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A Politico article from today leaks the current, proposed line-up for virtual speakers at the Milwaukee Democratic National Convention, here:
On the list:
Jill Biden
John Kasich
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Michelle Obama
Elizabeth Warren
Barack Obama
Kamala Harris
Joe Biden (obviously)
I have to wonder what the average age of these speakers (our leaders) might be. We are blessed with a deep bench, but I am disappointed to see that we are not featuring some of our younger stars. We have them. At least one of them needs to be featured at our convention.
Its no wonder that young people dont vote. If our convention lineup is any indication, it appears that we are not listening to young people. It appears that we are not interested in what they have to say.

(42,564 posts)But filled with incredible depth and experience so I think thats the trade off.
If you dont die you get old. It doesnt lessen your worth as a human being.
(32,017 posts)It just doesnt seem representative of the big tent that we need to be right now.
Wheres the voice of our younger Democrats?
Wheres the voice of the LGBT+ community?
Wheres the voice of the Latinx community?
I am certain that the leaked list is tentative and incomplete, but I hope that the Party features our diversity in our virtual convention. Theres no excuse not to do so.
(62,631 posts)They rock!
(3,063 posts)Freethinker65
(11,177 posts)With it being virtual, they could bring lots of people in to say a few words.
(32,017 posts)I hope that our speakers reflect the big tent that we aspire to be.
I want to see one of our young stars speak. AOC should be given some screen time.
I want to see the LGBT+ community recognized. Pete could fill that role.
I want to see Latinx voices represented. Julian Castro, or any of a large number of people, could accomplish that goal.
(1,444 posts)I would be shocked if she didnt have a speaking spot, and she, as a lesbian she could fill part of the LGBT corner.
(32,017 posts)-Laelth
(17,624 posts)Young people don't need young people speaking to feel connected, though there will surely be many. What you are listing is prime time speakers. This is a 4 day convention with dozens and dozens of speaking slots.
Clinton (and every other nominee in modern times) had plenty of younger speakers. There is always a keynote for a rising star.
It doesn't help. They just can't be bothered to secure their future. They listen to the ultra far left, and the ultra far right and get angry at the dem "establishment", and then don't show up because they are angry at something. Or there is a party. Or facebook.
Give me a break. The people you list above have speaking slots because they have made vast contributions to the party and have achieved a lot of very valid achievements.
Greta thornberg (sp) could headline the convention, and it would get a huge audience. Then, it would have no effect with the voters you are so worried about.
If they don't know that this might be the last election they can realistically have an impact in during their lifetime, then they are lost to any argument or attraction. That isn't hyperbole.
I think your concern is valid, but vapid at the same time. It's a remnant of the bernie wars and should be left behind.
(32,017 posts)We should feature our future. Like her or not, shes a star.
(17,624 posts)She is a first term congress critter. She is very visible, and a target, and should have a shot, but she isn't really any more compelling than any other dem congressman.
Sorry, she needs more time in the saddle to be a star.
(32,017 posts)Like her or not, agree with her or not, shes a star.
(17,624 posts)She does get attacked so there is value there, but so does ilhmar, so did john lewis, so does nancy.
Being attacked by republicans doesn't make you a star. It makes you a woman, a poc, or a muslim. Add a bit of power and responsibility, with maybe a radical edge, and the media joins in.
It doesn't make you a star in the party. It makes you a media favorite.
(9,240 posts)to the party. When she was questioning Michael Cohen in his hearings, it was HER questions that have led to some actual financial records being subpoenaed, & released by Deutsche Bank.
AOC speaks clearly, and her priorities are slowly being supported by the vast majority of dems (green new deal, for instance!).
(15,325 posts)If Bernie or Warren, who represent a seperate branch of the Democratic Party choose to step aside from their speaker slots to allow AOC then fine.
We have a few more serious new Democrats with twice the creds of AOC that represent a greater demographic.
I'd prefer to hear their voices before anymore from AOC since we all know what she says because we hear about it every chance she gets.
Time to hear from those who have also done some great legislative work & have new ideas & directions to tell about.
I'd prefer Katie Porter & Sharice Davids to AOC anyday.
