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Nanjing to Seoul

(2,088 posts)
Tue Apr 29, 2014, 03:47 AM Apr 2014

Top Ten Conservative Idiots of the Week #39

[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Just Plain Evil Edition[/font]

What a bumper week for racism worldwide. Seven out of the ten nominees this week all did something racist or just plain evil. Donald Sterling (8) gained a lot of press, but he's only #8 this week. Which means seven other asshats did some dumb-fuckery that is even worse than his openly ignorant racism. Ever want to just pull the covers over your head and go back to bed. Last week was it. And as always, don't forget the key. Also, there is a lot of caustic language in this article this week. If you don't like it, don't complain about it. Just click off this article and don't read it.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Russian Government #1[/font]

Russia today seems all set to restart the Cold War and even seems to want to make it a Hot War. They have basically brought Ukraine to their knees, they are saber rattling with the United States who wants Russia to leave Crimea. . .they are actively putting gay people into prison and, apparently, a few in the their government now advocate raping female journalists. What?

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Vladimir Zhironovsky, of the pro-Kremlin Liberal Democratic Party, launched into an animated tirade against RT journalist Stella Dubovitskaya, – who is six months pregnant – after she asked him an innocuous questions about possible sanctions against the pro-Western government of Ukraine, according to the Daily Mail.

Responding to her question, Zhironovsky grabbed two of his male aides, telling them, “When I say, you run to her and violently rape her” before shoving them in her direction and shouting: “Go and kiss her. Grab her.”

Usually, when a government sanctions rape as a political weapon, they do so quietly in order to have the ability to deny knowledge and say it was isolated. But in today's world, fuck it. . .rape the shit out of any woman who dares to open her smart little mouth. Skull fuck her too. And do it in public too. Nothing will happen. She was asking for it. . She was born with two X chromosomes. If she didn't want to be raped, she's have an X and a Y. Serves her ass right.

Notice this wonderful example of humanity, Vladimir Zhironovsky, didn't point to a male journalist and say the same thing. . .that would be homosexual, and gayness is illegal in Russia thanks to the non homo-erotic president for life Vladimir “Pootie-Poo” Putin. Also, maybe Zhironovsky thought trying to rape a male journalist might get his ass kicked, but telling his staff to rape a six month pregnant woman would gain him huge credibility in his circle o'scumbags.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Male and female journalists in attendance were shocked at the outburst with one male journalist asking, “She is pregnant, why are you attacking her?”

To which, Zhironovsky responded “because I can.”

One thing that's bugging the writer of this feature. . .the term Liberal Democratic Party. It's a fucking brand name. Abe Shinzo's party in Japan is also called the LDP, and it's even more right wing than the teabaggers are here. Maybe they think if they called their party the “Conservative Jingoistic Party,” they would get no members. The article even says the LDP of Russia is “far right.”

Also in “Russia,” apparently the act of supporting Ukraine is also ground for arrest for war crimes.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Irma Krat, 29, was held late on Sunday by militants in the city of Slovyansk, said Oleg Veremienko, a lawyer for the online television news site Krat runs. Russian Internet channel Life News posted video of her being escorted by masked men in combat gear and of an activist saying she was under arrest.

The channel showed a woman it said was Krat, her face hidden by a scarf, saying in Ukrainian: "They detained me but they are treating me all right. They will check the reports I've filed and then they'll decide when to let me go."

Maybe the LDP will advocate raping Irma Krat too. “There's the person who thinks Russia should get out of Ukraine. Cornhole her until she sees the error of her thinking.”

So, all people with brains. . .when planning a vacation, remember there are 1000s of place to go that seem to be better than Russia now. Zimbabwe is looking good. And who can forget the fun and sun of Pyongyang. But, if Russia is where you want to go, don't be a woman and don't be gay. And don't say anything that Pootie-Poo might not like. . .don't be black, don't be American. . .yadda, yadda, yadda.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Jan Barta[/font]

Who is Jan Barta, I hear you ask. Well, this piece of. . .work is from the Czech Republic. Check out the opening paragraph of the article used to showcase this clown.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]"If Gypsies beat up a pub owner, I'll write six articles about it and keep on writing them... I'll say it's a Rom no matter what the cost. If whites beat up a white guy, or if a white guy beats up a Rom... then no," the editor-in-chief of the tabloid news server Extra.cz, Pavel Novotný, says of his practices in the recent Czech documentary film "Tabloid Workers" ("Dělníci bulváru&quot .

