General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsYoung people don't vote when the people they would vote for are continually bashed.
It's rather simple, you hear it on the news, you see it on blogs, websites, why would you go out and vote for people that are bashed on a continual basis? By the left, no less? It doesn't help that the people they would vote for are running against lying Republicans who pretend to be what they're not.
This is the Republican strategy, cause divisive infighting within the Democratic Party, cause discord, and make sure that we eat our own. And, of course, it works, because yet again we're seeing the failure for young people to vote being placed on "poor leadership."
Then you get calls for purges, within the party, no less, and calls for creating a new party, it's all so perfectly designed to assure that young people (and minorities) don't vote when it matters most. Young people have a lot to fight for, but they're not fighting for it because they're disillusioned in the political process.
When you have Republicans like Mitch McConnell actually bashing Warren for not reigning in the banks, you know that Orwell has to be spinning in his grave. Just like what Gardner did in Colorado (top 10 most conservative person on choice, ran as a moderate). The Republicans are liars.
And the only way they win is to suppress the vote, by any means necessary. College kids having to vote off campus. Voter ID laws. False voter roles disqualifying thousands. Highly illegal mailers telling people wrong information about voting.
The loss in 2014 was not a lack of leadership, it was not because too many Democrats are "third way," it was not because "Democrats are too conservative." It was primarily due to Republican voter suppression tactics, and the best tactic that they have at their disposal is causing infighting through ratfucking.
(11,138 posts)It won't make it true, but hey, whatever keeps you warm at night right?
I think it's kind of sad that you point to infighting within the Democratic Party as a major problem, and then call people ratfuckers. Yeah yeah, I know you'll say that you are only calling Repubs that, but we both know you are really referring to anyone who makes any criticism of the Dems in any way. Most notably, Liberals right here on this board.
(37,549 posts)"piece of shit used car salesman?" Not inspiring.
To the jury---you can google that phrase in the helpful little box on the upper right, provided by admin. A DUer really wrote that.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)Wow. Weird.
(65,616 posts)All the pathetic excuses are starting to turn stale.
(12,504 posts)on the younger voter?
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)But it would be a cold day in hell before I'd voluntarily stop myself from voting because of something I saw on twitter or facebook or what the fuck ever.
People are being disenfranchised against their will all over the place and because someone got their nose out of joint over social media, for christ fucking sake, they're staying home from the polls??? What a big steaming pantload.
You can take your right to vote seriously and exercise it, or stay home and point the finger at everyone but yourself. The choice is yours.
(12,504 posts)..because Sheldon Cooper, therefore everyone else.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)joshcryer
(62,511 posts)Not sure what you're getting at.
The general meme is spread by the MSM.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)and I would STILL have gone to the polls and voted. If young people (or anyone else for that matter) did not vote, they have no one to blame but themselves. No one.
(62,511 posts)Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)That is what I am responding to. All the third wayers and 'rat fuckers' can go fuck themselves, I'm going to the polls. It's the adult thing to do.
Ink Man
(171 posts)and both voted by mail. Sorry, but I don't see college students being suppressed from voting. If they wanted to vote they did. My sons tell me that the only real issues the student are concerned about is pot and parties. If it's not about them they don't care. Very sad.
(29,370 posts)including mail balloting which would help out a lot.
Registration and voting barriers
disproportionately impactTh
who tend to be much more mobile than
other groups and are increasingly
diverse. However, reforms such as pre
registration, portable registration, online
registration, same
day or Election Day
Registration, and early in
person voting
all have the p
otential to significantly
increase turnout among young voters
People rarely talk about politics in social situations but younger voters overall support liberal policies and the gap on climate change is huge compared to older generations. There are wide turnout gaps, even including the poor or the higher the income the better the turnout.
(37,428 posts)But young people never engage in the first place with candidates who don't articulate a message relevant to them. That's pretty simple, too.
