Russian election meddlers hurting Biden, helping Trump, US intelligence warns
Source: VOA
July 09, 2024 9:16 PM
By Jeff Seldin
Russia is turning to a familiar playbook in its attempt to sway the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election, looking for ways to boost the candidacy of former President Donald Trump by disparaging the campaign of incumbent President Joe Biden, according to American intelligence officials.
A new assessment of threats to the November election, shared Tuesday, does not mention either candidate by name. But an intelligence official told reporters that the Kremlin view of the U.S. political landscape has not changed from previous election cycles.
"We have not observed a shift in Russia's preferences for the presidential race from past elections," the official told reporters, agreeing to discuss the intelligence only on the condition of anonymity.
The new U.S. election threat assessment warns that in addition to concerns about Russia and China, there is growing evidence Iran is seeking to play the role of a chaos agent in the upcoming U.S. vote.
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Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)ms liberty
(9,896 posts)So I'll rec you instead
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)Voices are beautiful in chorus!
(3,423 posts)comrades as they attack America and American democracy.
(47,902 posts)Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)..his close ties to the federalist society don't make him appear to be partisan.
(145,074 posts)Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)..against criminals do putin's job for him?
Are you suggesting that doing the minimum is all he's required to do as AG?
Or do you think, as I do, that any and all work that falls under his responsiblilities should be done?
(145,074 posts)are working continually with OTHER COUNTRIES because it is an international issue. That means having to coordinate through diplomatic circles.
All you have to do is go on DOJ's website and look at their press releases to see all the actions they are taking daily across ALL of their responsibilities -
90% of that doesn't even make the news and so like infants, some believe that if someone "doesn't see something", then it doesn't exist.
For some reason, there is this RW view that civil servants are just sitting on their asses doing nothing.
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts) stop this is resulting in a situation where they have to make public warnings about how actually it's getting worse, not stopping.
Got it.
(145,074 posts)They have a procedure for alerting the public regarding "threat assessments".
And remember that much of this is actually being done by DHS. You know, "the Department of Homeland Security"? That SAME one that just had its head - Alejandro Mayorkas - IMPEACHED?
DHS is not just the "Immigration Department©".
THIS is the group mainly involved in doing this - CISA
DOJ merely provides LEGAL SUPPORT for criminal actions. Garland has nothing to do with DHS.
But you knew that right?
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)BumRushDaShow
(145,074 posts)because THAT is who has the expertise.
I worked for the federal government for over 30 years and know this. How about you?
Joint Statement from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Assessing the Impact of Foreign Interference During the 2022 U.S. Mid-Term Election
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
Note: View a copy of the report here.
The Department of Justice, including the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), released today a report with key findings and recommendations from a classified joint report to the President issued earlier this year on addressing the impact of foreign governments and their agents on the security and integrity of the infrastructure relied upon in the 2022 U.S. federal elections. The declassified report is consistent with CISAs November 2022 statement on the security of the 2022 mid-term election and reaffirms that the departments found no evidence that any foreign government-affiliated actor compromised the security or integrity of any election infrastructure.
Just stop.
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)...with this blind defense of what seems like an extremely ineffective DOJ at best.
(145,074 posts)Here is what I added to my post above -
Joint Statement from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Assessing the Impact of Foreign Interference During the 2022 U.S. Mid-Term Election
For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
Note: View a copy of the report here.
The Department of Justice, including the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), released today a report with key findings and recommendations from a classified joint report to the President issued earlier this year on addressing the impact of foreign governments and their agents on the security and integrity of the infrastructure relied upon in the 2022 U.S. federal elections. The declassified report is consistent with CISAs November 2022 statement on the security of the 2022 mid-term election and reaffirms that the departments found no evidence that any foreign government-affiliated actor compromised the security or integrity of any election infrastructure.
As I have in my sig from MLK - "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" and we sadly have a lot of that here on DU.
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)...on how the DOJ seems to be dropping the ball over and over again, and since have no interest in the bureaucratic logistics of any of those offices, I'll assume you just need to let off some steam.
(36,628 posts)Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)...and have no idea what your post means.
Could you expand on that?
(36,628 posts)Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)Did you have something to discuss with me?
(36,628 posts)Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)BumRushDaShow
(145,074 posts)Those "regulatory" agencies are the FIRST RESPONDERS for any type of action needed to deal with oversight of the industries that the law deemed they are responsible for.
But they have NO INDEPENDENT AUTHORITY to go to court to do "enforcement" activities. INSTEAD, they DO have their own processes and procedures to handle their missions and 90% of the time, any regulatory issues are RESOLVED without DOJ.