Yes, one of Europe's favorite whipping boys, the Roma (known as gypsies) are being subjected to more Eastern European racism. This strikes normal. Jews, Roma. . .the normal scapegoats.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]
Jan Barta, the owner of news server Extra.cz, which publishes untruthful articles that unleash hatred against Romani people and makes big profits in the process, has run as a Green Party (Strana zelených - SZ) candidate in the past. According to Jan Žáček, the SZ party's press spokesperson, Barta does not interfere with the editorial content of the media outlet he owns.

Yes, a racist asshole runs a racist newspaper propaganda mill for the ignorant masses too stupid to realize they are being played. Like the American right wing. They don't realize the people they support (GOP in Congress, Fatass Limbaugh, Man hands Ann Coulter, Sean the Fuck) are playing them for chumps because they don't really believe what they say and spout. Jan Barta is another example of the racist hustle. And it works! Make money of people's illogical fears and bigotry. Those interested, look up the Camp Grant Massacre and see how Arizonans like Samuel Hughes, William Oury, Sidney DeLong and John Wasson made millions whipping people up into a murderous frenzy in 1871.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]News server Romea.cz has written a great deal about media manipulation in the Czech Republic, reproaching media outlets for their unethical and unprofessional conduct when reporting about Romani people. One of our main points is that the media are divorced from reality and are adapting their news reporting to meet the (real or imagined) demands of their listeners, readers and viewers.

The driving force behind this lack of ethical behavior is a desire for the greatest possible profits irrespective of what is essential to the craft and mission of journalism. Our point has now been confirmed by the editor-in-chief of one of the most-read tabloids in the Czech Republic. Novotný has admitted that his publication intentionally emphasizes Romani ethnicity in its reporting. He says the word "Rom", when used in a negative connotation, increases readership and therefore profits.

Emphasis mine.

Thank you Rupert Murdoch. You have made this happen. . .you and that fat slob Roger Ailes. You two fuckers have completely destroyed journalism. And now it is accepted just to publish lies and attack those that expose your lies as partisans with an agenda. Thank you, Roger Ailes. . .thank you Rupert Murdoch. If there is a Hell, you two fuckheads belong there.

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[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Molestation Enabler Forgiveness Freaks[/font]

The Top Ten comes back to the States for entry number three by going to State College, Pennsylvania. Remember Jerry Sandusky, that wonderfully successful football coach that won many football games for Penn State University while also molesting as many boys as he could while his boss, Joe Paterno, turned a blind eye to it all because his fame and money was more important than the safety of children.

Well, Paterno resigned in disgrace, died quickly and his hopefully rotting in hell while Sandusky is rotting in prison. . .but that doesn't stop the disgrace from continuing. Apparently, to some in State College, enough time has passed and it's now time to honor Paterno with another statue honoring Joe Paterno.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Tired of waiting, several State College residents say they are moving forward with plans to bring their own statue of the man to downtown State College.

“This is something we can do on our own schedule,” said Ted Sebastianelli, a candidate for the Penn State board of trustees and one of the locals behind an effort to create a new Paterno statue. “We don’t have to wait.”

One thing Penn State University did right was to quickly divorce itself from Paterno and remove all reminders of him But apparently, winning football games are more important than a legacy of being a child molestation enabler.

Imagine. . .years from now, people will look at that statue and say “he was protecting a notorious child molester, but he won Penn State so many games. Fuck children. They are replaceable. Winning football games is more important.”

If Penn State Board of Trustee voters are smart, for advocating another statue, Ted Sebastianelli will get exactly one vote. . .his!

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]The university’s been tight lipped since then about what became of the statue, and hasn’t said much more than that publicly about how it plans to treat Paterno’s legacy moving forward.

Two years since all of this is enough time. Get over it, victims. Grow up! Next time, don't be so prudish to deny a pervert his perversion. It's your fault it happened. Now let's go watch some football.

If Sebastianelli truly want this statue, let's be honest with its design: Have a standing Paterno with a blind man's cane holding a national championship trophy while Sandusky bends over with his pants around his ankles while a scared boy tries to escape. . .then put it to a backdrop of cheering Penn State fans and dignitaries turning a blind eye and deaf ear because winning the NCAA Championship is more important than a fucking child molester and his enabler boss!

