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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsReport: CDC records highest-ever number of gun-related deaths in 2020
"While gun violence affects people from all walks of life, the burden is not distributed evenly across the U.S. As the report details, gun violence varies widely by state and across demographic groups," says Ari Davis, policy adviser at the Bloomberg School's Center for Gun Violence Solutions and lead author of the report. "Policymakers who want to take action can look to states with lower gun-related deaths and adopt these evidence-based strategies like purchaser licensing and firearm removal laws."
This is not rocket science, we know what works and can see it working in states that have tougher gun regulations. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH US? Are 124 deaths a day not enough to get our attention?

(7,515 posts)But, we need more guns! We need open carry! We don't need background checks!
Laws that limit our right to bear arms are unconstitutional!
More guns will make us safer!
Over 45 thousand people found the "safety" of the grave in 2020.
(104,076 posts)It seems like our gun laws are getting weirder and weirder and the only solution to a gun problem is to throw more guns at it. Got news for you guys, this ain't the wild west anymore. So stop acting like it.
(153,137 posts)Thanks to your influence, I am now donating to one of the anti-gun groups (can't remember the name). It's not much, but it's what I can do.
(14,559 posts)will become loud enough to drown out the voice of the gun culture, the culture of death and injury.
Enough soft whispers can deafen the shouts of the few . . .
(69,316 posts)They have exactly the country they want; exactly the country they've been striving for ever since they hijacked the NRA and turned it from a gun-safety and marksmanship organization, into a murderous corporate lobbying mob.
They have exactly the country they've always wanted. Why are they still so angry?
Frasier Balzov
(4,056 posts)Sandy Hook, Pulse nightclub, Mandalay Bay Las Vegas, Parkland...
Just some of the marquee atrocities. The daily toll of killed and maimed is nothing more than cosmic background radiation.
I'm done blaming the NRA. The problem rests squarely with the electorate.
(14,559 posts)Only 9% want LESS regulation.
The gun industry and culture outspend anti violence groups many times over. IT"S THE FUCKING MONEY!!
Until we start BUYING Republican legislators like the NRA, GOA, AND THE REST OF THE GUN INDUSTRY we will get what we have now.
The Government we can afford.
(51,308 posts)And why?
Dial H For Hero
(2,971 posts)Young black males are vastly overrepresented in the homicide numbers. They are 20 times more likely to be killed in a homicide than their white counterparts. Despite being less than 2% of the population, they comprise 38% of the homicides.
(51,308 posts)We don’t have many murders, but this is certainly the pattern.
A neighboring city reports at least one, two, or three a week. Heard one this morning on the local news - 19 year old black man killed another 19:year old black man. Madness.
(36,026 posts)The majority (>50%) of the yearly gun deaths are suicides, and access to firearms is a pretty fucking key indicator of success in a suicide attempt. All the SUCCESSFUL suicides I've personally known of used guns.
Yet suicides are barely part of the conversation when we discuss firearms - and when a celebrity like Wynona Judd kills herself, we have no idea if it was a gun or pills or she threw herself off the Tallahatchie Bridge. It's private, and unseemly to discuss.
Gun Laws are only going 1 way: towards liberalization, either via legislation in Red States or via judicial action in Blue States.
Gun sales are a self-reinforcing loop: I need a gun to protect myself from other people with guns.
We're living in Gunner America now. This is how Gunners want it. Nothing's going to change for a generation or 2.
Response to maxsolomon (Reply #9)
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(36,026 posts)but they're going the wrong way, towards liberalization. America has a death wish.