan la causa de Obrador tienen los ojos completamente abiertos al realizar sus actos de desobediencia civil. Conocen la agresión reciente dirigida a los maestros en Oaxaca mientras dormían y la historia de violencia premeditada por el gobierno anterior en contra de protestantes que presentan una amenaza mucho menor que los que abogan por la democracia hoy día. Su meta es ponerle final a décadas de corrupción que se roba el caudal, las vidas y el alma de una nación de gente inteligente, trabajadora y creativa.

Sabemos que es lo correcto y debemos todos apoyar los esfuerzos heroicos del pueblo mexicano de cualquier forma que podamos. Debemos inspirarnos con su batalla tan real en contra de aquellos que pretenden esconder votos como si fuesen propiedad personal en vez de la declaración fundamental de la voluntad pública. Debemos honrar a estas centinelas de la democracia redoblando nuestros esfuerzos para lograr que la exclusión de votos y votantes, y los resultados sin sentido sean algo del pasado en EE.UU.

En un sentido muy real, Obrador y el PRD están abriendo brechas para agenciar un cambio positivo en el movimiento hacia la libertad y en contra de la tiranía.

Los ciudadanos de EE.UU. le deben mucho al pueblo mexicano. Debemos de responder con actos de compromiso comparables en nuestra propia lucha en pro de la dignidad y libertad de los seres humanos. Si no actuamos, las fuerzas del nihilismo que sirven a las filosofías del mundo en retroceso, corrupto y asesino podrán continuar sin oposición. Estas fuerzas progresan a pesar de todas las indicaciones de que el camino y el proceso nos han puesto en una marcha de catástrofe global innegable y obvia. Hay una alternativa disponible y está cobrando vida en estos instantes en México.


Copyright. Permiso para reproducir en su entereza o en parte con atribución al autor y un enlace a “Scoop.”

Michael Collins es un escritor que se enfoca en las elecciones limpias y los derechos de votación. Es el editor del sitio web de fraude electoral, Ha escrito artículos sobre una serie de temas para “Scoop” Independent News incluyendo: The Disenfranchisement of Katrina's Survivors; The Unanswered Question: Who Really Won In 2004?; Secret Vote Counting; y Kennedy's Challenge, una respuesta detallada al ataque que lanzó Salon en contra del artículo de Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sobre las elecciones robadas del 2004. Gracias en especial a Stella Black por su asistencia editorial.

“Scoop”/M.C.- The Mexican People-Heroes of Democracy –*Please* get this out

Spanish Link for “Scoop”
EnglishEnglish Link for “Scoop” Copyright. Permission to reproduce in whole or part with attribution to the author and a link to “Scoop.”

Please get this out. People need to know the truth

“We won’t back down!”

The Mexican People:
Heroes of Democracy

“The only hope of Democracy, that fragile thing never granted
but always promised, is gone by virtue of election fraud... and with it
the social contract that holds our society together.” Anaxarchos

Michael Collins
“Scoop” Independent Media
Washington, DC

The Mexican peoples’ democracy movement and their leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador are modern heroes of democracy and to all who demand clean elections. They recall the heroics of the Ukrainians with one important difference. There are no “great powers” supporting them. In fact, the American regime is hostile to a victory by Obrador and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). The increasingly unpopular and isolated White House cadre may have done its best to obstruct such an eventuality in ways which by now are predictably familiar. The Mexican people are alone, on the street, fighting the brave fight for people everywhere who believe in the inherently inalienable and natural right of men and women to determine their own destiny through free, fair, and transparent elections.

Supporters of democracy in Mexico are making a stand in the nation’s capitol. They just had their third major demonstration with more than a million participants. The American press tried a theme of demonstrators growing weary recently, just before the latest seven figure gathering. The demonstrations tell Mexicans and the world that the election was so questionable, an investigation is mandated through a thorough review of the most direct evidence: the ballots. The PRD’s demand for a “ballot by ballot, precinct by precinct” recount is fully warranted.

The short history of this election offers a wealth of evidence pointing to fraud. The PAN party of Vincente Fox engaged in a number of questionable activities. $270 million was reportedly diverted from education programs in order to sweeten the pot in some northern Mexican states via the governors. Calderon defeated Obrador by margins of 50% in some sections of the north and there were charges of massive election fraud.

