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People are strange. Jim Morrison
People in the intelligence community are known to read. For example, we know that Robert Mueller has read the Constitution. He understands the role that Congress needs to play in the cases he outlined in his two-part report. People who have read about Mr. Mueller for years know that virtually all his co-workers over the decades have noted he sees things involving crime in black and white terms. Plus, he is recently on the record saying those in high office must be held to a high standard.
Others in the intelligence community read, as well. Dr. Bandy Lee's 2017 book on Trump, for example. There are those in their ranks who are tasked with creating psychological profiles of foreign leaders, especially those deemed to be potential threats to international security. Military intelligence, people my age will recall, spied on President Nixon. Though he didn't dare confront them on this, it made Nixon paranoid. The plumbers were among the results.
I'm confident that their evaluation of Trump is nearly identical to Dr. Lee's. And they recognize that Trump would rather be the leader of this country under conditions similar to the Troubles in Northern Ireland, than be humiliated and forced from office by the rule of law. Trump poses a threat to our national security on both foreign and domestic fronts.
He has enlarged the divisions between different groups, by exploiting the anxieties and fears found within the nation. He has called upon white nationalists to become active agents in society, even calling Nazis good people. He repeatedly calls the media the enemy of the people, encouraging threatening behaviors at his rallies. He has attacked law enforcement and judges. He insults Congress. With all of this on the domestic front, it is no surprise that some disturbed individuals have lashed out violently. Indeed, the only surprise is that more right wingnuts haven't struck out at innocent victims.
Any psychological profile of Trump will focus upon his inability to deal with stress without lashing out. The greater the stress, the greater the outburst. More, this is directly tied to Trump's inability to accept responsibility for anything bad. Let's consider an example that sheds light on the situation with Barr. After Bob Woodward's book Fear was published, Trump blamed Bill Shine for the press coverage. Indeed, Shine was forced out of his job, because Trump held him fully responsible for a book that focused onTrump's presidency, before Shine was officially drafted from Fox. (Obviously, Barr was aware of this, and it has influenced his cheer-leading for Trump since the Mueller Report was completed.)
The tendency for leaders such as Trump to behave like a rabid dog furiously biting itself by humiliating, firing, or killing someone in their orbit is well-documented. Someone has to be to blame, after all. With intelligence operations seeking to bring down such rulers, it is important to place pressure on these fracture points. And that is often a good political strategy, too. Let's consider two fracture points that are currently being served up to Democrats, shall we?
The first is on full display in a curious manner. We recall Barr talking about being family friends with the Muellers when he was before the Senate seeking confirmation. Yet since Barr released his 3.5 page review of the Mueller Report, there has been tension. While Mr. Mueller would not leak, several of his team members did and with the specific goal of having their disgust reported in the media.
Barr's attempts to get Mr. Mueller to publicly endorse his letter to Congress began as a friend. When Bob declined, Barr attempted to pull rank as Attorney General. This, too, failed. In fact, Barr's pompous behavior added pressure to the growing fracture. When Barr gave his press conference, complete with the wax statue of Rod Rosenstein borrowed from Madame Tussauds' museum backing him, he had wanted Mr. Mueller there, too. That, of course, did not happen. This is important because, in applying pressure to a fracture, there are benefits of making use of a three-person triangle. When Rosenstein ends up testify to Congress, this benefit will be evident.
Now, let's look at a second triangle. The current divide between Trump and McGahn is now public. This is not surprising. McGahn was not a true believer in Trump. He is an ambitious fellow (in the most negative sense) and an opportunist. His goal with Trump was to stack the Supreme Court with religious right-wing zealots, such as his buddy Brett Kavanaugh. It is said that he takes greater pride in getting Brett on the USSC, than he does in his mint-condition collection of The Cowsills' record albums.
Since the information involving McGahn's role in the Mueller Report was explained to him including by Fox News Trump has been obsessed with punishing McGahn. His efforts to do damage will increase rapidly when McGahn is scheduled to testify before Congress. It will include, bu not be limited to, tweets and live phone calls to various Fox shows. This from a man who, like Nixon, expects the justices he appointed to the USSC to kiss his fat ass as publicly as Barr has.
Yet, we know Kavanaugh can be moved to tears when talking about his friends. We've seen that. And so he will be remembering those afternoons and evenings he spent with McGahn, drinking beer (Brett likes beer, you know), rocking out to the Cowsills, and not blacking out. Brett will be looking at his prize collection of calendars to get the inexact dates of those wild and crazy times. And, eventually, he may have to make a decision that, in effect, forces him to choose between McGahn and Trump.
