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Washington (CNN)It's impossible to know in the moment when a presidency begins to dissolve. But
after a devastating 48 hours, it's already clear that Donald Trump's will never be the same.
Whatever your view of Trump, his behavior and his presidency, Washington is watching the opening act of a stunning attempt to topple the elected leader of the nation.
Midnight Writer
(23,233 posts)Brogrizzly
(145 posts)secondwind
(16,903 posts)Wow.
(17,069 posts)This is all quite a spectacle. A lot of different and conflicting emotions rise to the surface when something of this magnitude goes haywire. I don't think we're ever going to get back to where we were before Trump was installed.
(9,089 posts)Texin
(2,672 posts)Fullduplexxx
(8,385 posts)What's so stunning he's criminal he should be "toppled"
He should have been toppled long before this.
(47,925 posts)It's an organizational meltdown, like managerial Mad Cow Disease overtaking the White House bureaucracy
(7,142 posts)I see the not secret anymore group of Republicans enabling Trump to continue in office.
I think this anonymous letter is bs.
The only people who can topple Trump are Congress, and we as voters can help by replacing the traitorous Republicans with Democrats.
(4,776 posts)BS, indeed. Now we know that the corrupt and incompetent gang Trump has chosen to work with him is the secret "leadership" of this country. Why is there no outcry about this revelation?
(8,138 posts)I think it is an attempt to put pressure on Congress to do their job.
I remember hearing that as soon as Republicans get their tax cuts Trump is gone. Then I heard that as soon as Trump packs the courts with fascist judges he is gone. Now there is a Tax cuts 2.0 on the docket. I see not a single reason to believe that Congress has any intention to "do its job. As a matter of fact I see the opposite happening. 1 year ago Senators Grassley and Graham stated that removing Jeff Sessions was out of the question, now they are saying that Sessions is gone after the election.
(3,856 posts)Sessions will be gone after the election no matter who wins.
(15,336 posts)Pretty much, yeah the presidunce is incapable of having this job, but the support team is stepping up and getting things done. If we go it will be trump unleashed, so let us stay in power to control him.. or else.
(5,687 posts)CrispyQ
(38,723 posts)Our government has been co-opted by greedy ghouls who feel government should serve them, not the People. They were never for representative government.
(7,590 posts)further diminishes the GOP as a viable political party. Apparently, the leadership still thinks that, after they gut the Treasury and stabilize the fascist takeover with Putin, they can win over the electorate in 2020, and we'll all forget what they've done. There is some viability to their reasoning, since they run the most sophisticated and costly propaganda network in human history. They must believe that they can convince millions that their treasonous behavior, their rush to institutionalize universal corporatism, is somehow GOOD for the nation, and their lies will keep them in power. It CAN be done. The risk is that, if there is any integrity left in the voting systems, they will be demolished in the next SEVERAL election cycles. They will have NO credibility left.
For decades, Congress has refused to deal with campaign finance laws. They have allowed Russia and other nations to control the candidates and the campaigns. Now we are paying the price for their greed. What a shit show.
(8,200 posts)I remember how even after Nixon was forced to resign under threat of being impeached millions of Republicans refused to admit his wrong doing. He even made a comeback as a "honorable statesman" as was treated as such my many. Regardless of what transpires regarding Trump, millions of his, and do not use the term lightly, brain washed bootlickers will regard him as their messiah. Hell's bells, they regard Reagan, whose administration had 24 indicted and many go to prison, as the patron saint of the Republican Party. It is difficult to fathom how a man who inaugurated a war on organized labor is regarded by working class people as their savior. But it only demonstrates the effectiveness of their propaganda campaign.
Regarding Kavanaugh, he will be confirmed and he will do to job he was selected for. That is the destruction of women's right over the control of their own most personal being. The fact is that he is a staunch conservative Catholic and is committed to doctrines that millions, including myself, abandoned when the hierarchy put maintaining their power above common sense of the laity and thousands priest and nuns. Make no doubt about the issue. It fundamentally religious and he is committed to over turning the Supreme Court decision. This is the sole reason he was selected specifically for this purpose. It may not come to an actual confrontation on the specifics of the Roe decision but could be over states ability to further resitrict it or even outlaw abortion or possibly the constitutionality of state laws that place herculian requirements on facilities that make it unfeasable to operate.