Fuck Joe Paterno! And the writer is a HUGE football fan.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Russian Government #2[/font]

The United States has sided completely on the side of Ukraine in this crisis and has threatened Russia with sanctions. Being the strong country they are, Russia decided to puff it's chest and do the same thing, threatening retaliation against the United States for daring to question the AWESOME might of a country that pretty much is run by their organized crime syndicates.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Russia will retaliate for the new sanctions imposed by the United States over the alleged Moscow's involvement into the crisis in Ukraine, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Monday.

"We will respond, of course. There are possibilities for such a response and there is a wide set of measures," Interfax news agency quoted the diplomat as saying.

Those measures include holding their breath until they turn blue in the face, stomping their feet on the ground, whining about still being a “big boy” and asking their buddy China to come to their aid against the big bully Americans because Ukraine is little Russia and Russia needs lebensraum. . .I mean, well, you know.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Ryabkov assured the Russian response would be "painful for Washington," because "no one has a right to speak to Moscow in the language of sanctions."

Really? No one has that right. Okay. Isolate yourselves behind another iron curtain and try to survive. Russia, listen closely. . .you aren't a world leader anymore. That ended in 1991. When communism fell apart.

In 1989, there were over 40 communist countries in the world. . .today, there are only five. . .four are in Asia and one of them (China) is CINO. . .communist-in-name-only. You have no power, Russia. ZERO! Zilch. You're now the tail trying to wag the dog.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Such attempts will hit those who are doing it, he added, calling the new U.S. sanctions "disgusting."

But invading another country and taking parts of it because you need living space is okay. Why Ukraine even deals with Russia surprises me. I mean, Stalin did his best to kill as many Ukranians as he could in Holodomor and now they are trying to take the country piece by piece. It's like Anschluss all over again.

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[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Bundy Supporters[/font]


Now that that's out of my system. . .wait. . .HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

You freaktard Bundy supporters support a fucking racist assclown and now you own it! You built it, you own it! Good job. Good vetting, Conservaturds.

Cliven Bundy. . .rancher, right wing hero. . .and now, confirmed sheet wearing racist seems to have over stayed his shelf life by opening his ignorant mouth.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]
Now that he's won a confrontation with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing his cattle on federal land, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has time to hold court on everything from abortion to the current state of "the Negro." Bundy made some racially charged comments about government assistancein his daily news conference Saturday, according to a New York Times storypublished Wednesday.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” the rancher began as he described a "government house" in Las Vegas where he recalled that all the people who sat outside seemed to "have nothing to do." “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he said, as quoted by the Times. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Whoops. Normally, racists wants to mask their racism in nice language that sounds like they can deny their racist leanings. Now a man who has a massive ego and a God complex. He hits the grand slam of racism, saying blacks were better as slaves, using the word negro and channeling George Fitzhugh and “Cannibals All.”

I wonder how his supporters think about this hero now.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"NEVADA SENATOR DEAN HELLER

What he said then: Last week, during a debate with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Heller said that he thought the Bundy ranchers were patriots. “What Sen. Reid may call domestic terrorists, I call patriots,” Heller said. He added that he wanted hearings to figure out "who's accountable for this."

What he's saying now: Chandler Smith, a spokesman for Heller, said the congressman “completely disagrees with Mr. Bundy’s appalling and racist statements, and condemns them in the most strenuous way.”

I see. . .freeloading and flipping off the American government = good. Openly insulting people you don’t care about because they might vote for you = bad. Hypocrite!

Time for one of the lamest changes of position. . .ever!

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott
What he said then: Abbott didn't come out in defense of Bundy so much as his ideas — he used the media attention surrounding the Bundy stand off to highlight federal land claims in his home state. "I am deeply concerned about the notion that the Bureau of Land Management believes the federal government has the authority to swoop in and take land that has been owned and cultivated by Texas landowners for generations," Abbott wrote in a letter to the BLM this week. The letter echoed Bundy's language, as he argued his family has also owned the land for generations.

What he's saying now: Laura Bean, Abbott's spokeswoman, told the Times that the letter “was regarding a dispute in Texas and is in no way related to the dispute in Nevada.”

Sure. . .he would have said this shit in a letter if it wasn’t national news. Cowardly hypocrite.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]U.S. Sen. Rand Paul
What he said then: Like Abbott, Paul focused more on the policy issue. "There is a legitimate constitutional question here about whether the state should be in charge of endangered species or whether the federal government should be," Paul told Fox News earlier this week. "But I don't think name calling is going to calm this down," he added, referring to Reid's "domestic terrorists" remark.