There are other triangles within the White House and administration. Think of the descriptions in books such as Team of Vipers, Fear, Unhinged, and Fire and Fury. The more triangles used to exert pressure upon the growing fractures, the better.
Stay strong. We've got this. Our elected representatives in DC are doing exactly the right things at this time. Don't let the media nonsense about divisions among Huse Democrats bother you, for they are not true. Have confidence in the process.
H2O Man

(9,048 posts)So let's cling to another distant feeble resolve?
I'm not convinced there is going to be a happy ending no matter what we try to aim for.
Hope I am wrong but prepared for the worst.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)following the Constitution as clinging to another distant feeble resolve. But that's admittedly just me. For better or worse -- in this case, clearly worse -- the DOJ goes by a policy not found in the Constitution, nor defined in constitutional law, that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Hence, the effort by Democrats in the House to engage in the hearings geared towards documenting the evidence required to impeach.
(25,816 posts)As if his professional life wasn't bad enough.
Another great essay. Thanks
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)leftieNanner
(15,839 posts)I'm pretty strong in support of the Constitution holding fast, but I will admit to some unsettling despair of late.
On edit: Did we not all read the title of this op and hear Jim Morrison's voice?
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)It has been a strange and dangerous time in our nation's history. And there are a lot of deeply-rooted problems beyond Trump. But I don't believe we can resolve those, without getting rid of Trump first.
I tend to listen to the Doors, Hendrix, and the Beatles most days. I think a lot of us miss the quality of music we had during that era. I think we should all be hearing Jim's voice!
(15,839 posts)I grew up in San Francisco in the 70s. Saw Hendrix live, I think at Winterland. Or maybe I sneaked out to The Fillmore (parents did not approve). I don't recall exactly. Lots of other cool "local" groups too. Santana, The Band, etc. We were considered so radical then, but in many ways it was a time of innocence. Saw Jesse Collin Young in Berkeley and I had a massive crush on him.
Peace H2O. We shall prevail.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)Last year, my younger son brought me to a Ringo concert, then to see Neil Young and Willie Nelson. I hadn't been to a concert in years.
I always loved Santana, especially in concert. I should have mentioned the Plastic Ono Band, too. I was thinking earlier today about calling an old friend who used to play in it.
(3,838 posts)was the best concert I've ever been to.
He has a great way with the audience and his music is so good even I had to dance.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)One of the members of Santana was playing with Ringo when I saw him last year.
(6,326 posts)H2O Man
(76,157 posts)erronis
(17,713 posts)To quote you:
Even if the idiot worked a full 8 hours a day he would not have the time to be so incredibly destructive. And we all know he doesn't have the intelligence or knowledge to be a player in domestic or world affairs.
He's a tired old man with no talent except for self-absorption. He benefited from a large family money pot but managed to sink it into failed real-estate and other money laundering ventures.
Someone is aiding, abetting, and arranging how this is to be played. US, foreign, multi-national? Ideological or just pure power and wealth? This will be known.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)I noted that McGahn was an opportunist, all too happy to try to expand his influence while serving in the campaign then administration. And there were and are numerous other parasites that attached themselves for reasons other than "making America great again" by way of Donald. More, there are other non-Americans, including Putin and his mob, that have used Trump to destabalize this country. No doubt about it.
I think that Trump himself was the inspiration for Zippy the Pinhead. Although Zippy was but a cartoon, I am convinced he was more human and superior to Trump in every way.
(39,564 posts)This goes a long way toward strengthening people's 'long game' patience and awareness.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)That is really nice of you to say! I really appreciate it.
It's a strange time. While I am aware that there is a heck of a lot I don't know, I thought that I'd add my two cents here on this forum in my two most recent essays. I'm glad when people like them. And I think that they might help people understand current dynamics a bit better.
(43,722 posts)Do you write professionally?
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)I'm a retired psychiatric social worker. I've enjoyed reading and writing since I was a little kid -- which was long, long ago. I've wrote an co-wrote a few books, and had articles published in magazines over the decades. However, these days I just write things for DU.
(12,557 posts)By the way, the Cowsills reference was hilarious!
I imagine Kavanaugh asking McGahn if he's heard the new Bay City Rollers release. These entitled frat boys lived life on the edge.
