Paul Ryan’s Worst Nightmare Comes True as Bernie Sanders Is On The Budget Committee
Source: Politics USA
Paul Ryans Worst Nightmare Comes True as Bernie Sanders Is On The Budget Committee
By: Jason Easley
Friday, October 18th, 2013, 3:28 pm
Majority Leader Harry Reid has shattered Paul Ryans dreams of killing Social Security and Medicare by putting Sen. Bernie Sanders on the budget conference committee.
Sen. Sanders reacted to the official news of being appointed to the budget conference committee by saying, I am excited about being a member of the budget conference committee and I look forward to working with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to end the absurdity of sequestration and to develop a budget which works for all Americans. In my view, it is imperative that this new budget helps us create the millions of jobs we desperately need and does not balance the budget on the backs of working people, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor.
In other words, Bernie Sanders opposes everything that Paul Ryan wants. Sen. Sanders has long been an outspoken critic of the Ryan budgets, and the Wisconsin Republicans borderline obsession with privatizing Social Security and voucherizing Medicare.
In response to Ryans recent Wall Street Journal editorial where he once again put entitlements in the crosshairs, Sanders said, In a sense, what Paul Ryan is saying is yeah, I lost the election. It doesnt matter. I want you to implement all of the ideas that I campaigned on and lost. You know what? The American dont want to see cuts in Social Security, or privatization of Social Security, They dont want to see cuts in Medicare. They dont want to see cuts in Medicaid. They dont want to see the EPA abolished, the Department of Education abolished. They dont want to see the VA privatized. They dont want to see the minimum wage, the concept of the minimum wage, done away with so that the people of America could work for four bucks an hour.
More at link:
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Woot woot! Harry seems to be hardening that spine that's started growing
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)I would have a hard time not wanting to throttle that little twerp every time he opened his mouth...
Smartest guy in the room--Ha!
I feel great that Bernie is on that committee, he will more than hold his own. Reminds me when Senator Reid put Senator Warren on the banking committee, see how you like this, we are finally getting elected officials who are representing the American people. Bernie will not take any shit from that little asshole that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
(53,661 posts)With Sanders there, who knows, he might get through to the Ayn Rand groupie by teaching him a few things about being human and serving the public instead of #1. Here he is applauding with Obama in 2011.
I found a link of a story on Sanders calling him a Left-wing Madman. All of their nightmares about the president are going to come true. This is going to be so good.
(5,510 posts)grahamhgreen
(15,741 posts)CBHagman
(17,176 posts)...and I suspect relatively few Americans know that Paul Ryan's wife is an heiress.
From 2012:
The past decade has been very good financially for Paul Ryan the Janesville, Wis., congressman's net worth increased at least 75 percent, and he purchased a historic home once owned by the top executive of Parker Pen.
Federal financial disclosure forms show that last year Ryan, 42, had assets of between $2.1 million and $7.8 million figures that include a trust valued at between $1 million and $5 million inherited by his wife, Janna, after her mother died in 2010. A disclosure form said Ryan had assets of $479,000 to $1.6 million in 2001.
Excluding the inheritance, Ryan's net worth increased by up to 130 percent in a decade marked by a deep recession and a volatile stock market.
Although Ryan's net worth is in the typical range for a congressman the Center for Responsive Politics placed the 2010 average at $5.9 million it puts him well above the average worker.
I found this rather interesting as well, as it provides additional data as to how Ryan has become wealthier during his years on the Hill. What's key is that this is a man considered a superstar in a party that disparages federal employees, on the one hand, preaches boot-strapping, and seeks the repeal of the estate tax.
(63,324 posts)CBHagman
(17,176 posts)...I also thought of this:
(63,324 posts)will not quit on the people who need him - the poor the hungry, the elderly, the disabled. He will be the backbone some lack.
(24,395 posts)I soooo totally agree. Funny, I always sing that in my head when I'm especially happy. Having Bernie on the budget committee is about as good as it gets these days. Paul Ryan is going to get a huge shot of reality from Bernie and I doubt he will like it one little bit.
(18,652 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)madrchsod
(58,162 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)calimary
(84,823 posts)AND put SQUARELY in his place.
(20,899 posts)right-wing wet dream of f*cking over working people, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the poor.