What he's saying now: Nothing. Paul's team said he was unavailable for comment. (Update 9:55 am: “His remarks on race are offensive and I wholeheartedly disagree with him,” Paul said in a statement.)

Can’t appear too racist, Paul. You have to deal with Ted Cruz to get the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. Opportunistic hypocrite!

Probably the worst response was Cousin Ruckus himself Herman Cain (since Allen West is Uncle Ruckus).

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]What he said then: Cain sympathized with Bundy, because the government was trying to intimidate him. "The complicated nature of the law is a huge problem here, as it is when we deal with things like tax law," Cain wrote on his website last week. "That’s why I have sympathy for Mr. Bundy. His issue with the BLM reminds me of one I had 20 years ago with the IRS."

What he's saying now: Nothing.

I guess being told he is better off being a slave doesn’t sit well with old Hermie! Stupid hypocrite.

And Cliven Bundy goes to the dustbin of history.

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[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Klu Klux Klan[/font]

Back to Pennsylvania. The SPLC says there are at least 40 racist groups within Pennsylvania. The KKK is one of them. But this isn’t your grandfather’s KKK. This is the KKK of the 2014, the ones who care about their neighborhoods. A kinder, gentler racist organization. And apparently, they started a neighborhood watch program. And the stupid can be smelled 1,000 miles away.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, 41 hate groups actively operate in Pennsylvania. In York County, an affiliate of the KKK and longtime nemesis of the SPLC has decided to “give back” to its community: by starting a neighborhood watch group.

“A local chapter of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan launched a neighborhood watch,” writes Eric Veronikis for PennLive.com.

Ummm. . .this doesn’t have problems written all over it.

“Look, black person! SHOOT!!!”



“There’s a man who looks effeminate. Get him! Beat the fag out of him and get him out of our neighborhood.”

Nah, that would never happen. It’s the Klan.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Veronikis reports that, in response to a recent spate of burglaries in rural Fairview Township outside of York, the KKK-affiliate distributed fliers saying, “Neighborhood Watch. You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake.”

Wow! That makes me want to hold my pillow tighter. Getting robbed or knowing the Klan is awake. Holy jumping fucking shitballs, Batman!

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Local police authorities have officially acknowledged the existence of the fliers with a figurative exasperated sigh and roll of the eyes at the sheer bat-shitted-ness of the group’s idea.

What could go wrong? Armed, narrow minded, racist thugs patrolling a neighborhood with large egos, small dicks and a God complex. Someone in Florida did the same thing in a neighborhood watch program and murdered a 17 year old kid armed with a hoodie, Iced Tea and Skittles in cold blood.

We can trust the Klan. Now, if you excuse me, this asp, cobra and yellow mamba snake have all promised that if I bother them, they won’t bite me. I can trust. . .fuck, the asp bit me and I. . .(falls over passed out).

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[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Neel Kashkari[/font]

The GOP in California is the gift to Democrats that keeps on giving. Their nominees for the race for the GOP nomination for governor aren’t at the bottom of the barrel. Back in Idiots #35, the Top Ten mentioned another potential Jerry Brown runner up in Glenn Champ (#2). This week, we bring you the latest asshat. . .Neel Kashkari.

More racism from the GOP. Apparently, affirmative action policies to increase under-represented groups in university are worthless because, according to Kashkari, there are too many Asians as Berkeley. WTF!?!?!

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]The recent legislative effort to restore affirmative action in public university admissions "should've been called the 'There are too many Asians at Berkeley' bill," Republican candidate for governor Neel Kashkari told several hundred Cal students Wednesday.

Democrats "will never come out and say to you there are too many Asians at Berkeley, but that's what the bill was all about," Kashkari said of Senate Constitutional Amendment 5, recently shelved by Sacramento lawmakers after an outcry from many Chinese-American parents, who fear affirmative action would make it harder for their children to get into top schools like UC Berkeley and UCLA.

I am sure he will come out with “UC-Irvine is the University of Chinese Immigrants” and “UC-Davis is the University of Chinese Doctors” crack soon. Damn Asians! How dare you want to be put into protected class? You never had racism against you. After all, Chinese people have quotas. . .the Chinese Exclusion Act, Koreans targetted for opening stores in black neighbors. . .All Asians are good at math. . .ugh! This motherfucker is Indo-American. His fucking heritage is South Asian from the Indian subcontinent. What a self-hating Uncle Tom (or whatever the Indian equal to Uncle Tom).