(12,557 posts)coeur_de_lion
(3,838 posts)to end this for us, for our country. But they are on the job and they will do it -- like it was done in 1974.
Hearings then impeachment.
A few GOP have defected, more will follow.
More have to follow.
All the shit trump is doing now will be included in his obstruction charges.
The tendency for leaders such as Trump to behave like a rabid dog furiously biting itself by humiliating, firing, or killing someone in their orbit is well-documented.
Is there anyone left to fire? We'll see. I suppose anyone who would stoop low enough to work for him deserves what they get.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)I recently ran into a guy I know casually. He's a retired cop, and fairly conservative. He said that he is disgusted, because if anyone else obstructed an investigation like Trump, they'd be under arrest. I think that more people understand that. Since the redacted report was released, Trump's numbers have gone down.
My older son bought me a copy of the report. He said that three publishers have come out with it in book form, and that they are #1,3, and 5 on Amazon. I suspect that a number of these are being sold to people who prefer books to the internet. The more people become familiar with it, the less support Trump will have -- and the more people will demand his impeachment.
There are two people in the White House other than the president that we'll enjoy people turning on. They are named Ivanka and Jared.
(16,332 posts)Hey, now, I got my first real kiss to that record, so it has special meaning to me.
"I saw her sitting in the rain, raindrops falling on her, she didn't even care, just sat there and smiled at me."
Actually, I preferred Jim Morrison back in the day.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)that first real kiss wasn't from someone similar to McGahn, it may be a good memory! You had me laughing here! Thanks for this!
(36,544 posts)The good guys are going to win. It just seems to take such a long time.
I know Don McGahn is a RWNJ but I don't believe he has any reason to lie to the House Committee investigators. He's already given Mueller 30 hours of testimony, why lie now?
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)I don't think McGahn would lie to Congress about this. And no doubt that is why Trump wants to prevent him from testifying.
There are good people, and that's so important to keep in mind.
Thank you!
(280,735 posts)as always
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)Much appreciated!
Any chance that you are coming to Binghamton this summer?
(1,863 posts)But I do like the doors better...
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)bought a Cowsills album back in the day. It didn't get a lot of play. Our family had the biggest stereo in our (rural) neighborhood, and my siblings and I used to blast the Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Doors, etc for everyone to hear.
(1,863 posts)It is called "newspaper blsnket" and it still makes me cry. Their father was an abusive f**kstick, and in spite of that the music they made has withstood the test of tjme. Most of the band are desd. Barry, my favorite, had mental problems and ended up homeless. He drowned when Katrina hit new orleans. The little girl, Susan still makes music. Sorry to go on, but i like 'em
(1,863 posts)Yuck
(20,647 posts)to disagree about where Kavanaugh's sentiments lie. I think he realizes at this point that he owes everything to Trump, and will do all he can within his scope of power to make sure he retains power and escapes any possible punishment. The SC ruling on the Census citizenship question was the "Bat Signal" that Roberts & Co. sent in Needy Amin's direction, as a way of saying "we've got your back no matter what may come down the pike".
Call me the ultimate cynic, but I'm still not feeling any genuine sense of optimism about our future as a nation.
H2O Man
(76,157 posts)saying that I'm one of the best things here at the DU. I do appreciate that.
I do have stretches where I do not feel good about our country's future. By simply taking as objective a look as possible, and considering things in the context of human history and systems, I tend to believe that statistically speaking, the chances are that we are fucked. In those times, I tend to read books by my favorite authors, as well as some of the letters from my old buddy Rubin. And these do not always make me think that there is a great deal of hope unless there is a massive shift in human consciousness.
While that shift is possible, and thus remains one of several options available to us, people rarely seem to experience that change unless there are negative (often tragic) events taking place around them. Odd as it may sound, that may be the only thing about Trump that could be considered "good" -- he may make enought people uncomfortable that there is such a shift in consciousness on a wide scale.
Yet there are unconscious people such as Kavanaugh -- and I'm not referencing when he drinks to blackout -- who will seek to prevent any change in that manner. For he, like Trump, is an example of how an inferior human being behaves in the most self-righteous of ways. And that, of course, is an example of an unconscious being. Still, as petty as he is, he will likely rule against Trump if certain cases of conflict between the Congress fulfilling its constitutional duties and the president's attempts to prevent this, reach the USSC. Admittedly, he will do so for the wrong reasons, for he is a petty man.