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these last week has been a hoot. Climate neutrality and now immigration. These repubs are losing their minds.I'm watching Chris hayes and I thought Hueslekamp was going to have a coronary. I'm LOL

(52 posts)to delay anything that the Republicans even bother destroy in the name of the almighty dollar.
I suggest that Obama lay down several series of EO's to make sure the Republicans remain insane and the media stop being cowed into biased report to the right.
(307,131 posts)Ykcutnek
(1,305 posts)
(20,219 posts)

Wounded Bear
(61,246 posts)They've pretty much been flashing it to him for 6 years.
(20,618 posts)*sigh*
(3,811 posts)He vetoed funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. He wasn't liberal. Not even by today's standards.

(89,526 posts)They have underestimate this President since day one! Hmmm, I wonder if Mitch is behind closed doors again with the rest of his brainless crew plotting to make him just a two term President~
Thanks wilt~ great Op
(53,661 posts)LiberalElite
(14,691 posts)achieved the same effect with artfully arranged duct tape. LOL
Historic NY
(38,433 posts)
(40,153 posts)

(3,626 posts)He hasn't used it enough, and it should be followed by a big belly laugh and pointing fingers. Nobody likes being laughed at, and the RWNJs less than most. They'd totally lose it.
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)Obama has the balls to go big. That's why he's the president.
(20,219 posts)
But seriously, oh, yeah......
boner says, "don't play with matches (boy)"?
I laugh at ze pukes az zey get ze PBO blowtorch.
(55,062 posts)A Presidential veto on any Keystone pipeline bill and an Executive Order on Immigration. Is it possible President Obama could sign both, one right after the other, the same day? I think it's very possible.
The teaparty nutbars are frothing at the mouth wanting to begin impeachment proceedings and the republican leadership are shitting bricks about it because they know the fallout will not be pretty for their party in 2016.
(36,594 posts)flamingdem
(40,069 posts)#runforcover
Bonhomme Richard
(9,213 posts)latinos come out in big numbers in 2016. If for no other reason than to insure a Democrat stays in the White House. Obama knows that and the republicans know that.
(1,805 posts)they don't have much of the Hispanic vote anyway.
(1,084 posts)I watched him interview a clucker from the St. Louis area the other night. Chris gave him a chance to be heard. And then the guy wouldn't shut up. It seems a lot of the RWN that I've seen in interviews end up saying the same thing. What got me was the arm youself mentality covering for a racist attitude. I'll have to hand it to Chris for having him on the air.
(1,084 posts)I needed a pick me up. But the stage needs to be set.
(53,661 posts)Here's the context, but it may mean more than that:
Obama says he needs space
SEOUL, South Korea - At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have "more flexibility" to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him "space..."
President Obama: 'On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.'
President Medvedev: 'Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you
President Obama: 'This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.'
(1,805 posts)our town here in not-so-liberal Riverside County in California received some very neg publicity and rightly so.
The mayor resigned after this, but still ran for city council - and won. Ran on good ole GOP family values. He's a real piece of work.
First this:
and then this from my fav comic strip La Cucaracha. I even got permission from the cartoonist's rep to post it.
(26,129 posts)...smirking superiority of McConnell and Boehner, and it's only been 9 days. After all the obstructionism they have engaged in, how dare they be telling President Obama that he must be willing to work with them.
I heard McConnell crabbing tonight that the president is ignoring the results of the election. Say fucking what??!!! Is that not exactly what they have been doing for 6 years - ignoring the results of TWO presidential elections that were won by substantial margins and a larger voter turnout?
Gonna be a long 2 years.
(26,126 posts)I think in a way he's even more liberated with the loss of the Senate. He owes no favors. I think he was very polite and politic, laying low during the mid term campaigns. Doing the bidding of the candidates. I honestly don't think he has a mean bone in his body. He played it the way they wanted, and now, he owes nothing to anyone, and he's going to be himself.
"Let Obama be Obama."