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

Hypocrite! Charlatan. Racist! Scumbag!

His education policy, outside of killing affirmative action, is the worst of pablum one can burp and vomit up.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]
His K-12 plan includes granting even more local control -- not just by districts but also by individual schools -- of state funding while eliminating most of the state Education Code so local principals, teachers and parents can use the money as they see fit. He also wants charter schools to have the same level of funding and facilities as traditional schools, and he would eliminate a cap that limits California to 100 new charter schools per year.

For higher education, Kashkari wants to tie state funding to campuses' success rates -- as measured by credits accumulated, students retained, courses completed and degrees awarded -- while putting more UC and CSU courses online and offering free tuition to science, technology, engineering and math students in exchange for a cut of their future earnings.

So this is Neel Kashkari, AKA, man with a governor’s campaign that is DOA before it is DOA. Enjoy losing, asshole.

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[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Donald Sterling[/font]

When you own an NBA team, being a racist might not be good for business. After all, you have twelve players and more than 70% of the NBA’s players are black. So, if you are a racist, you might want to shut up and be a racist in private.

Donald Sterling, owner of the LA Clippers (LOS ANGELES????), decided because he is in the 1% he can be openly racist. And it was all caught on tape. Here are some choice clips.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]-- "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?" (3:30)

-- "You can sleep with . You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games." (5:15)

-- "I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people." (7:45)

-- "...Don't put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games.&quot 9:13)

Ummm. . .wow! What a fucking shithead! There is no other way to describe him. You own an NBA team. Most players, past players. . .even one of the owners is black (and he is considered the greatest player EVER) and you don’t want them to come to your games. Does that include your players? The other players? TV announcers? Journalists? Corporate Sponsors?

Apparently, black people aren’t the only subhumans Sterling doesn’t like. He hates other people as well.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]In the new, 15-minute tape released Sunday by the U.S. website Deadspin, Sterling, 80, is heard telling Stiviano, 38, "You think I'm a racist …" which Stiviano denies. He insists that that's what she thinks, that he has an "evil heart," to which she replies, "I don't think so. I think you have an amazing heart, honey, I think the people around you have poison mind, and have a way of thinking."

At that point Sterling - born to American Jewish immigrant parents as Donald Tokowitz – seemingly tries to defend his views by putting them in an international context, singling out how blacks are treated in Israel.

Sterling: "It's the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs."

Stiviano: "So you have to treat them like that too?"

Sterling: "The white Jews, there's white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?"

Stiviano: "Are are the black Jews less than the white Jews?"

Sterling: "A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent."

Stiviano: "And is that right?"

Sterling: "It isn't a question – we don't evaluate what's right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture."

So, Jews are bad too. Apparently racism is poison, because advertisers are dropping The Clippers in record time.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Advertisers are backing away from the Los Angeles Clippers after racist comments attributed to the NBA team's owner.

Mercedes-Benz USA said Monday its dealerships are ending their sponsorship of the Clippers in the wake of comments allegedly made by the team's owner, Donald Sterling. Used car dealership chain CarMax, airline Virgin America, and the Chumash Casino Resort are doing the same.

Four other sponsors, Kia Motors America, energy drink maker Red Bull, hardwood flooring retailer Lumber Liquidators and Yokohama Tire, said they are suspending their advertising and sponsorship activities with the team. Yet another sponsor, insurer State Farm, said it "will be taking a pause in our relationship with the organization."

Kia. . .well, they are Korean, so fuck them. Yokohama too. The others are probably run by “n-bomb lovers” or “Jews,” so the Clippers and Donald Sterling don’t need them either!

There is more fallout. Apparently, Mark Jackson, former player and coach of the Golden State Warriors, thinks fans should boycott the games.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]"If it was me, I wouldn't come to the game," Jackson said Monday. "I believe as fans, the loudest statement they could make as far as fans is to not show up to the game."

Jackson was quick to point out that his advice doesn't apply just to Clippers supporters but to Warriors fans as well.

"As an African-American man that's a fan of the game of basketball and knows its history and knows what's right and what's wrong, I would not come to the game tomorrow, whether I was a Clipper fan or a Warrior fan," he said.

