General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsFor the record - Statistics grow more grim.
The death toll rose over three thousand overnight. All those souls...
7:37am (all times Pacific)
Confirmed cases - 165,075
Deaths - 3,038.

(24,513 posts)We have met the normal flu deaths for the year and it's only March. These numbers are going to continue to rise for weeks to come because the incompetent asshole is killing us for fun (change the country into an oligarchy is a long rw dream) and personal profit.
Except one was intentional done out of spite, taking aim at an identity.
More people die in crashes on Texas highways every year than die on 9/11.
Ascribing agency to the attackers is fairly easy since they had some pretty clear motives and took actions that directly lead to the deaths. The other, not so much. Most of the "agency" in the case of COVID is both ascribed based on assumptions that we make and depends on ignoring everything outside our bubble. It's little different from the blaming of Chinese immigrants in the San Francisco plague in the early 1900s--"we" hated people, there's some connection to be found between "them" and bad things (ignoring everything else), there's fear, and so there's obvious blame and intent. Think of it as a human thing; and if you know it's a human proclivity and not just something "those people" do, and identify as human (not all of us do), it's on the checklist of things to consider looking for in one's own behavior.
This can be more or less extreme. Look at the folk who so disliked Bush II that they insisted LIHOP. Or, worse, accused Bush II &c of a cover up and going through the WTC buildings, drilling holes and planting explosives. Or thermite. Some go to extremes, some just fail to notice. Many are in the middle, as in any reasonably Gaussian distribution.
As for the annual Great Texas Road Kill, I await the national day of remembrance, the memorial, and the curbing of traffic until we're sure there's no more risk. Or the assumption that those doing the killing are especially out to kill. Because otherwise it's worse than 9/11 (yawn), like many other things that we don't give much of a hoot about.
Notice that we also haven't met the annual flu deaths yet. Not by a wide, wide margin. is as good as any; early results for the first few months had it at at least 12k.
Not that you ought to take influenza lightly. Flu season in the US, which runs from October through May, claims tens of thousands of lives every year. This season CDC estimates that, as of mid-March, between 29,000 and 59,000 have died due to influenza illnesses. Add to that the misery of hundreds of thousands of flu-related hospitalizations and millions of medical visits for flu symptoms this season.
So 29k to 59k. Currently worldometer has deaths in the US at 3,573. We're at 1/8 of flu season. At best.
(10,733 posts)Than the Iraq war. But WHEN it does, it will result in trump going to prison and the republican party (in it's current iteration..FINALLY) being reduced to a regional party of the old confederacy.
At least, that's my hope. I wish that my fellow citizens, regardless of political affiliation, wouldn't have to die in order to manifest this.
I'm sad that I wont get my wish.
(12,827 posts)number by at least 10
(9,048 posts)The idiots who do not take shelter in place seriously are a threat to everyone else.
And we have two neighbors taking risks with gatherings.
(2,042 posts)BGBD
(3,282 posts)I've heard even higher factors tossed around as the potential range by some people who know what they are talking about.
I think this virus is a lot more prevalent than the official numbers. There are probably a couple million infections across the country that haven't been tested, aren't presenting for care, or don't even realize they are sick. I think the fatality rate of infection is much, much lower than we are seeing as well. I think it's going to end up closer to seasonal flu, .1 or .2%, but unlike seasonal flu there is 0 immunity. The virus is just running wild because it has nothing to stop it.
That means the high numbers, like 2 million deaths isn't possible, but something on the order of 300-600k would be in line with worse case, or potentially some higher given the odds of overloading healthcare facilities. From looking at ILI data, I think this thing started spreading around the 3rd or 4th week of the year, but flu was getting the blame. This years predominant flu strains were B-Victoria and H1N1, but it was a pretty bad year, which isn't typical for those two strains to cause. Usually the H3N2 years are the hardest seasonal flu's like back in 2017-2018. I think the driver of that was COVID-19.
Now it has had time to build up and we are seeing hospital overrun, not because we have 75k cases in NY, but because we have 2 million cases in NY.
(8,714 posts)as having the virus.