During the campaign, the ruling PAN party engaged in distorted negative advertising attacks on Obrador which are clearly outlawed in Mexican campaigns. The electoral authorities cited the party of President Fox as being the primary culprit for this, but the damage was done and the lies were spread.

The “independent” election institute tipped its hand by reporting Calderon the probable winner only to face shame when citizens pointed out there were 2.5 million uncounted ballots. The election institute totaled these and by a remarkable “coincidence,” Calderon’s victory margin remained in tact. ">The Los Angeles Times reported that Calderon gained 20% of his victory margin in just one of 300 election Districts:

“In Guanajuato's District 13, one of 300 electoral districts across Mexico, Calderón piled up a 44,000 vote margin, equivalent to almost one-fifth of his nationwide edge over López Obrador, candidate of the Democratic Revolution Party, or PRD.”

Narco News reports that the vote tabulation software for the “independent” election institute was written in part by the brother in law of Calderon, the winner by the current count. Calderon’s brother in law denied this at first but admitted his role when confronted with evidence in the form of contracts.

Opening the seals on ballot boxes was reported frequently on election day, with accusations almost exclusively leveled at PAN activists.

Obrador supporters found ballots discarded, unreported, and uncounted in dumps and other hideaways.

Preliminary results from the 9% recount ordered by the election tribunal validate the suspicions raised and charges made by the Mexican Press, Narco News, and Obrador. On August 14, Narco News reported:

• “In 3,074 precincts (29 percent of those recounted), 45,890 illegal votes, above the number of voters who cast ballots in each polling place, were found stuffed inside the ballot boxes (an average of 15 for each of these precincts, primarily in strongholds of the National Action Party, known as the PAN, of President Vicente Fox and his candidate, Felipe Calderón).
• In 4,368 precincts (41 percent of those recounted), 80,392 ballots of citizens who did vote are missing (an average of 18 votes in each of these precincts).
Together, these 7,442 precincts contain about 70 percent of the ballots recounted. The total amount of ballots either stolen or forged adds up to 126,282 votes altered.” The Narco News Bulletin - Al Giordano 08/14/2006

Mexican citizens advocating for clean elections armed themselves with video cameras and other recording devices. We have yet to see any this evidence. Why? Because the corporate media north and south of the border are either intentionally or reflexively complicit, by taking part in the blatant ">shilling that goes into those razor thin victories that the right wing pulls off with increased regularity, efficiency, and repeated success..

Obrador is convinced that he won the election as are many others. It’s a close copy of the 1988 presidential campaign when observers were sure the left had won. Obrador and his supporters are not going to take that dubious outcome again without fighting. Not only have there been three major demonstrations of over a million people each in Mexico City, but Obrador has called for and is supported in acts of civil disobedience at airports and other key areas of Mexico City. This spirit coincides with resistance to tyranny in the Mexican states. In Oaxaca, a group of women recently took over a government seat of power by protesting the outrages of corrupt rule.

The millions of Mexican activists, the leaders, and Obrador are all engaged in a very high risk enterprise. The Fox government broke up a peaceful vigil by teachers in Oaxaca a few months before the election. As part of their protest, the teachers slept in the town square. One morning at dawn, the shameless Fox government dispatched helicopters to tear gas the peaceful demonstrators as they lay unguarded, innocently, and defenselessly sleeping.

Given the ruling elite’s response to protests in the provinces, what more nefarious means of repression can we expect in the capitol city when civil disobedience is inevitably enacted to assure a fair chance at winning the presidency?

Mexican police show up at PRD demonstrations. Photo Credit:

The ghost of the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre before that year’s Summer Olympics haunts the demonstrations today. In a deliberate act of terror, the Mexican army surrounded Tlatelolco Square in Mexico City where 5000 activists were peacefully assembled. The troops opened fire with deadly effectiveness killing three hundred innocent demonstrators who thought Mexico was a democratic country. Premeditation with the intent to harm was acknowledged much later by the man in charge, then minister of the interior (and later president) Luis Echeverría. In addition, there is direct evidence of keen United States interest in the demonstrations and the student movement. US Government representatives in Mexico City gathered intelligence on the students and their plans, passing that along to the Mexican Government.