Eh. . .who cares? He’s black. Donald Sterling doesn’t want him at the games either. Former player and NBA executive Doc Rivers believe Sterling is a racist too. But he’s black too, so Sterling can tell the “n-bomb” to go fuck himself.

Sacramento mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson wants NBA commish Adam Silver to bring down the maximum punishment on Sterling, on behalf of the NBA Players’ Association.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Johnson met with NBA commissioner Adam Silver on Sunday before they attended Game 4 of the Clippers' first-round series against the Golden State Warriors. During the meeting, Johnson laid out what the players felt were key objectives in terms of the league's dealings with Sterling.

"The players wanted to ensure that Mr. Sterling does not attend any games for the Clippers or any other team for the duration of the playoffs," Johnson said. "We're confident that the commissioner understood that this is an enormous distraction for everyone, and we want the focus to really be on the games and what's taking place on the court, and he certainly understood that."

But Kevin Johnson is black too, so he’s banned from Clippers’ games too.

But apparently, the NBA doesn’t seem to notice shit until it’s in the media. Yahoo News has a whole list of crap this motherfucker has said and done the past. To believe someone would think and believe this shit in 2014 American is amazing. We haven’t progressed as much in race relations as we have thought.

Here is the one that will make you throw up in your mouth a little. Apparently, women are toys and commodities to this troglodyte.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

The sad thing is this man is disgusting as all get-out. . .and yet some young girl is this thing’s girlfriend. Oh, I forgot. . .his girlfriend is his girlfriend because Sterling has no interest in his wife anymore.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

Sterling was at Game 3 on Thursday night in Oakland, Calif., and was planning to be at Game 4 on Sunday before speaking with the league and agreeing not to attend as it investigated his comments. Sterling's wife, Rochelle, however, was at Sunday's game and sat courtside across from the Clippers' bench in their 118-97 loss.

You know, for someone who doesn’t like non-white people, his trophy girlfriend doesn’t look white. She looks awfully non-white. Apparently, that’s okay. As long as the racist 1/4 inch killer gets played with, you can be as non-white as possible. But don’t be a non-white man! Fuck you people! The Clippers don’t want you! Or your money. . .and if you’re an NBA player, they don’t want your talent either.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]NYPD[/font]

When you’re the NYPD, you want as much good pub as you can get. After all, you’re organization has been documented as racist profilers and using brutal tactics on everyone form bike riders to joggers to OWS protesters.

So, the NYPD wanted people to submit through hashtag photos that show the good things NYPD has done for the public but submitting selfies with the NYPD. Bad idea! Internet has this habit of allowing people to submit anything.

The people in NY responded to the NYPD’s request with a slew of good photos.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]This week’s social-media fail goes to the New York Police Department, where someone dreamed up a would-be public-relations campaign and asked Twitter users to submit photos of themselves with police officers.

If you’re a sentient being who isn’t drinking whatever is in the water over at the N.Y.P.D., you know where this is going: scores of Twitter users have sent in photos of the department’s use of force, against protesters, journalists, and even dogs.

How did they not see this coming? Considering their reputation and track record, whoever runs the Twitter account should've known what they were opening themselves up to: an aggregate of concentrated failure. Pandora's box came flying open for all of the world to see, and people are taking the carnage and running with it like DeSean Jackson against the Giants.

The Twitter account has been dormant for over an hour, meaning they're probably trying to figure out how to deal with this. For the moment, silence seems to be the best option.

Let’s see a few of these photos.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

Here’s a good NYPD officer showing someone the latest angry fighting techniques. I think it’s known as “assault and battery while punching the fuck out of you” style.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

Who can forget the “choke someone on the ground with your knee” technique? Look at that smile on the man’s face. He loves his police protection.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

Here is a fun photo of wonderful girl getting her hair playful tugged on while handcuffed. Look at the officer’s playful smile and the look of enjoyment by the woman.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

I entitled this one “three friendly officers feeling up a blonde girl.”

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

Finally, how many officers does it take to manhandle one small, handcuffed woman? Apparently, six while her bra is falling off and about to flash the entire city her boobs].

Epic fail, NYPD.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]

[font style="font-size:1.539em; text-transform:uppercase;"]Dane Eagle and Vance McAllister[/font]

And finally, a little light ending to this week’s craptacular list. First, we go down to Florida. Let’s look at what Republican Florida state Representative Dane Eagle said once:

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]"We need to be as elected officials held to a higher standard," said Florida state Rep. Dane Eagle (R-Cape Coral) last month after sponsoring a bill that would require legislators to submit to drug testing.