The only advantage that can be gained by the Democrats objections to this syncopate's nomination is to cast it as another onslaught by the Republicans to deny citizens their rights and imposed their religious beliefs on anyone who dissents with their establishment of a virtual theocracy. I can only hope that he can provide a impetus for people to get informed and vote this criminal syndicate out of office into the ash bind of history.
(36,583 posts)distraction and diversion from a so-called 'resistor' inside this toxic administration. It is typical to have people mouthing/writing these hollow words while they are dancing in the bunker celebrating all the new military divisions consisting of retirees, recently kidnapped children let out of their cages, to fight the russians who have invaded our country, metaphorically and literally true. From my grasp of world history, in a weird sort of way, this has a ring of familiarity to me.
An RW troll has again used MSM to distract and divert.
I don't believe a word of it, EXCEPT, "wanting the administration to succeed", "historic tax reform" what, giving billions more to already uber-rich assholes of greed and avarice, including his grifter first family???? We already had a robust military, who got Osama bin Ladin? Effective deregulation? Where goddamnit? Tell that to farmers already suffering greatly with this clowns 'trade war' with the rest of the goddamn world! I haven't seen, any significant bump in COl since I retired since and started receiving SS. Hasn't happened.
One big BULLSHIT OP from an RW troll.
Watoos, at least you are not living inside some rose-coloured bubble many choose to live in.
Fuck trump and his dipshit trolls trying to save face for so openly enabling this POS potus for the last 2 years.
And with all this, where are the "surprises and revelations" from omarossa that she claims she has in her damning tapes of this potus POS? She is full of the worst kind of bombastic feces!!!!!!!!! Couldn't be trusted when she was kissing trumps ass for all those years and damn sure, not trustworthy now. Even though those people who's ass she licked for all those years threw her out of 1600, on her ear screaming and wailing her loyalty to her massa. I picture that humiliation everyday and I
(72,795 posts)He wasn't elected ... end of story. He was installed after a massive criminal
louis c
(8,652 posts)But I think toppling him in his first two years in office would have been a good thing, too.
In fact, both of those elections were close and tainted. Both received about 46% of the vote. And both were hell bent on ruining their countries.
(5,729 posts)Hitler was appointed Chancellor and then systematically destroyed democracy in Germany.
(37,468 posts)louis c
(8,652 posts)German Election, November 6, 1932.,_November_1932
(37,468 posts)He never formally won public office. He was appointed because Hindenburg and others thought they could control him.
louis c
(8,652 posts)jalan48
(14,569 posts)This is what any other President would do considering the damage of the op-ed piece. I'm surprised the media isn't demanding he come before the nation and answer questions.
(36,193 posts)That's why they have the daily charades with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Cheeto gets belligerent and obstinate when the media asks him tough questions. Why would he think he could face Robert Mueller, when he can't even handle a normal press conference?
(14,569 posts)Force him out of his golf cave.
(36,193 posts)If only they had just taken the fucking phone away from him. But no, they wouldn't do that. And now we have this ridiculous situation with a dangerous deranged man in the Oval Office.
(7,590 posts)That's because he can't answer questions unless he's lying. And he can't survive a press conference in which he's confronted directly over his lying. So he sends his toadies before the cameras and directs THEM to lie.
(14,569 posts)at a public press conference. Even if it doesn't happen they are on the offensive. What I'm seeing on the media outlets is a kind of reality TV Presidency with analysts and reporters giddy with each new revelation. I don't see them demanding anything of Trump and by not doing so they allow Trump to frame the issue as he chooses.
(13,706 posts)We spent 7 1/2 years on this site reading about how McChimp was gonna implode, get impeached.
He was even going to suffer from Alzheimers. Did we forget that one?
I wish the collapse of Trump were true but for the most part, its just noise.