This will sound familiar to the many Americans who have lost personal data or who followed the elections closely in 2000. After 911, a detailed list of the names of Mexico’s 65 million voters was purchased by Choicepoint, an American data mining company. Was this detailed information provided to the Fox government and his party to target specific voters for special “benefits” in those areas with cash-rich Governors?

More worrisome, Mexico has not changed its laws since1968 when Echeverria ordered the massacre in Tlatelolco. He was charged but never fully prosecuted for his role in ordering the massacre. Will the Fox government adopt the same shock and awe approach against the Obrador protesters and execute another Tlatelolco massacre?

The millions flooding the public squares supporting Obrador’s cause are fully conscious as they act in civil disobedience. They know of the recent assault on sleeping teachers in Oaxaca and the history of premeditated violence by the previous government against the protesters who threatened far less than the democracy advocates are threatening today. Their goal is an end to decades of corruption which steals the wealth, lives, and soul of a nation of intelligent, hard working, creative people.

It is both prescient and incumbent upon all of us to support the heroic efforts of the Mexican people in any way we can. We should draw inspiration from their real-world battle against those who would hide ballots as though they were personal property instead of the fundamental statement of the public will. We must honor these sentinels of democracy by redoubling our efforts to make voter suppression, voter disenfranchisement, and nonsensical outcomes a thing of the past in the United States.

In a very real sense, Obrador and the PRD are leading the way to a positive shift in the movement toward freedom and against tyranny.

Citizens of the United States owe the Mexican people a great debt. We must respond with acts of comparable commitment in our own struggle for human dignity and freedom. Failure to act allows the nihilistic forces which serve outmoded, corrupt, and world killing philosophies to continue unopposed. These forces proceed despite all indications that the path and process have set us on a course of undeniable and obvious global catastrophe. There is an alternative available and it is coming to life right now in Mexico.


Copyright. Permission to reproduce in whole or part with attribution to the author and a link to “Scoop.”

Michael Collins is a writer who focuses on clean elections and voting rights. He is the editor of the election fraud web site, . He has written articles on a number of topics for “Scoop” Independent News some of which include:: The Disenfranchisement of Katrina's Survivors; The Unanswered Question: Who Really Won In 2004?; Secret Vote Counting, a scathing critique of HAVA; and Kennedy's Challenge, a detailed response to Salon’s attack on the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. article on stolen election 2004. Special thanks to Stella Black for editorial assistance.

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knowbody0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 05:45 PM
Response to Original message
1. K&R
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Kurovski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 05:53 PM
Response to Original message
2. K&R.(nt)
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Selatius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 05:57 PM
Response to Original message
3. The people will not go quietly into the night.
I hope they will overthrow Fox.
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #3
14. You are absolutely right. They've had it with the B.S. and the theft.
There is an absolute connection between us and them, the USA and Mexico and it involves the same leadership, the same party, the same faction of right wing tyranny. It is trully astounding that
there IS NO NEWS COVERAGE HERE. None. I'm tired of trying to figure out if our press is just dumb
or on the payroll. The bottom line is that the failure to report the truth, resulting in no support
here is just a crime. These people should all be fired for being myopic.

Obrador and PRD might just win and if they do, the democracy fever will spread north of the border.
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Me. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 05:59 PM
Response to Original message
4. Amazing Piece Of Work
I hope it's catching.

*shadow government*
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bleever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 06:45 PM
Response to Original message
5. God bless the people of Mexico.
Thank you so much for this tremendous effort, autorank.

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demosincebirth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:40 PM
Response to Reply #5
13. ...and we went quietly in '00 and '04.

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 08:20 PM
Response to Reply #13
16. The spirit of immediate response and resolutoin is what impresses me.
It's time to win one, they said...they got screwed just like this before.

For anyone out there who thinks that the elecoral institute is "independent," please take a serious look. I did and I was open minded. They're on the take. Calderon's brother in law had the contract for the institute's software, which, among other things, totals the votes. Please...