(11,238 posts)Bernie Sanders will run rings around Ryan. There is hope!
(58,162 posts)he`s up for reelection and he has jack shit to run on. he`s delivered nothing but hot air to his true believers.
the 2014 election in southern wisconsin is going to be very interesting.
(7,712 posts)ReRe
(10,962 posts).... I think somebody has been passing around the Geritol in those Democratic meetings up there. I don't know how or why they have developed a backbone, but I want them all to keep doing it. ESPECIALLY Harry Reid. Bernie has ALWAYS had a strong backbone, so we don't have to worry about him. Yeah, Bernie is Ryan's worst nightmare. Forget-a-bout it, Ryan. Don't worry, American People, we've got this. Now get us a Democratic House and a few more Dem Senators and we can go to t-o-w-n and PUT EVERYONE BACK TO WORK!
(7,549 posts)that the President was really mad that though he compromised with the Pukes before he still got no co-operation in return from the them. So he said "never again" and that everybody who worked for him and with him was given the message that there was going to be no negotiation over the debt ceiling and that they were to portray that message to the Pukes even through their body language.
I am so glad the President & Dems in Congress finally got mad like the rest of us already were. I am also glad Bernie was put in the position where he can fight the good fight even more directly.
I hope they stay determined and show those Pukes they picked the wrong people to mess with. They need to keep staring those bullies down.
(84,823 posts)Posted here so my collection of TOLL FREE Capitol Hill switchboard numbers is in this thread, too, for your convenience!
More calcium supplement for their nice new spines, please!!! Call one or two of 'em and thank them for standing strong and united - and urge them to stay that way!!!
(88,600 posts)chillfactor
(7,694 posts)Bernie will wrap ryan up in a tight little cocoon....however ryan will never emerge as a butterfly.....he will rot in the cocoon...........
(51,696 posts)He will emerge as a clothing moth - one that's specialized to eat only American flags.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Best possible choice.
To be honest, I didn't know ol' Harry had it in him to pull a beaut like this.
Go, Bernie!
(53,235 posts)Marie Marie
(10,035 posts)Now it is Sanders vs Ryan. Better start reaching for the water bottle Paulie, something tells me that your mouth is about to get mighty dry.
(9,777 posts)And I mean Bernie is headed to Alabama/Mississippi type south where they vote against their best interests.
(575 posts)I have a few Dems friends here in MISS, and we FB everything to
these asshats here in Miss and TN... I'm right on the triangle of
Miss, TN, the repuks are thrown by my Liberal opinions
and facts...
The south does have Dems... we are just so few
and hard to find.. I build my base every chance I get though!!!
Onward and upward I say!!!!
(9,777 posts)Wish I had your "can do" spirit. DR insults people for a living. I'm unaccustomed to the carelessnes and lack of communal spirit. New boys in town emulate him.
(575 posts)to hear that... I'm not sure where that county is, but I truly understand.
If you came from CA, then NY, and ended up here. It must be very
discomforting how we are treated b/c we have a different view
of the world...a liberal view...
Bless you for staying strong, and most of all surviving in these RED states..
I am trying to move to FL, hopefully in Grayson district, so I will be
represented, and have a fighter like him to support!!
(9,777 posts)Rep. Dana Rohrabacher makes us look worse than we are. Our version of the GOP is to grab all the land - legally or illegally - they can for development and oppose labor. Very different attitude from our Conservatives than yours. Back in the day, they would have been socially liberal and "fiscally conservative". Now they can't afford to be concerned about women, the environment or gun restrictions, because that can't be tolerated in the GOP in 2013. Land grabs and climbing that fiscal ladder is about all they care about. Women have become a 4 letter word.
It stinks all over and I hope Bernie Sanders is strong enough to withstand the barbs thrown his way when he gets down into your territory. Also, he is coming to help YOU and let you know you aren't forgotten. I'm fortunate to be in CA, though Costa Mesa is trying to become a Charter City in order to avoid prevailing wage issues and other "consstraints" on their plans.
Good luck to us all.
(15,741 posts)This should go down well in committee:!/entry/paul-ryan-already-benefited-from-the-social-security-fund-he,5143aaa9d7fc7b56706e3d7f
(36,414 posts)Bernie Sanders is the real deal.
