Mr. Scorpio
Mr. Scorpio's JournalTrump's stupid ass grin is a crime against humanity.
Just a reminder that I still have a radio show! Check it out! just wanted to say that C-SPAN did an exceptional job covering the DNC
Theyre the best at covering these national conventions every four years. It was a joy watching the DNC these last four nights.
I love the DNC because it always looks like America
We're the big tent.
We ARE America.
We've got the winning team...
The choice is a party unifier and value added for the independent vote. Not just that, shes established a progressive path in Democratic Party politics for the foreseeable future.
Well done, VP Harris.
The most important key to revealing a nominees potential for good judgment, if elected, is the choice of running mate.
Trump had clearly failed that test and VP Harris has excelled beyond any criticism. We now know the direction she wants to take the party and the country is a progressive one, without a shadow of a doubt. Her administration will be dedicated to fighting the MAGA regressions of the last eight years.
Her victory will also signal the collapse of MAGAism in the GOP. As Ive said, if the Republicans are going to survive as a political party, they need to lose and lose big. The loss of Trump will mean the loss of the authoritarians most effective avatar. Trumps rise has sucked all the air out of the GOP, with no others left to immediately rise.
The second most important thing to do is to take back Congress with a genuine Blue Wave. A Blue Congress will be the most important factor in cleaning up the Federal Judiciary.
This is clearly a day to be more optimistic than ever.
I just wanted to let you know...
Just in case you werent sure. OK, here it is.
It wasnt you, it was just me.
Does anyone know what happened to The Onion?
It seems so half-assed lately. Its like its lost its spark. I suspect that the death of sarcasm may done something to hurt the impact of the Onions articles. But perhaps there was change in ownership, or some other reason. Its not funny anymore
I know that I'm being somewhat premature here...
But frankly, I cant wait until President Harris speaks at the next White House Correspondents Dinner and makes fun of Trump. Just so hed get mad enough to run once more in retaliation
From prison.
That Republican primary season would be wild.
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