Good luck inspire us.
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 08:18 PM
Response to Reply #5
15. God bless the people and their leadership...leadership that fights.
Obrador has impressed me from the start. He makes a move, they counter, and he's already anticipated that and he and PRD respond immediately. The stakes are high and if they win, when they win (if it's this time around because they will eventually win), then stand's coming our way. Gracias amigo.
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Surya Gayatri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 06:50 PM
Response to Original message
6. K & R Vive le peuple mexicain !
Edited on Wed Aug-23-06 06:53 PM by Surya Gayatri
Marchez toujours vers la victoire ! Tenez bon, ne cedez jamais, et vous aurez gain du cause ! Quels héros de la démocratie !

Christ, these dirt-poor disenfranchised peasants put us over-stuffed comfort-dulled Yanquis to shame. May the ancient Aztec gods smile down on their endeavors. SG
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zeemike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:03 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Is any of this in the French media? n/t
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Surya Gayatri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. Yes, if you can read French
check out "Le Monde" at,1-0@2-3222,36-805589@51-805669,0.html

"Lopez Obrador : "Nous avons gagné, mais il est difficile de l'emporter sur une mafia" au Mexique"

Mexico is dear to many French hearts. SG
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:30 PM
Response to Reply #10
27. Does Le Monde have an English language page for the language
impaired? I haven't read French since grad school and it was hard enough then. lol
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Surya Gayatri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 07:30 AM
Response to Reply #27
36. I understand the problem, sfexpat...I've perused their site
Edited on Thu Aug-24-06 07:40 AM by Surya Gayatri
but haven't found an English-speaking page or edition. Keep your eye on TRUTHOUT, though, 'cause occasionally they publish translations from the French press.

No wonder the average American is so woefully ill-informed on the US' real brand-image around the world. The self-censored Corp.Media are charged with keeping them in just that ignorant, but self-satisfied condition. SG

Edit: If you want to try to wade through the French (LOL), here's Le Monde's latest update from Mexico:

"Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador : "On me vole la présidence"(I'm being robbed of the Presidency)",1-0@2-3222,36-805857@51-805669,0.html
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zeemike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:01 PM
Response to Original message
7. And not a word about this in our media
What shame.
Not even on PBS or BBC.
I guess they don't want to put any ideas in our heads.
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Surya Gayatri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:35 PM
Response to Reply #7
12. The French press
is a paragon of journalistic latitude compared to the Corp. Controlled Media in the US--and the average French consumer knows perfectly well the political leanings of any publication ("Le Figaro", very conservative, "Libération", fairly left-of-center, etc.)

Here's the only thing to be found on the Beeb:
(limited to the strikes in the south and not the movement in Mexico City)

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zeemike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 10:25 PM
Response to Reply #12
21. I feel like I should apologize to non Americans
And that is a disgraceful thing to feel. But it is our fault that we let things go this far.
I can only hope that my countrymen will come to there senses and stop this nonsense for good. .
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Surya Gayatri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 06:53 AM
Response to Reply #21
35. In fact, I'm American born
Edited on Thu Aug-24-06 07:05 AM by Surya Gayatri
& bred, but with dual nationality. I feel exactly the same way as you vis à vis my European friends & am really glad to be able to travel on a French passport in the present political climate.

Thankfully, most Europeans understand that at least half of us are still perfectly sane & decent, and it's only Bush&CO that are universally ridiculed & reviled. SG

edit: typo
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 08:23 PM
Response to Reply #7
17. Our "media," as it were, is completely useless. NYT "a normal election"
And weren't they the ones who pushed the WMD lie.

How disgraceful. This information was not hard to find and check out. The only "speculation" point on fraud is the charge about the payoffs, the $270 million. The rest is well documented and right there. My God, the electoral institute announces a result and leaves out 2.5 million votes!!!

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Subdivisions Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 01:29 AM
Response to Reply #7
33. It is totally bizarre and alternate-universe type shit
I've been looking and looking for coverage of this story and abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING!
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zeemike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 01:03 PM
Response to Reply #33
42. I like that Gore Feingold combo n/t
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Annces Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:12 PM
Response to Original message
9. Calderone will not Pass
No Pasaran!
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emlev Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 07:24 PM
Response to Original message
11. Gracias a Autorank--K y R
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 09:01 PM
Response to Original message
18. Calderon's bro in law wrote the tabulation software.
We ARE spreading Democracy ALL OVER THE WORLD! And, I'm sure Choicepoint could never have imagined they were helping to STEAL AN ELECTION.