Yes, I think we all can agree. Elected people should be held to a much higher standard. Those that lie, cheat, betray their wives, do drugs, drink and drive, etc. . .should be publicly flogged to set an example. Bring back the stocks and let them all be shamed in public.

If you know where I am going with this, you’re a little ahead of me. So, here you go. Apparently, Dane Eagle likes to put a few back and drive while intoxicated.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Just before 2 a.m. Monday morning, Eagle was arrested in Tallahassee on suspicion of DUI. Police first spotted him pulling out of a Taco Bell in his black SUV before he narrowly avoided hitting a median, then stopped in an intersection, veered into a curb and ran a traffic light, according to arrest documents.

An arresting officer wrote that Eagle smelled like alcohol, had "bloodshot, watery, and glassy eyes," and swayed while outside his vehicle, but denied drinking any alcoholic beverages. He allegedly claimed the smell of booze had come from friends who had ridden in his car after being at a bar, and refused to take a field sobriety test or submit to a breath test, according to police.

Not surprised at all. Even less surprised that he lawyered up fast and didn’t accept responsibility for his illegal actions or his arrest.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]EAGLE: I was arrested in Tallahassee and accused of driving under the influence of alcohol. While there are some decisions that I would have made differently, I do not believe there is a complete and accurate picture of the events. Under advice of my legal counsel, I cannot discuss all the details right now, but I look forward to publically (sic) sharing the entire story at an appropriate time. Until then, I humbly ask for everyone's patience. I know that I am accountable for my actions, and I look forward to communicating with my constituents in the near future on this matter.

So much for holding elected officials to a higher standard.

Down in Louisiana, US Congressman Vance McAllister was caught sucking face with someone not his wife. First he played “I need to ask God for forgiveness.” When that bullshit failed, he realized McAllister is not the same last name as Vitter and decided to not seek re-election in 2014.

[div class="excerpt" style="background-color:#F4E0E0; border:1px solid #E8C0C0; box-shadow:-1px -1px 3px #C66666 inset; border-radius:0.6em; margin:0.5385em 0em 0em 0.5385em;"]Louisiana GOP Rep. Vance McAllister, caught on camera kissing a married female aide, said Monday he's failed his family, let down his district and doesn't intend to run for re-election this fall.

In a statement, McAllister apologized for conduct he called a "personal failure," and said he spent the Easter congressional recess reconciling with his family.

In a related story, his wife released a statement saying she doesn’t intend to run for the position of “still married woman to a hypocritical scumbag” this fall.

See you next week!
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Top Ten Conservative Idiots of the Week #39 (Original Post) Nanjing to Seoul Apr 2014 OP
This one was almost too nauseating to read Warpy Apr 2014 #1
This one was the hardest to write. So much shit. The "Just Plain Evil" tag doesn't Nanjing to Seoul Apr 2014 #2
Kicking this up for the people who just woke up because I posted it around 2 AM US time Nanjing to Seoul Apr 2014 #3
Kicking again davidpdx Apr 2014 #4
k and r dembotoz Apr 2014 #5
This week is pretty bad on that account. Nanjing to Seoul Apr 2014 #6
Kick (nt) malokvale77 Apr 2014 #7
TY, once again DiverDave Apr 2014 #8
100 new charter schools *per year*?! KamaAina Apr 2014 #9


(111,671 posts)
1. This one was almost too nauseating to read
Tue Apr 29, 2014, 04:41 AM
Apr 2014

I can't think of a better monument to Paterno than a hunk of metal that will be completely covered with pigeon shit six months after it's put out there.


Nanjing to Seoul

(2,088 posts)
2. This one was the hardest to write. So much shit. The "Just Plain Evil" tag doesn't
Tue Apr 29, 2014, 05:57 AM
Apr 2014

do this gaggle of shitbirds justice.


Nanjing to Seoul

(2,088 posts)
3. Kicking this up for the people who just woke up because I posted it around 2 AM US time
Tue Apr 29, 2014, 08:13 AM
Apr 2014

And people on the east coast are just waking up now.



(78,249 posts)
9. 100 new charter schools *per year*?!
Tue Apr 29, 2014, 01:05 PM
Apr 2014

Hawai'i is capped at 25 TOTAL.

Also nice to see Zhiri-Nazi back in the news.

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