(12,564 posts)The GOP hopes for that so they can have the ads ready to go the next day. We do not need any polarizing speakers this time. The stakes are to high.
(2,482 posts)FoxNewsSucks
(10,947 posts)where AOC responded to the asshole who called her a "f****** b****". Then, watch some video of her at various hearings. She may be a star, but she's hardly "just" a star.
She is intelligent, well spoken, and whatever speech she would give would be one that should make any Democrat proud.
(12,564 posts)karynnj
(60,109 posts)I suspect that the Politico "leak" is just a list of prominent Democrats. I think any one of us could have created that list -- not as the speakers -- but as a list of party elders - though clearly John Kerry and Al Gore should be added. I don't think Politico is known for having an inside tract here. Note they quote blast from the past, Ed Rendell! Note that they are missing almost all younger Democrats and even worse almost all important people of color. WHERE IS REPRESTANTIVE CLYBURN's name? If there is one person, other than Biden, who turned the tide it is him.
I think AOC or Stacy Abrams would be great choices for the keynote speech, which is almost always given to an up and coming star. (There might be some other less obvious people like one of the many young, freshmen national security Democrats - like Mikie Sherrill or one of the new Virginia representatives.)
I suspect that the person who wrote this list is likely old him or herself. President Obama, Jill Biden and Michelle Obama will be the main people endorsing Biden. Bill Clinton may speak - but I doubt that he will be as prominent as he was in the past. (ie he now will be the long ago Past President, less relevant than President Obama. (Think the Jimmy Carter role - although he did get 2 terms) I think, HRC would actually be more prominent than BC ... I also think that a fantastic idea would be for her to be one of the main people endorsing the VP, who will be a woman. I don't know her connections to all the possibilities, but for the main ones they are strong.
Given that foreign policy will be a major issue - along with the many domestic issues - Kerry is very likely the one who will be chosen to speak on climate change and foreign policy. He has long been a Biden friend, an early endorser, and he was instrumental on both the Iran deal and Paris Accord. He and AOC seemed to have worked very well together on the platform. If he were mainly to speak of climate change, it might be interesting to pair the two of them in presenting Biden's platform there. His relevance on these issues make him a better choice than Hillary Clinton to speak on them. (As noted, HRC as the first female nominee could be the one to speak of the VP.)
(32,017 posts)I have nothing to add.
(7,995 posts)Into the next decade.
(32,017 posts)Wheres the LGBT+ representation on our lineup?
What is the Latinx community supposed to think? We arent speaking to them? We arent including them in our Partys luminaries?
The more I think about this proposed lineup, the more frustrated I become.
(15,325 posts)We have many outstanding voices & I'd like to hear from a far broader group.
If Sanders or Warren would choose to give up their time slot for AOC, then fine.
The issue is that the convention has been narrowed considerably by time allowance this year.
(82,383 posts)and he's one of the speakers.
(15,325 posts)Give us Katie Porter, Sharice Davids, & a few great Democratic voices who bring their own demographic.
(15,325 posts)...she represents such a wide group of people who share her struggles, PLUS she is just a non-controversial & mature example of progress.
She is exactly what the Convention needs to represent a generational mix.
(9,240 posts)
(26,158 posts)Gothmog
(158,210 posts)She is amazing
(15,720 posts)These are pretty senior people in terms of status and connections. But I wonder if some of the veep-listers are receiving thanks-for-playing giftbags?
(15,325 posts)Time constraints seem to be the biggest issue, as far as what I've read anyway, & having to crunch it all in to a virtual format.
It is a challenge anyhow!
(17,624 posts)These are names "rumored" to be on the list. There are four days and dozens if not hundreds of speakers. Young speakers are always represented. No list is final or announced officially.
Your concern is duly noted.
(15,325 posts)
Can't miss an opportunity to drive the divide deeper can they.
Wish they'd grow up.
(32,017 posts)Please feel free to share those rumors.
(17,624 posts)Greta Thornberg has agreed to a video appearance during the democratic convention to speak on trumps failures on the environment. She can't endorse a candidate, but she can encourage one.
Since I just posted this on the intertubes, it's 100% valid. You can contact her spokesperson for comment.
(32,017 posts)I would prefer that we feature Americans who are Democrats. Greta Thornberg, as wonderful as she may be, is neither.