(19,469 posts)It might be safer to just make him a lame duck so he just sits there but can't do anything. Might be better than having Pence.
central scrutinizer
(12,441 posts)Let the people throw him out in 2020. Then the magats cant blame a Democratic Congress. Even if impeached by the House, the Senate would never convict. Big waste of political capital.
(1,867 posts)This mania is quite parallel to the same endless stories about Hillary. Change takes time - Watergate ended Nixon, but he also managed to get re-elected during those years.
Better use this time wisely. Hillary and Trump got each around half of the votes. But that amount of votes put together, was about as many as for the people who did not vote at all.
Lots of people to activate!
Better do that with nice visions, than such depressing news...
(6,532 posts)NewJeffCT
(56,842 posts)every big scandal during the campaign was the straw that was going to break the camel's back and sink his campaign - from his opening announcement labeling Mexicans criminals and rapists, to mocking John McCain, to making fun of a disabled reporter to Access Hollywood to the Trump Foundation to Trump Tower servers communicating with Russia to his horrible debate performances to his not releasing his tax returns, etc, etc, etc.
(7,142 posts)one of the big pushes that got us into the Iraq war. Anyone else remember? Sweet Judy Miller of? the "New York Times," got that article from Dick Cheney about WMD in Iraq and she published it as if it were her own reporting.
There are good reporters working at the NYT but ever since Miller's article I don't trust them.
Poster Bernard has the best narrative, we must weld Trump to the Republican party, make them as one. Call the Republican party the Trump party, start calling all Republicans Trumpers.
This anonymous letter breaks that bond, makes it seem like there are a lot of good Republicans out there looking out for the well being of the country, that narrative is total bullshit. Congressional Republicans and the M$M are complicit with Trump, enable Trump. The Trump party votes in lock step with Trump. John McCain saved Obamacare but now he is gone. Name me one other Congressional Trumper who will vote for country over party, for country over Trump.
(30,613 posts)Topple Ryan and McTurtle; then you are getting somewhere.
(1,684 posts)Mr President, your padded cell is ready;
Sanity Claws
(22,076 posts)He was not.
Despite all of Russia's interference and GOP election fraud, he lost the popular vote. All things point to shenanigans resulted in an electoral college win.
(24,815 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)Nitram
(24,815 posts)He will be reluctant to expose witnesses, but impeachment would qualify as a good reason, I'm sure.
(30,613 posts)But what a way to go out with a bang!
On the bright side, it would end the careers of many Trump sycophants.
(24,815 posts)He'd be in great demand as a very expensive speaker for the rest of his life. He'd have books to write that didn't need interviews under deep cover.
(30,613 posts)True Blue American
(18,254 posts)Like a bunch of old crows,at the Kavanaugh hearing. Or maybe vultures would be a better description.
(4,642 posts)this is nothing but a reality show for him with maximizing the cash in value when he gets the boot.
(24,815 posts)Who can he trust?
(4,066 posts)I don't think he was really elected and he' sure as hell not a leader.
(2,672 posts)The war was lost. The other Axis members knew this, and I believe Mussolini had already been toppled - literally - (in his case hanged over his balcony hogtied with his foot behind his rope-knotted head). The generals of the Reich and most government leaders recognized the end was at hand, but Hitler doubled down and intensified his military efforts. And it was during this last gasp, that the Reich hastened and redoubled their effort to boxcar Jews and other POWs into the death camps in an effort to cover their tracks and burn all traces of their evil.
Cheetolini has not been allowed to run completely amok, but if he starts purging the staff and gets lackeys and stooges surrounding, yes men and women, who will let him run like raging two year-old, he could wreak significant havoc, including instigating some type of foreign intervention that could lead the U.S. into being led into another war, unless the military leaders quietly mutiny and refuse to follow their orders. This is going to get much, much uglier and ever more dangerous the longer it's allowed to go on. Frankly, I don't know how much more the people of this country can take emotionally and psychologically.
Thomas Hurt
(13,929 posts)but I think CNN is overestimating this situation. This is a lot more closer to a HR issue with a disgruntled employee than a riot in the WH and a conservative establishment coup.