However for certain cases, once those agencies have EXHAUSTED their internal processes/procedures without any resolution, only THEN will they refer the issue to DOJ to go to court to do things like obtain subpoenas, initiate warrants for searches and seizures, restraining orders, injunctions, arrests, criminal prosecutions, etc.
THIS Is what happened with NARA and the government documents including classified documents and 45. NARA spent ONE YEAR trying to work with 45 to get the materials back, which they do with EVERY transition. Once they realized they were being strung along, only THEN did they refer the issue to DOJ. But that "delay" is being blamed on DOJ.
DOJ does NOT regulate every industry in the federal government. They provide support for those agencies that DO regulate those industries.
Because it's obvious that people don't understand this, they blame DOJ instead of understanding the "administrative processes" that have been set up in the Executive Branch.
The sooner you learn this, the sooner it will clear up some of the nonsense that gets posted here.
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)BumRushDaShow
(145,074 posts)Here is the RELEVANT part -
Justice Department Leads Efforts Among Federal, International, and Private Sector Partners
What is it about the phrase "AMONG FEDERAL, INTERNATIONAL, AND PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERS "is confusing?
I.e., the 1st grade version - they did NOT do this ALONE.
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)...NOT being done alone either?
Not actually effectively stopping this is a group effort then?
I understand you feel that the DOJ is a glorious shining example of effective leadership, but I disagree.
On a side note, snide innuendo does not actually make your position any stronger, just sayin'.
(145,074 posts)...NOT being done alone either?
Do you even know what they do? Here is an org chart as a clue (the agencies under DOJ -
DOJ has ALWAYS worked as part of a "group" with others because they are the "legal" and "enforcement" arms for REST of the federal agencies. This is not hard.
When my agency would send out inspectors to a firm we regulated and the asses at the front door didn't let them in, then we left and contacted...wait for it... DOJ... to provide us U.S. Marshals to attempt to carry out our inspection. And if that firm STILL refused us entry, even with the Marshals, then DOJ would GO TO COURT and get a SEARCH WARRANT (and seizure as necessary) so that OUR inspectors could proceed to do their work. WE had NO AUTHORITY to do that.
The snark doesn't make you wiser regarding how the federal government works.
Why you refuse to LEARN and understand what their role is with respect to the Executive Branch, is breathtaking. Doubling down rather than actually looking up their history is not conducive to actually learning something.
They are the OTHER agencies "lawyers and police" when those agencies need them.
It's really very simple but whoosh!
Perhaps you need some Civics 101 and then get back to me.
Think. Again.
(19,706 posts)BumRushDaShow
(145,074 posts)We have COMPROMISED and members of Congress along with those on a "grievance tour" who are helping to sow discord.
(4,602 posts)but other than getting the word out via the media, what else can be done? Social Media is private media; the big media (print, tv, radio) are controlled by the well-heeled who are already in Russia's pocket. That leaves US to get the word out, but without any back up information. I have no doubt the warning is correct, and especially the inclusion of Iran... since they're a proxy for Russia in Ukraine and Israel. I just don't know what else the PTB can do. I guess it would be nice to have an all-media encompassing time-set speech by Garland or someone. But most of us don't trust Garland. The magas absolutely do not trust him. So, what good is he at this point? And I don't know who could be a stand-in for him. And whoever it is, you know (and so do they) that they'll have a target on their and their families backs as soon as the first word is spoken. I don't use that as an excuse, it's just the times we live in. Thanks to T and Maga, and many more R's going back to the time of Reagan and prior who are still working to get their agenda instituted.
(12,283 posts)Judi Lynn
(162,650 posts)karin_sj
(1,130 posts)And it is disheartening and infuriating that there doesn't seem to be anything the companies in charge of social media can (or want) to do about it.
(22,258 posts)And they are STILL pushing it.
It's a blatantly transparent attempt to sink the campaign.
I believe such stories should no longer be linked to her.
(15,548 posts)I wanna be sick! Its absurd.
I want us to win and replacing Joe is a recipe for disaster.
(4,488 posts)that the smarmy terrorists in the Kremlin are at it again. When will America wake up?
(17,810 posts)What we need is not another threat assessment. We need to know names. We need to know who is carrying water for the Russians, and we need to deal with them to the full extent of the law. And good luck with that.
This might well be a case where Intelligence prefers to let the assets stay in place and not reveal who they are (which might reveal the sources of their intelligence). And that is a problem, because if we let them be, they'll continue to influence people.
-- Mal