Horse with no Name
(34,115 posts)Died in December unexpectedly from a rapidly progressing severe pneumonia that put her on a ventilator.
She had no comorbidities and was previously healthy and fit.
I wonder how many Lauries are out there.
(14,964 posts)months. There is a Twitter feed, @k_wuttt in her pinned tweet she documented several back in mid February.
(24,513 posts)She had the same symptoms, extreme tiredness and body aches, coughing & tightness in her chest. She's a very healthy person so this was very strange and it took her forever to get all the way back. How many people had this but it was hidden on purpose by drumpf.
(13,774 posts)They are completely different viruses so I suspect you can. Has anyone read if this happens?
(10,733 posts)regular ol' viral pneumonia, despite trump admin arguing otherwise for the sake of political appearances...
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)You, almost single handedly, have turned this into a shit hole country.
(85,145 posts)7:37am (all times Pacific)
Confirmed cases - 165,075
Deaths - 3,038.
Confirmed cases - 173,466 - Look at that! Cases went up by approximately EIGHT THOUSAND, in roughly three hours. .
Deaths - 3,370
10:10am (just four minutes later)
Confirmed cases - 174,251
Deaths - 3,376
SHEESH - just as I'm writing this - watching the confirmed case numbers ticking upward.
Confirmed cases - 174,265
Deaths - 3376
What a difference a few minutes makes:
Confirmed cases - 174,278
Deaths - 3376 - well, that's good news. The death toll nationally hasn't risen. Yet, anyway.
(85,145 posts)I am using the statistics being noted at MSNBC.
We're mainly watching that network, switching back and forth with CNN. But I haven't been able to track CNN's numbers as closely. So I guess the MSNBC numbers are the "control numbers" - at least for this NON-pro, completely civilian and unofficial. But I think it probably serves the general situation. At least it gives us a picture of the rising numbers and the extent of the spread of the virus and its rising casualties.
(102,980 posts)It'll get affected by the reporting mechanisms, local time of day, occasional delays, and so on. Picking a fixed time of day to check might be better; starts its 'today' figures at 0000 GMT (ie 5pm Pacific Daylight Time), so if you look at 'yesterday' you get a stable figure for everywhere that you can reasonably compare with previous days, and 'today' gives you a by-the-minute change since then.
(10,035 posts)GeorgiaPeanut
(360 posts)I wish we had a real president like Obama who would have consulted with the right people and listened to them.
(10,887 posts)calimary
(85,145 posts)The same kinds of graphs, all indicating the same kinds of numbers, and rates of increase.
(85,145 posts)7:37am (all times Pacific)
Confirmed cases - 165,075
Deaths - 3,038.
Confirmed cases - 173,466 - Look at that! Cases went up by approximately EIGHT THOUSAND, in roughly three hours. .
Deaths - 3,370
10:10am (just four minutes later)
Confirmed cases - 174,251
Deaths - 3,376
SHEESH - just as I'm writing this - watching the confirmed case numbers ticking upward.
Confirmed cases - 174,265
Deaths - 3376
What a difference a few minutes makes:
Confirmed cases - 174,278
Deaths - 3376 - well, that's good news. The death toll nationally hasn't risen. Yet, anyway.
Confirmed cases - 179,446 - SHEESH - rose more than FIVE HUNDRED in an hour-and-a-half!
Deaths - 3,539 - 163 more just in that same hour-and-a-half.
(85,145 posts)7:37am (all times Pacific)
Confirmed cases - 165,075
Deaths - 3,038.
Confirmed cases - 173,466 - Look at that! Cases went up by approximately EIGHT THOUSAND, in roughly three hours. .
Deaths - 3,370
10:10am (just four minutes later)
Confirmed cases - 174,251
Deaths - 3,376
SHEESH - just as I'm writing this - watching the confirmed case numbers ticking upward.
Confirmed cases - 174,265
Deaths - 3376
What a difference a few minutes makes:
Confirmed cases - 174,278
Deaths - 3376 - well, that's good news. The death toll nationally hasn't risen. Yet, anyway.
Confirmed cases - 179,446 - SHEESH - rose more than FIVE HUNDRED in an hour-and-a-half!