(73,093 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)Hilarious.
(12,882 posts)that I'm NOT familiar with the subtleties and the intricacies of Senate procedure. That said, I feel righteous and authoritative in advising Paul Ryan to eat shit and die. To do that as a service to this nation would endear him to me even tho I loathe everything he stands for. C'mon Paul. Win me over!
Ruby the Liberal
(26,338 posts)emsimon33
(3,128 posts)handmade34
(22,991 posts)mia
(8,426 posts)will make Ryan a better man.
(53,063 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)knightmaar
(748 posts)'bout time.
(187,726 posts)well played
I love it with dems get tough and GOPs fall apart
(6,699 posts)Tell me why I feel so safe now?! Hats off to Senator Bernie Sanders! I would only be a bit more excited if I learned that Senator Elizabeth Warren was on the committee.
Social Security is SAFE!!
(7,549 posts)Ryan would have a cow.
(6,699 posts)It's time we right this ship, and I don't mean "to the right", I mean set it straight in the water once and for all!
Judi Lynn
(162,671 posts)Walk away
(9,494 posts)IrishAyes
(6,151 posts)I trust Bernie Sanders and love him like a brother. While I'd truly like to rec the OP, I simply can't bring myself to do it because of the swipe taken at Harry Reid at the end. Harry's always had twice as much spine as most people, and same for President Obama. They don't need to grow a spine. People need to see that they've always had one, and it takes a lot less spine to swipe at theirs.
Other than that, I like the OP just fine, thank you.
(306,162 posts)always been there.
(3,818 posts)and has never used the Nuclear Option. Why not? I know that some Dem's are all a skeered of "if/when the GOP is in charge of the Senate then they'll ram stuff through" school of thought. It has always appeared that he talks tough but, in the past, done nothing to back up all the talk. It has to where when I see Reid on the news I cringe because I wonder what point he has capitulated on this time.
Ever since the people rose up against any action regarding Syria, Democrats have FINALLY figured out that we are on their side and have been using it.
How many internet petitions have you signed in support of a Democratic position only to find out our Reps. & Senators just to find out their staff sends them to the trash or junk in their email boxes? I've quit signing petitions because of their not actually reading them. I will give props to Kay Bailey Hutchinson because her staff actually did respond to each and every petition I signed when I lived in Texas. Of course, she was most always on the opposite side of how I felt but She Responded, which means the world.
I wish I had a copy of that 'toon of Democrats all gather around a spine asking what is that.
Schema Thing
(10,283 posts)Grow a spine and admit you don't know why.
(6,151 posts)Generally when someone like Obama, Reid, or Pelosi doesn't do something that from our vantage point it appears they should, it's for a good reason. 1) It might actually not be possible at the moment; 2) If possible, it still might be counterproductive; and 3) There might even be a better though longer and more indirect route to the goal, carrying less collateral damage. And anyone who thinks collateral damage can be ignored has simply yet to suffer the full effects of its karmic fury.
That's why we have North Stars; so that no matter how circuitous our way forward sometimes must be, we're likelier to wind up at the desired goal. Plowing straight through might seem the shorter, better route but that simply isn't how the world works.
(36,392 posts)Both are "centrists" whose politics are much closer to the Republicans' than to Bernie Sanders. They are also appeasers who refuse to draw ANY lines in the sand and will compromise away pretty much anything. Rec the OP or not, but don't make stuff up.
(6,151 posts)Your opinions are purely factual and mine are made up; is that what you're saying?
All I will say to that for the moment is that you surely have an Irish-sized opinion of yourself.
See? I can use smileys too. Take that! And that!
Guess I told you, didn't I?
(1,248 posts)I am having some really bad days, but this brought a smile to my face today.
Most righteous!
(17,621 posts)gopiscrap
(24,259 posts)BlueStreak
(8,377 posts)It is loaded with outrageous ideas. The Senate plan is based in reality. The Senate plan doesn't abolish all military spending, and convert the agricultural budget into personal farm plots operated by hippie cooperatives.
Obviously Ryan hopes to put his Ayn Rand plan up against the reasonable Senate budget and hope to split the differences right in the middle. The Dems need to make it clear that certain parts of the Ryan plan are so far out of the mainstream of American thought that they are simply going to be ignored. If he wants to offer up more mainstream ideas to put on the table, that's OK, but there cannot be a premise that you just average the two plans together and split the difference.