(12,504 posts)whether they "think" about politics per se is not in question. But they hear and see names and have lots and lots of baggage attached to that name. As fas as they are concerned the homework has been done for them, and when they vote, they vote with the information that have been exposed to.
(37,428 posts)You may have explained Tuesday, after all. If our party leadership mistook retweets for ballots, some rethinking is certainly in order.
But when it comes down to it the Republicans get a pass for reprehensible policy positions.
(116,464 posts)That explains a landslide Presidential win followed by a pathetic midterm election, twice.
It's clear in 2010 and 2014 that older voters showed. Young voters, especially those at the younger end, likely heard a candidate dissing the President they elected and said: fuck 'em.
It's a theory.
The other theory is that young people are simply tuned into Presidential election years.
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)What was their strategy and out reach?
Senator Franken reached out to the youth directly about their horrible burden of student debt, and he won handily on a populist message that appealed to many groups.
Again, what was the Democtatic Party's message?
I agree that voter suppression is a huge problem and the disenfranchisement of our youth and especially African Americans in is new Jim Crow era is disturbing, but what is the Party doing to address these generational defining issues? Why is party leadership not expected to address these issues and the big bad evil left is responsible?
(46,815 posts)Maybe someone can collect the Democratic Party's message to ALL voters.
(12,504 posts)there were even more pushing the right to love and marry whomever you wanted. There were others that talked about affordable health care and staying on family policy for extended periods. There were other that talked about immigration, other about pro choice. All subjects would be shut down by the Reps, and subjects that tend to 'speak' to the younger crowd.
It's in the nature of youth to have little foresight when it comes to the vote and politics. Social media has done a bang up job of suppressing the desire and feeding the apathetic mobilization to vote. Kids don't see the point, and a short visit to DU will confirm the constant haranguing about voting for the lesser of two evils.
(29,370 posts)So young voter are hard core partisans?
2010 midterms when young voters who didn't vote were polled why most said work. Others were unfamiliar with registration process and knowing where to vote. A high one was "My 1 vote won't matter".
More than like lack of press is the reason.
(26,549 posts)We made the same mistake with the younger half of GenX. They're quite liberal. They support all sorts of liberal policies. We gave them third-way candidates that did not support their beliefs. They stayed home. And continue to do so.
Or to quote Truman:
We're making the same mistake with Millennials. And they're not turning out, for the same reason.
We lost this midterm due to cowardice. Liberal causes like expanded gun background checks and reigning in the drug war won. Conservative causes like personhood amendments lost.
We've had an extremely strong economic recovery that our candidates ran in terror from, because it would require mentioning "Obama". We have a program so popular that McConnell had to lie about keeping KyNect while repealing Obamacare, but our candidates were terrified of mentioning Obamacare.
Our candidates gave young people nothing to vote for. So they stayed home.
(41,694 posts)But yeah blame the people that weren't real enthusiastic about some of the choices caused everyone else not to vote.
I'd say the reason most of younger voters didn't vote had nothing to do with any lack of enthusiasm on the older voters part.
Ratfucking is blaming everyone else for YOUR problem instead of yourself. I voted and out of over 40 items on the ballot THREE of the ones I voted for won.
so just take your blame game and shove it.
(72,631 posts)2016 should be fun too, right ???
(65,616 posts)Funny watching you carry water for the 'third way' and then mention ratfucking.
(62,511 posts)I had no problem voting for someone questioning the NSA and trying to fix climate change. The world is not black and white.
(24,853 posts)Young Voter apathy problem solved.
(62,511 posts)And historical reg drives. Didn't help.
(40,447 posts)Nice try at hippie punching though...
(12,647 posts)divisiveness is a republican tactic and then call fellow DUers ratfuckers.
(62,511 posts)So obvious it is sad to watch on a liberal website.
(20,317 posts)The party needs to take a good, long look at itself and re-tool. Its current direction is not a winning one.
All these cries of 'ratfuckers' and cheating and 'bashers' are nothing more than tantrums from people who do not want acknowledge reality.