Deaths - 3,539 - 163 more just in that same hour-and-a-half.
Confirmed cases - 179,792
Deaths - 3,559
AW SHIT - just jumped again...
Confirmed cases - 180,909
Deaths - 3,634
(85,145 posts)7:37am (all times Pacific)
Confirmed cases - 165,075
Deaths - 3,038.
Confirmed cases - 173,466 - Look at that! Cases went up by approximately EIGHT THOUSAND, in roughly three hours. .
Deaths - 3,370
10:10am (just four minutes later)
Confirmed cases - 174,251
Deaths - 3,376
SHEESH - just as I'm writing this - watching the confirmed case numbers ticking upward.
Confirmed cases - 174,265
Deaths - 3376
What a difference a few minutes makes:
Confirmed cases - 174,278
Deaths - 3376 - well, that's good news. The death toll nationally hasn't risen. Yet, anyway.
Confirmed cases - 179,446 - SHEESH - rose more than FIVE HUNDRED in an hour-and-a-half!
Deaths - 3,539 - 163 more just in that same hour-and-a-half.
Confirmed cases - 179,792
Deaths - 3,559
AW SHIT - just jumped again...
Confirmed cases - 180,909
Deaths - 3,634
Confirmed cases - 184,057
Deaths - 3,717
(85,145 posts)If anybody's wondering:
September 11 Terror Attacks Fast Facts
CNN Editorial Research
Updated 12:26 PM ET, Wed November 13, 2019
Nineteen men hijacked four fuel-loaded US commercial airplanes bound for west coast destinations. A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
(85,145 posts)7:37am (all times Pacific)
Confirmed cases - 165,075
Deaths - 3,038.
Confirmed cases - 173,466 - Look at that! Cases went up by approximately EIGHT THOUSAND, in roughly three hours.
Deaths - 3,370
10:10am (just four minutes later)
Confirmed cases - 174,251
Deaths - 3,376
SHEESH - just as I'm writing this - watching the confirmed case numbers ticking upward.
Confirmed cases - 174,265
Deaths - 3376
What a difference a few minutes makes:
Confirmed cases - 174,278
Deaths - 3376 - well, that's good news. The death toll nationally hasn't risen. Yet, anyway.
Confirmed cases - 179,446 - SHEESH - rose more than FIVE HUNDRED in an hour-and-a-half!
Deaths - 3,539 - 163 more just in that same hour-and-a-half.
Confirmed cases - 179,792
Deaths - 3,559
AW SHIT - just jumped again...
Confirmed cases - 180,909
Deaths - 3,634
Confirmed cases - 184,057
Deaths - 3,717
Confirmed cases - 186,287 -- went up by more than 20-thousand just today.
Deaths - 3815 -- went up more than 800 just today.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Olafjoy
(937 posts)And took neighbor 2 doors down away. Holy s#*t!!
(85,145 posts)Talk about hitting close to home.
(22,219 posts)I'm an engineer, we like data, so people are sending me spread sheets with some formulas plugged in to track things. I keep pushing back on them with a couple consistent points:
1. We are getting numbers that track the spread of Covid-19, we aren't getting numbers that track the positive tests, we're getting numbers that are tracking the reporting of the positive tests.
2. In order to track the spread of the virus through testing you'd need all the tests available to test anyone with symptoms and all of the states would need to have the same criteria and the same processing time. We have a different situation in regards to testing in every state. Different criteria, different test availability, different reporting rhythms, and different processing time. Some states have backlogs of tens of thousands of tests that are waiting to be processed.
3. So I suppose tracking deaths is more accurate, but even those are full of reporting inconsistencies. I have no idea that many have died from Covid-19 that were never tested pre or post death.
There's a reason why these outbreaks aren't fully understood until they're in the past. Statisticians and scientists will study this and come up with estimates for deaths and cases at some point in the future, and that's the best we'll ever do. People have to realize that when H1N1 happened, the 12,000 estimated deaths were just an estimate, we didn't have 12,000 people who tested positive for it die. We used stats afterwards to come up with the number of infected and dead.