Nanjing to Seoul
(2,088 posts)blue14u
(575 posts)[
to my soul!!!!
Nanjing to Seoul
(2,088 posts)closeupready
(29,503 posts)K&R
(28,784 posts)Rebellious Republican
(5,029 posts)blackspade
(10,056 posts)HooptieWagon
(17,064 posts)Tigress DEM
(7,887 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,331 posts)Thanks for the thread, Hestia.
(3,818 posts)DH wanted to know what is going on. Happiness I told him
(9,791 posts)davidpdx
(22,000 posts)southerncrone
(5,510 posts)I can see Ryan stammering & blinking like a 7 yr old, while Bernie schools him on reality!
(575 posts)Bernie will squash Paul like the cockroach he is...
(406 posts)But, let's be honest here. Ryan is a Zod. He doesn't take nightmares. He gives them.
Paper Roses
(7,519 posts)Response to Hestia (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(4,775 posts)Bernie is awesome, but still only one man. I kept wondering who are the other people on there?
Looking at our Dem Senate group, it could have been much worse. Gives me a little hope.
Response to dreamnightwind (Reply #71)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(3,818 posts)that the GOP thinks it will be. Admittedly, they are used to the Democrats caving in in the past, but if they stand strong, maybe just maybe we can get a budget we can live with. It's such a shame that the millenials do not know of a time when government actually worked. It's getting to where I barely remember it some days, especially when all you see on the tv news is the GOP position.
Response to Hestia (Reply #75)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(4,775 posts)I was looking at those names on the Republican side and wondering about that. I don't keep up with the positions of individual Republicans too closely so wasn't sure.
Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)Faux pas
(15,471 posts)Go Bernie!
raging moderate
(4,522 posts)Hooray!
(43,079 posts)CrispyQ
(38,723 posts)Love me some Bernie!
(7,044 posts)Thank you, Senator Sanders
(1,389 posts)Bernie, the one man answer to the TeaBags!
(50,983 posts)My first thought is, Senator Sanders is only one man.
Bernie's position is not reflected in the national media where it is only very seldom expressed.
The national media narrative is, "Social security and medicare are the primary drivers of the deficit." We hear it every single day. And Democratic Party TV talking heads seldom correct this false meme. That is why so many of us are so pissed off with the Administration.
Has the President ever said, "Social security did not cause this deficit."?
The war mongers and big tax cutters simply do not want to pay their bills. The Bush tax cuts gave the wealthy our money. All the extra FICA contributions that boomers paid were given to the wealthy as a sort of gift. And it didn't create a single net fucking job.
Social security is a largest single creditor to the USA. Now, just because the trickle down advocates don't want to pay it back, the TV narrative tells us that old people and sick people are responsible for the debt. This is no different than the Nazis calling people useless eaters. It is no different.
The trickle down advocates own the propaganda mechanism. The failure to recognize this is much of the reason we are in this mess to begin with. We have allowed them to co-opt the discussion. That is why those that say the loss of the fairness doctrine is no big deal are so completely wrong.
Where are the Democrats standing up telling us that we must break up the media giants? Where are the Democrats standing up saying we need a new Fairness Doctrine? Without media fairness every issue is a losing issue for our side. With a fair media the ACA isn't even worthy of a discussion. In a fair media, we would be discussing single payer. In a fair media, single payer wouldn't have been characterized as a bridge too far.
Blue Owl
(55,013 posts)For EDDIE MUNSTER!!!
(15,741 posts)This should go down well in committee:!/entry/paul-ryan-already-benefited-from-the-social-security-fund-he,5143aaa9d7fc7b56706e3d7f
(30,099 posts)is too, LOL.
(16,922 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(117,220 posts)walkerbait41
(302 posts)libdem4life
(13,877 posts)I don't know whether it is just a House function, or if no other ... make that D or R ... Senators identify with Progressive? Senator Sanders identifies as a Liberal.
Seems like expanding the Progressive Caucus list with some Congressfolk already elected could be a good thing, and putting it out strongly to candidates who want to get the Progressive and Liberal vote.
Lint Head
(15,064 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)"Yes?"