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:20 PM
Response to Reply #18
23. I love the "brother in law" story. He lied at first then the press showed
him contracts, THEN he remembered...but, SFExpat, that software just tabulated the reported vote totals and made projections;) Just a small job. Choicepoint had no idea what they were doing, innocents, ask around (slap me!:evilgrin: ).

We'll see how it plays out. They have an inauguration coming up. Won't be a pretty site. Hopefully, the court system down there will find a way to fix things. They could easily.

130,000 invalid ballots (stuffed, stolen) in 9% of the precincts...11 x 130,000 -- with a victory
margin of a 200k or so. We're rokken into the brave new world of Potemkin Democracy. You heard it here first
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:27 PM
Response to Reply #23
26. Who was that Bush cousin at Fox that called FL for Junior?
The world gets smaller all the time. And no, I'd never slap ya. :)
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 01:05 AM
Response to Reply #26
31. Here you go - John Ellis (and new stuff I didn't know)

CBS) A Fox News consultant involved in making judgments about presidential "calls" on Election Night admits he was in touch with George W. Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush by telephone several times during the evening, but denies having broken any rules.

Fox is considering disciplinary action against the consultant, John Ellis, who is a cousin to Bush and a former Boston Globe columnist who stopped writing about the campaign for the paper, citing family "loyalty" to Bush.

On Election Night, Ellis headed a four-person team that analyzed Voter News Service (VNS) exit poll data for the network and made judgments about which candidate would win each state when all the votes had been counted. The decision to broadcast those projections was made by a Fox executive.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 01:20 AM
Response to Reply #31
32. They're just gangstas with bullhorns, aren't they?
Thank you, autorank.

NGU -----> stolen from ClassWarrior
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #32
39. They are and they can't even rap;) n/t
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Me. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 10:08 PM
Response to Original message
19. !
*shadow government*
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Kajsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 10:15 PM
Response to Original message
20. Viva Obrador, the true president of Mexico.

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:25 PM
Response to Reply #20
25. Revolutionary concept - Let the real elected President serve!
If they pull that off, we have to follow them. It would be a great lesson for all of us.

When they steal our rights, we let them know what they've done and make clear that it is
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karlrschneider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 10:30 PM
Response to Original message
22. Thanks for this. (Gracias por tu trabajo)
I'm about as Aryan as anybody in the USA but I've spent a lot of time in Mexico and every country in
Central America except Belize and several south of Panama. I can't even explain it, but I have a
special affinity for our neighbors to the south and a LOT of dear friends "down there".

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:32 PM
Response to Reply #22
28. No explanation necessary. You're familia. n/t
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:22 PM
Response to Original message
24. Viva la Mexico
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kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-23-06 11:46 PM
Response to Original message
29. muchas gracias!
muy importante

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 12:20 AM
Response to Original message
30. una patada por los heroes. (a kick for the heroes)
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 05:15 AM
Response to Original message
34. Kick!
:kick: :kick: :kick:
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mod mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 08:28 AM
Response to Original message
37. Thanks Auto! forwarded!!!!!!
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 04:12 PM
Response to Reply #37
44. A BIG thank you mod mom!!!! n/t
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Blackhatjack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 08:45 AM
Response to Original message
38. Show of Hands Please! How Many In US Saw MSM Report This????
Obviously, "news reporting" in the US MSM does not exist. It is a tool to shape thinking to match an agenda the "owners of the MSM" want to promote.
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 04:11 PM
Response to Reply #38
43. My hand didn't go up....that's why I wrote this. Why do we need to do
Edited on Thu Aug-24-06 04:11 PM by autorank
their job? I like being involved in the political process but I'd also like it if these facts were broadcast with the opportunity of reaching all of our 260,000,000 people. But if they were, people would think, "Hey wait a minute, this sounds awfully familiar...yeah, 2000, 2004!!!" So that wouldn't be prudent. Corporate media not only has an embargo on election fraud at home, but also overseas, to their eternal shame.

Great point.
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helderheid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 11:32 AM
Response to Original message
40. Recommended!!
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dogday Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 12:07 PM
Response to Reply #40
41. Make that a second on the recommendation
Brilliant article, great reading....
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AtomicKitten Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-24-06 04:30 PM
Response to Original message
45. el bumpo
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