(15,325 posts)
(32,017 posts)OK. Sure. Why not?
You misunderstand me if you think that I am an AOC partisan. Im not. I am a father of two, intelligent, accomplished daughters, both of whom work in the service industry, as did AOC. She speaks to them, and she speaks FOR them. They hear her, even if you dont, and they are our future, for better or for worse.
(17,624 posts)There have been ferners who have spoken at conventions before......
There isn't a prohibition to them speaking, just financially supporting (which ther gop is largely ignoring anyway) a candidate.
(58,785 posts)minorities, abusing our rights, stealing our national wealth, and kidnapping terrified children and hiding them in cages specifically to be cruel?
Every one of us from the time we're first eligible to vote until we no longer can has a duty to use our POWER to elect good people and to keep bad ones from getting our power.
If the speakers were all drooling in wheelchairs, the best and brightest of our younger generations would still all battle through clouds of Covid to vote and vote Democratic in this era. Because their duty has nothing to do with speakers.
NO excuse for those who refuse to stand.
(32,017 posts)I dont understand what, exactly, you want me to rethink.
(457 posts)to promote ultra left of Bernie Sanders.
Remember - young people DO NOT VOTE. Bernie lost because the the so called "young people" failed to come and vote. Bernie lost badly to Biden.
The young and ultra left are around 15% of the party and they are not the "base." The base is African Americans and especially AA women, older age white, latino and asian liberals who have more experience and less incendiary idealism. They are also reliable voters.
Holly Otterbein should get her bearings straight instead of whining from the Bernie wing.
(15,325 posts)Someone needs to grow the fk up
(457 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)DenverJared
(457 posts)just before Holly Otterbein showed up on the scene.
(360 posts)Gothmog
(158,210 posts)I used to go JPR to read his crappy articles
(60,109 posts)with Clyburn? Consider one source was Ed Rendell. When was he last relevant? Interesting that he ignored many of the people who ran - including all the younger ones. Remember Biden praised Buttigieg and O'Rourke when they dropped out.
Response to Laelth (Original post)
pinkstarburst This message was self-deleted by its author.
(42,862 posts)If the "young voter" feels under-valued, then it's because they have a very long history of "under-voting". If they want to be heard, then they need to raise their voices in the voting booth and stop the constant whining about petty things like the average age of the speakers.
(91,330 posts)jalan48
(14,669 posts)Hard to imagine him speaking while AOC does not.
(10,947 posts)Nothing wrong with having a republican spell out why he's supporting Biden over a corrupt piece of shit. He might even give a few other never-trumpers something to think about and convince them it's OK to vote "D".
But the OP is a valid point. The Democratic primaries had a lot of younger people, give come of them a chance to rally their supporters behind the nominee.
(71,040 posts)And they have been causing trouble lately as well.
(10,947 posts)any of the others from the primary would "behave badly". They've all given their support to Biden.
Which former candidate do you think will "behave badly" and what exactly would they say in their speech?
(71,040 posts)Demsrule86
(71,040 posts)that.
(91,330 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)....or Jahana Hayes, or Lucy McBath.
(148,475 posts)Guess what, though - this convention isn't going to be as interesting as previous ones, and probably won't have a huge viewership. The outcome is already known, and there's no contest. Before it happens, Biden will name his VP nominee, so there isn't even that to watch.
How old are the speakers? Well, that's sort of irrelevant. They're all major names in Democratic politics, which is the point. Established names with long, long histories of service to the party.
You say, "It's no wonder that young people don't vote." I say, they damned sure better vote in 2020. Another four years of Trump would prove especially destructive to young people.
They should vote for the candidate who will do the things they need for a President to do.
Those are my thoughts.
(71,040 posts)to the polls.
(42,862 posts)If they feel "under appreciated" ... it's probably due to the fact that they "under-vote". If that demographic truly wanted their voices to be heard (and recognized) then they would put forth a minimal effort and raise their voices in the voting booth. But, for many of them, they'd rather NOT vote and whine. Or attend rallies and pretend that's as good as voting.
(91,330 posts)another shitty article by some fucking loser at politico.
These aren't the only speakers either.
(1,235 posts)Put Clyburn instead