Puppyjive's JournalIt all started with FOX News
While we are all focused on Trump and the dysfunction he has caused, has anyone ever questioned FOX News and their playbook? I believe they just might have some Russians in bedded in their newsroom. They are so anti American and have divided this country on a scale that is unprecedented. Who is calling the shots and have we really looked into them? The conservative base is being negatively affected by an ignorant president right before their eyes. The President was going to make Mexico fund the wall, now he wants to take money from the military to pay for the wall. His tariffs are hurting his base. And Fox News continues to support through propaganda. I learned about the damage of propaganda in the military and television is a superb medium to transfer the material that will divide us. What I see is a news channel that broadcasts everywhere and has reached out to those wearing the uniform. I think FOX news has been in the grand design of breaking our powerful nation. It's hard to have defended a great country and watch it implode from within because we have allowed the infiltration and influence of a country who wants to destroy us.
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